How To Use Ultimately In A Sentence

  • If you interview a lot of conservative Democrats, even in states like Texas, you know, New Mexico, they are very concerned that Hillary Clinton on the top of the ticket would really kind of depress voter turnout and ultimately affect a lot of down ballot races. CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2008
  • Your Honour, we have not appealed against that, but what we do say is that we have sufficient standing to obtain either of the prerogative writs if ultimately the Court were minded to grant them and we do not really need more than that.
  • It was also a noteworthy echo of a speech Sarkozy himself made last December, when he called for a "positive laicity" and suggested that the state could ultimately grant subsidies to religious groups. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • What seemed an easy task becomes complicated by locals' objections and, ultimately, the landman's own crisis of conscience.
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  • These prose pieces ultimately acquire a kind of poetic intensity of effect in their bleak circumscription of the character's experience, although they avoid self-consciously "poetic" devices: Narrative Strategies
  • According to John Ralson, who apparently has some sort of Avatar-like connection to all living things in the Silver State, Berkley had been weighing the decision for a while but ultimately decided that the opportunity was too good to pass up. HUFFPOST HILL - Congress Passes Budget, Catastrophe Postponed
  • But the lack of substance ultimately adds to the mood: flamboyant unconcern underlined by apocalyptic decadence.
  • As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".
  • A series of offensives in early 1918 achieved initial success but ultimately failed to break the Allied line, and by summer, with the Americans coming in droves, the tide of the war had turned irreversibly against the Central Powers. How Wars end
  • On the farther side of the hypostyle there were still other large halls which led ultimately to the actual sanctuary, or sekos, in which the divinity was represented by a statue or some symbol; only the king, or his representative, the high priest, could enter the sekos. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Ultimately, Joseph Alsop came through with a generous package.
  • I was wearing my Smokey the Bear cap, the one that ultimately shrank to an unwearable size in the wake of an unfortunate sprinkler related accident.
  • The approach is preliminary in nature and there can be no certainty that an offer will ultimately be forthcoming.
  • For the next four years Mr. Etaix worked for Tati as a draughtsman, gagman and ultimately as an assistant director on "My Uncle. Still Clowning Around
  • Just as with any other channel you leverage for branding, PPC is also ultimately dependent upon the maturity of your message. Designing Effective PPC Campaign Strategies and Tactics
  • Ultimately, under the Court's decision, a successful plaintiff will have to prove she was singled out for disadvantageous treatment in the workplace.
  • Of course it is circular in the sense that, based on my proffered definition, since intelligence ultimately permeates all aspects of being, what we call sentient beings (life forms) are simply different manifestations of intelligence playing with itself, or as one old text puts it in the title: 'You are the Eyes of the Universe.' Telic Thoughts
  • No matter what ruling they ultimately emerge with, there are bound to be some very miffed clubs across the nation.
  • The method ultimately includes the step of cinching the band about the joint.
  • Internet use in China has quadrupled since 2000 and ultimately censorship may prove futile.
  • The two lines run through the composition, sometimes parallel, sometimes intertwining, with the second one eventually taking over and ultimately finding its closure in a lush, animalic, fantastically sexy, nocturnal base of amber, musk, civet, patchouli and castoreum. Forgotten Chypres: 7e Sense by Sonya Rykiel and Gianni Versace
  • The placenta derives from embryonic cells called trophoblasts, which form a ball around the cells that ultimately develop into the fetus.
  • It is these seeds that will ultimately be crushed to produce the vegetable oil that the crop is grown for.
  • On the outside of the diestock the ultimately leaving liquid can be collected by suitable means, not shown.
  • Ultimately, one of the dog's hind legs shoots up in the air, as its head goes down.
