
How To Use Uk In A Sentence

  • The following years were characterized by rifts with Russia, in which the Ukraine jealously guarded its own independence against its overbearing neighbour.
  • The main square is called “Rynek” (which basically means “central market place”), and in the middle there are two buildings: “Ratusz” or City Hall (compare with German “Rathaus”) and “Sukiennice”, a long one-level building not unlike a bazaar, filled with stores. Matthew Yglesias » Krakow
  • Back on the boat and heading to shore, we spotted a spout, a fin and then the flukes of a humpback whale.
  • A few people were crying, and one girl was very sick and puking, but most people tried to stay calm.
  • Brunhild, a mischievous, strong-minded goldfish (the voice of Noah Cyrus, Miley's younger sister), is determined to become a little girl when she's rescued from a jar and befriended by Sosuke (the voice of Frankie Jonas, the Jonas Brothers 'kid brother), a plucky, self-reliant 5-year-old. No Time's Right for 'Traveler's Wife'
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  • A few nights ago, after viewing one of these, I was quaffing beer in Bombay Peggy's and learned that every one of the four women at the table happened to live on the other side of a river, either the Yukon or the Klondike.
  • Email and Net abuse at work have become the number one reason why UK employees face the sack, according to a survey out today.
  • Also, thankfully, Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry Christmas includes a version of "The Chanukah Song" that should give that mensch Adam Sandler a whole lot of nachas. David Wild: The Perfect Semitic Storm: Five Reasons Everybody Should Buy the New Christmas Albums by Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan And Barry Manilow This Season
  • Very few of us had seen a Lully opera in real life, said harpsichordist Dongsuk Shin. Historic Opera Fit for Kings County
  • As may be imagined, this capture, not so much a fluke as a surprise gave me cause to rethink my fishing plans on the lake.
  • Lefebvre V, Peeters-Joris C, Vaes G. Modulation by interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha of production of collagenase, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases and collagen types in differentiated and dedifferentiated articular chondrocytes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She watched Luke read it, saw the gathering frown carve two grooves over his aquiline nose.
  • The default position is that UK employment rights remain unchanged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before anyone says that this was going to happen anyway, remember that political pros were saying two years ago that Napolitano was a one term fluke, early this year Republicans were salivating about a possible 2/3 majority House and Senate, and it took some foresight to see that a decent candidate could be recruited to take out J. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Calis, and so on the mondaie following, [Sidenote: Iohn Hall executed.] he was drawne from the Tower to Tiburne, and there hanged, bowelled, headed, and quartered: his head being sent to Calis there to be set vp, where the duke was murthered. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • Luke was a brilliant student despite the fact that he was a notorious slacker.
  • Tessa Morris-Suzuku of Australian National University perhaps the most widely known Australian historian of Japan presented a paper on colonial Karafuto, one of many topics she is currently researching. 2007: Japan Top Ten Year in Review
  • The duke bowed to the Queen.
  • In these two cases, the UK is exactly equidistant from the tolerance of France and the censoriousness of the US.
  • The next morning we passed a large island, opposite to which on the north is a large and beautiful prairie, called Sauk prairie, the land being fine and well timbered on both sides the river. History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean
  • The situation reminds of other art items like netsuke or tsuba in the 50s when these items where collected only by a small minority.
  • To date, American Suzuki has received two reports of flame arrester screens detaching from the mounting ring. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • And when they espied the duke’s daughter, that was a full fair woman, then by their false covin they made debate betwixt themself, and the duke of his goodness would have departed them, and there they slew him and his eldest son. Chapter XV. The Thirteenth Book. How Sir Galahad Fought with the Knights of the Castle, and Destroyed the Wicked Custom
  • Despite his excitement, there are few things Ignaciuk finds lacking in his life in Bulgaria.
  • The fish killed included bass, roach, eels and fluke when the temperature soared to twenty six degrees Centigrade.
  • In the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, primary production occurs over a shallow shelf (50 to 200 m) and as the zooplankton and bacterioplankton cannot fully deplete this carbon source, it is either transferred to the benthos or advected downstream [17]. Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
  • The sound is a direct descendant of old skool UK garage, the bumpy beats of yore with rubbery basslines and cutting edge sampling techniques, taking in everything from soul to electro to jazz to blue grass.
  • MI5, Britain's internal security and counter-espionage agency, is to play a greater role in informing the UK public about terror alerts.
