How To Use Unaffected In A Sentence

  • Pray: Lord, teach me to live my life unaffectedly—just like a child who is completely secure in the love of a benevolent parent. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • Seventy per cent of households will be better off or unaffected by our plans.
  • On the other hand, the wealthiest members of our society are relatively unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The position of those outside the regulator would remain unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crucially, this advice does not extend to resorts in the Red Sea such as Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, where the vast majority of British holidaymakers are based because they are "a very considerable distance from the affected areas and these resorts remain unaffected". The Guardian World News
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  • The two real drivers for growth remain unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of beta-glucan preparations were seen to "significantly increase" the paste viscosities of the rice starch suspensions during pasting; pasting temperatures were decreased with oat and curdlan beta-glucans but were unaffected by the barley and yeast beta-glucans. NutraIngredients-USA RSS
  • Rashford is said to have remained gloriously unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, adolescents who held more favorable attitudes toward drinking were relatively unaffected by the program and did not abstain or moderate their alcohol consumption.
  • It converts fibrinogen to fibrin, and unlike thrombin, is unaffected by heparin.
  • He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.
  • Before applying anything to the affected area you should first test it on an unaffected area of skin. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • A potential limitation of using both affected and unaffected sibs in family-based association testing, as we did in our study, is that some unaffecteds may actually be misclassified undiagnosed, subclinical cases.
  • The “Interior of Willesden Church” is excellent as a composition, and a piece of artistical workmanship; the groups are well arranged; and the figure of Mrs. Sheppard looking round alarmed, as her son is robbing the dandy Kneebone, is charming, simple, and unaffected. George Cruikshank
  • The changes are expected to enable the method to provide accurate readings that are unaffected by skin color or body fat.
  • On the other hand, the wealthiest members of our society are relatively unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their manners and movements are unaffected and elegant; they dress in exquisite taste; and with a grace peculiarly their own, their manners have a fascination and witchery which is perfectly irresistible. The Englishwoman in America
  • The problem is not with Jones, who gives a natural and unaffected performance, but with her character's story.
  • Departure and arrival times at Lerwick and Aberdeen will be unaffected.
  • Vardalos has a delicate charm and an unaffected style of acting.
  • This cautious strategy allows Frankie to remain in a cocoon, unaffected by the encumbrances of getting close to other people.
  • She stood with easy fluency, unaffected by the few strikes he had landed on her.
  • Blair writes unaffectedly and charts her personal growth with honest self-deprecation.
  • Under the assumption that landforms unaffected by drainage channels are degraded according to the linear diffusion equation, a procedure is developed to invert a scarp profile to find its ‘diffusion age.’
  • The radioactive properties of the metal are exactly the ones that can be forecast on the assumption that the radioactivity of the salts is an atomic property of the radium which is unaffected by the state of combination. Marie Curie - Nobel Lecture
  • Three hundred staff at Philips' remaining two operations in Ireland will be unaffected by the move.
  • They were unaffected by the odours of other chemicals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The present system of sentence indications in return for guilty pleas and discounts for early pleas is largely unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Council spokesman assured residents services would be unaffected by the political vacuum.
  • His attitudes have remained largely unaffected by changes in fashion.
  • The current treatment involves taking skin samples from unaffected areas and putting them through a meshing machine to expand the tissue.
  • For example, since utilities can largely pass on cost increases, it is not surprising that they are relatively unaffected by fluctuations in inflation. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Others have benefited from a spirit of cooperation, with unaffected companies throwing open their doors to rivals.
  • The dot location task, which involves predominantly the right hemisphere, was expected to remain unaffected.
  • Inquiries and lettings are proceeding apace, seemingly unaffected by the referendum. Times, Sunday Times
  • In ordinary circumstances when windsails, fanners, or other powers have been introduced with the view of promoting ventilation, they have in general acted locally, with various effect, influencing powerfully the state of the atmosphere at one place, while in others it remained comparatively unaffected.
  • Because the complex series of articulations of the shoulder allows a wide range of motion, the affected extremity should be compared with the unaffected side to determine the patient's normal range.
  • But instead, she remained silent, calm, composed and unaffected.
  • He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.
  • With an affectionate and admiring smile on his own face, he has written an unaffected biography of an unaffected great man.
  • The whole valley seemed to be under a spell, in a timeless past unaffected by world events.
  • Gluzman played the songful Violin Sonata with unaffected musicality and sensitive lyricism.