  • Where the Sumerian tale presents the deluge as the work of an intemperate overlord whose attitude to humanity is far from benevolent, whose might may not be right, and offers an ethical opposition to him in figure of a merciful intercessor, the Biblical tale ultimately sanctions the genocidal destruction of most of humanity by ascribing it to a God whose wisdom, justice and mercy are presented as unquestionable. Creative Control - Part 4
  • But the fact remains that Wolf and the tendency Wolf represented made an inward-looking discipline possible and, ultimately, respectable.
  • Where vegetation composition is altered and floral richness threatened, the results will ultimately be felt by us all.
  • Now, a fisherman can always throw a catch he doesn't like back, but, ultimately, no matter how cunning and patient a sportsman he is, what ends up in his creel is really up to the fish. INTERVIEW: John C. Wright
  • Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
  • In 11 volumes published between 1888 and 1894, and many years later widely published in a condensed edition, the narrator's adventures in the London demimonde are narrated in such detail as ultimately to become tiresome rather than titillating. Deborah Lutz's "Pleasure Bound," on Victorian sex rebels
  • Thanks to Jay Cross and others, we know that informal learning is ultimately much more productive of lasting effects than traditional formal learning, whether it be face to face, distance tutoring or the self-access variety of e-learning. The evolving culture of informal learning
  • The only difference between audacity and recklessness is whether or not you win, and in this case a clever Union officer tricked Lee into making an audacious move that ultimately became a reckless endeavour. A Sorrowful Tale of High Velocity
  • His flat-tax fire, which burned hot for months, ultimately flickered out along with his popularity.
  • She concluded that the repetition of such images ultimately neutralizes their moral force.
  • Both sets of norms rest ultimately upon a fundamental principle of proscription concerning the infliction of militarily ' unnecessary suffering '.
  • Of course all references to groups are ultimately references to distinct individuals.
  • The study suggests that birds migrating from Siberia to Alaska are unlikely to carry the virus and that few of those birds ultimately fly farther south.
  • Last week's picket forced the council to concede hours of informal and ultimately fruitless talks.
  • The decision ultimately rests with the council.
  • The board is ultimately responsible for policy decisions.
  • While such semi-empirical entities are possible, they are ultimately neither verifiable nor falsifiable because of the continuing technical limitations involved.
  • But ultimately, after wrestling with his conscience, he decided not to publish a story.
  • Ultimately biliary cirrhosis results and the median survival has been estimated to be 12 years.
  • Nor does it make for efficiency as the courts would be cluttered with prosecutions of blameless individuals who would ultimately be dealt with by means of an absolute discharge.
  • The presence of these foreign substances in the eye, in connection with the salt spray and irritating atmosphere, greatly aggravated the ophthalmia, and resolved it into a chronic affection, which ultimately resulted in entropium. The Dog
  • The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.
  • Richard and Bolingbroke ultimately represent two types of souls or distinct aspects of the soul that must be amalgamated in a single man, achieving the soul's harmony by counterpoint.
  • Ultimately, the only recognition Railton received was to see the bloodstained Union Jack he had used as a pall for temporary burials lowered over the coffin of the Unknown Warrior in the Abbey.
  • The logistical snafu was ultimately solved by Sea-Land, which converted Cam Ranh Bay into a containerport and soon had six container ships running between the West Coast and Vietnam. Shipping News
  • Ultimately, this movie seems somewhat unapproachable at first and a bit difficult to digest. 28 « June « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
  • When I first started in stockbroking in the 1980s, the City was full of partnerships, so ultimately the individuals concerned could lose everything, so they didn't bet the bank, they were more prudent. Luke Johnson: 'Capitalism is not a dirty, grubby pastime'
  • The lateral leaves of somatopleure then grow round on each side, and, meeting on the ventral aspect of the allantois, enclose the vitelline duct and vessels, together with a part of the extra-embryonic celom; the latter is ultimately obliterated. I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • In the past five years, the leaders of several other well-known South Korean businesses, including Samsung Electronics Co. and Hyundai Motor Co., have been found guilty of white-collar crimes, penalized financially but not with prison time, and ultimately pardoned. SK Group Probe Is Familiar Ground in Korea
  • They fear that the overwhelming support enjoyed by the two men could ultimately factionalize the party should one of them fail to get the job. National Convention: Make Or Break For PDP Of Nigeria
  • Ultimately, companies wishing to instill more discipline in the R&D process are out to rationalize their product portfolios.
