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How To Use Typist In A Sentence

  • ABC art scree audiotypist adenosine ABBREVIATIONS (4) bioelectrogenesis 3',5'-monophosphate ADP cryochemistry Age of BAL Aquarius EEC cytoecology air battery IDDD dehydrotestosterone Aquarian ACRONYM Age KWOC geoprobe arcjet UNABBREVIATED heliborne, are-jet engine SHORTENINGS (6) adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
  • For example, the right shift key is the same size as the standard letter keys, and lots of typists will go crazy hitting the next-door up arrow instead.
  • The typist omitted the last letter.
  • The spread of PCs has dispensed with the need for typists.
  • And the choice of placements totally eclipses the old stigma of office typist or work site skivvy.
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  • My job is somewhere between a typist and a personal assistant.
  • Many women applied for the post of typist.
  • She is a very fast typist.
  • Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • Of the 163,000 civil servants, about 30,000 are general grade workers, such as clerks and typists, who fear the administration will cut their jobs to reduce expenses.
  • Your teasing of the new typist has got beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.
  • He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • I can personally attest to that, having tried to learn a similar tool, the court reporter's stenotype machine, with which it is possible to record speech verbatim much faster than any typist can do.
  • In 1910, 38 percent of bookkeepers, 85 percent of stenographers and typists, and 18 percent of clerks were women.
  • Right now I make money irregularly by working on and off as a kind of typist, I suppose, from home. The misogyny post (updated)
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • Many persons affirmed that the history and elucidation of the facts, long so mysterious, had been obtained by the daguerreotypist from one of those mesmerical seers who, nowadays, so strangely perplex the aspect of human affairs, and put everybody's natural vision to the blush, by the marvels which they see with their eyes shut. The House of the Seven Gables
  • And it is literally impossible that on three separate memos, the typist managed to perfectly line up centered text exactly the way Microsoft Word would.
  • I write with a pen longhand, and periodically send chapters to my wonderful typist to type up for me. An Interview with Simon Tolkein
  • The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again.
  • My job is somewhere between a typist and a personal assistant.
  • If that were really true, then the fact that no company employing large numbers of typists, and wishing to double their productivity while at the same time making their jobs much easier - surely a profitable move!
  • My husband's typist," said her ladyship as she helped Hemingway to tea, "is a copatriot of yours. The Lost Road
  • As an added bonus, the keyboard seems to light up, which I envision will be a boon to struggling typists working in windowless, lightless spaces.
  • For many years he employed both his first and his second wives as typists in his office together - no doubt crediting any salary paid against arrears of alimony.
  • The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers and drivers were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
  • Her hand fell away from the switch and she took a step towards the typists' room, her head cocked.
  • The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
  • As I write, early Wednesday morning, the entire membership - the welfare and case workers, probation officers and clerk typists - is supposed to be walking off the job.
  • Also, Marshall states, “In general, most professional photgraphers used the daguerreotype process in the 1840†™ s, while the calotype was generally favored by those who were not atttempting to earn an income. †(A chart describing the differences between calotypes and daguerreotypes is included in the Appendix). “In August, 1841, Fox Talbot licensed Henry Collen as the first professional photographer, or calotypist. †(source: www. / Chromomedia / years / 1840-1844. htm) Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • But the typist turns out to be a prisoner serving a sentence for rape.
  • We have vacancies for typists / in the typing pool.
  • Examples of people at risk include data entry clerks or typists, assembly line workers or those whose work involves handling heavy objects.
  • The daguerreotypist was expected to accommodate the wishes of his clients.
  • She started working in his office as a typist and when she was 21 began to study accountancy.
  • I got myself a job as a typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine.
  • Your teasing of the new typist has got beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.
  • On each site young women - shopgirls, nursemaids, typists - operated the fire control equipment while men fired the guns.
  • To me blogging, the pain as a newbie or semi-literate typist is you need to find a piece of "data" to blog about, dig into it's properties like the URL, cutnpaste a selection of text and/or other media, upload an image, remember to credit the whole trail of sources linking to the story (becomes like an Oscars speach) The Glue Between RSS Readers + Blog Platforms
  • In typing, two-finger typists use the ‘hunt and peck’ method but skilled typists read the material in advance of the keystrokes.
