How To Use Unavoidable In A Sentence
If a certain amount of begrudgery is the unavoidable product of such a position of eminence, it is neither fair nor perceptive.
It's unavoidable, understandable, and perfectly forgivable under the circumstances.
In this domain it serves, to use the unavoidable cliche, merely as a rubber stamp.
_They_ were compelled to regard exploitage as a cruel but eternally unavoidable condition of the progress of civilisation; for when they lived it was and it always had been a necessity of civilisation, and they could not justly be expected to anticipate such a fundamental revolution in the conditions of human existence as must necessarily precede the passage from exploitage to economic equity.
Freeland A Social Anticipation
The south ridge of Conival has unavoidable scrambling.

Once upon a time it was a natural and unavoidable element in the relations of every married couple; just as it was natural and unavoidable, once upon a time, that the unwarlike and commercially-minded burghers of a mediæval city should bargain with a neighbouring and predatory baron to keep at bay – for a consideration – other barons no less predatory but a little less neighbouring.
Marriage as a Trade
It is the unavoidable and serious consequence of non-submission which lies at the heart of coercion.
Unless you want to write a very long biography indeed, a measure of rapid movement is in most cases unavoidable.
The Times Literary Supplement
The problem with a dramatisation based on real events is that a degree of simplification in unavoidable.
If they just follow the majority idea...sure, they might get more support and more money, but we will probably still think we are pure Chinese, and eventual "unification" is unavoidable note even how the term changes, nowadays people use "annexation" instead of unification...
Five Commentaries for Wednesday
Therefore it seems that a showdown and perhaps bloodshed is unavoidable, to be recorded by the international press teams aboard the “Freedom Flotilla.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Gaza Blockade Violence News You May Have Missed
Elsewhere, colonialism and migration are unavoidable themes in a port town of a former empire.
Times, Sunday Times
No matter how hard you work to avoid it and much you loathe the idea of forking out hard earned money to pay for it, there are unavoidable times you must invest in something new.
Earn More Invest Wisely at The Sun's Financial Diary
Rising bills are a guaranteed vote-loser, but the government is forging ahead with policies that make them unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Recall the dull front-runner, unloved but unavoidable, who plods ahead to victory in his place.
There are now fears that war is unavoidable.
Although Vaughan's injury was unavoidable, it is not the first time he has been struck down at Headingley.
Outrage at the monstrosity of his regime is unavoidable.
While embarrassing moments are unavoidable and nothing to be ashamed about, dishonest, vicious or sleazy behavior is well within your control.
Managers said the job losses were unavoidable.
Coals flashed Marcus a grin, so full of perfectly capped teeth, so taut at the lips, so fleshy at the gum line that for a split second the image of a shark in an expensive wool suit was unavoidable.
But, thanks to the advancements in surgery this has become unavoidable.
Game’s over, but Obama’s too inexperienced a player to realize that checkmate is now unavoidable.
The August Rasmussen Public Trust Numbers. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
The indispensable nation 's status has been redrawn by the unavoidable burden of debt.
Times, Sunday Times
Some detrimental effects were unavoidable.
Why am I Afraid to Grieve
Can it make the transition that party politics has now made unavoidable?
Times, Sunday Times
If then you would infer anything against me, your difficulty must not be drawn from the inadequateness of our conceptions of the Divine nature, which is unavoidable on any scheme; but from the denial of Matter, of which there is not one word, directly or indirectly, in what you have now objected.
Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
Once before, for some quite unavoidable delay, the Post-Office authorities had "quarrelled" him (as he expressed it), and this undeserved blame rankled in the old soldier's heart.
Stories of the Border Marches
Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia
Here the physical presence of the motorway is unavoidable as its superstructure looms over the building, but sail-like uplighters bounce and diffuse light up through the tall volume.
Yet religious pluralism is unavoidable because of the ineffability or complexity of God.