  • She posits that the gendering of the marketing ultimately stifles creativity and impoverishes the fan culture, if any, of the novel. Archive 2009-04-01
  • This is impressive in its way, but also self-serving, exhibitionistic, and ultimately stultifying.
  • The isolated life, if at times adventurous, was always harsh and ultimately meagre of reward; it was essential to work as lumberman, teamster or boatman to help pay one's way. Insightful Economist At Work - The Austrian Economists
  • Any country that doesn't explore is going to ultimately recede was the previous entry in this blog. Apollo 11 Anniversary Thoughts - NASA Watch
  • The Ferry Laws, the legislation of 1886 affecting teachers, the Law of Associations in 1901, and ultimately the Law of 1904, excluding religious from teaching, laicized a pre-existing educational system.
  • Ultimately, despite the largely uncredited work of the skilled St. Louis cast and crew, the general familiarity with its underdog story type, coupled with the undefined ensemble cast, ultimately bring it down.
  • Which results ultimately in the breakdown of your relationship with Louise. LOST SUMMER
  • Moreover, even though the men in the film do ultimately incorporate the mother, her return is experienced by the audience as an unfair intrusion and the men's inclusion of her in their ménage a generous (if also pragmatic) gesture.
  • Although the term stocks suggests finiteness (which is ultimately correct), the accessible portion depends on technology and on the future demand for that resource. Chapter 9
  • May I respond by pointing out that in the population/resources crisis we are not ultimately concerned with scarcity but with exhaustion or nonavailability. An Exchange on Man as Pest
  • Though they loved their club, they recognised a golden opportunity that would ultimately benefit Oak Hill, the university and the city.
  • landgrave," but returned to New York, and ultimately (1680) to Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680
  • Ultimately, we need to have a zero tolerance policy and if that means the police pressing charges against any transgressors, then so be it.
  • Instead, a rationalistic view of reality prevails over an affectivity which is weak and ultimately unpersuasive. High school anthology: "The Cold Equations"
  • Here your backdrop is an ultimately idyllic secondary world reconstructed from our myth, folklore and fable (childhood and the past idealised). Of Genres and Sub-Genres
  • After a decent interval, a period of dating and familiarisation, and ultimately marriage and homemaking, the first children were born.
  • People need to derive some kind of benefits from the Delta so that they can ultimately look after the Delta, so tourism is a very good business.
  • Ultimately, as is the case in almost all ethical dilemmas in medicine, a series of practical considerations will move me further in one direction than another.
  • It may culminate in chronic valvular disease and can lead to heart failure and ultimately death.
  • The problem is that because virtual worlds are almost entirely built on the same basic rule-structure derived from DikuMUD, and because their representations of physical and graphical environments are ultimately so similar, this deep game becomes more and more known to larger and larger numbers of players over time, all the more so since World of Warcraft has evolved into the new template for all subsequence virtual-world games. The Lifetime to Master
  • Ultimately, this existing delegatory process has allowed the health-care system to function as well as it has with existing doctor/patient ratios. Top Stories
  • So I would say most of it ultimately is our advocation.
  • What if the very ‘fact’ of progress is ultimately self-destructive?
  • Proctor also describes a 34.7 kg crystal (dubbed the ‘Marta Rocha’ crystal) which ultimately yielded 57,200 carats of dark blue aquamarine.
  • Ultimately, the goal is to establish more accountability and improve teaching.