  • Anyone who has ever used a manual typewriter remembers that the keys do jam occasionally, but the QWERTY layout permitted a better system for key usage, and it reduced the need for typists to stop to reach in to the machine to unjam the keys. Kate Kelly: Why Our 21st Century Keyboards Retain Vestiges of the Past
  • His junior clerks whistle continuously, his liftmen yodel, his typists sing. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, December 1, 1920
  • And it is literally impossible that on three separate memos, the typist managed to perfectly line up centered text exactly the way Microsoft Word would.
  • U.S. doctors dictate notes into digital recorders; the sound clips can then travel to India via the Internet for Indian typists to transcribe.
  • Some of them have careers as lawyers, doctors, teachers, and businesswomen, but most have behind-the-scenes positions or are clerks, typists, and cashiers.
  • Every novel is unique, because it makes its intentions known in its own way: at a certain point, it takes over and invents itself, and I'm just the typist. A Conversation with Elizabeth Berg about Open House
  • You'll have a first in English from Oxford, and you're going to be a typist. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Suddenly it was possible to do in microseconds what had previously taken teams of designers, draftsmen and typists to achieve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typist omitted the last letter.
  • Just look at parents who ask their kids to install parental monitoring software, CEOs who think password rules don't apply to them, and hunt-and-peck typists who can't press Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time and never log off.
  • The firm's New York City office has approximately a hundred and fifty employees - attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff, typists, secretaries and receptionists.
  • Now, Douglas has a new girlfriend who works at Christie's - and when I say `works "I don't mean she's just a typist. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • In all contexts except EVE, I've been using "typist," but I see how how "pilot" could apply just as well in any MMO. Cockpit of your avatar
  • UNABBREVIATED antimissile laggard SHORTENINGS (6) antirheu - lagger detox, v. matic, adj. meson gox antisexist, microelec - hydro adj. trode immuno -, audiotypist mu-meson comb. bioelectro - muon form genesis VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
  • He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.
  • Overall, I would not recommend this keyboard unless you are a hunt-and-peck typist, or type in the dark, and can cope with small keys.
  • This applies to schoolteachers, nurses, typists and clerks, anybody who's employed by the government, so it's not special to me, so I won't worry about it.
  • A document from the National Justice Department said the alleged offenders involved clerks, prosecutors, assistant state attorneys, legal administration officers and typists.
  • On 19 July 1991 the sentences were overturned on technical grounds - a typist's error on the charge sheet.
  • I duly left school and became a typist in the Mines Department where I met some interesting and colourful characters.
  • Pearl put him in his place with his own sonnet which begins, ‘Proofreaders, tremble; and poor typists, quail; / For R - N, lynx-eyed, thunders on your trail ’, and proceeds to show why books deserve better.
  • UNABBREVIATED antimissile laggard SHORTENINGS (6) antirheu - lagger detox, v. matic, adj. meson gox antisexist, microelec - hydro adj. trode immuno -, audiotypist mu-meson comb. bioelectro - muon form genesis VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
  • She couldn't operate a computer and was surely a mediocre typist. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • a competent typist
  • As I entered the back office, a woman I put in her late forties rose from a typist 's chair behind an L-shaped desk. KICK BACK
  • I reminded myself that I am professionally qualified and thus have more purpose than to act as personal assistant, clerk, typist and dogsbody to anybody.
  • Thus the typist's error "indubitable" ” which inspired Joyce to stitch in "unquestionably" ” is banned from the display of revisions in the Synoptic Edition. The Scandal of 'Ulysses'
  • A lone typist hove into sight around the corner from Gordon Street, weighed down with plastic carrier bags and moving like the QE2. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Incidentally, the most cruel -- and, alas, often apt -- term of abuse that pianists hurl at those colleagues whose playing they dislike / disrespect is "typist": the kind of performer who, while sitting at the piano, sounds rather as if he / she is actually sitting at the Mandolin Cafe News
  • UNABBREVIATED antimissile laggard SHORTENINGS (6) antirheu - lagger detox, v. matic, adj. meson gox antisexist, microelec - hydro adj. trode immuno -, audiotypist mu-meson comb. bioelectro - muon form genesis VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
  • The firm's New York City office has approximately a hundred and fifty employees - attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff, typists, secretaries and receptionists.
  • I introduced the typists to what I called the suck-it-and-see approach to finding things out on the computer and was met with looks of horror. Undefined
  • BlindType acquired by Google, Android typists grin uncontrollably (engadget) ... we were wowed back in July by the software's ability to predict words regardless of how text was inputted, and it seems as if a few bigwigs within Google were as well. Daily Dispatch: Virtual worlds reach 1 Billion users; Car Home for Android simplifies app use on the go
  • We had it written by one of the typists or secretaries in the office who didn't have any thoughts of becoming a writer.
  • believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future
  • After failing to land a job as a journalist, and brief stints as an office temp and clerk typist, Bass was demoralized and returned to North Carolina.
  • Earlier this year an advertisement appeared in this paper seeking skilled typists to begin start up operations at a new industry in the industrial estate in Crossmolina.
  • I should also point out that it appears that the book is unedited as there are many typos throughout the text, though this may be the typist's fault, I don't know.
  • I'm not a woman, but I know the default place for them in the corporation was "typist" not long ago. Robert X. Cringely's blog
  • On each site young women - shopgirls, nursemaids, typists - operated the fire control equipment while men fired the guns.
  • Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
  • From their mobile studios, daguerreotypists showed a bleak landscape of rocky boulders, improvised workings and hastily-built shelter, and men in the diggings lined up in rows, usually holding their mining tools.
  • Julia Gillard aka Lady Macbeth has claimed she was just a part-time "typist" in her LaborConnect
  • Then, too, it was inevitable that the typist or printer would conventionalize Joyce's mannered punctuation and spelling. The Big Word in 'Ulysses'
  • Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.
  • They drove to Grossman's typists and took their copies, and their typewriter ribbons.
  • I duly left school and became a typist in the Mines Department where I met some interesting and colourful characters.
  • The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers, accountants, storekeepers, and drivers had a low level of education, were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
  • Many persons affirmed that the history and elucidation of the facts, long so mysterious, had been obtained by the daguerreotypist from one of those mesmerical seers, who, now-a-days, so strangely perplex the aspect of human affairs, and put everybody's natural vision to the blush, by the marvels which they see with their eyes shut. The House of the Seven Gables
  • At the time, Gwen wasn't a great typist, but her writing skills were tip-top.
  • Your teasing of the new typist has got beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.
  • The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers, accountants, storekeepers, and drivers had a low level of education, were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
  • The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again.
  • She joined the bank as a typist in 1987, following her graduation from college with a basic secretarial qualification.
  • Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.
  • Three rules useful in census and survey data processing to determine whether a coder, typist, or keypuncher is meeting quality standards are presented.
  • Kitty was down on the junior typist.
  • Dr. Tom Moffatt, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children, said he was delighted a company is now seeking skilled typists to begin start-up operations for a project in Crossmolina.
  • He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.
  • Being a skilled typist, she helped in the preparation of several of Russell's manuscripts, which provided further occasions for them to be alone together.
  • She has just been told that, on top of this load, she is now expected to cover for a sectional typist who is going on six weeks leave.
  • ABC art scree audiotypist adenosine ABBREVIATIONS (4) bioelectrogenesis 3',5'-monophosphate ADP cryochemistry Age of BAL Aquarius EEC cytoecology air battery IDDD dehydrotestosterone Aquarian ACRONYM Age KWOC geoprobe arcjet UNABBREVIATED heliborne, are-jet engine SHORTENINGS (6) adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
  • Her mother, Bridget, was a shorthand typist before she had her children; her father, Patrick, worked as a storeman at the British Leyland factory in Bathgate. The Susan Boyle Phenomenon
  • The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again.
  • London's large companies and their well-paid upper echelons are going to be real happy to do that to spare their receptionists, post-room workers, clerks, typists, secretaries and epsilons in general the expense.
  • The staff at that time consisted of Mr Strasser, his wife, a typist and a packer, besides the staff in the professional photography, retail dealer and wholesale photo finishing departments.
  • The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers, accountants, storekeepers, and drivers had a low level of education, were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
  • The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
  • The typist smiles to himself as the story returns like an apologetic lover, penitent, regretful and contrite.
  • I am a blog addict and a dyslexic keyboarder (typist?). I'm addicted
  • But under NEP many of the more hardened Bolsheviks found that their rough-and-ready methods were no longer appreciated by party organizers who now worked in neat offices with neat typists and neat rows of rubber stamps.
  • I should also point out that it appears that the book is unedited as there are many typos throughout the text, though this may be the typist's fault, I don't know.
  • As an added bonus, the keyboard seems to light up, which I envision will be a boon to struggling typists working in windowless, lightless spaces.
  • Typist, I believe you omitted your insatiable desire to fellate Obama, but other than that, well-played. abb1 says: Matthew Yglesias » The Actually Existing Constitution
  • He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.
  • The patient holds a job as a clerk typist in a federal government office. He is a smart man with a college education and the ability to speak three languages.

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