How To Use Unabated In A Sentence

  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • Abuses of prosecutorial authority have continued unabated.
  • Her pain was considerably reduced but the spasms continued unabated.
  • Their success continued unabated throughout the '70s, culminating with the year-and-a-half-long Worldwide Texas Tour.
  • It’s a bad sign when you double the number of border patrol agents, and the number of arrests drops, while the obvious problems remain unabated ..... The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law
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  • Bogart and Bergman had loved one another years before, and in neutral Casablanca discover that their passion is unabated.
  • A tremendous boom in cinema building and conversion took place during the next few years and continued unabated until the First World War, by which time there were about 3,500.
  • For a while there was some reduction in the level of corruption, but indiscipline continued unabated.
  • It suddenly disappears, the bass beat and industrial sounds of metal upon metal continue unabated.
  • the winds are unabated
  • His love affair with music continues unabated as Mr. Isaacs provides training to young musicians at his home.
  • If current trends continue unabated, Moyo goes much further than the usual surveys predicting when China will surpass the US in GDP - she suggests China's new hegemony could include the "redback" renminbi replacing the "greenback" dollar as the world's favourite currency. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Are you really sure you really want to encourage division "unabated"? Changing Your Name
  • Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.
  • Petrol prices began to rise in 1974 and this continued almost unabated through to 1981.
  • He now turns with unabated desire and trust to God, who, in His strength and faithfulness, is contrasted with the urgent dangers described. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He built a fort on Pigeon Island on which he perched his telescope; through which he squinted, discovering to unabated delight that his old French foe, Admiral De Grasse, was becalmed along with his naval fleet.
  • He just lay on the ground while the rattling and the rolling continued unabated. COLDHEART CANYON
  • I don't suppose it's much more than a very nasty bruise," Joan said with unabated firmness. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • The Skipper caught me at it, I know; but he continued generously unabated in reminiscence. “Samuel! There was a rolling wonder in the sound. Ay, there was!”
  • Chris Travers: It’s a bad sign when you double the number of border patrol agents, and the number of arrests drops, while the obvious problems remain unabated ..... The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law
  • And not allowing the progress to civil war to continue unabated is “bigotry” against white christian america, of course. Think Progress » Christian Hate Group ‘Repent Amarillo’ Terrorizes Texas Town, Harassing Gays, Liberals, And Other ‘Sinners’
  • The procession of temperate cyclonic vortices continues unabated and their northerly troughs, the cold fronts, progress in tandem.
  • She is said to drive a Bentley, and it is reported this week that her entrepreneurial drive is unabated by her recent prang.
  • All around him now it had continued, unabated and unstoppable.
  • Allegations of extrajudicial execution and torture, one death in custody under torture, continue unabated.
  • No doubt about it, reckless money and credit excess has been running unabated.
  • June 24th, 2009 SHIMLA - The unabated heat wave continued to parch the hills in the Himachal Pradesh capital Shimla, as the mercury soared to 30.3 degrees Celsius Wednesday. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Oh - and sixthly - Michael Meacher's leadership ambitions will continue unabated. Archive 2007-08-01
  • However, that presser may be cancelled if ongoing player-owner meetings, which began this morning, continue unabated.
  • Posted on: Saturday, 27 February 2010, 08: 35 CST The natural-occurring biopolymer known as chitosan is being put forward as an effective alternative to growth-promoting antibiotics drug rosiglitazone continues unabated, drugmaker GSK Plc's last-ditch effort at salvaging the blockbuster drug drug developers a fresh weapon in the fight against multi-drug resistant bacteria or - Articles related to Asim won’t walk CM’s talk on industry
  • He, however, has broad shoulders and the skin of a rhinoceros, and an unabated passion for his subject irrespective of the carpers.
  • The threat of a great tsunamigenic earthquake with a magnitude of more than 8.5 on the Mentawai patch is unabated. News24 Top Stories
  • Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.
  • Any decision to increase production will also have a built-in assumption that existing supplies will continue unabated.
  • The pyrrhic victory came as violence continues unabated in Gujarat.
  • So the vile and useless pop culture anecdotes will continue unabated.
