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How To Use Typewrite In A Sentence

  • They gazed in awe at the hive of activity against the muted background clack of typewriter and word processor keyboards.
  • This letter was typed on an electronic typewriter.
  • The Enigma machine looked like a typewriter in a wooden box, with an electric current travelling from the keyboard through a set of rotors and a plugboard to light up the ‘code’ alphabet.
  • IBM has been located in Guadalajara since the 1950s, when it began to make those ‘golf ball’ electric typewriters.
  • Matt is not the bespectacled nerd who taps out columns about dog poo in parks at his typewriter in the evenings.
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  • He wrote up a report (on a typewriter, whose ribbon he destroyed afterwards) and sent it to the US embassy in Bonn.
  • These specially equipped rooms, located in Rooms 377 and 379, contain typewriters, braillewriters, text enlargers and magnifiers.
  • There must have been pages upon pages of typewriter paper filled with romance, horror, fantasy and tales of the strange.
  • In 1888, the typewriter ribbon was patented by Jacob L. Wortman.
  • Just this morning we took delivery (from a very nice chap named Mike) of three vintage typewriters.
  • We did have several electric typewriters, and we used the better of the two computers to keyboard accepted manuscripts.
  • The prototypical typewriter of its day, The Underwood was made by John Underwood.
  • The text teletypewriter (TTY) first allowed the deaf to talk on a phone over two decades ago, but the drawback is that in order to talk, users are tethered to a bulky machine. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Deaf and mobile
  • Downstairs, Yoyo found her father setting up a brand new electric typewriter on the kitchen table.
  • In 1809 Braille invented a system of raised dots that the blind can read with their fingertips, but academy students today use the code on modern technology such as the Perkins brailler typewriter and computerized keyboards to read and write. Macon Telegraph: Homepage
  • I don't have a compter or typewriter at home and my handwriting is pretty good. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She decides to transcribe his notes on the typewriter in case anyone should ever have to read it.
  • From somewhere distant he heard the clatter of a typewriter.
  • When word processing software replaced typewriters, nobody shrieked about a socialist revolution in the steno pool. Martin Luz: Fealty to Folly: Oil Is Dead! Long Live Oil!
  • In France there was an important trade with the United States, which imported typewriters, industrial machines, etc.
  • Another concern typewrites the note "Personal Matter" on the enclosed return envelope to give added individuality to it. Business Correspondence
  • Gone are the levers and fulcrums and bearings and the substantial frame that once kept typewriters from shaking apart and made them a pretty fair murder weapon in the occasional detective story.
  • The secretary batted out on the typewriter the first draft of the document.
  • If, despite having your pencils lined up and a fresh piece of paper in your typewriter, or a cool white computer screen in front of you, you find yourself unable to write, it may be because you're not nacreous enough. Writer's Block? Get Nacreous!
  • The text was laboriously written in longhand, typed by our printer on an office typewriter, and produced from paper plates - all 500 copies.
  • It was small, furnished with two hard chairs, a metal file cabinet and a worktable with an ancient typewriter.
  • Martin rented a typewriter and spent a day mastering the machine. Chapter 11
  • They may need to know the location of the TTY (teletypewriter for those with hearing or speech impairments). Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2008 » August
  • He still works on an old manual typewriter.
  • A typewriter was as individual as a fingerprint, or a set of teeth, or a gun barrel scoring a bullet.
  • For example, they are used to provide the black color in inks, pigments, rubber tires, stove polish, typewriter ribbons, and phonograph records.
  • They first became familiar with basic reading and writing skills, then advanced to using a Hall braillewriter, much as sighted children first learned to write with pencil and pen and then advanced to a typewriter.
  • I always write on the typewriter, never in longhand.
  • He counts himself lucky that his parents, delighted he wanted to write, bought him a typewriter when he was 14.
  • Why are you concerning yourself about these matters? she queried mentally while staring at the typewriter.
  • Someone played saxophone badly on a rooftop a block away, and was still playing as my electric typewriter smacked the manuscript paper keeping broken time with the aphasic saxman. Giles Slade: The King of Pop (and Heartbreak)
  • There were noisy typewriters and even noisier teleprinters, to say nothing of piles of typewritten sheets of paper.
  • It was certainly not a typewriter, let alone a photostat machine.