  • The windlass lies unaffected by more than a century of submersion.
  • The north remained largely unaffected by the drought.
  • It involves our acknowledgment that the existence of such phenomena entails certain responsibilities for those who remain unaffected by them.
  • I note that book publishing itself is becoming much more honest, truthful, unimpeachable, authentic, and precise about everything from numbers of books sold to the unvarnished, unexaggerated, unerring, and unaffected stories it tells as all who toil and sweat in this scrupulous business strive as best we can to maintain the veracious sheen-of-sham and hocus pocus so inherently attached like Superglue to our equivocated reputations for flimflam and fiddle-dee-dee. Obscure Books, Part II - Paper Cuts Blog -
  • To account for this effect, when there was more than one unaffected sibling we selected the one furthest in age from the index case.
  • Further north still, the Cassley is obviously unaffected, as they have already taken two springers this season.
  • Growers aren't sure why the cotton is difficult to get off this year, even though quality is unaffected.
  • It often affects more than one part of the bowel leaving normal, unaffected areas in-between.
  • This virtual neighborhood of white sharks within a protected area offers something found nowhere else on earth: the chance to study them in their natural environment, unaffected by chumming or baiting.
  • In contrast, other areas that are also receiving acid precipitation, but have limestone and calcareous sandstone, contain lakes whose pH values are essentially unaffected by acid precipitation.
  • He appeared totally unaffected by this experience.
  • Unaffected countries have already banned imports of live birds and meat.
  • Her weight-loss programmes have been unaffected as they are run by more than 170 independent franchisees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tommy seemed unaffected by the tension that crackled through the holding.
  • No regions of the genome exhibited nonrandom segregation of any markers in the unaffected females tested.
  • But only one expression beamed on the five sunburnt and shining faces -- a look of unaffected boyish gratification and unrestricted welcome. Devil's Ford
  • He was, according to one of his many illustrious pupils, ‘a charming teacher, so simple, unaffected and sincere in manner, so chaste in style, so clear in demonstration’.
  • She seemed totally unaffected by what she'd drunk.
  • She has 20% hearing in her left ear and 80% in her right, but this is barely perceptible because her speech is unaffected and she lip-reads (she does not use a hearing aid).
  • She was seemingly unaffected by his presence.
  • His pace remains unaffected in short bursts, while his left-arm angle and variations add to the threat. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, the essence of the thing is to have simple, unaffected people; the poseur is the ruin of genial intercourse, unless he is The Upton Letters
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and The Journal of Applied Ecology, UK both agree that in studies of upland lambing, lamb losses were unaffected by the presence of foxes.
  • Treaties bind consenting parties only, and strangers to any treaty are legally unaffected by it.
  • People's rights are unaffected by the new law.
  • The judgment of the court, delivered by Scott LJ, was to the effect that the contractual right was unaffected.
  • The cleavage pattern of the remainder of the insert is unaffected by the antibiotic.
  • We must keep in mind, moreover, that many things that happen even in one same body escape the notice of the entire being, especially when the bulk is large: thus in huge sea-beasts, it is said, the animal as a whole will be quite unaffected by some membral accident too slight to traverse the organism. The Six Enneads.
  • Guyenne et Gascogne said any merger or takeover would be realized using a reference share price, unaffected by recent press reports and market talk. Carrefour in Talks With Guyenne et Gascogne for Tie-Up
  • Before applying anything to the affected area you should first test it on an unaffected area of skin. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • Refreshingly frank and unaffected, he loves a chat and concedes that he's often hyper.
  • Rashford is said to have remained gloriously unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lines stand as they stand, reading precisely, unaffectedly and naturally, giving the sense of life as it is, or ‘just as it happened.’
  • The common honeysuckle, _Lonicera Periclymenum_, is one of these, and it is noticeable in this plant that the calyx remains unaffected -- a circumstance which Morren says shows the distinctness of virescence from frondescence; for, in this instance, we have the most foliaceous portion of the flower remaining unchanged, while the corolla and other organs, usually less leaf-like in their nature, assume a green colour; but this may rather be attributed to the axial nature of the so-called adherent calyx. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • We like her unaffected beauty, a beauty that is squared and cubed when she moves. Times, Sunday Times
  • But life continued in a strangely unaffected way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medicare Part B and Medicaid payments to physicians generally are unaffected by a gainsharing arrangement.