Anyhow, as much as I dearly love my oven-microwave, there are certain unavoidable setbacks.
Archive 2005-05-01
An affirmative answer often seems unavoidable.
The Times Literary Supplement
The fourth day out, I think (we were then working down the east side of the Gulf of Siam, tack for tack, in light winds and smooth water) -- the fourth day, I say, of this miserable juggling with the unavoidable, as we sat at our evening meal, that man, whose slightest movement I dreaded, after putting down the dishes ran up on deck busily.
The Secret Sharer
If people are passive, apathetic lumps who can do nothing but swallow whole whatever new widget or gizmo is shoved in front of them, the I supposed a certain social degeneration is unavoidable.
Matthew Yglesias » Time Is Not On Our Side
Three people pursue with integrity their different and irreconcilable ideas of the good life, leading to unavoidable disaster.
But these are unavoidable aspects of a comprehensive exposition of any subject.
Fiscal conservatism is an unavoidable necessity rather than a policy choice.
Times, Sunday Times
The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit.
Buddhism is a non-theistic religion that claims that suffering is unavoidable, and that the root of suffering is attachment, greed and desire.
But, for her work studying motor neurone disease, sometimes it is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Greece is failing through monetary union: Britain will leave if political union becomes unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
The only things that go into my kitchen bin are the sometimes unavoidable plastic wrappings and, guess what, they don't have to be bagged up to throw out!
During the public consultation period it said it would need to be satisfied that the increases were unavoidable.
What's more, the obscurity — the perspectival nature — of monadic perception is not simply unavoidable: it is constitutive of individual substances.
Club Monad
Once you introduce laws, bylaws, legislation and regulations you are immediately restricting people's freedom, which is unavoidable.
It's the product of a stunted, overanalytical mind that demands unfairly that all ancient art, art which is by nature expressive and non-rational, must be reduced to purely non-religious origins and meanings, even when a religious interpretation is wholly unavoidable given a competent understanding of greater context.
The myth of the secular
A response based on contemporary legal norms is unavoidable though the debate on cultural relativity and universality continues.
There was obvious and unavoidable difficulty in persuading the bank to lend money on the basis of future contingencies.
This ubiquity of unavoidable helplessness points to the possibility that dependency is not peripheral to the social order, but is somehow central to it.
Strengthening the hand of undemocratic regimes may be unavoidable in the short term.
We know that budgetary constraint is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a small piece of woodland obstructing a full view of it, but the noise of the traffic is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
When you get studies that are definitive, and that show the harm is unavoidable, and show that the harm is actually caused by gay marriage (as opposed to the prohibition against gay marriage, for example, or by the parents being gay regardless of whether they get married), then we can start talking about whether the problem is serious enough for us to want to rule out gay marriage.
Confining Beliefs to Defined Domains
Thus the postulation of the Deity is not only permissible, it is unavoidable.
The stunning victory has shot Yorkshire up into third place and given them an outside chance of snatching the title but it left Lancashire firmly nailed to the bottom of the table with relegation now looking unavoidable.
There were only two subjects -- Stefansson and a fellow explorer -- and they ate nothing but meat and fat for a year, which translated to 2600 calories a day of a very high fat, very high protein and very low carb (one to two percent from glycogen, unavoidable because it is stored in the livers and muscles of animals) diet.
Susan Yager: Why the New Atkins Diet Won't Work Any Better Than the Old One
the breakage was unavoidable
I wrote the story, and then the unavoidable buzz kill of a second-day follow-up story.
We thought long and hard about involving other people, but we thought it was necessary and unavoidable.
This unavoidable approximation is expected to provide good results, since a through-bond coupling between the vicinal protons at a fixed conformation mainly reflects the electronic state.
But the difficulties of arranging the themes in a graduated kinship of moods would have been so great that irrelation was almost unavoidable with efforts so diverse.