  • For me, it's a step above "Aeon Flux" because AF is ultimately forgettable. Ccfinlay: Equilibrium
  • Second, small partially digested food proteins, called peptides, from gluten and casein can act to disturb the normal neurotransmitter function in the brain, and third, they can act as “excitotoxins,” increasing glutamate an excitatory neurotransmitter and creating a chain reaction that overexcites, injures, inflames and ultimately kills brain cells. The UltraMind Solution
  • She rose from humble origins to become a military heroine by the age of 19, although she was ultimately captured and burned at the stake for heresy.
  • If it's true that the name of the kithara is ultimately from a Minoan compound meaning 'three-stringed' and containing the element *ki 'three' see Paleoglot: The kithara, then it stands to reason that the similar name, kinnor, is probably likewise Minoan in origin and containing the same petrified numeral with a different second component. Archive 2010-08-01
  • Attempts to shore up the value of a derivative without shoring up the value of the assets from which they ultimately derive their value are likely to be in vain however cleverly we may try to finagle.
  • Such a fear, I think, is bad for academic institutions, and will ultimately harm them more than the occasional intemperate criticisms would.
  • This production charts her struggle with, and ultimately victory over, the circumstances which threaten to destroy her.
  • Even though the worded concourse may cause a few run ins, I ultimately think that the installation is absolutely fabulous! Blog – syllable studio
  • My vote ultimately was for Eric Levine, because CellarTracker as an innovative informational internet tool (and with each passing year so much more, including a forum, commerce, etc) that has burgeoned to over 1 million wine reviews since its inception is both astounding and far-reaching. Vote now! Wine Person of the Decade [the Naughties] | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The prophecy, probably, contemplates ultimately, besides the affliction and deliverance in Sennacherib's time, the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, the dispersion of the Jews, their restoration, the destruction of the enemies that besiege the city (Zec 14: 2), and the final glory of Israel (Isa 29: 17-24). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I actually even think he had ultimately forgiven his persecutors and the slayers of his family -- and that would be a mastership that one can only view with awe. Mike Schwager: Remembering My Father: His Greatest Lesson to Me Was His Life
  • In this case, the geography of industrial organization ratchets up a sequence of scales from local to regional to national, and ultimately to global.
  • Instead, they are sentenced to a life of subordination: tilling fields, building homes, preparing food, collecting firewood, bearing children, and preparing any item -- from charcoal to litchi fruits for their unfaithful husbands to sell on roadsides -- money that will ultimately end up in the men's empty stomachs in the form of bootleg banana booze. Summer Rayne Oakes: Where the fire burns: Accounts from Mozambique
  • Different viewpoints Ultimately, for promoters, agents, venues and artists, the bottom line is the bottom line.
  • Complete 10 challenging levels to prove you have control of your senses and surroundings before you can ultimately control the Lancer Evolution 10.
  • The upshot is very little productive investment is made as all the money goes ultimately to fund state borrowing.
  • It's ultimately the responsibility of the submarine to remain clear of surface vessels.
  • And for what it's worth, I think the same things, but when sharing these thoughts with other people I do indeed try to "tiptoe", because I'm not just trying to share my thoughts -ultimately I'd like to persuade or at least challenge, make others reconsider and I think that's a lot easier with a more gentle form. Four Reactions to Charitable Requests, Plus One More to Charitable Demands, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Ultimately the quest is to create a photocopier that copies objects!
  • Then she pulled out the bear's voice box, attempted to crush it with her shoe and ultimately ran it over with her car.
  • Perhaps instead of discussing which is the "more obvious" interpretation, which ultimately doesn't prove anything since "obviousness" is a matter of perception, we should be focusing on the relevant contextual and comparative information. Is It Better To View Jesus' Prediction as Trite or Mistaken?
  • Ultimately there will be improved professional opportunities for Alice Springs based staff, with a few heads of schools based here.
  • Ultimately, the moralism of Veber's fable becomes slightly cloying, as the film suggests that a simple change in perspective from time to time is enough to make that stultifying job at the plant more bearable.
