
How To Use Unapologetic In A Sentence

  • He is entirely unapologetic about the violence in his movies.
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • Richards confronts us unapologetically with all the seamier aspects of his life, to the point where the reader -- I refer here to myself -- finds himself asking: Why am I reading this? Peter Clothier: Keef
  • It is a rollicking, unapologetic read. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unapologetic wrapped fit creates a sporty look that is both casual and athletic.
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  • The stab at rock stardom, the attempt at talk-show hosting, the game show his brother Mark unapologetically called "dopey," all those dabbles are in the past. John McEnroe's Next Frontier: Home
  • Such a success story, so unapologetically, cheerfully puerile.
  • The language, the violence, the unapologetic maleness of gangland bonding mixes the excesses of laddish culture with an affectionate tribute to Kray Brothers brutalism.
  • His exacting personal standards, morose private nature and unapologetic misogyny often gave him a truculent, dyspeptic appearance which was well deserved.
  • We believe that the road back for our party and our movement lies in being an unapologetic champion for progressive ideas.
  • Bold, unapologetic juniper dominates a highish-proof spirit. American Entrants in the Gin Game
  • We both loved it, although my love was unapologetic and his was not.
  • The film takes an unapologetic approach to revenge: Richard tortures each of his victims before killing them, making one dance like a puppet before dispatching him with cold calculation.
  • Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible. An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • The novelist is unapologetic, and still keen to play the part of provocateur.
  • There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you. Steve Maraboli 
  • Empathy and unapologetic emotion are her trademarks, evoked by a big voice that can rumble with lust or scream with self-hatred.
  • Her unapologetic and absolutely funny stories almost made me want to run out to a bar and drag someone home with me.
  • Donaldson is unapologetic about the symbolism of these colours: brown for the earth, blue for the sky.
  • Its graphic, unapologetic descriptions upset some feminists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obviously, however, it's his style as a legislator -- cheered by progressives for its unapologetic self-assuredness -- that gets the Republican blood boiling. Beck To Palin: Alan Grayson Is Hot, 'Yum Yum, Give Me Some'
  • In terms of modern PC attitudes toward war and national solidarity, it's a big bucket of cold water down the pants of the timorous, and it reminds you how unapologetic popular patriotism used to be.
  • They range from the unapologetically avant-garde ( "Foot Under Foot," which opens the session), to the pungent and fractured ( "Skitter In") to the affirmingly lugubrious ( "The Sun at Midnight"). What's Elliptical Is New Again
  • And it has a sort of unapologetic in your face quality, which I admire.
  • This is unapologetic good-time rock 'n' roll done with tongue planted firmly in cheek (as well as some other areas).
  • Goodman was unapologetic for his comments that came during his visit to the elementary school in North Las Vegas.
  • Barry Goldwater even embraced the title extremist ( "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"), George McGovern's anti-war crusade offered an unapologetically leftist platform, and Walter Mondale proudly promised in his convention speech that he would raise the nation's taxes. Dissecting Leftism
  • Are we Canadians fully forgetful, merely forgiving, mostly stupid, or unapologetically apathetic?
  • This unapologetically unwavering O-bot is a small “i” independent so I tend to refer to the extremes on both sides as “far”. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Big Head Ed
  • On past form, he will be entirely unapologetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so much of Decadent writing is about sheer artistic concretisation…of freeing up form to stand on its own multiple, if need be feet, unapologetically. Testing the Weird
  • It's in the unapologetic headlines splashed across magazines and newspapers.
  • The stories are, in true Sfar style, truly unusual, though they have more structure and a little more empathy than the unapologetically bad-mannered Sardine books. Little Vampire (and Other Little Folk)
  • Disregard the time-change madness and consider their Action Driver labelmates (which include unapologetic new wavers Radio Berlin), and Thunderbirds almost begin to sound different by proxy.