Late Lyrics and Earlier : with Many Other Verses
All humans are political beasts at some level so political leanings are unavoidable, especially in professional groups that deal with information.
An affirmative answer often seems unavoidable.
The Times Literary Supplement
The "dhimmi" attitude of Tower Hamlets Council over this matter and the similar behaviour of many other Councils and authorities in this Country will accelerate what Dr Rowan Williams described as "unavoidable" - the introduction of Sharia law into the UK.
Archive 2008-08-01
F.R.S., late President of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Webster argued that the time for regarding English usage and submitting to English authority had already passed, and that a future separation of the American tongue from the English was necessary and unavoidable.
Chapter 1. Introductory. 1. The Diverging Streams of English
There are two principal disadvantages to being gay, one social and unnecessary and the other unavoidable.
The marginalization of individual local city is an unavoidable phenomenon in urban development process.
It's a part of life, an inevitable and unavoidable part of life.
Christianity Today
It's a part of life, an inevitable and unavoidable part of life.
Christianity Today
This was not a Budget of unavoidable cuts and inevitable tax rises.
Times, Sunday Times
I hated fighting with her, but the time I couldn't help but feel it was unavoidable.
Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia
Aaron ... went unto the altar, and slew the calf of the sin offering -- Whether it had been enjoined the first time, or was unavoidable from the divisions of the priestly labor not being as yet completely arranged, Aaron, assisted by his sons, appears to have slain the victims with his own hands, as well as gone through all the prescribed ritual at the altar.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
'People spend so much of their time working that it's unavoidable,' says Ms. Taylor, 37, a professional development coordinator at Zoot Enterprises, a Bozeman, Mont., technical-services provider.
During mine development and coal extraction, it is unavoidable to approach and disclose or touch the aquifers (water body). Mine water flood has been one of the biggest hidden troubles of accidents.
Unless you want to write a very long biography indeed, a measure of rapid movement is in most cases unavoidable.
The Times Literary Supplement
The long silence about the sinking of Gustlaff and other tragedies of that period - the saturation bombing of cities like Dresden, for example - was perhaps unavoidable.
The courts are not always good at distinguishing between preventable and unavoidable deaths.
The boos and the curses arew foreseeable and unavoidable consequences of the division and negativity McCain chose as his campaign theme.
McCain’s Concession - Swampland -
As in a Greek amphitheatre, the effect is of considerable height and unavoidable focus.
The Times Literary Supplement
In pre-industrial societies philosophers generally asserted that a clear division of labour in political affairs was unavoidable and beneficial.
The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit.
There are several factors that make such research different from other types of research, and some difficulties and dilemmas are almost unavoidable.
We know that budgetary constraint is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
When he is gone she has dreams of his plane crashing, of an unavoidable jack-knife in the fog of Highway 101, of Ted trying to call her with bloody hands, his legs already mangled by a head on collision.
A Wedding
In part this is a corollary of what I have just been suggesting; that certain difficulties and objections, which may previously have seemed peripheral or even factitious, are made to stand out as fundamental and unavoidable.
All modern re-refineries today rely on crucial cleansing processes -- yet, when vegetable-based and animal fat-based products are subjected to these necessary and unavoidable steps, an unwanted chemical reaction known as "saponification" occurs.
Joan Brunwasser: A Motor Oil Company That's Both Green and Responsible? Check Out Universal Lubricants
Some level of technicality in the treatment seems unavoidable.
They may not, and some degree of short-term subsidy may prove unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia
And it is such a cold, unforgiving place that the symbolism of a bombed-out building is unavoidable.
For international traders, changes in the exchange rate are an unavoidable hazard.
Yet all of it is lost because of one unavoidable fact.
Times, Sunday Times
It has to be appreciated that, in a complex industrialised society such as ours, some wastes are unavoidable.
In describing elephants, anthropomorphic terms are unavoidable.
