
How To Use Unarm In A Sentence

  • Thirty unarmed INS agents accompanied the flight, guarding the handcuffed deportees in shifts, standing in aircraft's aisles at every fifth row.
  • Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face. Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over
  • What sort of unarmed combat skills do they teach in the KGB? Times, Sunday Times
  • The unarming of Israel's illegal nuclear capability. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Instead, the rebels claim they have focused their attacks on unarmed civilians.
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  • Behind them sat 11 more police officers, unarmed and almost cuddly in the circumstances. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adam had distributed the instruments among the unarmed men of the Caves, and told them to get on with bugle practice. KARA KUSH
  • Plus, for all his faults, Cooper never killed an unarmed human being.
  • I couldn't think of a comparable traditional "weapon" that we might use in the US to successfully shut down an oil facility for 10 days unarmed.
  • KUWAIT _ Unarmed Iraqis in civilian clothes crossed into Kuwait for the second time in as many days Monday and removed equipment from a disputed naval base Baghdad considers within its own territory, a U.N. official said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Her work included accompanying unarmed civilians being threatened by an armed group, serving as a protective presence.
  • The soldiers were trained in unarmed combat .
  • Helen and Paris go to help unarm Hector after his day's combat.
  • The SDLP is living in a dreamworld over its call for an unarmed police force in Northern Ireland, rank and file officers claimed yesterday.
  • The net was closing last night on raiders who fired at unarmed gardai during a bank robbery in Co Limerick yesterday.
  • In the West the closed fist is considered almost the only effective weapon to be used in unarmed combat.
  • And thereby he gained a further advantage, -- that of unarming his victim, -- for virginity is as The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
  • The government has yet to explain why its troops apparently opened fire on unarmed demonstrators on Friday.
  • Soldiers wearing flak jackets and armed with automatic weapons replaced unarmed police at checkpoints in Suva.
  • Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
  • We were all unarmed and without bulletproof vests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yeah, in defiance of the hoariest cliche in the Big Bumper Book of Onscreen Melodramatic Cliches, have your characters wander into the House of DeathFilled WithPossible Anomaly Monsters, unarmoured, unarmed etc etc. Primeval Season 3: What The Hell Happened? – Updated « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • Fifty police officers to arrest two unarmed men is surely a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
  • A pair of unarmed soldiers were found safe and in good condition early Tuesday after an overnight adventure.
  • For as yet our seaplanes were unarmed as ordered by President Roosevelt.
  • Launcelot thrang in the thick of the press; and as they were unarmed he smote them and wist not whom that he smote, and so unhappily they were slain. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Abidan, unarmed, seized a poniard from the soldier’s belt, stabbed him to the heart, and vaulting on the steed, galloped towards the river. Chapter 7 - Part IX
  • He was unarmed, and carried no military gear or other indicators of martial status.
  • Also the U.S. military is probing a killing of an unarmed insurgent by Marines.
  • The first bred the most popular constabulary in the world, a street police, unarmed, recruited from and accountable to its community.
  • Gaymon was unarmed but police have said but he "tussled" with the detective who was trying to arrest him. - News
  • Not many London clubmen do - by Jove, if he was unarmed, that would be famous! Watershed
  • Now just kick the tyres, light the fires and leap off unarmed into battle.
  • Since I was one of the few women, and the only unarmed prisoner, I was guarded in a more lax manner than the others.
  • Separating from the shell above their target, the submunitions descend on wings at a speed of forty-five meters per second to strike the tank or fighting vehicle at its most vulnerable and unarmored point - the roof.
  • The troops were airlifted to Darfur to protect unarmed military observers monitoring a ceasefire between government forces and rebels.
  • It would demonstrate American capabilities to the armed punks who rape, torture and murder the unarmed and helpless on a daily basis.
  • Steel watched as the unarmed civilians threw themselves from their seats. Man of Honour
  • But it won't be a bruising encounter - for tai chi is more about inner peace than unarmed combat.
  • Fifty police officers to arrest two unarmed men is surely a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
  • The new generation of terrorists does not spare unarmed humanitarians.