  • If you are (still) using a typewriter, it doesn't matter whether your work is typed in pica (10 characters per inch) or elite (12 per inch) typeface.
  • Drafted in 1963, it presently remains in law that gramophones, travelling rugs, and typewriters are our most at-risk goods.
  • Covers were going on typewriters, the coffee machine being unplugged, cupboard doors shut and locked. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Oh, and my grandmother is apparently passing on her super-old awesome typewriter to me. Working on Vacation « A Little Imagination
  • Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand typewriter?
  • The typewriter's tapping turns into the patter of rain as the story he's writing fades into the picture.
  • What is not to be regretted is the passing of the typewriter: it was the least amenable tool, requiring such a tedious process to make corrections that it encouraged writers to leave imperfect work unamended.
  • a clattery typewriter
  • You still hear typewriters in back offices and this is manifestly the city where jalopies come to die. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its layout reflects the mechanical limitations of early typewriters and as such hardly constitutes an intuitive ordering that would facilitate rapid learning.
  • It is a document which one of my daughters typewrites for me when I need one for a new Member, and she would give her eyebrows to know what it is all about, but I strangle her curiosity by saying: Complete Letters of Mark Twain
  • By the time I had added an ordinary typewriter table to its scanty furnishing, I was hard put to turn around; at the best, I managed to navigate it by a sort of vermicular progression requiring great dexterity and presence of mind. MY LODGING AND SOME OTHERS
  • In those days, before computers, ideas were still bashed out using a typewriter and a marker pen.
  • Fay was never terribly good at living, so it makes sense that she would eventually cloister herself away behind a typewriter.
  • The idea of locating the bulb centrally in the space rather than on a surface was suggested by my wife who pointed out to me the fixture hanging over my typewriter.
  • The typewriter, an oldish electric model, stood on the dining-table. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • My secretary was busy typing on her typewriter, so I started the coffee-making process myself, intending not to disturb her.
  • The typewriter stopped three times for short periods; then twice for much longer periods. LOADED QUESTIONS
  • The word processor proved to be, and still is, a joy after my own old typewriter at home.
  • Experienced typewriter wanted; apply within.
  • By this point, our interactions consisted largely of lengthy letters exchanged from my college typewriter to her secretarial bay word processor - long, wordy journals of what we each were doing.
  • Even though the American National Standards Institute and the Equipment Manufacturers Association have approved the Dvorak keyboard as an alternate design, it is still almost impossible to find a typewriter or a computer keyboard that is arranged in the more efficient layout. Diffusion of Innovations
  • What is not to be regretted is the passing of the typewriter: it was the least amenable tool, requiring such a tedious process to make corrections that it encouraged writers to leave imperfect work unamended.
  • He typewrites quite nicely at about two-thirds of ordinary speed. The Training of Blind Soldiers in England
  • A typewriter and other business tools of the day were also fitted to the aircraft's interior, with lengthwise divans and large rotating single seats occupying the rear two thirds of the cabin.
  • This is a bold and dynamic role Kaufman has written for himself: the hero as chump, and chump as hero, hunched miserably over his typewriter.
  • The word processor has ousted the typewriter
  • Radley asked to use the hall telephone and placed a call to the New York distributors for the Zeus typewriter. THE MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE JUNK
  • There is still a sense of urgency about the writing that scrolls off the platen of a typewriter. Typewriter as focal point for religious experience
  • Typewriter and phonographic it is exotic emotional appeal however, show the bearing that gives scan widely international.
  • A typewriter is also appealing in its transparency -- whack a key, and watch the typebar smack a letter onto a piece of paper. Boing Boing
  • Today, these notions all sound like a naive echo from the era of idealism, manual typewriters, and rotary phones.