The gym-cum-spa where I currently sweat has a habit of posting Motivational Quotes in unavoidable places - little drumbeats of sagacity, affixed over the water cooler.
There seems to be an unavoidable degree of trauma to both sites despite the surgeon using an endoscope.
The inference from this characteristic, that he possessed what phrenologists used to call "combativeness," is not unavoidable, though such was the fact.
Western Characters or Types of Border Life in the Western States
An unavoidable point about Mount Athos, perhaps the chief point, is the way in which, as a place, it operates on you when you are there.
A Fossil With Flesh
Promoter reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal value in the event that circumstances beyond its control make this unavoidable.
As a large transportation company, energy consuming and pollution discharge in an unavoidable environmental issue.
For one thing, our own mortality and that of our loved ones is an unavoidable fact underlying our lives.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia
The Catholic religion had been compulsory in South Ireland from 1944 until 1980, and the Erse language, although that was largely corrupted by unavoidable English words and locutions, had also been made obligatory.
The Shape of Things to Come
The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit.
YOU Matt, with your fearless devotion to revealed truth, have patiently and unalterably mainlined the notion of an increasingly unavoidable doomsday scenario directly into my brain.
Matthew Yglesias » The Beautiful People
Yet the idea that teen angst is unavoidable is pervasive in our culture.
Impatiently she cursed the love of Chynon, greatly blaming his desperate boldnesse, and maintaining, that so violent a tempest could never happen, but onely by the Gods displeasure, who would not permit him to have a wife against their will; and therefore thus punished his proud presumption, not onely in his unavoidable death, but also that her life must perish for company.
The Decameron
Understanding the historicity of Adorno's strictures and imperatives is an unavoidable task for critical theory and aesthetics today.
The indispensable nation 's status has been redrawn by the unavoidable burden of debt.
Times, Sunday Times
It is inevitable, unavoidable, no matter how furiously they rage against the dying of the light.
Times, Sunday Times
The eye gets used to banners with party slogans or commercial images on advertising boards, regarding them simply as a backdrop, like the unavoidable noise of traffic.
The Times Literary Supplement
Whether one decides in favor of a federative plan, or for an intergovernmental proceeding, drawing the line between national and local competencies on the one hand versus Union competencies on the other is unavoidable.
Its foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, said talks were underway between EU member states and international partners on new sanctions, which he called "unavoidable".
Russia rejects further sanctions of Iran over nuclear programme
It is inevitable, unavoidable, no matter how furiously they rage against the dying of the light.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet there are unavoidable pollutants in the air we breathe.
Times, Sunday Times
This does not make the current model of free movement unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
To suggest that they may be unavoidable is merely to risk being plastered with those labels that we are all terrified of.
Writers and Leviathan
This is an unavoidable fact that most homes do not own up to when discussing fees with families.
Times, Sunday Times
The Colonel s own assessment, made after gaming all the potentialities, is that a strike on Bushehr and associated targets is almost unavoidable.
Instead, third party insurance should be automatic and unavoidable, funded through a fuel surcharge.
Times, Sunday Times
They viewed such methods as a necessary evil, unavoidable yet somehow beneath their dignity.
These are the unavoidable consequences of a bursting Bubble, not monetary stringency.
The reactive oxygen species are produced as an unavoidable consequence of aerobic metabolism.
Violations are more and more resented in places where previously they had been ignored or seen as unavoidable.
In the end, la forza del destino is unavoidable and parrots die, Mathilde the horse dies, loved ones die and, of course, hundreds of thousands of Paraguayans die, the result of Lopez 'ill-fated fléching.
Historical Fiction
In this domain it serves, to use the unavoidable cliche, merely as a rubber stamp.
There's a small piece of woodland obstructing a full view of it, but the noise of the traffic is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
The enquiry heard this week that the crash was unavoidable.