  • This one was dangerous, this was where he must command in person, and he ran back to his original position while around him and overhead the storm of shrapnel and lyddite roared on unabated. The Sound of Thunder
  • The emissions controls have in effect placed a moratorium on building coal plants, which means that new "unabated" gas plants will be built instead. Gas plants now eligible for £9bn carbon capture demonstration programme
  • The ever-rising levels of pollution are pressuring her into some type of response that can hopefully demonstrate to these shameless ones that further unabated despoliation is unacceptable.
  • Standard high-carbon ferromanganese, for example, has picked up around $20 to trade at $525 to $535 a tonne in-warehouse in the United States, up from the $510 low hit after several weeks of unabated decline.
  • These were tough, tough men, and their supremacy in world rugby continued unabated into the modern era.
  • Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.
  • As the pattern continued unabated after the break, it was no surprise when Paul Tosh recorded his second goal in 62 minutes.
  • As people apply the term protectionism as it pertains to outsourcing and the destruction of our Middle-class was and has been a "conspiracy" to transfer the wealth of the nation to the elites and "corpracy" that now appear to rule our nation; the impact of this globalization is now threatening the very existence of our entire social structure and the outsourcing still continues unabated. Free Trade Is A Misnomer; So-Called Protectionism Is A Matter of Self Survival
  • As the picaroon attacks continued unabated, pressure increased for the Maryland government to act.
  • The debate on facts and effects rages unabated.
  • While all of this continues, the war talk continues unabated as if no one can hear the voices of dissent from around the world.
  • That said, the regulatory outrages against common sense continue unabated, and the pressing need for reform remains unsatisfied.
  • Allegations of extrajudicial execution and torture, one death in custody under torture, continue unabated.
  • These days, the anorak is more likely to come from Asda than the Esso gift catalogue, but in all other respects the male obsession with collecting the serial numbers of rolling stock continues unabated.
  • Despite this debacle, the hounding of Barker continues unabated.
  • These energetic performances continued unabated for a decade, and probably hastened his death.
  • The employment and protection of incompetent/corrupt/unskilled cadres will continue unabated, as will the protests by the same neddies who vote for the ANC every election, and then protest and burn down their libraries and municipal offices the next. Muti
  • Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.
  • In the meantime, the excitement among the watching public continues unabated.
  • The banter continued unabated even as the songs flowed unendingly.
  • The Church kept control of the trials of criminous clerks, and appeals to Rome continued unabated, but the king retained his influence over elections to abbacies and bishoprics, and continued to receive their revenues during vacancies.
  • But she continued unabated by threats of the council charging her with noise pollution. GYPSY MASALA
  • In the meantime, however, multiplex construction continues unabated and the sizes of complexes get progressively bigger.
  • The Economic Survey states in no uncertain terms that overspending by the government continues unabated.
  • And of course, it would have also prevented millions who had no possibility of ever repaying the mortgages from getting one in the first place unless the Ponzi game of re-financing on rapidly increasing and inflated real estate “values” continued unabated, that is. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Flaw in George Soros’ Case for Increased Government Regulation of the Financial System:
  • As the DOI tarries, the plunder of Appalachia for the small seams of needless coal will continue unabated, despite Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's statement in June that, "The steps we are taking today are a firm departure from the previous administration's approach to mountaintop coal mining, which failed to protect our communities, water and wildlife in Appalachia. Jeff Biggers: Cowed Interior to Consider Mountaintop Removal Rule Once Plundering Is Over in 2011
  • Assange announced today his work with WikiLeaks will continue "unabated" and that he will be "stepping up" the publishing of the classified State Department documents.
  • While consultation documents on wheelchair strategy have winged back and forth, the creeping paralysis of the National Health Service has gone unabated.
  • the popularity of his books among young people continued unabated
  • With buildings and an unabated tourist and pilgrim flow, the tree cover has reduced considerably and impacted the numbers of chital, sambar, nilgai, hare and wild boar. The King is on the brink !
  • That's a hidden cost which can rise unabated and composite system that is difficult to use.
  • With buildings and an unabated tourist and pilgrim flow, the tree cover has reduced considerably and impacted the numbers of chital, sambar, nilgai, hare and wild boar. The King is on the brink !
  • The researchers predict a "99 percent chance of regional extinction of little brown myotis within the next 16 years" if mortality and spread continue unabated. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Despite the rivers being fair game, match activity on some of the commercial carp orientated venues continues unabated.
  • Even after Napoleon had been consigned to his island prison on Saint Helena the upheaval continued unabated.