  • To order visit guardianbooks. or in the UK call 0845 606 4232. UEA's delayed response to climate emails caused by shock, says professor
  • The UK already grants work visas for industries with labour shortages but these are required only for non-EU citizens. Times, Sunday Times
  • They tell me that his father was made what they call a baronet because he set a broken arm for one of those twenty royal dukes that England has to pay for. The Fixed Period
  • Laieikawai i ke Alii, "E nana oe i kela anuenue e pio la iuka, o Paliuli no ia, oia no ua wahi la, malaila no kahi i loaa'i ia'u. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had emails from all over the UK to come and interview crews and artists.
  • The percentages of aneuploid bone marrow leukocytes were higher than those of aneuploid sperm for the two upper THH dose groups and for the positive control group.
  • In the next level of technique not only does the nage initiate action to draw out uke's movement, but he uses the energy of his action to lead the response given him by uke.
  • Just getting anyone in the area to tell the platoon where the former mukhtar lived had taken three months of pleading, and after several false leads that day, the soldiers had found him. The Coming Normalcy?
  • The report ranks the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations.
  • Somewhere in the darkest, dingiest corner of hell, Andrew Wilson is laughing," Beuke told jurors. Jon Burge Trial: Jury Begins Deliberations
  • He welcomed the drop that had occurred in UK birth rates.
  • In the UK that is called conspiring to pervert the cause of justice and it's a very serious matter and I think the Metropolitan Police now have to look at this as a matter of urgency. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Free-kick to Ukraine outside the box on the left-hand side, after Kalin is obstructed by Trabe.
  • During this time, Lockhart met Moura Budberg, a Ukrainian-born baroness, who became the love of his life, and with whom, according to his son, he remained romantically involved until his death in 1970.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • In an interesting July 30th post on, Alex Benady repots that "advanced industrial countries like the US and UK are moving toward a post-consumer era -- less materialist and more spiritual. The Greenwash Brigade: August 2008 Archives
  • That was an independent province until Duke Francis died, leaving his daughter Anne as his only heir.
  • With Maugham it is a kind of stoical resignation, the stiff upper lip of the pukka sahib somewhere east of Suez, carrying on with his job without believing in it, like an Antonine Emperor. Inside the Whale
  • UK gov/Scotland Office are spending £1.5M on their public info campaign on new devo powers.
  • He always wiped the dirt or snow off, tucked his ripped shirt-tail in, or went yuk-yuk-yuk as he rubbed his reddening ass-cheeks, and the hate hardly ever showed. Blaze
  • Evidence from pages 46, 47 and 48 of the transcript of the examination of Luke Brock was read into the court record.
  • Ramping up the subsidies is a relatively cheap way for the French to go as it usually falls to the UK, as a net contributor to the EU, to have to fork out to keep French politicians in office. The French Protection
  • Tests showed it contained benzene, a chemical believed to cause aplastic anemia and leukemia, in a concentration 1,500 times the level safe for people. Susan Deily-Swearingen: So When Does the Sputnik Moment Begin?
  • On the platform were representatives of the UK Independence Party, Conservatives, Lib-Dems, Labour and the Greens, and the usual mud-slinging followed.
  • An arbitration tribunal from the International Chamber of Commerce ruled Cukurova Holding, owned by Turkish businessman Mehmet Karamehmet , must pay the amount, plus interest dating back to June 2007, after withdrawing from a deal to sell a stake in the company. TeliaSonera Wins Damages
  • Now St. Paul had seen the gift conferred at Ephesus and St. Luke does not distinguish Ephesian glossolaly from that of Jerusalem. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Concerns have been raised that these mosquitoes may spread to the UK from traffic coming in from France. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the interim, the auklet egg was left in a carton buried in the sand to keep it safe and cool.
  • Simon Jenkins, a columnist with the UK's Guardian recently called Zuma a rapist and a racketeer in perhaps one of the most acerbic pieces yet the Guardian has published on Zuma.
  • The UK industry no longer relies on casual labourers with a fork to spread muck. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marathon runners will take to Sukhumvit Highway southbound towards Sattahip before returning to the finish line.
  • Featuring Simpson's virtuosity on guitar, banjo and ukulele, this collection of songs and tunes, mainly recorded in New Orleans, is a homage to the American South.
  • Mugabe previously dismissed Tibaijuka's findings as "biassed" and a product of western pressures. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ‘Shh, shh… ‘Luke whispered, wiping the tears off of her cheeks with his thumbs.