  • An ordinary draw weight bow say 50 lb or so will kill an animal or an unarmoured man; a bodkin point with the same can kill a man in mail; but when plate armour appears on the scene you need a much higher draw weight bow to penetrate it, and consequently more powerful bows and the archers to go with them are needed. Bowmen in medieval Wales
  • A police van begins pursuit, but Bird turns the gun on the unarmed officers and then races off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Armed officers have been deployed on patrol to protect the community and their unarmed colleagues.
  • The unarmed police constables who stopped him said he told them that he was a political activist. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you neglect it, you might as well go out as an unarmed knight-banneret to fight against men in armor. The Magic Skin
  • ROCKFORD - The Rev. Jesse Jackson said the 30-day suspension of a Rockford police officer involved in the 2009 shooting death of an unarmed man was a "mere slap on the wrist. News
  • The family's lawyers yesterday said the coroner misdirected the jury, who found he was unarmed. The Sun
  • Now just kick the tyres, light the fires and leap off unarmed into battle.
  • Yet her body longed so sore for the springtide freshness of the grass, and was so bewooed of the flowery scent thereof, that though she durst not go unarmed, she did off her footgear and went stealing softly barefoot and with naked legs over the embroidered greensward, saying aloud to herself: If run for the ferry I needs must, lighter shall I run so dight. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Four nights and three days they sojourned in a certain little village while there was a hard frost and where, without unarming, they "slept under the trees and drank water. Charles the Bold Last Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477
  • Demonstrations against passes, organized by the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), led to the Sharpeville massacre in which police fired on unarmed demonstrators, killing 67. C. South Africa
  • Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters – one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face. Tunisia Uprising Drives Iron-FIsted Ruler From Power
  • The young man held up his hands to show he was unarmed, but they continued towards him, the daggers gleaming in the flickering light.
  • In some of the gravest war-crime charges to arise from the Afghan conflict, five soldiers have been accused of killing unarmed Afghan men, apparently for sport, and desecrating their corpses. Brigade's strategy: 'Strike and destroy'
  • Adam had distributed the instruments among the unarmed men of the Caves, and told them to get on with bugle practice. KARA KUSH
  • Unfortunately, a scrap between Presto and Stocker on personality would be a fight between unarmed men.
  • The recruits were traveling unarmed and unescorted.
  • Go, tell no man to unarm himself; and let them shoot, in case of necessity, as sharply on those who cry France and St. Denis! as if they cried Hell and Satan! Quentin Durward
  • “But, certes,” said he, “the foul paynim met his match; for, ever as he foined at me with his brand, I parried his blows with my bauble, and closing with him upon the third veny, threw him to the ground, and made him cryrecreant to an unarmed man.” Waverley
  • I was sitting in bed, unarmed and helpless staring at a shadow that was going to kill me.
  • Madhani had traveled extensively through the dangers of Iraq — unarmed, unguarded, in ratty old cars — and he knew that many apparently random attacks had hidden histories behind them. Welcome to the Green Zone
  • The army were accused of shooting down unarmed demonstrators.
  • But what can unarmed officers do, apart from getting shot themselves? The Sun
  • If the images are to be believed the kind of guys slapping it on are bestubbled boxers in Wayne Rooney-style beanie hats, guys who wear visors and helmets, possibly preparatory to an important moon mission or some welding, and chaps jumping off tenement fire escapes after, one supposes, a bracing bout of unarmed combat with a cadre of desperate gangsters. Magical weekend in Cardiff is in a league of its own
  • It would be very interesting to know the exact timing of the order to send the unarmed planes after Flight 93.
  • They wore boiled leather breastplates and metal helms, but other than that, were unarmoured. TREASON KEEP
  • Launcelot thrang here and there, it mishapped him to slay Gaheris and Sir Gareth, the noble knight, for they were unarmed and unware. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • As will have been seen from the above, the Crown's case was that here there was the deliberate stabbing of an unarmed and defenceless woman.
  • Bombs rained down on the unarmed common people.
  • Other times, we'd find unarmed civilian ‘moon’ jellyfish with no stingers.
  • Though Wallace had no training in unarmed combat, the impression remained that he knew all about karate.
  • I couldn't think of a comparable traditional "weapon" that we might use in the US to successfully shut down an oil facility for 10 days unarmed.
