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How To Use Unborn In A Sentence

  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
  • What kind of mindset is that that you have to start killing unborn babies in order to help people? ProWomanProLife » A new kind of hidden agenda
  • Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. Joseph Addison 
  • Fortunately, she elected to remain in hospital as she and her unborn baby were both suffering seizures from addiction withdrawal.
  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
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  • But Zeus rescued her unborn child, sewed it up in his own thigh, and brought it forth afterwards.
  • Should parents be able to enhance the intelligence of an unborn baby?
  • Although you should generally avoid X-rays during pregnancy, a lead apron that covers your pelvis and abdomen can shield your unborn baby.
  • The woman ended up being seen in a hospital accident and emergency department with a tooth infection which, if untreated, could have harmed her own health and that of her unborn child.
  • And this is not about fetuses or the "unborn" or the pre-born or anything they call the blobs of cells they purport to love so much. Archive 2005-04-01
  • unborn generations
  • Second, the current regime — the Roe v. Wade framework — tells us that the unborn is not a member of the human community and that it is wrong for citizens to try to protect the unborn. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • It was this love of generations yet unborn that brought God to create the universe.
  • His comments are likely to stir opposition from pro-life groups, who say it is unethical to create an unborn child for research.
  • This message embraces all creations, including the unborn.
  • A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.
  • O destiny! to what a life of pain and sorrow didst thou bear me beyond all men that ever were, e'en from the very first; yea for when I was yet unborn, or ever I had left my mother's womb and seen the light, Apollo foretold to Laius that I should become my father's murderer; woe is me! The Phoenissae
  • However, while most of the mums who smoked said they knew smoking was bad for them, they didn't realise the devastating impact it could have on their unborn babies.
  • A woman and her unborn baby were killed in a horror car smash as she drove to hospital to give birth.
  • Docs could not give her the usual heart drugs as they risked harming her unborn son. The Sun
  • She was so concerned about her unborn baby, she usually over-reacted to any untoward symptom.
  • This is excluding the damage tobacco causes to the environment and the unborn babies whose mothers are active smokers or the innocent mothers who inhale the poison passively from the cigarettes smoke exhaled by their husbands, without knowing its ill effects on their baby. GYM 2009 | Archive | February
  • An unborn baby's developing nose could provide doctors with a more accurate method of screening for Down's syndrome, a new study showed yesterday.
  • After an abnormality was found at 21 weeks during a routine ultrasound, Geneva Nino was told that her unborn baby had a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) – a large mass in the lower part of her left lung. Jocelyn's CCAM story
  • No one but a ideologist would call fertilized eggs "unborn children," but once they are born to, say, a poor mother, they quickly become "welfare brats. MoJo Blogs and Articles
  • They believed the unborn child was a gift from God.
  • The director-general of health services in Haryana, said the only way to save unborn daughters is by putting the fear of law into the minds of doctors.
  • The section's title poem, an incantatory piece, again acknowledges the weight of exchange, although the poem feels buoyant and light; it is a kind of waking song for the narrator's yet-unborn baby.
  • There is no greater betrayal than to impoverish a generation yet unborn by willful acts of amnesia.
  • Stem cells from amniotic fluid have been used to repair windpipe defects in unborn lambs while still in the womb.
  • Prince Ptolemy, farewell, and of thee will I make mention, even as of the other demigods; and a word methinks I will utter not to be rejected of men yet unborn, -- excellence, howbeit, thou shalt gain from Zeus. Theocritus Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose
  • Instead the doubter finds that in your unconditional love you bless even hopes unborn.
  • In 2004 leading researchers in the field of prenatal exposure to drugs signed an open letter explaining that these women are not "addicting" their "unborn babies. Lynn M. Paltrow: Do People Who Support "Traditional Values" Value Pregnant Women?
  • Candles were lit and placed on the alter to the memory of deceased loved ones, young and old. unborn and those who died tragically.
  • A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.
