
How To Use Unaided In A Sentence

  • He was given oxygen by medical staff before walking unaided to an ambulance. Times, Sunday Times
  • So she resolved to bring him up unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • If, now, the judge is going to help the "unaided" witness with "of course you mean because," or "perhaps because," etc., the witness, if she is not a fool, will say "yes. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • The pestering problem of ‘protected teachers’ can be tackled only if the unaided sector is put on a leash.
  • The image covers a region of 14.1 x 21.6 arcmin on the sky and shows galaxies that are 1 billion times fainter than can be seen by the unaided eye. Undefined
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  • She could not stand unaided for more than two minutes and used a wheelchair. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you can't see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye, try binoculars.
  • The work failed, marriage prospects paled, her friend deserted her and she found herself faced with the prospect which she now understood only too well, of disabled health, unemployment, disgrace, and a second child to maintain unaided. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • But, unbeknown to his grieving colleagues above, the plucky soldier had managed to discover a pocket of air - after making an amazing 90 ft dive completely unaided.
  • Here she paused as for another, a last look at her father, and her expression seemed to say to him unaidedly that, much as she would have preferred to proceed to her act without this gross disorder, she could yet find inspiration too in the very difficulty and the old faiths themselves that he left her to struggle with. The Outcry
  • But Mr Brownrigg, who, I must say, had taken more pains than might have been expected of him to make himself acquainted with the legalities of his office, did not fail to call a vestry, to which, as usual, no one had responded; whereupon he imposed a rate according to his own unaided judgment. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
  • ` ` Seeing that the tasimeter is affected by a wider range of etheric undulations than the eye can take cognizance of, and is withal far more acutely sensitive, the probabilities are that it will open up hitherto inaccessible regions of space, and possibly extend the range of aerial knowledge as far beyond the limit obtained by the telescope as that is beyond the narrow reach of unaided vision. '' Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 1
  • Our nobly intended welfare programs may be encouraging dysgenics-retrogressive evolution through disproportionate reproduction of the genetically disadvantage … We fear that 'fatuous beliefs' in the power of welfare money, unaided by eugenic foresight, may contribute to a decline of human quality for all segments of society. Climate Progress
  • Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.
  • The Bible once received, science can furnish abundant illustrations of the attributes of the Being therein revealed; but even with all the illumination which has been the immediate or secondary result of Christianity, man is hopeless without its authority, and I would not give the slightest shadow of support to that irreverent presumption which, guided by what it calls the unaided light of nature, would construct a system of religion out of passions, intuitions, and I know not what absurdity. Religion and Chemistry
  • Another man -- for the sake of human nature we would fain wish him to be the same -- affirmed that unaided he had "despatched" eighty Huguenots in one day. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • Three months before she died she became only the second person to climb Everest unaided by either Sherpas or bottled oxygen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victims often end up on a ventilator in intensive care, with some unable to breathe unaided for three months or more. Times, Sunday Times
  • If mucus plugs became very watery, your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out.
  • He suffered irreparable brain damage and it would be almost another decade before he would walk unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should be also noted that students from unaided schools perform better in competitive examinations.
  • Complete "locked-in syndrome," which is sometimes characterized as "living eyes in a dead body" and was the condition described by Jean-Dominique Bauby in The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, [1] is identified by tetraplegia (the paralysis of all four limbs), paralytic mutism (an inability to speak), the oculomotor deviation known as lateral gaze palsy, and the inability to breathe unaided. The Case of Theresa Schiavo
  • As the truth is generally found to be fumewhere about in th« niddle between two oppofiie extremes, we think ihofe in grneril approach, neareA to it, who checking the impetuofiry of theic Wifhes, and doubtful of the force of reafoning unaided by ex - pcrinientil i £ts, prorie-d with a cautious difE'. cnce in ihtir rr - The Monthly Review
  • The unaided eye is sensitive to just one octave out of the vast spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that exists in the universe.
  • He insisted on walking unaided for treatment, recovered and was able to join the royal family at Balmoral that October.
  • The grouping of the five became visible by the unaided eye around April 20.