  • Only in 1920 after Moscow cleared Russian chauvinists out of leadership of the Ukrainian Communist Party did the new Soviet administration seriously address aspirations for self-determination.
  • The publication of Quantum Leaps is not a fluke; rather it is an exceptionally clear manifestation of the taint, stigma, and taboo surrounding the paranormal.
  • The duke and duchess were caught up in a minor earthquake in Assam last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • The late S.M. Shukla, an authority on numismatics from Mumbai, gave him a big part of his collection for a nominal payment.
  • What is happening at Widnes was held up as the model for future logistics hubs across the entire UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • In between the 9th (1987) and 10th (1993) editions, the M-W lexicographers discovered that the people who had imported the bird into the western US called it simply "chukar," not "chukar partridge," and furthermore pronounced it in a completely anglicized form, not knowing or caring that that made it a homophone of some polo term. CHUKAR.
  • Chukotka straddles the Arctic Circle and its nine - month winter can witness temperatures as low as - 60 C.
  • They always provided the best of opportunities for their children as well as caring for their extended whanau and the Temuka community.
  • Through a series of strategic puns Sukenick associates the collection of evidence, analysis and causal sequence with political totalitarianism.
  • In this context the survivors in the UK electricity market will continue to scrabble for scale.
  • Another injury victim, Andy Heald, sees a specialist this week over his sciatica, but former skipper Davey Luker is unlikely to feature again this season due to work commitments.
  • Then we played some games: we threw bean bags into targets for prizes and ran relays, spun hula hoops and played tic-tac-toe, fulfilling the mitzvah of laughing and being merry on Sukkot. GLBT Families Come OUT to Decorate the Sukkah With GLOE « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Europcar, which has developed the system with UK-based digital agency Fortune Cookie, will equip the system at a number of major outlets elsewhere around Europe from the end of the first half of 2010.
  • I realized I was thinking about Siesuki and clonked myself on the forehead.
  • Blaschuk, OW, et al. E-cadherin, estrogens and cancer: is there a connection? T.S. Wiley: Estrogen Dilemma: There Is No Dilemma When You Know the Details
  • If this was the UK, I would expect to be ushered to a table (probably grumbling inwardly about the empty tables I passed on the way), then, once seated, make a curt nod and "hullo" to my table mates before either engaging in quiet conversation with my companion or looking pensively out of the window, trying hard to look like I'm thinking of Very Important Things. Amtrak adventures
  • Croi from time immemorial had been renowned for its devout and strict observance of papistic rites and ceremonies; the Counts of Nassau had gone over to the new sect -- sufficient reasons why Philip of Croi, Duke of Arschot, should prefer a party which placed him the most decidedly in opposition to the Prince of Orange. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 02
  • Duke also points out that freshwater black bass, the familiar largemouth and smallmouth, are found in 49 of the 50 states.
  • It is a rebuke to those who grumpily accept their snail-paced status quo. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a seasoned and tough negotiator with extensive experience of securing UK objectives in Brussels. The Sun
  • They may also be added to ‘one-pot’ dishes such as sukiyaki, or be fried as tempura.
  • Ua nui no na la o ka Makaula ma Kauwiki, aneane makahiki a oi ae paha, aole nae oia i ike iki i ka hoailona mau ana e ukali nei. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • Few things grate a Canadian hockey fan more than seeing one of our national teams lose to an American team, especially when the game was decided by a lousy, fluky goal.
  • For it is hard not to agree with Lucio that the Duke is a ‘seemer’ manipulating the other characters for the perpetuation and exaltation of his own power.
  • A memo from March 1988 revealed the project was to be ditched because it "contravened" statements from ministers saying UFOs did not pose a threat to the UK. Undefined
  • There's every chance of a real Bukhara rug with its 'lozenge' design in ruby and cinnabar that gleams when taken out to be beaten. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • The seven young musicians play an exciting assortment of instruments including bodhran, accordion, bouzouki, guitar, bass, fiddle, Asturian bagpipes and flute.
  • The couple met on the show last autumn when the former equerry to the Duke of York ended up choosing presenter Jonsson over the contestants.
  • Sodium dithionite was obtained from Fluka (Sigma-Aldrich, Oakville, Canada).
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  • Kwa kweli tunajitahidi kila kukicha kujua hatma ya jumuwata. Global Voices in English » Tanzania: Dar es Salaam Armoury Explosion Death Toll Rises
  • Charlie's condition is a fluke so the chance of any future siblings having it are just one in 50.
