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[ US /ənˈbɹaɪdəɫd/ ]
[ UK /ʌnbɹˈa‍ɪdə‍ld/ ]
  1. not restrained or controlled
    unbridled rage
    an unchecked temper
    ungoverned rage

How To Use unbridled In A Sentence

  • He wears his cap backwards and spits rhymes with fierce energy and unbridled theatrics. The Harvard Crimson :: News
  • Other Malibu possibles include Unbridled Time.
  • I ask you to cherish her unbridled passion for ideas and to tolerate her tenacity in following questions to satisfying conclusions.
  • We may be about to witness the total eclipse of a domineering political clique after 13 years of unbridled power. The Sun
  • So Parliament offers no forum for considered debate and no brake on the unbridled ambition of an unscrupulous Prime Minister.
  • Albany recoils from the savage ethos in which his wife lives, foreseeing both her own destruction and that of the universe itself as a consequence of unbridled self-interest.
  • On nuclear weapons, the Iranian president deplores what he calls unbridled expansion and testing of more powerful warheads, apparently implicating the United States. CNN Transcript Sep 22, 2006
  • This financial bonfire is our Reichtag fire, and our real Fuhrer, Paulson, is requesting emergency dictatorial powers to save the nation from nonexistent, unbridled capitalism. The Highway Robber State « Blog
  • The tone is established early on; broad strokes of unbridled praise for friends, co-workers and pets, a breathless, accelerative pace and an embarrassment of exclamation marks.
  • Estrin's novel, titled The Lamentations of Julius Marantz (Unbridled Books, 2007), twists the rapture into a comic conspiracy of the right wing US government and the Sierra Club (among others) designed to rid the government of its leftist and Islamic enemies, end the leak in the ozone, and consolidate the government's right wing political base. Marc Estrin Takes on the Rapture in The Lamentations of Julius Marantz
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