  • The kind of educationist with whom no one would trust a poodle for half an hour may and does constantly assume, on a scale involving millions of children, from year to year, that all is well if the girl be taken from home and put into a school and made to learn by heart, or at any rate by rote, the rubbish with which our youth is fed even yet in the great name of education: though perchance whilst she is thus being injured in body and mind and character, she might at home be playing the little mother, helping to make the home a home, serving the highest interests of her parents, her younger brothers and sisters and herself at the same time -- not to mention the unborn. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the Land of Promise for millions yet unborn.
  • Killing the unborn is never in the interest of the God of creation. AP: Pro-abortion Gov. Kathleen Sebelius tapped to lead HHS
  • Will the mum-to-be and her unborn son survive? The Sun
  • How someone views the "status" of the unborn is the driving factor as to what position they take regarding abortion. Sound Politics: Ah, Abortion...that Harmonious Issue
  • Perhaps you should back down, stop supporting the mass slaughter of unborn babies, and go off somewhere real quiet and decide whether you really want to be a Catholic.
  • Rubella is a serious infection, which can cause severe physical damage to the unborn child.
  • They will affect generations of Britons still unborn.
  • Out of her pages rise a parade of characters, each with a story to enact: a Bolshoi ballet mistress, morning magpies, the odd cousin, unborn children, a retired BBC reviewer, a bullocky, the Queen at her coronation.
  • Pregnant women who catch rubella can cause death and birth defects to their unborn babies.
  • Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
  • We use the term unborn child because that is what it is ... a child. Feminist outrage & the banality of abortion (UPDATED)
  • It makes you wonder about what they think of women who baptize their aborted babies, or women who remember their unborn children in visions. Feminists scorn posthumous adoption of aborted babies
  • Instead, he may use sound waves for a sonarlike mapping power that doesn't need x-rays - much as doctors use sound to create sonograms of unborn babies.
  • She moved home but continued the relationship for the sake of their unborn son. The Sun
  • This law renders willful killing of an unborn ‘quick’ child by any injury to the mother of the child to be manslaughter.
  • It just happens that she helps a lot of women to abort their unborn fetuses.
  • She is three months into her third pregnancy and wants to know the sex of the unborn baby.
  • We have recently found a way to diagnose the disease in unborn children.
  • And under pressure, the company agreed in November to stop producing some of its flame retardants for furniture, linked in some animal tests to brain development problems in unborn babies.
  • Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. 
  • Their goal, as we all know, is to ensure the unborn remain treated as a commodity. Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • They also must document why a mare slipped a foal to collect on insurance claims and to secure unborn foal insurance for future pregnancies.
  • It is the first collective memory of the new family, paradoxically shared even by children who were unborn at the time.
  • Would this woman have been given such advice if her unborn child was not diagnosed as having the condition?
  • During pregnancy her unborn child strips her of nourishment for its own metabolic needs, so she becomes still weaker.
  • Genetic testing on unborn children is, is not ethical lottery road government cobra score tool movie blockbuster kit school photo holiday discovery carpet bike track disk download breakdown click balance abandon abend abnormal abort above abrupt absolute abstract abundant acceleration accept access accomodate accomplish accord accumulator accuracy accustom achieve acknowledge acquaint acquire acquisition action activation active actual acute adapt Visit now!! Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • Married for 18 months, he left an unborn son. Times, Sunday Times
  • Generation upon generation yet unborn will suffer. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • It is possible to do a genetic test on an unborn baby early in pregnancy, if one of the parents carries the Huntington's disease.
  • It ought to animate us to desire the redemption of the minds and bodies of unborn millions from the brutifying effects of a system whose tendency is to stifle the faculties of the soul and to degrade man to the level of beasts. I. The Emancipation of South America
  • Then, when pregnant, she tried to sell her unborn baby over the internet to two other couples.
  • In still older strata do the fossilized bones of an Ape more anthropoid, or a Man more pithecoid, than any yet known await the researches of some unborn paleontologist? Essays
  • Unborn children are affected and the death rate is steadily rising.
  • So much emphasis is put on the fact that an unborn baby is inside a woman's body.