  • Each of the plurality of flukes may be provided with an inwardly sloped bill segment at a distal end of the fluke.
  • I should add that I am only really interested in results from the UK as we are a UK based charity and cannot help anyone outside of Scotland Testing Search Engine Page Ranking Techniques « Lorelle on WordPress
  • How come this form of mugging is allowed in the UK? UK Mobile Scam? - :: gia’s blog ::
  • According to a report by Cambridge Econometrics, an independent think tank, house prices in some parts of the UK have reached levels which are unsustainable in the long term.
  • Adei, dan kerana tak cukup rehat aku dah sagat kete honda dia kat palang umah. .hahahahah..sib baik dia tak kisah. .hahah … gomenasai. Newbie Webmaster
  • Any fool could tell you its a bad idea to let a destructionist play with nukes. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • You can't really go wrong with a loaf of wholemeal organic bread, but as much as I love the UK I find it difficult to get remarkable fresh bread.
  • And they are a rebuke to cultural pessimists in the West who often feel vindicated by the perfidies of the Muslim world but could stand, on occasion, to be humbled by examples of its courage. The Face of Pakistan's Courage
  • Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
  • Both the Ukrainian government and western nations have condemned it as unconstitutional under Ukrainian law. Times, Sunday Times
  • They added anti-nuclear slogans as they passed the offices of Tokyo Electic Power Co, the operator of the stricken Fukushima plant. 'Occupy' Protests Around the World
  • The death knell could also be sounded for other species dependent on the ice, such as the ringed seal, bearded seal and little auk.
  • The hunt was held on land owned by the Duke of Marlborough.
  • Also on the program that night were the Marshall Dancers from the Lower Yukon, dressed in sumptuous headdresses that were trimmed with wolf and beaver fur.
  • Until the cessation of bulk exports of port in 1997, crusted port was bottled in the UK.
  • The evening was one of the largest consumer tastings of South African wines ever to be held in the UK with over 450 attendees signed up.
  • The Japanese cuisine, as served in the Yamato, is authentic with the various styles covering sashimi, sushi, sukiyaki and tempura items, plus many others such as yaki soba, a favorite of the golfing guru Mike Franklin.
  • Bab dia nih, aku tatau aaa jatuh hukum harus ke tak. tp dr satu segi ade benefictnye sbb kes buang bayi semakin hari makin kejam … tensen tol aku tgk berita … apa daaaa … tau buat tahu branak tanggung le … ank tu rezeki, yg haram tu hubungan mak bapak bukannya baby yg haram, ank dia tetap suci disisi Allah. Planet Malaysia
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonist is a new drug to treat allergic rhinitis.
  • The numerous and lukewarm group outnumber the rabid partisans on both sides, though.
  • Sound on 18 Doughty Street is mainly some sentences by one person and then cluck chunter chunter squak cluck cluk "so I think..." chunter, "But not withstanding" chunter,chunter. Steve Norris: 'Let's Get Out of the EU'
  • Sometimes people don't just pick up the phone & ring Crimestoppers out of some sense of duty, but they will do it for filthy luker. 200 Weeks
  • There remain on the balance sheet assets with uncertain value and limited relevance to the UK economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as the girl shut the door Yuki pulled herself upright and staggered to the bed.
  • The national broadcaster said Pahad "rebuked Washington for pursuing what he terms a discredited neo-conservative ideology". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Children can join the register with parental consent and the oldest organ donor in the UK was aged 82.
  • The first time Julie saw Luke was some time in 1985. She was sitting in the removal van, half asleep. GOING OUT
  • Danny Dyer and Zoo magazine in row over 'misquote' claim guardian., Monday 10 May 2010 12.02 BST Film |
  • The cider and vodka combination is far too lethal for my poor liver so I ended up puking.
  • A busy owner could get to it cheaply from the UK and take it on little jaunts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Duke shakily got to his feet, and he hurried out of the room, just as a servant and two guards entered.
  • It would be nice if Whiting could work some ex-suketto gaijin ballplayers as extras. Warner Brothers Developing Tokyo Underworld Adaptation «
  • However, a recent article scotches this by putting the position of UK manufacturing in context.
  • G, Bartek J, Lukas J (2001) The ATM-Chk2-Cdc25A checkpoint pathway guards against radioresistant DNA synthesis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • A preliminary glossary of Inuktitut words relating to bowheads, whaling, and related topics has been prepared, but it is not included in the book, as it awaits verification by Inuit elders.