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • And I realized: the unapologetic nature of my musical omnivorousness owes a great deal to Michael Jackson, to the ubiquitous success of Thriller, to the fait accompli integration of MTV, to the demonstration that, even in the hyper-capitalist (and subtly discriminatory) wonderland of the Reagan 80s, sheer audacious talent could refuse to be marginalized. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Granted, some administration spokesmen were unapologetic about the decision.
  • And, although this touchy-feely motion picture transforms Redford's character into a human being, he starts out as an unapologetic misanthrope.
  • As for the rounded, tent-like look of the structure, Crawford, a Richmond resident, was unapologetic.
  • The band formed in 1970 with an explicit and unapologetic political angle. Smithsonian Mag
  • At the center stands an unapologetic Christian account of agape.
  • Plus, they were completely unapologetic and even threatening towards us from beginning to end!
  • Ed Balls, his Treasury spokesman and a defiantly unapologetic veteran of the previous government, might not like all that.
  • Some motoring boffins lauded the design, describing it as confident, unapologetic and revolutionary.
  • For a card-carrying liberal, I was surprisingly unapologetic about our decision.
  • There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you. Steve Maraboli 
  • Yet we're soon shown through a series of flashbacks that Veronica was not always an unapologetic badass.
  • In fact Richard is something of a rarity these days, an unapologetic, uneducated, unemployed and unreal guy.
  • I was an unapologetic inhaler of socketed chicken wings and blue rare beef until 30 days ago. Blog: January 2008
  • The band formed in 1970 with an explicit and unapologetic political angle. Smithsonian Mag
  • The Gulf of Mexico red drum fishery nearly collapsed-twice in the past quarter century-because of brazen, unapologetic commercial overharvest. Going After Big Red
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • But there is still only one BuzzFlash: unchastened, unapologetic, and unrelenting in its pursuit of justice.
  • If it sounds like syrupy sentiment, he's unapologetic.
  • Calcutta! and as the unapologetic joker known for his spanking jones a penchant well-explicated in the play. 'Tynan': A show to please the critic
  • For a card-carrying liberal, I was surprisingly unapologetic about our decision.
  • Unapologetically an individual sport, mixed martial arts, like boxing, is often described as the loneliest activity of its kind, yet it's 2011 and the ring or cage is fast becoming a college campus. Elliot Worsell: UFC's Jones and Evans: Good Friends, Better Enemies
  • Asked to comment on his recent estrangement from his spouse, Rempel was unapologetic.
  • ‘I'm a cheapskate,’ she says unapologetically.
  • Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible. An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • Finding an affable, unapologetic citizen who believed this stuff was unnerving.
  • No matter what happens in Wednesday's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, you can say this about the last six years in sports: It's been a wonderful ride for purists, history buffs, musty old fogies, moss-grown fuddy-duddies, unapologetic curmudgeons and anyone who has spent the last six decades in a Cryogenic tube. Score One for the Ghosts of History
  • Plus I was struck by how unapologetic about it this girl seemed.
  • He was handsome, built like a runner, his legs ropey and tan, sideburns and blonde hair that flopped unapologetically over the forehead. Cigarillo
  • He was also unapologetic about his pay package, under which he is expected to receive at least £2.5m in cash and shares this year.
  • He is a business ambassador for the Government and has been unapologetic about boardroom rewards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The answer is hard-fought organizing by the hotel workers themselves in New York City and the supportive pro-union sentiment of other residents in the city, what was once unapologetically called "solidarity" in this country before the term seemed to get reserved by the elite for only talking about supporting workers in Poland. Nathan Newman: Why Shouldn't Housekeepers Make $60,000 Per Year?
  • I was immediately impressed by his unapologetic support for experimenting on animals in the name of advancing knowledge and medical science.
  • The programme for that night was an unapologetic exploration of Russian romanticism spanning approximately 50 years.
  • It is a rollicking, unapologetic read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, with a jazzman - cool, articulate, unapologetically brilliant black man on the throne won't going to school and reading and writing and speaking proper suddenly look a lot cooler?