  • But it appears to have left infrastructure networks, oil refineries and other sensitive targets unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only superficial damage was incurred and the stands and playing surface were unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • York is a large city with a population of more than 200,000 and the majority of its residential areas remain unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oddly, its performance seems unaffected by whether it's loaded.
  • For example, since utilities can largely pass on cost increases, it is not surprising that they are relatively unaffected by fluctuations in inflation. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • In folio 145, he described, for the first time, in medical history, a haemorrhagic disease transmitted by unaffected women to their male children - today we call it haemophilia.
  • fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment
  • Her later works are sometimes diffuse and sententious, without the unaffected charm of her pre-war books.
  • It is dangerous for youth to behold beauty in the pomp of all her charms, with every look bent upon conquest — more dangerous to see her in the hour of unaffected and unapprehensive ease and simplicity, yielding herself to the graceful whim of the moment, and as willing to be pleased as desirous of pleasing. Anne of Geierstein
  • Professionals and employees in industries that remain relatively unaffected by the economy can often borrow more.
  • We always tend to forget the simple fact that we can make no progress if a majority of us remain unaffected by our grandiose developmental efforts.
  • The rest of the eurozone has been largely unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mordant still had to penetrate the fiber — a good printed fabric, like any good dyed fabric, was colored as evenly on the reverse as on the face — but had to remain unaffected by capillary action. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The legal position and disabilities of illegitimates remained largely unchanged until late in the 20th century, unaffected by the family law reforms of the 1920s and the general loosening of standards during the two world wars.
  • Refreshingly frank and unaffected, he loves a chat and concedes that he's often hyper.
  • Up in the Visitors' Gallery, Cherie Blair - seemingly unaffected by having planted a kiss on Charles Clarke's grizzly chin in the Lobby on the way in - looked on approvingly.
  • The windlass lies unaffected by more than a century of submersion.
  • These forests were largely unaffected by the disafforestations made by Richard I and John, and the communities within them suffered from John's increasingly rigorous imposition of forest law.
  • Moreover, it is often difficult to tell that a counterproof was taken from a pastel, because to the untutored eye the original pastel's surface remains largely unaffected.
  • We like her unaffected beauty, a beauty that is squared and cubed when she moves. Times, Sunday Times
  • I always enjoyed working with non-professionals, because their performances are very natural and unaffected.
  • He also said the industry's claims that tourism would be unaffected were as spurious as its claims about property prices.
  • His dignified person and agreeable countenance, with the most unaffected affability gave me high satisfaction.
  • Although birch germination was unaffected by patch type, birch survivorship also was lower in bluestem and aspen than in horsetail.
  • The youngster, who is confined to a wheelchair, is unable to breathe or swallow unaided and the only parts unaffected are her brain, heart, eyes and ears.
  • Gametogenesis appeared to be unaffected by hypophysectomy suggesting that the hagfish gonad was independent of hypophysial gonadotropic control.
  • Ilsa too is fresh-faced, much less mysterious in her motives; only Victor's storybook idealism is chiefly unaffected by the full lighting.
  • The southbound carriageways of both roads remained unaffected.
  • Investigators yesterday insisted that the inside of the hotel was largely unaffected. The Sun
  • Shifts in the field of view directly affected displacement output, but density increment and strain, being differential quantities, were unaffected.
  • Still, his charm and unaffected eccentricity are infectious, and we enjoy his chat.
  • She has said that she tries to sound natural and unaffected, and that's a laudable goal.
  • The present system of sentence indications in return for guilty pleas and discounts for early pleas is largely unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • It hopes to keep some areas open that are unaffected by the works such as the health suite and some dryside facilities.
  • He had an easy, unaffected manner and a complete involvement with the problems of the person before him.
  • Black sponges are unaffected by solar UV, due to photoprotective pigmentation.
  • Observations on the pure pentoses -- xylose and arabinose added to dextrose solutions, and then exposed to yeast action -- show that in a vigorous fermentation not unduly prolonged the pentoses are unaffected, but that they do come within the influence of the yeast-cell when the latter is in a less vigorous condition, and when the hexoses are not present in relatively large proportion. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Putras seems unaffected and unconcerned, as if it is then of no interest to him.
  • This always looked overdone, and as it happened the amount of appetite from retailers for space seems to have been largely unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The family members spoke in honest, unaffected ways about their grief and heartache. Christianity Today
  • Last month the Belgian financial newspaper De Tijd started trying the Dutch-developed iLiad e-reader, a portable device which boasts “digital ink” that allows the screen to remain unaffected by full sunlight and offers a writing experience similar to paper. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Electronic tablets
  • The thermal and electrical conductivity of copper are relatively unaffected by small amounts of either silver or cadmium.