  • Ultimately, we are called to love one another in trinities of mercy, love, and forgiveness, as God first loved us.
  • Ultimately, he wants to find bigger premises and set up a chandlery, a facility lacking on the reopened Rochdale Canal.
  • I think alot of that really doesn't matter ultimately.thermite, sharks with lasers, hijackers.
  • Both Abu Nidal and Gandhi were deeply troubled and ultimately mobilized into political action by their personal experiences.
  • There is fear that division of the province will ultimately see a dramatic increase in the numbers of military personnel stationed in the contested territory.
  • By anaerobic bacterial action, sulphates are reduced to sulphides and organic material is broken down, ultimately to yield carbon dioxide and methane.
  • This, and not the subventions of hegemonic states, is what will ultimately defeat both the secular tyrannies and the religious sectarians.
  • Ultimately, if America is going to dissave to this extent, there are only a few ways to make the equation work — we will either need to accept a lower level of investment or rely on an increase in personal savings, higher levels of retained earnings by corporations, or greater foreign purchases of our debt. Treasurys and the Danger of Short-Term Debt
  • Ultimately, we tear our spirits out of our bodies as our way of declaring harmonious union.
  • This concept may be equally applicable in other sectors, such as services and information-ultimately producing more leisure time.
  • To do so, she explores the idea of metaphoricity, transforming conceits into self-reflexive, self-questioning, and ultimately self-effacing representation.
  • The divorce ultimately led to his ruin.
  • This may sound like odd advice, but it makes sense if you know that "pullulate" traces ultimately to the Latin noun "pullus," which means not only "sprout," but also "young of an animal" and, specifically, Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • Yet he advises patients to bear with it because the depression will ultimately lift and sleep problems diminish.
  • What this means, ultimately, is that our system is institutionally rigged to direct those who want to challenge readers away from the general population, and toward pretrained 'challenge consumers.' The Latest Teacup Tempest
  • All apocalyptic and millenarian ideologies ultimately converge on the utopian transformation of the body through suffering.
  • Ultimately, billings for the Vince Cullers Advertising would top $15 million.
  • In the space of seven years, the dark-energy revolution has rewritten textbook entries on how the universe operates and what will ultimately happen to the cosmos.
  • The ascription of an alethic morphology to the mass of epistemic certainties is always ultimately a premise in and of itself, a supposition of relevance. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • This development has resulted in extensive denudation of these catchment areas and an attendant loss of vegetative cover on the steep slopes, an increase in the incidence of landslides, soil erosion, and siltation of drainage systems in the valley bottoms and ultimately, increased incidence of flash flooding. Water profile of St. Lucia
  • And ultimately, perhaps we may need to be even more careful about ever implying that it is on the basis of an association with the maternal realm that women writers belong in modernist or feminist literary canons.
  • After our ultimately disastrous first attempt at using our incubator this is just the ticket.
  • This paging algorithm determines which virtual memory pages currently in RAM ultimately have their page frames brought back to the free list.
  • A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness.
  • The mother must ultimately establish before the appellate tribunal that the motions judge erred in principle or materially misapprehended the evidence.
  • Ultimately what it amounts to is an aversion to pretentiousness and egomania.
  • It's vague, but I remember really liking it, but in "canticle", the story traverses many eras, and, deals with the theme ultimately of global violence. Where did the film THE BOOK OF ELI come from?
  • The democratic approach inherent in the guerrilla movement would triumph ultimately.
  • Those same strong students (one hopes) will ultimately supercede the strictures imposed in the educational studio, but at what cost?
  • Ultimately the batterer is himself tricked by his lustful appetite, and his violent acts inevitably escalate.
  • Fortune's documentary evidence ultimately changed tea's Linnaean classification.
  • If we keep advocating our positions honestly, consistently, persuasively, we ultimately have a great effect.
  • These institutions have also contributed materially to the growth of social tensions, communalism and ultimately bloody fratricidal conflicts.