  • Then the old man made the young man to unarm him, and he was in a coat of red sendal, and bare a mantle upon his shoulder that was furred with ermine, and put that upon him. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • And I, said he, will so do that thou mayst fear me the less; for I will unarm me when the night cometh, and thou thyself shalt keep mine hauberk and sword and anlace. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • They had been unwarned, untrained, and unarmed.
  • Three men who seriously sexually assaulted a 27-year-old woman are thought to have been involved in a later incident where unarmed police were threatened with a shotgun.
  • Scharnhorst, taking Rawalpindi for an unarmed merchant ship, signalled her to heave to.
  • One of the secrets to his success was the martial arts discipline tae kwon do, a form of unarmed self-defense that requires intense training of the body and the mind.
  • Since when have religious fanatics slaughtered the unarmed, or thought they made paradise?
  • And also to unarm and disarm someone who's come in with a gun, and to be able to confront them and stop them from shooting children who are unarmed in any way -- if they have to, fire upon them so that they stop hurting kids. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2006
  • Bearing in mind his apparent intention to murder more police, unarmed officers searching as we did would have been vulnerable to a spectacular ambush. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few countries use them as a method of riot control against unarmed civilians. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be more efficient if the central government just admitted that it was wrong to fire on unarmed civilians and put the matter to rest.
  • As will have been seen from the above, the Crown's case was that here there was the deliberate stabbing of an unarmed and defenceless woman.
  • unarmed vehicles
  • “She alone is in the habit of assisting to unarm and to attire me.” Count Robert of Paris
  • He walked into the camp alone and unarmed.
  • We were all unarmed and without bulletproof vests. Times, Sunday Times
  • He waited our landing, and seeing we were unarmed threw down his muton (so they named the fish-gig) and came readily to us. The Logbooks of the Lady Nelson With the journal of her first commander Lieutenant James Grant
  • The elves were unarmed and unprotected against the men, who appeared to bear the battle marks that the men of Orslic had worn during the War of Boundaries.
  • A group of militiamen, apparently unarmed, stood beneath a large sandalwood tree.
  • Columnist Max Castro writes in today's Miami Herald about one double standard that is of a type that "infuriates" other nations:On Tuesday, the United States gave its blessing to a program -- known in bureaucratic doublespeak as the ''Airbridge Denial Program'' -- that allows Colombian fighter pilots to shoot down unarmed civilian aircraft suspected of carrying drugs. Archive 2003-08-01
  • The treaty was therefore an effective device for the systematisation of a multifaceted backlash8 against the unarmed partisan movement. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • And I, said he, will so do that thou mayst fear me the less; for I will unarm me when the night cometh, and thou thyself shalt keep mine hauberk and sword and anlace. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Countless unarmed civilians fleeing to the borders were killed by helicopter gunships.
  • Fifty police officers to arrest two unarmed men is surely a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
  • Another veteran, a medic with the unit, recalled 150 unarmed civilians murdered in a single month.
  • unarmed peasants were shot down
  • Fierce Welsh mercenaries, who fight unarmoured, equipped a spear and capable ofa defensive ring of spears.
  • I can only think that they would have been even more so for unarmed civilians in unarmored cars.
  • And anon as he was unarmed a good man came and set him down by him and said: Sir, I shall tell you what betokeneth all that ye saw in the tomb; for that covered body betokeneth the duresse of the world, and the great sin that Our Lord found in the world. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Shortly after, Mr. Breivik, posing as a police officer, boarded a ferry to the nearby island of Utoya, where one of his first victims was an unarmed off-duty policeman who was providing security for the camp. Norway Faces Dilemma on Openness
  • Yo man I'm a loyal MSNBC follower and I'll challenge ya to a duel of intelligence but your obviously unarmed ... keep watchin faux news buddy! Republicans raising cash to counter-program ABC Obama special
  • Our adventurer, who had not been seen by any of the witnesses during the affray, and who had been found unarmed after it was over, was next examined before a magistrate, and his examination ended in his committal to take his trial at the same time and place with Andrew McCoy, for bushranging and robbery, both of which at that time were equally capital offences with the most cold-blooded brutal murder. Ralph Rashleigh
  • A dance, called by the colonists a corroboree, now took place, in which only the unarmed men joined. Ralph Rashleigh
  • In March, the U.S. complained of the harassment of an unarmed naval vessel that was in international waters, but within China's exclusive economic zone.