  • A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.
  • Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. 
  • The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child.
  • All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the Land of Promise for millions yet unborn.
  • Embrace your unborn daimonic creativity -- no matter how young, primitive or ill-formed it is, let it speak, dance, cry, and spit up. Alison Rose Levy: Stressed this Political Season?
  • Then wot I, said the hermit, for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten, and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous, and he shall win the Sangreal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • He said a foetus does, however, have rights in certain civil cases regarding hereditary rights whereby an unborn child may be entitled to an inheritance.
  • October 27, 2007 at 1: 43 am why would you want the sentry to lose. .the hulk is kinda the bad guy and almost every superhero is a copy of superman to some degree and at least sentry has EMO problems to make him very interesting hulk should lose and stop killing every body it kinda makes him evil. .hel ost his wife and unborn child so has lot of people live with it Marvel Comics Sneak Peek: World War Hulk #5 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. 
  • The egg of the bird breaks clumsily under the blows of a wart-like excrescence which is formed expressly upon the beak of the unborn bird; the egg of the Cricket, of a far superior structure, opens like an ivory casket. Social Life in the Insect World
  • It is the first collective memory of the new family, paradoxically shared even by children who were unborn at the time.
  • Soulless tombs unborn children dread life after birth in motherless wombs. my 594th poem The Malady Of Malegaon « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • She and her lawyer have also filed suit in Family Court in San Diego to clear the way for the unborn babies to be put up for adoption.
  • Those opposed to such research think that the logic of justification behind therapeutic cloning will set a dangerous precedent, legitimating experimentation on other human beings, born and unborn.
  • Having served as one-third of the writing team for the immensely successful The Dark Knight, the scribe is already talking about future projects, namely his next directorial effort The Unborn, which is scheduled for 2009. David Goyer Talks The Unborn - Dark Knight Scribe to Direct Again «
  • Then wot I, said the hermit, for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten, and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous, and he shall win the Sangreal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Because they failed to take care of and respect the life of an unborn baby.
  • The high prevalence of the virus is reflected in the increasing cost of treatment for those affected and of prophylactic treatment to prevent its spread from mothers to unborn babies.
  • There is no greater betrayal than to impoverish a generation yet unborn by willful acts of amnesia.
  • It damages unborn babies, and may cause miscarriage if the mother catches the disease while pregnant.
  • He later abandoned his collegial pursuits and set out to forge a career as a full-time artist, as a means of providing for his, then unborn, child (his son is now four, and he also has a two-years-old daughter).
  • Bacteria such as listeria and salmonella can be dangerous to the unborn baby.
  • Working in front of a computer screen is not thought to cause harm to an unborn baby.
  • If you are pregnant when you first get toxoplasmosis, you can pass the infection to your unborn child.
  • I have no more influence with him, and can no more affect his doings, or what you call his fate — and, to say the truth, care about them no more than the child unborn. Wylder's Hand
  • A plea for the unborn: An argument that children could, and therefore should, be born with a sound mind in a sound body, and that man may become perfect by means of selection and stirpiculture by Henry Smith Pelosi and Eugenics: 1932 or 2009?
  • O destiny! to what a life of pain and sorrow didst thou bear me beyond all men that ever were, e'en from the very first; yea for when I was yet unborn, or ever I had left my mother's womb and seen the light, Apollo foretold to Laius that I should become my father's murderer; woe is me! The Phoenissae
  • She was also bleeding and feared that there could be something wrong with her unborn baby.
  • He has the voice that shakes the very frame of the universe and makes you wish to be unborn.
  • Stricken with cancer, the twenty-eight-year-old Ardenghi decided to stop treatments during her pregnancy to protect her unborn child.
