How To Use Ummah In A Sentence
I hope that you and people in positions such as yourself can understand and appreciate this problem so that Insha-Allah the Muslim community can grow with both converts and born Muslims as a single ummah.
We the Muslims need the Palestinians to remain locked in their plight so that they might continue to serve as the Ummah's scotoma a blindspot which literally prevents us from seeing our own more immediate distresses, distresses which might demand our attention and perhaps even require societal interventions .
Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
May 27, 2008 at 9:42 am we must has a Dee Cee meetup foh ICHC sometime dis summah
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Rather, the Mujahideen – the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq – are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost.
They are psychologically losers, uprooted de-territorialized individuals who can become imaginary heroes of a virtual ummah through their own death.
Nathan Gardels: Key Host Territory of Anti-US Jihadists is the Virtual Ummah, Not Yemen
The Muslim ummah is looking at its leaders and governments.
We issue this statement in support of the actions of brother Nidal Malik Hassan; as a congratulations for his brave and heroic deed, as well as the jealousness he displayed for the pains suffered by the Muslim Ummah as a result of the modern Zionist-Christian Crusades against it.
The Two Malcontents
But, then, if a daughter of Muslim Ummah, does the same, why is she oppressed?
The ummah became more fragmented than ever and became even more receptive to Western cultural penetration.
We the Muslims need the Palestinians to remain locked in their plight so that they might continue to serve as the Ummah's scotoma (a blindspot) which literally prevents us from seeing our own more immediate distresses, distresses which might demand our attention and perhaps even require societal interventions.
Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
The Muslim ummah is the religious identity and not a political identity.
Among the Muslim ummah today, one unfortunately finds people who go to extremes in regards to the status of hadeeth.
Transition from being a simple Islamic group of believers, to being the Islamic Ummah (nation).
The Muslim ummah (transnational community of believers) from the Maghreb to Malacca is marked by ethnic, economic, doctrinal, cultural, and political differences.
moderate Muslims urge the Ummah to reject the terrorism of radical Muslims
She is described by her lover as ayummah (6: 10); the word daunting conveys the spirit of the Hebrew better than the commonly rendered terrible.
Shulammite: Bible.
Radicalised youths from the Midlands are among those to have posted messages backing terrorists on the www. forum.
UK: Many young Midland Muslims support suicide bombings new poll reveals
We, as a Muslim ummah, have to learn to sacrifice our ego in our community, tolerate difference of opinions within the boundaries of the Qur'an and Sunnah and we should not compete in raising our level of living and wealth.
To not accept the loan would mean not attending the program, and not achieving a noble end, i.e. to help the Muslim ummah.
He smiled at everyone and joked with everyone in a decent way. Alone he was always crying and entreating Allah for forgiveness for his Ummah.
While it's hard or impossible for the whole ummah to meet on the same feasting day, it's not hard for the people of one country to do so.
The peoples need to pressure their governments to take such a stand and prove to the world that the Muslim Ummah is still alive.
For a group claiming to defend the Islamic ummah, these massacres had dealt a devastating blow to its credibility.
It has always been the view and practice of a great portion of the Muslim ummah to perform their salâh according to the Hanafi fiqh.
This “logic” makes no sense UNLESS one grasps that this is the Muslim ummah speaking – ie, one individual speaking out for all nonclerical Faithful.
You expected maybe the Donald Rumsfeld fan club? « BuzzMachine
During prayers, the ummah, the community of all Muslims, forms an Islamic ornament, and we were kneeling only a dozen steps away from the centre of this living pattern.
In Medina, Mohammed established an ummah, a Muslim community, with every aspect of life - political, religious, social and economic - subject to Islamic teaching.
We are peninsulas, promontories of the giant Muslim Ummah.
Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play