  • Where he is unapologetically tactless, though, is in his treatment of his critics.
  • The company is unapologetic about looking east as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a style unapologetic to traditional aesthetics, but alive to the needs and impulses of the moment: pared-down and vernacular in diction, unterrified of authority or manners, wisecracking, brutally frank except when it was hoaxing, joyously attuned to terrain, and above all, attuned to the fate and the legitimate viewpoint of the common man. Mark Twain
  • We must not let one side be ruthless, self-confident and organised: ‘It is civilization, pluralism and secularism that need pitiless and unapologetic fighters.’
  • It's brassy and bold even in its unapologetic presentation of sentimental pap.
  • With a tilt of the head, he'll talk unguardedly of stealing his mother's copy of the record, his unapologetic love for Wings, and his cat back home in Detroit.
  • Wallace Stevens is considered an unapologetically Romantic poet of imagination.
  • He is also an unapologetic parasite on our great national conversation, the note-perfect embodiment of the malignant tumor on political discourse his party has opted to become since the election of President Obama. Daniel Cluchey: The Shame of Our Nation
  • Honestly Frank, I hired you because of your ability to be unapologetically unsocial.
  • It will be unapologetic about reforming our economy to challenge inequality and protect workers better. Times, Sunday Times
  • NOT EVERYONE IN PERRY'S CAMPAIGN WAS SOLD ON THE WHOLE 'LET'S MAKE OUR CANDIDATE LOOK LIKE AN UNAPOLOGETIC BIGOT' AD - But cooler heads, of course, prevailed, and the phrase "openly celebrate Christmas" was immaculately conceived. HUFFPOST HILL - Hill Staffers Fired For Behaving Exactly How You Think They Behave
  • Although it may be smartly scripted and ingeniously plotted, this is unapologetically a genre flick.
  • The book covers some strong ground and kind of calling people back to an unapologetic, unfashionable view of life, church and ministry. Christianity Today
  • After that, it's another blast-off into unapologetically muscular techno.
  • Corinne is the first fictional heroine who, as a woman of genius, is unapologetic about living for her art.
  • Rorschach is an uncompromising vigilante who is brutal and unapologetic in his application of “justice.” Movie Review: Watchmen | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • He is a business ambassador for the Government and has been unapologetic about boardroom rewards. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, one of the biggest football fans I know, my brother "Mr. Funny," also happens to be one of the most sensitive people I know, an "enlightened male" who is married to "Daria," an outspoken, unapologetic feminist. Meredith Lopez: Superbowl? Yes, Please! Sexist Ads? No, Thank You!
  • President Obama's firm and unapologetic speech represents a willingness to shoulder the moral burden that war implies; in this, too, he follows in his predecessor's footsteps.
  • Like those artists, she unapologetically pursues an esthetic of visual immediacy.
  • Would you vote for an unapologetically sexually aggressive hunk, however past his prime?
  • Getty Images Oscar de la Renta featured unapologetic luxury with fabrics like silk faille and a finely detailed orange dress. Glamour Amid the Gloom
  • But he remains unapologetic about what he does. The Sun
  • He was transforming into a larger-than-life character that unapologetically shoved his way into the American Psyche until he seemed to almost stand astraddle Hollywood, casting a tall shadow that stretched across the entire country.
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • An unapologetically self-referential author, Levin constantly intertwines his own life with the story he is telling.
  • Although some consider this excessive, we remain unapologetic: by our own objective standards we consider this money to be well spent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, Kerrigan's personal, unapologetic film on rave culture maintains its irreverence.
  • If it sounds like syrupy sentiment, he's unapologetic.
  • Even unapologetic apologetics can distort the content of the theology.
  • I prefer horror to be a cheap, easy lay of a genre: disreputable, badly behaved, unapologetic and nasty.