  • The company uses another document, called a waybill, for shipments in transit, and ultimately generates a number of other electronic and paper documents for the shipper and recipient.
  • Ultimately the laws of the 10th and 11th centuries show the beginnings of the frankpledge associations, which came to act so important a part in the local police and administration of the feudal age. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The new work is far more prolix, diffuse, and ultimately self-indulgent.
  • No one knows what kind of clickthrough rates ultimately can be achieved. Newspapers struggle with online
  • Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.
  • That happened in agriculture - out in the paddocks and the cornfields - but, ultimately, the food ends up on people's plates, sustaining the population.
  • While we ultimately know this film is a mockumentary, these techniques allow us to temporarily suspend our disbelief.
  • Ultimately, the scope of the duty turns on the particular facts of a given case and the judgement of the trier of fact.
  • The plaintiff, being unaware of this exemption, paid dues upon limestone which he had landed and ultimately burnt into lime.
  • But this is also an epic film, told over generations, which intersperses a story of global political change with Reed's rocky but ultimately, loving relationship with his wife, Louise Bryant. Delia Lloyd: 5 Political Films Worth Seeing
  • Ultimately, this is how we need to think about dealing with global capitalism.
  • Ultimately, however, it was the compère who mattered - who could they find who represented the indomitable spirit of Britain, the calm acceptance of the ever-present risk of death, and, most important, the triumph of love over death?
  • But Hashemi believed that ultimately this would not solve the problem, which he described as incurable, between the Taliban government and the United States. Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • You know, ultimately, it's true there are enough people out there who know how to do this that one arrest is not going to make the difference. Three Questions: Prosecuting the 'Merchant of Death'
  • In the time lever, I believe that I can persist in doing it ultimately, up to learn it as well as English what I learned.
  • The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
  • It seems that this is a difficulty pertaining to our times: there is as yet only one possible choice, and this choice can bear only on two equally extreme methods: either to posit a reality which is entirely permeable to history, and ideologize; or, conversely, to posit a reality which is ultimately impenetrable, irreducible, and, in this case, poetize. Never Neutral
  • Airlines proactively take steps - such as canceling flights in advance of storms - to minimize inconvenience and extensive delays and ultimately get customers where they are going safely and as quickly as possible," says Victoria Day, a spokeswoman for the Air Transport Association, an airline industry trade association. The Seattle Times
  • Ultimately, the operation was focused on the inside game, run by insiders uninterested in alienating people they'd need in their next gig. Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye
  • Ultimately the two sides could not agree, and negotiations were abandoned.
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • These dreams led them to a lifetime of risk-taking adventure, and ultimately the women came to learn of each other's exploits.
  • Here's the effort of New Testament scholar Charles Talbert to get the whole of John's plot or story into one long sentence: "John tells of one who came as revealing, empowering presence; who picked / produced a new community and provided them and others during his public ministry with warrants for a different kind of worship; who privately predicted what their future would be like, offering promise, parenesis, and prayer for that time; and who ultimately made provision for their future community life, worship, and ministry before he returned to whence he had come".
  • Ultimately she returned to Hatfield, kept her head down, attended mass regularly, and refused all offers of marriage.
  • Ultimately, anagogically, linear time ceases to hold sway and the prophetic soul perceives past, present and future as one.
  • Although Tanenhaus ultimately does reveal his storytelling preference in affirming those writers who have managed the feat of "making their imagined creations more relevant to our complicated moment. Narrative Strategies
  • Glaucoma is a disorder characterized by increased intraocular pressure (IOP) that ultimately damages the optic nerve, leading to visual field loss.
  • However, science springs ultimately from the human urge to truth, and dogmatism eventually gives way under this impetus.
  • In due time it was "home-steaded" The chapel and graveyard were ultimately deeded back; and when the Landmarks Club took hold it was agreed that the ruins "revert to their proper ownership, the church. The Old Franciscan Missions Of California
  • It is not some video game, with spectacular special effects but ultimately no-one is hurt.