  • For brothers and sisters to separate, is the common lot; – for their affection and interest to remain unabated is not common; but I am sure it is possible; and I think the experience we have already had proves that we may expect its continuance. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • The partition was not implemented, but all the factors which had caused the initial uprising continued unabated.
  • The flood of refugees continued unabated.
  • The truck lurched through the streets, past buildings burning unabated and MPs in gun turrets.
  • Our interest in international affairs continues unabated.
  • To put things in perspective about the unabated growth of video traffic, Shetty said it is appropriate to start thinking in terms of the zettabyte, which is the same as 1,000 exabytes. PC World
  • Of course, in the short term the railroading process is likely to proceed unabated, but in the longer term a permanent derailment is likely. Hawaii Reporter
  • Since her mother's new husband was also a Bohemian, the torment had continued unabated. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • Rugby World Cup 2011: hate figure Quade Cooper only finding positives of notoriety in New Zealand Quade Cooper says he is looking only at the positives after being called a "boofhead" by a Wallaby Test great amid the unabated Kiwi hysteria over his public enemy status at the World Cup. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Garten does not expect this will continue unabated in the near future.
  • And so the intolerance that plagues this country continues unconfronted and unabated.
  • The government's agenda and goals are obvious and will continue unabated until it is dumped at the elections.
  • The civil war which has for some time been raging among the States of the North American Union has unfortunately continued in unabated intensity; and the evils with which it has been attended have not been confined to the American continent. London, saturday, August 9, 1862
  • In some parts of the country vocabulary loss continues unabated, and many children struggle to pronounce the velar fricative ‘ch’ in ‘loch’ or the ‘wh’ in ‘wheesht’.
  • They danced all night with unabated energy.
  • The task is not an easy one, for the population drift to the cities, especially among young people, continues unabated.
  • Even if he agreed to reimpose the settlement "freeze" that expired on September 26, construction would continue, as it has almost unabated during the past ten months, when the freeze was in effect. Henry Siegman: Netanyahu's Freeze Scam
  • Yes, there have been gains as regards tamping down the recession but the unemployment situation will remain unabated until 2010. Obama mocks Newsweek cover, Newsweek hits back
  • If the property boom continues unabated during the next few months, the Bank could be forced to raise rates sooner rather than later.
  • The question explored is what will happen on our planet if population growth, resource depletion and climate change continue unabated. Critic's Corner Tuesday
  • Modernity and secularization notwithstanding, the association between Marian apparitions and war and political turmoil continued unabated in the twentieth century as well.
  • Meanwhile, the desecration of the English language continues unabated.
  • The record high "swelter" lasted from July 21-26, making the string of unabated heat the longest high temperatures ever recorded in Wayne County, and residents endured the heat without benefit of air conditioning. - Local News
  • As of writing, the relentless fall in the stock market continues unabated.
  • Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.
  • It continues unabated despite the national security interest in this war on terror.
  • Most experts gloomily predict temperatures rising unabated until 2100, when the world will be warmer by six degrees than it is today, an increase with almost unguessable consequences.
  • For the moment, expect confusion about what's legal and what isn't in bars and clubs to continue unabated.
  • According to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the buy-to-let boom is continuing unabated.
  • The media's complicity in war crimes continues unabated, of course.
  • Of course, I would have to keep copious research notes in spidery handwriting in a leather-bound notebook, so that after my successor found the notebook with my remains, my research could go on unabated. My New Job
  • The Great Gazoo from Zatox, Canada writes: The core problem at the post-secondary level is that we have "overbuilt" our capacity in the university system, yet the expansion continues unabated. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • It began shortly after the Civil War (see Jubal Early) and has continued unabated ever since. The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia “Confederate History Month” Proclamation
  • The wind and rain continued unabated, sucking this once respectable vessel further into the quagmire of decay.
  • Even as economic growth rates have grown moderately, unemployment continues to rise unabated.
  • The housing-market uncertainty stemming from the foreclosure fracas is unabated, despite moves by Bank of America Corp. and GMAC to resume some suspended foreclosure sales. Niche Lawyers Spawned Housing Fracas
  • We hear her sing Lili Marlene, Boys in the Backroom and, of course, Falling in Love Again many times; her bouffants become a little scary, but her power is unabated.

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