  • Luke is placed in an isolated environment with strict rules, guards, and regimentation and his fiercely individualistic spirit immediately clashes.
  • Broadsystem Ventures (UK) - provider of cheap-rate telephone calls, particularly for customers of Sky Television. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • There was also a statistically significantly lower incidence of leukocytopenia, or decrease in white blood cells, of 12 percent on Treanda versus 38 percent with CHOP, and more infectious complications with CHOP, Rummel said. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Lacouture et al. found that a leukocyte count greater than 15,000/mm3 and a serum glucose greater than 150 mg./dl. are predictive of a serum iron concentration greater than 300 mcg./dl. 4 Iron Poisoning
  • Brother Luke will say grace.
  • He later moved to Delft, where he was well known and became a syndic of the Guild of Saint Luke.
  • He said low genetic diversity is a natural part of the domestication process and that Dukha reindeer are selected for traits such as passiveness and strong backs that support saddles and riders.
  • Luke said with a frown, his blue eyes finally resting on the table in front of him.
  • Australian striker Mark Viduka is hoping for a recall to an attack which has totalled just four goals in the last six matches.
  • Soteros epiphaneias, ton proi, hon egrapsen ho Markos eipon (ho kai meta diastoles anagnosteon) anastas de; eita hupostixantes, to hexes rheteon, proi te mia tou sabbatou ephane Maria te Magdalene, aph 'hes ekbeblhukei hepta daimonia. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • But radiation levels at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant dropped on Friday, further buoying the Nikko. Asia Markets Higher; Tokyo Up 2.5%
  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The UK is more relaxed about televising full-frontal female nudity.
  • From hardcore to house to UK garage, Grant Nelson has had a hand in it all.
  • The clouds will gradually appear across the UK, usually reaching a peak around three weeks after the summer solstice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I haven't read the article but have read the outrageous reports rebuking the author.
  • You said ‘send conventional troops that he can only repel with his nuclear weapons, which will cause us to nuke him’.
  • Other findings include disseminated intravascular coagulation, bone marrow aplasia with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzyme values, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and rhabdomyolysis. Colchicine Poisoning
  • The UK should find another weapon to fill the same role .
  • Back on the waterfront, the most senior man among Reservists, Major General His Grace the Duke of Westminster, paid a visit to the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Reservists at the Royal Naval HQ Merseyside in Liverpool.
  • The 2003 competition attracted hundreds of entries from across the UK and Europe.
  • Pubs usually stage karaoke evenings or have jukeboxes churning out the hits.
  • How has the UK moved from being a nation that held up thrift as a virtue and considered debt a vice, to owing a trillion pounds on mortgages, credit cards and other loans?
  • The resulting baking had a strong garlic flavour, more acceptable perhaps in bread, but cakes, Yuk!
  • You know how it is when to stay feels like an eternity of misery, even with the promise of a multi-tiered orchid-bestrewn imported from the UK chocolate wedding cake? June 2005
  • But a Suzuki Bluesmaster is about £20 quid a pop, so that order is belayed for now. Nobody ever got fired for using an E instead of an Em « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Many shorebirds and seabirds are found here, including rhinoceros auklet, Brandt's cormorants, and all manner of gulls, puffins, petrels, murres, and more.
  • Wally Happychuk is the recently-elected reeve of the RM of Stuartburn.
  • He is dean of the chapel and professor of Christian ministry at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
  • Shizuko is a famous tango dancer and deferential wife, who is kidnapped by yakuza as payment for her businessman husband's debts.
  • Luke was everything she could've hoped for: sweet, charming and gorgeous.
  • Excuse me. Is Shinjuku far?
  • Bhaiya, meanwhile, sent self-pitying letters from near Delhi where he was undergoing military training of his own trials in a world that he found ‘frightfully Poona: chukka, pukka, whisky soda and tiffin: still, I exist.’ Chaplin’s Girl
  • But Robin Turner, the Vines's A&R man and long-term confidant at their UK label Heavenly, always thought his habit was a hindrance, not a help. The Trouble With Spikol
  • Are cows which provide colostrum for your calves tested for bovine leukosis?
  • She was also introduced to several lords, dukes and soon to be counts and barons, who were her age.
  • German antiterrorist officials say they hadn't previously identified Mr. Uka as a potential militant. Frankfurt Shooting Suspect Had Links to Radical Islamists
  • The UK has refused to recognize the new regime.