  • I know you have your reasons, and, ultimately, it's none of my beeswax.
  • In order that he and his friends could continue to enjoy travel by horse-drawn carriage and buckboard, Rockefeller designed and financed what ultimately became a 57-mile-long system of gravel roads.
  • They are 'self-people': self-possessed, self-preoccupied, self-loving — and ultimately, self-destructive. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, "Assyria" is designedly used to point ultimately to the future restoration of the ten fully, never yet accomplished (Jer 3: 18). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Ultimately, House deduces that the patient has OTD (ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency).
  • Ultimately, we settled on the design with the guest house, which we intended to rent out.
  • Was his extravagant creative production an apotropaic ritual that ultimately failed in its aim, or did the procession of his creature, so ferocious, but with a tinge of pathos to it, prove somehow overwhelming for him?
  • Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent.
  • On the plus side, Catch Me at the Neil Simon, boasts two incredibly entertaining leads - a sensational Aaron Tveit as the charismatic Frank, and the always superb Norbert Leo Butz as Carl Hannraty, the crumply married-to-the job FBI agent who ultimately catches him. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: Catch Me If You Can, Peter and the Starcatcher, Urge For Going
  • - or, like the mastodon 's huge tusks: a heavy, useless and ultimately self-destructive burden? THE DICE MAN
  • HIV is a progressive disease which the immune response ultimately fails to control.
  • They were all very fascinating, but ultimately unsatisfying.
  • All my paintings are ultimately about the human condition .
  • There's something endearingly gauche and ham-fisted about the way in which this tune almost succeeds as a Stock Aitken Waterman soundalike, but ultimately just falls short.
  • Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week.
  • Change can only be achieved by the people in a combined effort with demonstrations, petitions, personal crusades, and newspapers being brave enough to report fraud and embezzlement, that will lead ultimately to the guilty parties being put in the "slammer" for a very long time.
  • I thought the whole point was to contract these services out so the bidders would compete for the contracts using their own existing capital and thus keep the price down for the government, ultimately saving the taxpayers a bit of money.
  • Ultimately, the doctrine allowing pre - emption of long - term threats has the potential to be enormously destabilizing.
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • The brewers who made the beer and bought in the malt ultimately had power over the maltsters who depended on them for their trade.
  • We postulate that underlying microscopic inflammation may predispose to glandular tubular occlusion and the retention of mucous secretions resulting in cystic dilation and ultimately a JRP. Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
  • Ultimately, only the smallest separation in the 'fixate' condition was within the regime of the Weber's Law (ratio lower than 0.5), whereas the remaining conditions should be mainly influenced by the eccentricity of the furthest dot. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Politics is about compromise, but ultimately the political process can shape and develop policy before the ultimate decision is formulated and presented by government.
  • Ultimately, this has made me a nicer, kinder, more tolerant person ... except to the dumbfucks but they all deserve to be autoclaved by accident. Personal evolution
  • And while he may have done irreparable damage to his legacy with the disappointing prequels and constant tinkering with the originals, perhaps the sixth and last will ultimately vindicate him.
  • Is there not rather just cause for wonder that he did not speedily sink to the bottom, but that, on the contrary, he kept afloat, advanced to conspicuity and fame, and would, in all probability, have ultimately come with flying colours to a mooring in the port of honour and happiness, if Death had not unexpectedly arrested him in his progress. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • The body of the adult human, however, can often withstand this chemical onslaught and ultimately recover fully.
  • Ultimately, it is not about language or facts; it is about the whole tenor of the book.
  • Like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the refuseniks, Sakharov and Bonner ultimately outlasted their tormentors.
  • Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
  • This removed land in intestate estates from the repercussions of primogeniture and stipulated a division along the same lines as chattels: one-third to the widow for her lifetime, ultimately to devolve to the children of the marriage; two-thirds equally divided among the children. Gutenber-e Help Page

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