  • If there is no way to avoid taking that life, it is best to try to ameliorate the results – both the immediate psychological effects as well as long-term karmic ones – by strong thoughts of love and compassion for the unborn child. Taking the Kalachakra Initiation ��� 8 Tamed Behavior and Closely Bonding Practices
  • If there is no way to avoid taking that life, it is best to try to ameliorate the results - both the immediate psychological effects as well as long-term karmic ones - by strong thoughts of love and compassion for the unborn child. Twenty-Five Modes of Tamed Behavior
  • Horror, Movie Trailers, Thriller, Cam Gigandet, David-Goyer, Gary-Oldman, Meagan-Good, Odette-Yustman, The Unborn chelsea ok fr al you haters th moie was excellent and yess i cant spell. Movie Trailer: David Goyer’s The Unborn | /Film
  • Low in my abdomen is the gentle weight of our second, unborn daughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another bill, HB 2035, would require minors to obtain parental consent before an abortion and change the term "fetus" to "unborn child. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • For example, in the written arguments to the court (called briefs) defending Texas 'anti-abortion law, lawyers for the State of Texas described in extraordinary detail "how clearly and conclusively modern science - embryology, fetology, genetics, perinatology, all of biology - establishes the humanity of the unborn child. T r u t h o u t
  • Still other couples want to be armed with the information that their unborn child will have Down's syndrome cystic fibrosis or other genetic abnormalities before they make decisions or plans.
  • Commissioner), he had watered the seed of desire which heredity had irradicably sown in his bosom; a desire not to be shaped by words, or confirmed in phrase, but best described as the discovery-lust, which send men into dark, unknown places of the world to joyously sacrifice life and health that their names might be associated with some scrap of sure fact for the better guidance of unborn generations. Bones Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
  • Breaking the news about a kidney problem in the unborn baby can lead to a lot of anxiety.
  • Even more inclusively, that remembrance is shared by past generations already in the dust and future ones yet unborn!
  • Tragically, Mrs Stevens was seven months pregnant and her unborn baby died also.
  • The equipment monitors the well-being of the mother as well as the unborn baby.
  • All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the Land of Promise for millions yet unborn.
  • Yet, nary a word about the number of unborn children that die each year at the hands of health care providers. Abortion and politics a volatile mix for U.S. Catholics
  • As this awareness dawns, the quality of mind itself manifests as unborn and uncompounded.
  • That other "corsair" -- as the Spaniards called him -- that other charming and heroic shape in England's chequered chronicle of chivalry and crime -- famous in arts and arms, politics, science, literature, endowed with so many of the gifts by which men confer lustre on their age and country, whose name was already a part of England's eternal glory, whose tragic destiny was to be her undying shame—Raleigh, the soldier, sailor, scholar, statesman, poet, historian, geographical discoverer, planter of empires yet unborn—was also present, helping to organize the somewhat chaotic elements of which the chief Anglo-Dutch enterprise for this year against—the Spanish world-dominion was compounded. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • The fate of as-yet unborn individuals did not fall from above into the hands of poor, unwitting scientists who want nothing other than the best for all mankind.
  • All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the Land of Promise for millions yet unborn.
  • Let me find that which is changeless, which is deathless, which is without sorrow, which is unborn and undying, that is a true refuge. The Full Feed from
  • She has reportedly been put under round-the-clock medical care over fears she could lose her unborn baby..
  • A discerning listener may notice that Johnson has to wait a rather long spell to be invited into the conversation between Governor Manchin, who is widely perceived as a "Dixiecrat" with several scandals floating around him, and pro-unborn life Weeks, who is willing to face up to Manchin, yet remains very skeptical of progressive ideals. WV Environmental Party Gubernatorial Candidate Breaks Through White Noise
  • The report notes evidence that secondary smoke from other people's cigarettes harms unborn children.
  • Its body, however, bulked at least twice as large as that of the unborn ursid. The Golden Torc
  • They believed the unborn child was a gift from God.
  • If one is honest with one's self, one will see that an unborn baby can be nothing other than human.
  • In Europe and North America, the "us" of the Church urges people to leave behind the selfish and technicist mentality, to advance the common good and to show respect for the persons who are most defenceless, starting with the unborn. Latest Articles
  • A fetal echocardiogram (a safe, noninvasive ultrasound is used to assess the structure and function of an unborn baby's heart) and analysis by afetal cardiologist specializing in heart disease in unborn babies. Fetal Heart Program
  • After a check-up at Blackpool Victoria Hospital both mother and unborn baby were found to be fine.