  • an unapologetic believer
  • It hasn't helped that Berlusconi has remained largely unapologetic since - repeatedly insisting that his reference to Obama as "tanned" was a "compliment" and a term of "endearment;" publicly berating a US reporter who questioned him about his remarks at a European Union event in Brussels; and, true to form, dismissing Italian opposition leaders who demanded he apologize as "graduates from a school of dickheads. Jim Schumacher and Debbie Bookchin: Italians Are in Love -- with Obama
  • Instead of oddly cheery or mildly clownish weathermen, they offered unapologetic scientists who explained the weather in glorious detail.
  • But the point is that it happened and it is indicative of two simple facts of life under the Islamic Republic today: men and women unapologetically enjoy each other's company, and, even as intimidation and penalties loom, they're quite public about their desire to live contemporary, uninvaded lives. Shirin Sadeghi: The Iran Game
  • Keeping Rove; being unapologetic about the war; explaining why Saddam had to be removed, that there were terror ties between Saddam and al Qaeda, and why the war needs to be seen through to victory; fighting for Alito, and other well-qualified conservative judges at the appellate level; advancing pro-growth, pro-family tax reforms--this agenda won't enamor Bush to liberals. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Her speech was classic Newkirk, unwavering and unapologetic.
  • Indeed, the blatant, unapologetic, flinching gynophobia made me wonder if he's gay, which it turns out he is, but that doesn't make it okay for him to discuss female fluids as physically disgusting. Scientific American
  • The New Yorker wrote that the book presented itself as “a call to arms, in a world spinning rapidly into subliteracy, by a hip yet unapologetic curmudgeon, a stickler for the rules of writing” but the reviewer expressed the opinion that “it’s hard to fend off the suspicion that the whole thing might be a hoax”. Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynn Truss vs. Ate, Shot and Left by David Crystal (English)
  • They are unapologetic about regarding museums as part of the epiphenomena of cultural studies.
  • Unlike the good-natured bumbler from the Disney cartoon, this honey-happy bear is a manipulative, abrasive, self-indulgent schemer who is clearly unapologetic in his larcenous adventure. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • It's an imperative and ornate exhortation to lay open your nerves and unabashedly, unapologetically feel.
  • Although it may be smartly scripted and ingeniously plotted, this is unapologetically a genre flick.
  • Unapologetically hierarchical, the leader, or rangatira, is infallible.
  • In the pre-intermediate grammar reference section, the term gerund is used unapologetically, and the student is advised “You can use a dictionary to check whether verbs are followed by an infinitive with to or a gerund” (p. 141). G is for Gerund « An A-Z of ELT
  • You've got to love his cockiness, especially when there's so little basis for it: In Case You Didn't Know is an unapologetically lightweight product by a chappie born to be labelled "cheeky", and that's about the size of it. Olly Murs: In Case You Didn't Know – review
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • Roger may have regrets, but he is unapologetic about who he is or what he does.
  • If you're totally unapologetic, he may back down. The Sun
  • We are unswerving and unapologetic about our commitment to saving our native species.
  • The Naked Soul of Sweet Jones" is thick with the unapologetic rhymes that made the Port Arthur, Tex. native a Southern rap superhero, but its Pimp's supple falsetto that truly amplifies this posthumous album's bittersweetness. Really quick spins: Gucci Mane, Lil Boosie, Lil Wayne, Pimp C, Waka Flocka Flame
  • Still, he says he is unapologetic about being a "bigmouth," and his willingness to say whatever is on his mind. NY Daily News
  • Pierson is unapologetic that Winter Harvest tends to serve a more upscale clientele.
  • That is, a global preference for boy babies became overt and unapologetic.
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • Meanwhile, he was openly disparaging of Jews, and an unapologetic racist with respect to the slaves and freedmen he encountered.
  • Several times a day, you'll catch them gazing at it in unapologetic fascination, heads tilted to one side, eyes filled with wonder, smiles beatific.
  • She embodies an unapologetic freedom and fearlessness that some of us can only aspire to.

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