  • Awareness campaigns maximize target audience reach and frequency, and then measure the key statistics such as unaided awareness, aided awareness and recall of key messages. Scott Carter
  • They are hidden, invisible to the unaided eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are we justified in concluding, then, that in the "good old times" of our great-grandmothers -- that idyllic time when women must have been at least free from the reproach that they, solely and unaided, were destroying the hopes of the race -- that myopic, hypermetropic and astigmatic eyes were not in existence? The Education of American Girls
  • If they are unable to breathe unaided after being on life support for one week, it should be withdrawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • There he climbed a pyramid, becoming the one of the first people to climb to the top unaided.
  • Usually, once the experts are on hand it is easy to put things right, however unappealing your unaided attempts at composting may seem.
  • More useful were sessions with Madame Mansouri, a physiotherapist, who was indefatigable in her attempts to get Kit to sit up unaided, to roll over and to crawl.
  • So she resolved to bring him up unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contact the Elderly brings a bond of friendship to elderly people who cannot easily get out unaided and therefore lack social support.
  • From taking her first faltering steps earlier this year she is now able to walk unaided.
  • Of the eight objects in our solar system that are indisputably planets, five are readily visible to the unaided eye and were known to the ancients, as well as to observant troglodytes.
  • Vang's temporary disability is not actual leglessness not that there's anything wrong with that, eh? but the inability to walk unaided: For the last month I have been walking with the help of crutches, a wheelchair and cast. Life without legs
  • Once made explicit in this way judgment policies can be used to help reach a consensus when unaided discussion fails.
  • By the way, there's a second galaxy — M33, in the constellation Triangulum – that some experienced observers have glimpsed with the unaided eye, under perfect sky conditions.
  • There he amazed supportive medical staff by training himself to breathe unaided for up to four hours a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the more subtle the judgement, the greater the dangers inherent in reliance on unaided intuition.
  • You've ambulated, you've taken an unaided shit, and the Utilization Management coordinator just wrote your discharge order. Blogtimore, Hon
  • This kind of boned chicken may be very well for the mental invalid, but the ordinary child prefers to separate his meat from the "drumstick" by his own unaided effort, and there is no doubt that it is better for him to do so. A Librarian's Open Shelf
  • Individualism - the belief that the individual alone and unaided is entitled to determine what is good or bad and to separate truth or falsehood - is a prevailing attitude.
  • The youngster, who is confined to a wheelchair, is unable to breathe or swallow unaided and the only parts unaffected are her brain, heart, eyes and ears.
  • To walk unaided three tentative steps from mother's to father's arms is a cause for high celebration and congratulation.
  • She was found to be unhurt and was able to walk unaided.
  • Today, on his third visit, Jason coaxed her to stand upright unaided (no grabrail) from her wheelchair.
  • After the race, he could hardly stand unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rodents and four Insectivora, including a shrew-mouse and six squirrels, whose unaided passage over twenty miles of sea is even more inconceivable than that of the larger animals. The Malay Archipelago
  • Little “d” deaf refers to the audiological condition of hearing impairment, where a deaf person cannot perceive the unaided auditory signal to understand speech. Fishbird : “Bob’s House”: SuperBowl 2008 (revisited)
  • This kind of boned chicken may be very well for the mental invalid, but the ordinary child prefers to separate his meat from the "drumstick" by his own unaided effort, and there is no doubt that it is better for him to do so. A Librarian's Open Shelf
  • 'But there!' he said, 'you've penetrated into the heart of the mystery unaided and unannealed, as the saying goes. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary Part 2: More Ghost Stories
  • The longer you leave your hearing unaided the more your brain is deprived of auditory stimulus. Times, Sunday Times
  • So she resolved to bring him up unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had bravely hobbled home, unaided, ignored, to seek out the ministrations of wife and daughter.
  • Very interesting, but I think I'll stick to my unaided verbality, thanks. VERBAL BRAINZAP.
  • The thorough-bred native has no idea of organization on a large scale, hence a successful revolution is not possible if confined to his own class unaided by others, such as Creoles and foreigners. The Philippine Islands
  • Part of the constellation Puppis, the star is a tad too faint to see with the unaided eye.
  • In the UK, an appliance means a surgical garment allowing hernia sufferers to walk about unaided.
  • But at present, for the reasons already stated, it is almost unknown in the cattle country; and the ranchman who loves sport must try still-hunting—and by still-hunting is meant pretty much every kind of chase where a single man, unaided by a dog, and almost always on foot, outgenerals a deer and kills it with the rifle. V. The Black-Tail Deer
  • It's surprising how many mistakes an otherwise intelligent person can make when left to execute a document unaided.
