How To Use Ultramicroscopic In A Sentence
She'd be out on her ear before you could say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
Times, Sunday Times
Viruses are ultramicroscopic organisms - many times smaller than bacteria, and amongst the smallest organisms known.
A complication soon arose in that at the amount necessary for keeping the grains suspended between the two waters, almost all these substances agglutinated the grains into bunches of grapes, showing thus in the nicest way possible the phenomenon of coagulation which is not easy to obtain on ordinary suspensions or colloidal solutions (of ultramicroscopic grains).
Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
Before an atom's spin may be measured, however, it must be detected, and isolating an individual ultramicroscopic atom is a tricky endeavor.
Cold viruses are ultramicroscopic organisms that depend on the genetic makeup of our cells for their reproduction.
Muller concluded that the gene is ultramicroscopic in size.
What is most relevant to Bell's Theorem is that the non-locality which it makes explicit in Quantum Mechanics is a small indication of pervasive ultramicroscopic nonlocality.