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How To Use Unadorned In A Sentence

  • First, his performances of musical masterpieces are spare and unadorned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typical two-slice serving of plain, unadorned cheese pizza packs about a half a day's worth of saturated fat.
  • Man-Made is a lazy, hazy exercise in unadorned songcraft, packed with melodies that insinuate themselves with sweet simplicity.
  • The costume concept for the entire program consisted of leotards and unitards, unadorned and brightly colored or adorned in various ways that spelled economy but not always high ingenuity.
  • The concrete walls are largely unadorned, but in places are tinted dull pink or blue and clad in horizontal slats of dark tropical hardwood.
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  • Minimalists will love the temple stone garden in which sawn tree trunks weave a path through unadorned gravel.
  • That room unadorned with pictures or curtains looks bare.
  • The Italians are wearing black robes with ornate gold braid on their shoulders; the British, horsehair wigs; the Dutch and French, simple, unadorned black robes.
  • The design is an exercise in restraint, from the unadorned raised back to the discreet rope moulded rim, to the gentle curve of the sabre supports that end on paw feet.
  • Kocher delivers concentrated doses of unadorned reality - not necessarily harsh and brutal but hardly always pretty, either.
  • At first listen, all the songs are fragile things, built from simple acoustic instruments and unadorned arrangements.
  • A belltower supported a large, unadorned cross of rough whitewashed timber. Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 4.1 of 31.1
  • The story is recounted in her usual unadorned style.
  • If you were to drive due east of the warm, coastal snowbird capital of Fort Myers, Florida, you'd soon find yourself in the midst of a sprawling grid of unadorned streets and quarter-acre lots collectively known as Lehigh Acres. Raymond Schillinger: Lehigh Acres, Florida: A Parable of the American Dream Gone Bust
  • The door was plain and unadorned, but its size indicated its importance.
  • The hilt of the rapier was unadorned, wrapped with plain sharkskin, like so many weapons were that are from seaside towns.
  • The British workshops, which employed the local craftsmen, mainly produced sturdy, unadorned Georgian tableware.
  • We are hardly used to being told the unadorned truth.
  • Many of the windows are unadorned, leaving the views unobstructed.
  • It is our taste to pursue the authenticity of the medieval through a naked, unadorned style. Times, Sunday Times
  • A staircase of 240 stone steps leads to the top of the hill, where, above and behind all the stateliness of the shrines raised in his honour, the dust of Iyeyasu sleeps in an unadorned but Cyclopean tomb of stone and bronze, surmounted by a bronze urn. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • Thus, his designs emphasised the unadorned colours and textures of metal and concrete, and often left structures such as pipes and ducts visible. Times, Sunday Times
  • While explanatory texts are frustratingly short and few, photographs showing the white-robed monks serving meals in the unadorned white-walled refectory, studying in the book-lined scriptorium and making mustard and face cream in their new workhouse convey better than any script the fullness of experience possible in even the sparest settings. The Pared Minimum
  • Simple, unadorned lifestyles will become cutting edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first category sanctifies exhortation, rhetorical plainness, unadorned truth-telling; the second blesses ornate, elaborate eloquence, ludic loquaciousness.
  • Vinyl replaced leather; bright prints superseded dark brocades; unadorned acrylic and plywood was employed instead of hardwood, and tubular steel instead of wrought iron.
  • Is it the unadorned simple man that you welcome to your bosom, or a thing of stars and garters, a patch of parchment, the minion of a throne, the lordling of twenty descents, in which each has been weaker than that before it, the hero of a scutcheon, whose glory is in his quarterings, and whose worldly wealth comes from the sweat of serfs whom the euphonism of an effete country has learned to decorate with the name of tenants? ' He Knew He Was Right
  • It's a good performance, light and simple, unadorned like the film itself.
  • The film was written by Laurence Coriat, who has an ear for the sort of unadorned, matter-of-fact dialogue that says a lot by what it leaves out.
  • She referred to an unadorned rectangular stone of some porous rock, perhaps two meters wide and three long, strangely scarred in places. Dwellers in the Crucible
  • They had stopped in a relatively small room, unadorned, with just a bed and wardrobe.
  • It hovers so close because like life, it's often unfair, unpoetic, plain contradictory, and retrospectively embarrassing - few of Darnielle's stories have chronicled passions so unadorned and believable.
  • The first category sanctifies exhortation, rhetorical plainness, unadorned truth-telling; the second blesses ornate, elaborate eloquence, ludic loquaciousness.
  • The essence of our poetic tradition is to be found instead in the unadorned language of the Manyōshū and the manful haiku of Buson! Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » A History of Modern Japanese Literary Criticism: Act One, Scene 1
  • You should also keep in mind that in contemporary setting curtains are hung unadorned, so avoid any heavy draping such as swags and trimmings. Undefined
  • Benioff has down pat the art of writing the kind of unadorned, direct prose that buoys a story along. City of Thieves: Summary and book reviews of City of Thieves by David Benioff.