  • The indulgence shewn by the Public to Evelina, which, unpatronized, unaided, and unowned, past through Four Editions in one Year, has encouraged its Author to risk this SECOND attempt. Cecilia
  • Ten years ago, Pen Hadow vowed to trek to the North Pole alone and unaided.
  • So she resolved to bring him up unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has merit and has achieved thigh power alone and unaided.
  • The bubbles then expand to a much larger size, about 6,000 microns, or millionths of a meter - large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.
  • To the northwest, the descendants of the Atlanteans, climbing unaided from apedom into primitive savagery, have not yet met the conquerors. The Coming of Conan The Cimmerian
  • Braedon helped out Hannah quite often, since the old woman was riddled with arthritis and unable to perform even the most basic tasks unaided.
  • In some cases, the film is extremely thin and may be invisible to the unaided eye, but it is still very effective in giving these metals a marked passivity.
  • Although able to walk unaided, David often has to use a wheelchair.
  • Since then pupils have had to use the zebra crossing outside the school gates unaided to cross the busy A4 road.
  • The existence of God can be proved by the unaided reason.
  • This allows them to dive totally unaided to depths of 75 ft - without snorkels, flippers or air cylinders.
  • Aristocratic employers generally scorned laboursaving appliances, which meant maids had to scrub and sweep for hours unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new steps allow her to walk unaided into the water, where she can exercise her arms and legs while lying on a special mat to keep her afloat.
  • But they are not in "unselected," widely ranging mankind always equal (in their unaided natural state) to their task. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • For starters, try scanning for the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye or binoculars.
  • His condition improved until by October 1993 he could walk awkwardly, unaided.
  • Since 1744, when I left Rome, I have run many risks, encountered many perils, and endured many vicissitudes of fortune, unaided by those from whom I had the right to expect assistance, unsuccoured even by My Father. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • The two explorers attempted an unaided walk across the South Pole.
  • Assume for example that they did 3 excellent, methodologically sound studies on this topic and 2 of them indicated “zero increase in unaided recall”. Internet Radio Trying to Carve Out a Future
  • Bobbie can no longer walk unaided and has difficulty talking while her sister Danni is now beginning to lose her balance and her ability to speak.
  • his first unaided walk through the park
  • If his primitive state was his natural state, and if the political state is supernatural, preternatural, or subnatural, how passed he alone, by his own unaided powers, from the former to the latter? The American Republic : constitution, tendencies and destiny
  • Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.
  • Victims often end up on a ventilator in intensive care, with some unable to breathe unaided for three months or more. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was extremely thick - my spoon was able to stand unaided - and looked rather like baby food, but it was quite tasty.
  • However, the more subtle the judgement, the greater the dangers inherent in reliance on unaided intuition.
  • So after two bottles on an empty stomach, you lose the ability to stand up unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, he exercised his lungs so he could breathe unaided for short periods. The Sun
  • What kind of doctors are we training who have never had to undertake a clinic unaided or cope alone with an unexpected event during surgery?
  • It's surprising how many mistakes an otherwise intelligent person can make when left to execute a document unaided.
  • The cluster Praesepe in Cancer is visible on a clear night to the unaided eye as a small nebula. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • Un is prefixed to all participles made privative adjectives, as unfeeling, unassisting, unaided, undelighted, unendeared. A Grammar of the English Tongue
  • Parents have to answer serious charges by a number of authority figures unaided, unrepresented, and in a potentially frightening environment.
  • Mrs Southworth, who has had a metal pin and plate inserted into her foot, is on crutches and will not be able to walk unaided for many months.
  • To walk unaided three tentative steps from mother's to father's arms is a cause for high celebration and congratulation.
  • What kind of doctors are we training who have never had to undertake a clinic unaided or cope alone with an unexpected event during surgery?
  • Once made explicit in this way judgment policies can be used to help reach a consensus when unaided discussion fails.
  • Indeed, most people put trees up at home almost entirely unaided except by the odd six year old.
  • My telescope gathers about 2,000 times as much light as the unaided eye, enough to activate the cone cells in the human retina, so some color appears.