  • Agriculture Minister Nick Brown said measures are now in place to start moving animals from areas unaffected by foot-and-mouth to abattoirs.
  • They were totally unaffected by money and totally together. The Sun
  • Some members of the family may remain unaffected by the disease.
  • Before applying anything to the affected area you should first test it on an unaffected area of skin. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • I have come to accept Joe AliTs premise that not a single species is unaffected by the rot taking place.
  • The patient pulls the sweater over his head and then puts the unaffected arm into its sleeve.
  • A disc brake is essentially unaffected by the elements and works just as well rain or shine. The Makings of a Perfect Seattle Commuter Bike « PubliCola
  • Police sources now fear an upsurge in violence in areas which have previously been relatively unaffected by serious crime.
  • The temperament becomes more unilateral, unaffected by the wants and desires of others.
  • Red Indians, while they were still unaffected by white men, would smoke their pipes, not calmly as we do, but orgiastically, inhaling so deeply that they sank into a faint. Bertrand Russell - Nobel Lecture
  • But on the face of it there was a seamless transfer with rents being paid by the same system and services unaffected.
  • Britain's economic strength remains unaffected. The Sun
  • Investors in these closed-end funds are unaffected by a freeze on withdrawals. Times, Sunday Times
  • By comparison with conventional ballscrew or linear motion systems, the Compact EHA is free from problems of backlash and does not require any form of gearing, so it is unaffected by wear and the loss of positional accuracy. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • A man of great integrity and unaffected charm, Moore was held in almost universally high esteem.
  • Affected children inevitably attract more than their fair share of parental attention which can cause problems with unaffected siblings.
  • Deletion of the gene encoding maltase causes a nonfermentable phenotype but maltose induction of maltose permease is unaffected, indicating that this enzyme is not required for induction but only for utilization of maltose.
  • The former trade unionist with a ready smile appears to have survived unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • an unaffected grace
  • Treaties bind consenting parties only, and strangers to any treaty are legally unaffected by it.
  • Between one and three percent of the Amish people of Lancaster County Pennsylvania are believed to be unaffected carriers of the disease, having just one copy of the altered gene.
  • Its life, strong, splendid and multitudinous, is everywhere flavoured with that unaffected pessimism and constitutional melancholy which strike deepest root under the brightest skies and which sigh in the face of heaven: — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parents'divorce.
  • The platoon in the unaffected pass began to reposition onto the flank of the enemy forces, which took approximately 20 minutes.
  • The scale of the job losses indicate that Ireland remains largely unaffected by the international downturn which has forced US multinational companies to reduce headcounts.
  • She seemed totally unaffected by what she'd drunk.
  • An alternative surface level crossing is also available, so road crossing is unaffected.
  • All trains cancelled, the whiteboard read in marker unaffected by the last decade. “Downtown this time? ” Dawn asked. 365 tomorrows » Kathy Kachelries : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Painter Philip Oliver Hale depicts the composer in Ades' London home reclining-at once elegantly refined and unaffectedly insouciant-on an armchair with his feet resting upon an ottoman.
  • Only superficial damage was incurred and the stands and playing surface were unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, I say my bike was completely unaffected - I had to stop a few miles down the course and completely retighten my mudguard bolts, as they were rattling like mad and doing my head in.
  • It is a splendid combination, pluck and daring in their highest degree, with an unaffected and earnest regard to religion and religious duties, -- in short, muscularity with Christianity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 58, August, 1862
  • It's one of the great social taboos and seems utterly unaffected by progress in other areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their 40 employees, based at a call centre in Newport Street, will be unaffected by the sale.
  • People's rights are unaffected by the new law.
  • It's one of the great social taboos and seems utterly unaffected by progress in other areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other cell types found in the brain, such as oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, were unaffected.
  • There is almost no area of economic activity that will remain unaffected over the next three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, cell cycle length was unaffected by this treatment, notwithstanding the presence of a small peak in the curve at 14 h.
  • Despite her glamour she was never a prima donna, and the memory of her vocal clarity and unaffected piety will endure.
  • Only two outstanding matters remained to be finalised on this issue - the wage structure accompanying the multi-skilling and employee flexibility component of the new arrangement, and the wage structure to apply to identified groups of employees who will be unaffected by the new broadbanding approach. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The problem is not with Jones, who gives a natural and unaffected performance, but with her character's story.