  • William Marshal, for instance, did not stop being a knight when caught unarmoured and on foot. Survived another workshop!
  • Last June, a force of state police killed 17 unarmed peasant farmers on their way to a protest rally.
  • Four nights and three days they sojourned in a certain little village while there was a hard frost and where, without unarming, they “slept under the trees and drank water.” Charles the Bold
  • And then he gart to unarm him, and beat him with thorns all naked, and sithen put him down in a deep dungeon, where he knew many of his fellows. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • At that point, with McNeill paralyzed and helpless on his back, Mireles fighting the effects of his avulsed forearm, Grogan unable to clearly locate his target without his glasses, and Manauzzi still unarmed after losing control of his revolver from the impact of the improvised felony stop, the mortally wounded Michael Platt made his daring bid for freedom. THE NEWS BLOG
  • But the notion of employing a civilian brigade of unarmed troubleshooters will hold little water with those who have experienced at first hand such ‘21st century crime’.
  • Furthermore, the bulk of soldiers over term have been killed while riding in unarmoured or lightly armoured vehicles, including three soldiers in British military Land Rovers (including the incident illustrated above). Curious…
  • The American hangmen are torturing, tormenting, and killing unarmed people here. How Wars end
  • The unarmed police constables who stopped him said he told them that he was a political activist. Times, Sunday Times
  • “I pray thee to call my slaves to unarm me; and when thou thyself doffest those weapons of an ordinary life-guardsman, tell them they never shall above twice more enclose the limbs of one for whom fate has much more fitting garments in store.” Count Robert of Paris
  • went alone and unarmed
  • Yours flicks back up into his face ... not the most powerful cut in the world, but this style is unarmoured and a sharp edge in the cheek or jaw is going to leave more than a scar. Krumphau! The Windmill of Death!
  • They trained in the evening in such things as weapons handling, unarmed combat and basic sabotage.
  • In this kind we commend the wisdom and goodness of Galen, who would not leave unto the world too subtle a theory of poisons; unarming thereby the malice of venomous spirits, whose ignorance must be contented with sublimate and arsenic. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • They often looked unarmed, but they always had a defensive trick hidden away; knife sheathed in their boot, a sling under their belt.
  • Unarmed, harmless, she felt like an innocent doe being hunted by horsemen and snarling hounds.
  • Him and the rabblement with him, most of them unarmed, they suppressed; on proceeding, however, against the Carcini in whose keeping the robbers had deposited their booty, they encountered trouble. Dio's Rome, Volume 1 (of 6) An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek during the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus: and Now Presented in English Form
  • Magistrates from the city claimed the rally was the start of a revolution, and unleashed the yeomanry on the unarmed and peaceful crowd, butchering 11 people and leaving over 400 wounded.
  • Satricum in a precipitate flight; and their reliance in their walls not being sufficiently strong, when the city, encompassed by a continuous line of troops, was now on the point of being taken by scalade, they surrendered to the number of four thousand soldiers, besides the unarmed multitude. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • The unarmed would - be robber was arrested after a foot pursuit.
  • But wouldn't an enemy have the sense to unarm her?
  • So we send our people to their deaths in unarmoured motor boats and then have the Secretary of State weep in his cups about "the sacrifice made by the brave men and women of our armed forces. A freakin water-taxi!
  • The family's lawyers yesterday said the coroner misdirected the jury, who found he was unarmed. The Sun
  • Israel has committed the genocide on the Gaza strip using its air power and land forces against a virtually unarmed population to stop what it called firing of rockets by Hamas that controls the area. The New Nation
  • A picket of soldiers traversed the streets, taking an unarmed policeman with them to announce that able-bodied men must come together in certain places to help to put out the flames.
  • The mission is to destroy armoured and unarmored combat materiel, low and slow airborne vehicles and other targets.
  • The relationship between sport and unarmed combat is not easily seen at first.