  • He spent most of his career trying to find a cure for leukaemia. The Sun
  • Objective: To investigate the regulation of estradiol and progesterone on leukocyte and lymphocyte of peripheral blood in ovariectomized mice.
  • 2141: It will be thought I, which he calls the pandar, did kil the Duke, The Revenger's Tragedy
  • Luke had decided to take a long ride across the estate's grounds to the meadow in the east limit and set a picnic for both of us there.
  • Dr. Cahill, senior attending physician in infectious diseases and emergency medicine at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, serves as the orchestra's in-house physician, treating everything from violinists 'stiff necks to an epidemic of food poisoning that occurred while the orchestra was on tour several years ago. One Virtuoso Physician
  • The kukri is a traditional Nepalese large knife, which is carried by Gurkha soldiers.
  • An 'the ould mother fox she lifted the lid o' the pot, and the rashkill untied the bag, and hild it over the pot o 'bilin' wather, an 'shuk in the big, heavy shtone. Faith Gartney's Girlhood
  • Many observers have noticed that negroes become several degrees lighter after syphilization; but no definite relation between syphilis and leukoderma has yet been demonstrated in this race. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Rather Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, both discernably more open to Russian influence than Yushchenko (who was poisoned by unidentified assailants on the occasion of his last run for President), will face each other in the runoff. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka: Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • Trinidad reverberates to soca, and Martinique to the racing double beat of zouk.
  • Despite the skill with which Jellicoe and Beatty had enmeshed the High Seas Fleet, Iron Duke had fired only nine salvos when Scheer turned his ships around and vanished into the mist. Castles of Steel
  • On this occasion, Campobasso gave his opinion, couched in the apologue of the Traveller, the Adder, and the Fox; and reminded the Duke of the advice which Reynard gave to the man, that he should crush his mortal enemy, now that chance had placed his fate at his disposal. Quentin Durward
  • Pesawat bermesin berupa dua unit "turboprop" rolls Royce Dart RDa Mk 536-7R, merupakan pesawat turboprop terlaris yang banyak digunakan baik untuk militer maupun komersial. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
  • As we enter the house with the mezuzah on one side and the Chanukah menorah on the other, there is no mistaking the Jewish focus of the home.
  • For an album so reflective of a certain musical style and sound, The Good Feeling Music of Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele manages to contemporise itself without sounding ridiculous. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • Temperatures are expected to drop even lower this evening as a north-eastern wind blows over the UK.
  • Wald was working on statistics and probability and he persuaded Lukacs to take an interest in this topic too.
  • She flung him a rebukeful glare that he did not get. We Can't Have Everything
  • That could see Tommy Bridewell aboard the Quay Garage Honda posing questions of the title chasing pack as he ran only marginally down in seventh place ahead of Alastair Seeley on the second Relentless Suzuki and Chris Walker riding his privately entered Suzuki
  • The Duke's foray into the world of contemporary art yielded equally predictable results. Times, Sunday Times
  • New york is sitting on the mother lode of fluke right now," says the DEC's Gilmore, "but we are restricted by the 1998 quota. Aram Roston: Deadliest Catch Brooklyn Style: The Fish You Catch in New York City
  • The Duke has also opened up the rooftops, offering glorious views of church spires and domes. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a lighter note, Luke Haines, the indie pop star who dresses like John Betjeman, will be reading from his memoirs and performing acoustically Fri. This week's new live music
  • There are four more stops to Shinjuku.
  • UK research and science budgets are already being cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pukhov, a careerist painter, sacrifices his artistic integrity by cynically painting potboilers to please factory and party committees.
  • One fun aspect of the ‘comments’ feature is watching my readers duke it out about various things.
  • However, UK scientists will be involved in spectroscopic analysis from two hours after the impact when the telescopes in Australia come online.
  • They" are the poachers who haunt those waters, men who catch more than the legal limit of fish -- striped bass, sea bass, fluke and blackfish (tautog) -- then sell them on the black market. Inside New York City's Fishy Black Market
  • Founded in 1660, the Society has three roles, as the UK academy of science, as a learned Society, and as a funding agency.
  • He was judged against a flat-coated retriever, a giant schnauzer, an Old English sheepdog, a wire fox terrier, a saluki hound and Pekingese toy dog.
  • His follow-up picture Assassin premiered at Cannes in 1997 to particularly dismissive critical opprobrium and never earned a release in the UK.

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