There are, however, times when prepayment is unavoidable.
an unavoidable accident
In a week which has seen a rise in pension age become unavoidable and medics have tut-tutted the drinking habits of the aged, as if all elderly people were liable to fall off their Zimmer frames after their second scotch, the question of how old is old is no longer academic.
'How old is old – and does it still matter?'
I agree with you for the theoretical position that given our current abilities the optimal number of innocents imprisoned is greater than zero, if it were not, the only permissible course of action would be to abolish imprisonment as criminal penalty, since errors are unavoidable.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
Therefore, molecular motion must be regarded as unavoidable in vitrified biological materials.
I know that carbon offsetting is not a solution or a free pass to pollute, but I had to do something about my unavoidable emissions.
Leilani Münter: My Race to Save the Planet
This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable.
Fears persist that the collapse of both institutions is unavoidable, leaving a dangerous political vacuum which could be filled by increased violence.
Friday's reform package was therefore an unavoidable consequence of last year's breakdown.
combustion grew until revolt was unavoidable
That makes it at least plausible for a social cognitive premise that views prejudicial or stereotype-laden cognitions as largely unavoidable for most humans.
Yes, Obama is still Commander in Chief, and yes, the U.S. remains the world's sole superpower, but while foreign policy played nary a role in the midterm elections, the foreign policy fallout from the election drubbing is unavoidable.
Amb. Marc Ginsberg: The Post Election Foreign Policy Hangover
When she returned with her children into her sitting-room, she said there was still an unavoidable expense to be incurred; that assuredly many mothers would at that season think as she did, -- that the toyman must lose by it; and therefore she gave him fifty Louis to repay him for the cost of his journey, and console him for having sold nothing.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
He might not have been directly to blame for either fiasco but, as the man in charge, his accountability is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
However, when exposure is unavoidable, use earplugs or earmuffs to protect your ears from most common noise sources.
This unavoidable routine is a whirlpool through which many an interesting outfit loses all they originally used to gain initial recognition.
Enjoying the company of my elders in the atmosphere of the Bengal Lounge with the unavoidable feeling of overall soreness throughout the body somewhat numbed by a combination of good food, a tiny bit of alcohol, good, comedic company, and an overall sense of accomplishment and contenement, PRICELESS.
Slemondropp Diary Entry
Competitors face a technical track never previously used in the Dakar that requires careful navigation through breathtaking passes and over unavoidable ergs.
For such men, who are in fact profoundly monogamous, infidelity is almost unavoidable.
ProWomanProLife » I beg to differ
he was asking questions, unavoidable questions, persistently...
There's a small piece of woodland obstructing a full view of it, but the noise of the traffic is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Such postoperative headaches have traditionally been considered an unavoidable side effect of the anesthesia itself.
Soon, Iridia knew war was unavoidable, and that a new Age had dawned.
Accidents are an unavoidable by-product of firefighting.
Although attrition is unavoidable, it seems to happen more frequently to the best racehorses.
Times, Sunday Times
This latest incident makes his dismissal unavoidable.
This does not make the current model of free movement unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
But in this case it seems unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Genetic factors complicate the task of diabetes prevention by implying that the disease is unavoidable for Pimas.
This may be unavoidable, but they must not be right.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet there are unavoidable pollutants in the air we breathe.
Times, Sunday Times
We are in a period when further constitutional reform is almost unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
= SPEED!., transit open terrain, especially at night, day travel and leap frogging or overwatch is to slow and depends on the crew mack up. unless contact is expected and unavoidable, then leap/overwatch is noty a big issue.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Gentlemen’s Club.
That was October and I was jet lagged at the time so it was unavoidable.
The Sun
= SPEED!., transit open terrain, especially at night, day travel and leap frogging or overwatch is to slow and depends on the crew mack up. unless contact is expected and unavoidable, then leap/overwatch is noty a big issue.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Gentlemen’s Club.
'People spend so much of their time working that it's unavoidable,' says Ms. Taylor, 37, a professional development coordinator at Zoot Enterprises, a Bozeman, Mont., technical-services provider.