  • The task of preserving the timber recently cut and of preventing further depredations _within the disputed territory_ was assigned to the State of Maine after her military force should have been withdrawn from it, and it was to be accomplished by a civil posse, armed or unarmed, which was to continue in the territory and to operate in every part of it where its agency might be required to protect the timber already cut and prevent further depredations, without any limitation whatever or any restrictions except such as might be construed into an attempt to disturb by arms the Province of New Brunswick in her possession of the Madawaska settlement or interrupt the usual communication between the Provinces. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 3, part 2: Martin Van Buren
  • It included eyewitness accounts of multiple killings of unarmed protesters and the killing of at least 20 prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Armed with a javelin and most often fighting unarmoured , their preferred tactic is to hit and run.
  • And when he came there he gart unarm them, and beat them with thorns all naked, and after put them in a deep prison where were many more knights, that made great dolour. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Unarmed combat (what many label as self defense) is different from sport.
  • First of all, 1996 was a bad year to be entering the army, because China was lobbing missiles, albeit unarmed, into the waters around Taiwan.
  • The family's lawyers yesterday said the coroner misdirected the jury, who found he was unarmed. The Sun
  • Slip of a dress, for you to undress, unarm me and not think of falling rain. Archive 2010-06-01
  • He was unarmed and taken entirely by surprise by your brutal and unprompted attack.
  • Annais handed Guillaume to Soraya and, with her heart in her mouth, came to help Sabin unarm. The Falcons of Montabard
  • Scores of unarmed civilians died. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took only moments for her to unarm the man and have him kneeling, gasping and begging for mercy.
  • Geeneral so uncheevalrous as to poonce upoon a set of poor unarmed and unprepared creeturs. The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Complete
  • They picked an unarmed civilian because that's always been their favorite target.
  • The soldiers concerned were unarmed at the time.
  • Gamon was unarmed when he and the detective "tussled," according to police. - News
  • Forces on both sides frequently terrorized unarmed civilians suspected of sympathizing with the enemy.
  • For I could not be true and constant to the argument I handle if I were not willing to go beyond others; but yet not more willing than to have others go beyond me again: which may the better appear by this, that I have propounded my opinions naked and unarmed, not seeking to preoccupate the liberty of men's judgments by confutations. The Advancement of Learning
  • The regime, U.S.-backed Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has been the target of a nationwide popular uprising in recent weeks, which neither shooting into crowds of unarmed demonstrators nor promised reforms has thus far quelled. Stephen Zunes: U.S. Backs Tunisian Dictatorship in Face of Pro-Democracy Uprising
  • She made certain the paca who handed up hers from the top of one ladder was unarmed. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • She looked at the wondow, then looed at the ground, and began to. . . lunarmommy says: Monorail Cat derails after - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Except that in this nightmare, it's unarmed boat people who will face the mighty guns of a far superior adversary.
  • Armed mobilizations usually originated in small towns or market bourgs and involved large numbers of rural communes, while unarmed crowds gathered mainly in cities and towns.
  • The army has been criticized for attacking the unarmed civilian population.
  • Unarmed and injured, Locke must have thought that giving him the amulet was a worthy last resort. The Ark
  • Hermit crabs are unusual in that the abdomen is asymmetrical (to fit into the empty mollusc shell which is its house), and soft and unarmoured (because the mollusc shell provides protection). THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • For I could not be true and constant to the argument I handle if I were not willing to go beyond others; but yet not more willing than to have others go beyond me again: which may the better appear by this, that I have propounded my opinions naked and unarmed, not seeking to preoccupate the liberty of men’s judgments by confutations. The Advancement of Learning
  • In the morning Price suggests a lesson in unarmed combat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will also be there, unarmed and unaccompanied - you will be able to battle me in hand-to-hand combat.
  • The unarmed officers tackled him. The Sun
  • Therewith speech failed him and his wit therewith; so betwixt them they unarmed him and did him what leechdom they might do there and then; and he was nowise hurt deadly: as for Child Christopher, he had no scratch of steel on him. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
  • As will have been seen from the above, the Crown's case was that here there was the deliberate stabbing of an unarmed and defenceless woman.