  • I was ready to carry that piano down the stairs unaided. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Few tricks of the unsophisticated intellect are more curious than the naïve psychology of the business man, who ascribes his achievements to his own unaided efforts, in bland unconsciousness of a social order without whose continuous support and vigilant protection he would be as a lamb bleating in the desert," wrote the great economic historian R.H. Tawney in 1926. Jim Sleeper: Behind The Snarking About OWS
  • She would pray for him, sitting up in bed unaided, her head lifted, her voice steady.
  • My wife, who thinks about these things, ensured my daughter was wearing her elasticated shorts, so she could mange her bathroom visits unaided.
  • Good color does not spring unaided from the mind of even the most experienced practitioner onto the object without some testing and adjustment. reference Even if the large number of trials cited in many petitions was exaggerated for effect, the need for repeated tests was certainly true. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • We willed him to breathe unaided, to swallow, to lift a finger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which means that everything you see here - every last bit of it - I worked out for myself, entirely unaided.
  • Captain Fannicot, a bold and impatient bourgeois, a sort of condottiere of the order of those whom we have just characterized, a fanatical and intractable governmentalist, could not resist the temptation to fire prematurely, and the ambition of capturing the barricade alone and unaided, that is to say, with his company. Les Miserables
  • The Queen Mother was taken to hospital yesterday in a royal Daimler and was able to negotiate the three steps into the building unaided.
  • For starters, try scanning for Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye or binoculars.
  • It is a cave of bus and train timetables, tickets, and socks so used that they can stand up unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surgery in 1999 left her unable to speak or breathe unaided. The Sun
  • Attempting to get a dog to stand still on scales in the vets is a skill indeed! ssheppard: A txt message from Alan to let me know our mermaid swam her first width of the pool unaided today, makes for a very proud mummy. ssheppard: Tiredness has set in after a late night out on a school night. ssheppard: Driving home from Brighton after seeing Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds! ssheppard: Looking forward to a weekend with friends and family! ssheppard: Last email sent for week. March « 2009 « Samantha Sheppard
  • Unaided by some kind of equipment, a person cannot grind down the surface of a rock; that's why a field geologist carries a hammer.
  • Indian evolved the notion unaided; but the result was that poor Colonel Maximilian in Mexico
  • She can sit up straight, is able to stand unaided for short periods, and has been writing Christmas cards to her friends.
  • There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided.
  • Amie is completely immobile she can't walk or sit up unaided.
  • He suffered irreparable brain damage and it would be almost another decade before he would walk unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • This course was adopted, partly from a regard to the wishes of individuals, which prevented the divulgement of names in some instances, and partly from an inclination to risk the several articles on their own merits, unaided by the previous reputation of the writers. Preface to _The Keepsake_ for 1828
  • The spectacular reappearance of the planet - emersion - should be plainly visible to the unaided eye.
  • Next month they will attempt to become the first group including amputees to reach the North Pole unaided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did she produce this work unaided?
  • Now he struggles to walk unaided and is trapped in a house totally unsuitable to his needs. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the tests were completed, Soeharto walked unaided from the hospital to a waiting Volkswagen minivan.
  • It was not unusual for him, unaided, to drink two bottles of wine in as many hours.
  • And so it is that I leave Frank Cole to ponder the karmic mysteries of life, unaided by my good self.
  • With the fugue, music, unaided by words, was held together by its own innate strength; it became a self-sustaining One subject was generally taken; others -- oftenest one, sometimes more -- were added; all the subjects were passed about from part to part until the end of the composition, with the interspersion of passages called "episodes" for the sake of Haydn
  • At this point-blank range Bradley could just detect, with his unaided ears, a piccololike subharmonic as the robot scanned the obstacle ahead, and tried to identify it. The Ghost from the Grand Banks
  • Made an unaided attempt to climb the sheer cliff.
  • Captain Fannicot, a bold and impatient bourgeois, a sort of condottiere of the order of those whom we have just characterized, a fanatical and intractable governmentalist, could not resist the temptation to fire prematurely, and the ambition of capturing the barricade alone and unaided, that is to say, with his company. Les Miserables
  • a fanatical and intractable governmentalist, could not resist the temptation to fire prematurely, and the ambition of capturing the barricade alone and unaided, that is to say, with his company. Les Misérables
  • Regional development offices may simply return the £15 billion they cost and ask us to struggle on unaided by their conferences in Bali .... contd. pg. Ooo I`m Scared

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