  • In fact it's possible, I guess, that the very Rh disease itself may have caused higher concentrations of Rh- by killing Rh+ unborn children. Neanderthal DNA
  • The unborn beneficiaries of the trust were also represented by their litigation friend. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am seven weeks pregnant and I still do not know if my unborn baby has been harmed in anyway by these thugs.
  • If Great Britain relies on her over-sea possessions to do that for her and to cooperate with her, I can see no reason why the destinies of the British Empire should not continue, and that for ages and for generations yet unborn, we, should have a united British Empire -- that we should be able to speak with any enemy in the gate. The Commercial Congress of the Empire at Sydney
  • And so, in a cynical political exercise smacking of opportunism if not racism, they scapegoat the unborn children of non-national parents.
  • Spina bifida (also called meningocele or myelomeningocele) is a defect that comes from a problem in the very early development of the unborn child. 1) Head Control and Use of Senses
  • Although you should generally avoid X-rays during pregnancy, a lead apron that covers your pelvis and abdomen can shield your unborn baby.
  • So it seems right now that we are in a moment when the future is still unborn and the past is not quite dead.
  • I have reflected, and I feel that I cannot set to Lucretia -- set to children unborn -- the example of indifference to a name degraded and a race adulterated; you may call this pride or prejudice, -- I view it differently. Lucretia — Volume 01
  • In 1962, entomologist Jean Ruelle — as if possessed by the unborn spirit of Rachel Whiteread — filled a mature Macrotermes michaelseni mound with cementitious slurry, waited until it hardened, and then eroded every bit of the sculpted soil with water and trowels. Landscapes as organs of extended physiology
  • Reps are not trying to dictate your healthcare, we do not want dems having govt dictate that the unborn is expendable via Obama reform healthcare bill. Abortion issue clouds health care debate
  • First, it assumes that the unborn is not a moral subject, for if the unborn is Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • In a series of 8,000 amniocenteses done in Bombay, India, 7,999 unborn girl babies and one boy baby were killed. Top Stories
  • These types of cells accompany neurons and are widely used as models for studying the physiopathological mechanisms of alcohol in foetal alcohol syndrome, a disease that develops in some unborn babies when the mother consumes excessive levels of alcohol and which leads to a range of severe neurological disorders. - latest science and technology news stories
  • If you light up in New York some mom in California will sue you for murdering her unborn child.
  • Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. Joseph Addison 
  • Docs could not give her the usual heart drugs as they risked harming her unborn son. The Sun
  • But it has not only changed the unborn baby's life, it has changed her life and the life of her children.
  • It is one of the few bacteria that can get past all the unborn baby's defences, crossing the cervix and amniotic membrane to create a pre-birth infection.
  • It must be transmitted beyond its founding generation to generations yet unborn. Christianity Today
  • Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies.
  • And lastly you, gastronomers of 1825, who already find satiety in the lap of abundance, and dream of new preparations, you will not enjoy those discoveries which the sciences have in store for the year 1900, such as esculent minerals and liqueurs resulting from a pressure of a hundred atmospheres; you will not behold the importations which travelers yet unborn shall cause to arrive from that half of the globe which still remains to be discovered or explored. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • Some men have even tried to prevent women having abortions on grounds that the unborn foetus belongs to them.
  • It is to condemn, as Sitting Bull reminded us, the born and the unborn, as well as the flora and fauna, which Sitting Bull also considered sacred, to misery and death.
  • At twelve weeks, an unborn baby's face is already recognisable in the womb.
  • It should be noted that a competent pregnant woman cannot be overruled on decisions that may adversely affect her unborn child.