  • However, the simple and unadorned style has a homely taste.
  • The walls were plain and unadorned.
  • Flores invited us into an unadorned, simple, rectangular wood structure.
  • Bodies are the antithesis of try-hard fashions - how try-hard can one unadorned, unfancy stretchy piece of fabric be? Times, Sunday Times
  • You probably know the look: clean, unadorned lines; high-gloss wood or stone floors; a muted palette of soft gray, beige and "greige" (a bold combination of the two); glass tables; white bed linens; and, at its most sublime, lacquered kitchens with no visible appliances, pots or stray spoons -- in fact, no signs of culinary activity whatsoever. The Comforts of Home
  • It's tempting, when they are this fresh and crisp, to do nothing more than plunge them into boiling water, and serve them up in great piles, unadorned and tasting only of themselves.
  • Instead, the corridor was unadorned, though spotlessly clean, the wood walls shining as if polished.
  • This can be seen in stainless steel or brushed aluminium in uncomplicated, unadorned and simple shapes.
  • The unadorned stones had marked the graves of unidentified Confederate soldiers.
  • An unadorned stairway in ferroconcrete seems to defy gravity as it corkscrews up, without supports, from a marble floor.
  • That room unadorned with pictures or curtains looks bare.
  • I like the modesty and relatively unadorned character of her presentation.
  • They're everywhere on the West Bank, or so it seemed, recognizable for their unvarying, unadorned, uninspired architecture.
  • Prices take a leap in the case of unadorned, silver cases by the legendary Faberge.
  • That room unadorned with pictures or curtains looks bare.
  • You could say they hang around her unadorned throat like pearls. Times, Sunday Times
  • This lack of structure could be seen as a flaw; but as part of Oldman's vision, it works as a kind of unadorned, unembellished honesty.
  • Paint colours on unadorned pine furniture are rationed to misty greys, blues, creams and primrose yellow.
  • The room is typically simple and unadorned, with white walls and a tiled floor.
  • Its quality of the plain and unadorned could rake the form of words only as in the various text altarpieces illustrated here.
  • Plums, a bird that he saw in the Discovery channel, a week ago, is now in his home in unadorned and plain wood form.
  • The crusaders deployed and made no demonstration as they trudged unmurmuringly over the hills of sand unadorned by a patch of vegetation.
  • These pieces are austere and unadorned in a way that I'd associate with Shaker simplicity and grace.
  • He is tall and his face is stern; his clothing is simple and unadorned.
  • We sat for a minute and a man, clothed in the same kind of unadorned tunic the woman and we were wearing, walked across the stage with a stack of thick notebooks under each arm. The Forever War
  • We do not expect him to portray the world creatively, but to tell us the unadorned truth about things as they really are.
  • A piece of veal with a Napoleon of vegetables and a natural herb gel preceded an exemplary bass, served unadorned except for its crisp skin and a dark red pool of sauce derived from verjuice, the acidic liquid pressed from unripe grapes. Watching Robuchon Invent
  • Her unadorned skull lends support to the hypothesis that Darwinopterus displayed sexual dimorphism, with males sporting a bony Mohawk-like crest.
  • Thus, his designs emphasised the unadorned colours and textures of metal and concrete, and often left structures such as pipes and ducts visible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its plain blued barrel is unadorned except for a fluorescent orange front bead.
  • At the same time, the rich and ornamental pews set up by the status-conscious clergy were to be removed and replaced by plain, unadorned ones.
  • Rather than present a remote and solemn goddess, adorned with the jewels of her divine position, Chen portrayed an aging woman, wrapped in a simple robe and unadorned, except for a bracelet and a diadem.
  • This season, the unadorned look is more in vogue than ever in France.
  • Their robes rustled, whispering to the stone steps-Lady Ylle's green robe of damasked silk, the king's brocaded violet robe, Lord Garan's unadorned robe of rusty gold samite. Dalamar the Dark
  • You could say they hang around her unadorned throat like pearls. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exterior surface was perfectly simple and unadorned. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • Unadorned, they rely on the soft surface sheen of the pewter for decorative effect.
  • The greater simplicity and unadornedness of the dominant sex struggle with the marked trend of the subordinate sex towards self-adornment, each of these trends trying to extend its dominion over both sexes. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • The book is well enough written in a clear, unadorned style. Times, Sunday Times
  • The set is minimal, just a few stylized, tip-tilted ancient Roman walls and a block of pseudo-marble gradually being sculpted into a giant head of Tito; and costumes are equally simple, unadorned 18th-century frock coats and gowns in black, white, gray and a bright canary yellow. Dark and Light Brilliance
  • But there is much to enjoy here, especially Mr. Pells's zest for tying together the unlikely—as when he links Abstract Expressionism to Method acting as two forms of improvisation or when he ponders the similarities between the austerity of the International Style and the unadorned utility of a massive Wal-Mart store. Making It New in the New World
  • So, naturally, humanist funerals tend to be simple and unadorned, stripped of any ritualistic trappings.