  • Lakhdar Boumediene himself, for example, was seized while completely unarmed and not engaged in warlike acts in Bosnia based on intelligence that implicated him in planning to bomb an embassy. The Volokh Conspiracy » Defamation by Government Still Political Question
  • EUGENE (AP) - Eugene police are changing their Taser policy in response to a federal appeals court ruling that police can be sued for using a stun gun on an unarmed person who poses no threat. News Review - Top Stories
  • Evandar rode unarmoured, wearing only his tunic and leather trousers as he lounged on his golden stallion. A TIME OF WAR
  • In the West the closed fist is considered almost the only effective weapon to be used in unarmed combat.
  • Drawing on evidence from female villagers, one male survivor and a former Malayan police officer, he claims that all of those who died were unarmed rubber tappers and tin miners from the Chinese ethnic minority.
  • Groulx and the assailant "scuffled" for several minutes, and Groulx suffered a bloody knee and a bruised torso, he said, adding that he began punching and kicking back when he realized the man was unarmed. News
  • Alone he faced the roystering Morton at Merrymount, unarming that vaporing rebel and putting his riotous colony upon its good behavior. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 1 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • She came to him and stood to one side while his squire helped him unarm. The Falcons of Montabard
  • Yesterday it emerged that two unarmed police officers found the suspect in a nearby cul-de-sac. The Sun
  • Mary protected or avenged the republic: the bell of the Capitol was again tolled, the nobles in arms trembled in the presence of an unarmed multitude; and of the two senators, Colonna escaped from the window of the palace, and Ursini was stoned at the foot of the altar. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Stoneman, having crossed the rivers higher up, made a raid in the direction of Richmond which accomplished nothing of consequence, but merely frightened and depredated upon the unarmed country people. Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early C.S.A. : autobiographical sketch and narrative of the War between the States,
  • How many bullets do one person need to unarm one person? Not Guilty! So What Else is New?
  • The army has been criticized for attacking the unarmed civilian population.
  • He approached several black policemen (who were unarmed until the 1980s) who, when they spotted the tsotsis, starting running.
  • The army allegedly shot dead over 300 unarmed civilians.
  • These aircraft were delivered unarmed and differed in the fact they were fitted with single-row Wright R - 1820-102 radials of 700-hp.
  • AND there she welcomed him fair, and either halsed other in arms, and so she let put up his horse in the best wise, and then she unarmed him. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Gaymon was unarmed when he and the detective "tussled," according to police. - News
  • Ask the maimed and crippled survivors of attacks on unarmoured Land Rovers in Afghanistan. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • Seeing as most on the "right" believe taking away their guns is a "liberal/left" goal, from what my memory provides me, it was the George W. Bush administration that ordered the unarming of private United States citizens during the Katrina disaster. Main RSS Feed
  • June 13, 2009 at 8:01 am oai lunarmommy! schmooz and hedbonks to yew! i hassa unnerstandin der be an iv coffeee stand abouts here sumwere… Child proof…yes. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Commando soldiers were aired by helicopters then abseiled into the vessels, opening fire on unarmed civilians at 4: 30 a.m. Wael Nawara: Why Should Israel Behave?
  • Fifty police officers to arrest two unarmed men is surely a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
  • He walked into the camp unarmed.
  • However having said that after 7 months of absolute violence against an unarmed people protesting vigorously for regime change, I can reassure you that no government would be able to stand up against the will of well trained, politicked millions of Iranians who have toppled the worst enemy of God on Earth and human beings. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Our first few scuffles ended in a lot of pain for me, but as I started to pay attention in unarmed combat class I began to do some damage myself.
  • Although most species of stickleback can adapt to salt, brackish, or fresh water, unarmored threespine sticklebacks appear to be limited to fresh water.
  • The unarmed police constables who stopped him said he told them that he was a political activist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bombs rained down on the unarmed common people.
  • Bombs rained down on the unarmed common people.
  • Adam had distributed the instruments among the unarmed men of the Caves, and told them to get on with bugle practice. KARA KUSH
  • Both men, I am assured by your embassy, are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat.
  • Meliagrance, wit thou well ye are about to jeopard your worship to dishonour, and also ye cast to jeopard our persons howbeit we be unarmed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table

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