  • The Gulf of Thailand was unaffected by the disaster, and all resorts are open.
  • There is something disarming, even charming about him, an unaffected, innocent air.
  • Keep _A_ for comparison, and to _B_ add saliva, and expose both to about 104° F. _A_ is unaffected, while _B_ soon becomes fluid -- within two minutes -- and loses its opalescence; this liquefaction is a process quite antecedent to the saccharifying process which follows. A Practical Physiology
  • The skins had been left behind so that the unaffected people could give their sick friends all the help they needed. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • They say: 'We want to see people unaffected by modern life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calcium was nearly unaffected and, under potassium limitation, it represented the major cation in xylem sap.
  • He finds better health-care plays in stocks like St. Jude Medical Inc. and Boston Scientific Corp., medical-device makers tied to nonelective care; and in stocks of skilled-nursing and long-term care facilities such as Kindred Healthcare Inc. and Sun Healthcare Group Inc., which benefit from an aging populace unaffected by unemployment. Jobless Recovery Would Call for Nuanced Investing
  • The people who influence us most are not those who buttonhole us and talk to us but those who live their lives like the stars in the heaven and the lilies in the field, perfectly simple and unaffectedly. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • Because of this she is a totally natural, unaffected presenter who is deeply restful to watch. Times, Sunday Times
  • He greeted me with unaffected warmth.
  • As long as the sun continues to shine and the wind to blow, the supply of renewables remains unaffected by foreign-oil cartels or greedy manipulators.
  • There won't be a single family in the country unaffected, there will be bloodshed, treachery, espionage, murder, pogroms and massacres.
  • entirely unaffected by each other's writings
  • Since then they have had a perfect breeding season and are spreading to areas that were unaffected by the floods. Times, Sunday Times
  • They say: 'We want to see people unaffected by modern life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Affected children inevitably attract more than their fair share of parental attention which can cause problems with unaffected siblings.
  • Treaties bind consenting parties only, and strangers to any treaty are legally unaffected by it.
  • The lower unit, the Gneiss Group, is unaffected by Alpine deformation and is regarded as the autochthonous basement of the northern Apennines.
  • Others, mainly those trying to reach the United States or Asia, were heading for largely unaffected southern European airports, such as those in Spain, in the hope of buying new tickets and boarding transatlantic and transpacific flights. Europeans unravel travel mess caused by Iceland volcano
  • Both will be looking for strong figures as last month was unaffected by the strikes or ash cloud disruption of earlier this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • What Shahzad means to emphasize is that suffering doesn't matter to him; he is unaffected no matter what the court would throw at him. Yursil Kidwai: Time Square Bomber: Theological Confusion & Hypocrisy in Action
  • I was convinced we'd punctured, but somehow the tyres, and the suspension, remained unaffected.
  • Depending on the resonant or natural frequency of the atom and the frequency of the incoming wave, the emitted photon will have changed phase when compared to it's unaffected brethren.
  • Gas supplies in the area were unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was based on antiquated natural history; he was unaffected by mechanism or Newtonianism.
  • There is almost no area of economic activity that will remain unaffected over the next three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Umm… hello, the world just ended, everyone seems bizarrely unaffected, like the predicted deep freeze has already reached their brains.
  • She was seemingly unaffected by his presence.
  • Britain's economic strength remains unaffected. The Sun
  • The endless plains continued unbroken and unaffected by political boundaries.
  • The pistil was unaffected in some cases, while in some others it was entirely wanting, the gynophore being surmounted by a cup-like involucre, divided into three acutely pointed lobes, each with a midrib; these encircled a series of stalked involucels, as before, and among which were scattered Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Sloppily, however, it chose to illustrate its television reports with footage of Gatwick, which is unaffected by the dispute. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Wood coated with varnish will not dry out and split, will not absorb moisture and rot, is unaffected by dirt and pollution, and will be unstained, by oily or greasy spills.
  • The position of those outside the regulator would remain unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ramona Simms - Gorgeously attired in head hankey and with an attractive unaffected insouciant wiggle, the girl from Ipanemah was oblivious to the admiring glance s she received from passers by … Archive 2007-03-11
  • The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parents'divorce.
  • Measurements are made with the coating or plating in place, results are unaffected by the substrate material, and overcoating the test sample is unnecessary.

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