  • The hilt of the rapier was unadorned, wrapped with plain sharkskin, like so many weapons were that are from seaside towns.
  • This is acting of the purest and most unostentatious kind, unadorned by self-pity or visible virtuosity.
  • The room is typically simple and unadorned, with white walls and a tiled floor.
  • The building on the left is from the ‘decorative’ early period of art deco; on the right is an example from the later, unadorned streamline period.
  • If I try making recipes more complicated than a simple roast beef or unadorned pasta, he usually doesn't like them.
  • The building was very plain and unadorned, but she could tell by the smell alone that it was very expensive.
  • This can be seen in stainless steel or brushed aluminium in uncomplicated, unadorned and simple shapes.
  • She has the body of a ballerina, a perky ponytail, a tiny rhinestone-studded labret below her lip, a demure silver flesh tunnel inside her nose and several piercings in her ears, most of them unadorned. Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Indelible Artiste
  • The thought is simple and even obvious, and the expression unadorned, and yet what he said had that subtle quality which stirred and still stirs the heart of every man born on the soil of the old Puritan Commonwealth. Daniel Webster
  • Paint colours on unadorned pine furniture are rationed to misty greys, blues, creams and primrose yellow.
  • But a slight terror of unadorned organ meat lingered, and each time I encountered a lamb's heart, menacing like an angry little fist, or a suspiciously stinky andouillette sausage, I recoiled. Not For the Lily-Livered
  • Though trained as a chemist, he is considered an excellent theologian, and he is legendary for his simple and self-denying way of life: he lives in unadorned rooms near the cathedral in Buenos Aires and takes the bus to his appointments. The Year of two Popes
  • Clifton is a seeker who speaks in the unadorned tongue of truth - telling.
  • Her vocal delivery is straightforward and unadorned, thereby drawing the listener's ear to the content of the lyrics.
  • They want the company of those who fib and sham, those who can imagine the future and reinvent the past with only half an eye on the unadorned and feeble truth, but with full command of narrative.
  • She looked around, then made a beeline for a nearby stall, unadorned flat planks displaying wickerwork baskets.
  • There were suites of dances before, but never one so unadorned in a theatrical sense that became such an emotional journey.
  • Use it unadorned, like exterior wallpaper, to line porches, balconies, basements, or walls under trees to suggest the view beyond.
  • What a contrast those superb diamonds had made with the almost quaint unadornedness of her figure in its white wrapper. Say and Seal, Volume II
  • But their unselfconsciousness extends beyond total ease with their unadorned bodies to a palpable sense of bliss in just being, taking each day as it came and glorying in their dewy vigour with every fibre of their beings.
  • As part of the shift to unadorned capitalist relations, efforts appear to be underway to revive various forms of religion to help assuage social discontent.
  • I am not without regard for the Merriam-Webster dictionary, but my advice to those who do not want to be regarded as anything from uneducated to uncouth is to stick with the unadorned CJR
  • Throughout the room, nothing was left unadorned - flowers, candles, and seashells were everywhere, but not to excess.
  • With her swanlike neck and 20-inch waist, Hepburn certainly inspired generations of women with her sleek, virtually unadorned style, consisting of black polo-necks, narrow capri pants, flat pumps and a slick flick of eyeliner.
  • He writes in an unadorned, simple way and yet still manages to be lyrical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The images show her bundled up, drinking a coffee and ringless (or "unadorned," per ET). E! Online (US) - Top Stories
  • Bresson handles the details brilliantly, his unadorned elegance and intensity permeating the mood, set design, and action. John Farr: Getting Religion: The Ten Best Films on Faith
  • Compare a similar repetition in 1Sa 25: 24; Zec 7: 5. ceiled -- rather, "wainscoted," or "paneled," referring to the walls as well as the ceilings; furnished not only with comfort but luxury, in sad contrast to God's house not merely unadorned, but the very walls not raised above the foundations. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • First, his performances of musical masterpieces are spare and unadorned. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the record's silences, you can actually hear hands on strings, and then the pluck, pull and plectrum that give rise again to their unadorned sound.
  • Part of the allure is the prospect of the small-market, unadorned Kings actually overthrowing the high-wattage champions. - California dreamin' for Western final
  • This is refreshingly unadorned, authentic Italian cooking.
  • The Sparks, Nev., library had a subscription to Buckley's National Review magazine, with its unadorned cover and its bold credenda. The Girl Who Beat Up Rove
  • This is acting of the purest and most unostentatious kind, unadorned by self-pity or visible virtuosity.

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