Well, I tried my best to avoid this pocket of socialism, but it was just unavoidable.
It was clear that slight differences between actual and measured atmospheric parameters, such as barometric pressure, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and humidity, were unavoidable.
The surf, through which it is carried in an open boat, called a sampan lonchore, renders such accidents unavoidable.
The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
This does not make the current model of free movement unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, third party insurance should be automatic and unavoidable, funded through a fuel surcharge.
Times, Sunday Times
In railroad car, air is foul, packed, brawl also with respect to unavoidable.
Now White is in zugzwang and loss of material is unavoidable.
Times, Sunday Times
Unless you want to write a very long biography indeed, a measure of rapid movement is in most cases unavoidable.
The Times Literary Supplement
At the heart of these teachings is an unpalatable but unavoidable truth: suffering is part of life and cannot be denied.
Suffering and Enlightenment « Tales from the Reading Room
Can it make the transition that party politics has now made unavoidable?
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, there are certain unavoidable economic consequences of the action that the Rhodesian Government has taken: the loss of imperial preference, the loss of the Commonwealth sugar agreement and things of that kind-they will undoubtedly follow; punitive economic measures, which would be self-defeating and harm the very people whom they are designed to help, raise quite different considerations.
The Commonwealth Today As Seen By A Former Colonial Secretary
Athenian gentlemen may lock her in the remotest part of the home, Catholic theologians seclude her behind convent doors, and Moslem fanatics hide her behind the head-to-toe veil, but intimacy with her is as unavoidable as it is essential.119
For women who agree with the reviewer that their next 30, 40 or 50 years are about "the mostly unavoidable humiliation that is aging," then get back into the closet, girls, slip into your boxy overblouse and drawstring waist pants, and don't come out until you're ready for bingo or bedpan duty.
Gail Sheehy: Who's Afraid of the Seasoned Woman?
She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.
The issue of succession necessitated by Dewar's death is painful but unavoidable.
catching cold is sometimes unavoidable
As we have 2 in our dept and others in the same building, its been pretty much unavoidable all day really.
Yet there are unavoidable pollutants in the air we breathe.
Times, Sunday Times
She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.
All of which invites the uncomfortable but unavoidable question: to what extent is Pakistan unusually susceptible to illegal gambling?
Times, Sunday Times
It is an unavoidable fact that one of the consequences of increasing the external energy input to an ecosystem is an increase in population.
Oh, sure, ye can pretend to yerself that meeting the fans is about connecting to them as individuals but there's an unavoidable status differential between the writer and the fan in that situation.
Archive 2007-01-01
That is simply an unavoidable fact of our electronic lives.
Times, Sunday Times
The indispensable nation 's status has been redrawn by the unavoidable burden of debt.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet there are unavoidable pollutants in the air we breathe.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes, allusions to physical proximity were unavoidable, but it was never, on any occasion, represented literally.
Arguing for the majority, Justice Scalia said this wording-and the word unavoidable in particular-exempted vaccines that were of "defective design.
Slate Magazine
Drivers will face unavoidable delays while work is carried out on a new roundabout in Witham.
In my opinion, this is n unavoidable side-effect of today's "overwork" generation, where there's just so much to do that you can't get it all done.
Just Showing up
The unavoidable conclusion is that direct action wins a lot more recognition than any amount of reasoned argument.
But the local economic planner, Wang Jianxin, chairman of the Jiuquan Development and Reform Commission, says adding more polluting coal-fired power plants is unavoidable if you want to be green.
A renewal of the war was unavoidable, and the Allies promptly formed the Seventh Coalition.
All of which invites the uncomfortable but unavoidable question: to what extent is Pakistan unusually susceptible to illegal gambling?
Times, Sunday Times
The transection of the flexor tendons and the aponeurosis was an unavoidable consequence of these limitations and was standardized in all specimens.