  • Bishop Chaput's position that the killing of the unborn is a "non-negotiable" issue, which caused him to remind his audiences that Kerry supports abortion rights and Bush doesn't, unfortunately does not extend to capital punishment, which the Catholic Church also opposes. Letters to the Editor
  • Absent a comment from Krakauer, we're left to enjoy the many genuine delights of the issue, which include a heartbreaking interview with Jan Arnold, the widow of guide Rob Hall, who perished in the '96 storm and who named his unborn daughter during a final phone call patched through to New Zealand when Hall was caught high on the mountain with no possibility of rescue. Stephanie Losee: Return to Thin Air — Without Jon Krakauer?
  • Catching chickenpox when pregnant can also be dangerous to the unborn baby.
  • And if general cost-benefit principles tell us nothing about how to treat the unborn, they most certainly tell us nothing about how to treat the unconceived. More Sex Is Safer Sex
  • Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. 
  • It is an offence to determine the sex of the foetus under the cover of ascertaining the health of the unborn baby.
  • fetus: the unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, after major structures have been outlined, in humans from nine weeks after fertilization until birth. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • This false morality seems to stop once an unborn is born. Bishops slam 'unacceptable' health care bill
  • In addition, although cows "share" their blood with their unborn calves, the bovine placenta is a natural filter. Mad-cow Disease
  • Strokes can even occur in unborn babies and small children.
  • Don't put your name to something as yet unborn. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • There was a Sandman story I wanted to write, which would have been a heartbreaker, and would have been about the dreams and hopes of an unborn baby, who was, for whatever reason, never going to be born.
  • She was also accompanied by a security detail, in case the locals became unacceptably lairy, and by her unborn son for that voguish thing, in utero slum tourism. TV review: Exile and The Secret Millionaire
  • While this Amendment was not intended to redress every social ill, its legitimate purposes certainly extend to the protection of unborn persons.
  • A special ceremony was held to bless Danielle's unborn baby at which he was named Callum.
  • The unborn beneficiaries of the trust were also represented by their litigation friend. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main tax benefits of establishing a perpetual trust accrue not to the donor or anyone she knows, but to beneficiaries whom the donor has never met - the unborn.
  • They feasted and frolicked at births and deaths, and the dead and the unborn were likewise feasted. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • At birth, infants have immunity to certain diseases because antibodies have passed through the placenta from the mother to the unborn child.
  • But, based on an emotional reaction of "what if I were raped?" they don't want to "traumatize" the mother and have her respect her unborn child's right to life. Loving the unborn child conceived in rape
  • She tells him her tale expecting him to express his undying love for her and the unborn babe.
  • 'Follow on by the foot of the wood, and you'll get there in time,' was the reply, at length faintly heard in the distance, and the cart rumbled heavily away again, leaving me just as wise as before; for which was _head_ and which was _foot_ of the wood I knew no more than the child unborn. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 441 Volume 17, New Series, June 12, 1852
  • So it seems right now that we are in a moment when the future is still unborn and the past is not quite dead.
  • A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.
  • The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child.
  • Without a male provider they may be malnourished during pregnancy and so jeopardise the health of their unborn.
  • Over on MTV. com, we took a look at the trailer for “The Unborn” with director David Goyer, going over specific shots he found most interesting and illuminative. EXCLUSIVE: Check Out David Goyer’s New Horror Film ‘The Unborn,’ Plus Discover Matt Damon’s Hidden Cameo! » MTV Movies Blog
  • Let me find that which is changeless, which is deathless, which is without sorrow, which is unborn and undying, that is a true refuge. The Full Feed from
  • Bob, Johnsonville, now made with discarded fetuses, wurst says: glamourdammerung saysIn this case, they think “alive” means “unborn” and nothing else. unborn is the opposite of undead. Think Progress » Rick Perry to Bush: ‘There is no way to tell how many lives were protected by your fearless pro-life efforts.’
  • Really like the idea of multiplying tax free (at least tax free on the recipient as these stimulus checks actually represent tax increases on the unborn, who will burdened with paying for them) stimulus check benefits with buying things to get even more tax benefits. A. Siegel: Buying Our Way to a Better Planet?
  • Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies.

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