  • Sloppy at "tradecraft," Ames left incriminating trash like typewriter ribbons from which FBI analysts could piece together messages to the KGB. Other moles: Now the CIA and KGB must try to compose a larger picture of the damage caused by Ames's betrayals. How Ames Fooled The Cia
  • The images above come from an instruction manual for an Olivetti typewriter and a booklet from the Society for Scientific Investigations of Anomalous Atmospherical and Radar Phenomena. Boing Boing
  • 'What you two pirates need,' says the admiral's yeoman, 'is to learn a little respect for the shore-going departments where your orders are made out,' and goes back to his office and takes that hose-pipe communication and reads through the sixty-seven endorsements again, and then he carefully typewrites on a new leaf: Wide Courses
  • The _Decade_ typewrites his regrets -- that's better -- but the _Bystander_ says nothing at all but A Daughter of To-Day
  • The South that she wrote about — the South of snuff-dipping poor whites, evasively sweet-talking Negroes, and sunken-eyed back woods prophets — was undergoing a dizzying transformation even as she (a contemporary and qualified admirer of Martin Luther King, Jr.) was writing about it on an electric typewriter. Flannery O'Connor's Gifts
  • Through the wall, I heard the monotonous clack of a typewriter, voices, purposeful steps that stopped at the door, which opened to reveal another caricatural American, his teeth perfect, his grin broad and empty. Dreaming in French
  • Since all I ever use the thing for is writing, to me it's just a glorified typewriter.
  • One of the two modems used for the first call on a TTY - or teletypewriter - more than 40 years ago is featured on the first floor of the library as part of its Deaf Archives collection. First TTY for deaf phone communication on display
  • Punched cards were used to enter data and the output from the machine was either on punched cards or by an electric typewriter.
  • I bought my son a portable typewriter.
  • The typewriter does nothing to cut down on how badly you're going to misword everything - it happens no matter what your writing implement is. Typewriter Forces You To Focus While You Write | Lifehacker Australia
  • A typewriter was as individual as a fingerprint, or a set of teeth, or a gun barrel scoring a bullet.
  • Its layout reflects the mechanical limitations of early typewriters and as such hardly constitutes an intuitive ordering that would facilitate rapid learning.
  • By the typewriter such lists can now be manifolded much more cheaply than they can be written or printed. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • I had to take the typewriter in to Mr Bonzonio, who runs an office equipment and repair store downtown.
  • Asbell's drawings reinforce the tactility of the catalogue itself, its wealth of palpable evidence in the form of different, datable typewriter fonts, handwritten notations and alterations.
  • I shove aside a pile of dehydrated red and black typewriter ribbons and set my machine down with a clunk.
  • Walking through his apartment afterward, I saw his viridian Underwood typewriter loaded, cocked, and ready with a fresh blank page; the objects on his desk arranged in anticipation of writing. 'Ilustrado'
  • The five key subassemblies of the standard typewriter (the carriage, paper handling system, escapement, typebasket, and keyboard) are put on trucks and moved to the main assembly line where they are added to the typewriter frame.
  • I'm glad that he pointed out that being a great type designer does not make one a typewriter history maven.
  • Its layout reflects the mechanical limitations of early typewriters and as such hardly constitutes an intuitive ordering that would facilitate rapid learning.
  • QWERTY layout was designed as an effort to reduce the frequency of mechanical typewriter typebar clashes. :: mobiface :: next gen mobile interface thoughts
  • Lying waiting on a desk was a portable electric typewriter and a stack of copy paper.
  • To report a dangerous product or a product-related injury, call the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) hotline at (800) 638-2772 or CPSC teletypewriter at (800) 638-8270. Carbon monoxide~ basic information
  • She uncovered her typewriter, flipped open her notebook and was soon immersed in a draft of the lengthy Ghent report.
  • Yes, yes, those snowballs on the floor were quite good enough, let him pick them up and uncrumple them and pin them back in their places ready for the typewriter. In the Mist of the Mountains
  • He'd even put it in writing, and put it in writing the way all great old newspapermen used to do it, on a manual typewriter and on the back of paper scrounged from a wastebasket.
  • If the symbols are letters and the typewriter is a key prop to communicate between dimensions then … A Quick Fringe Cipher Follow-Up
  • Luckily, I wasn't pummelled to death with cast-off newsroom typewriters, and was even allowed to continue working.
  • The Man's story, for example, is told through a collection of discarded typewriter ribbons that Macushla finds in the basement of his uncle's house.
  • The Malhotra parents ran a successful trading business in textiles, typewriters and sewing machines, but Malhotra senior had an eye to the future.
  • Forensic examiners were able to reconstruct the text of what had been typed on the ribbon of this typewriter.
  • Final reports were prepared on manual typewriters with two-color ribbons so that totals appeared in red.
  • FYI, if you weren't alive during the era of IBM Selectric typewriters, the "backspace" pad was the equivalent of today's "delete" key, and some might say the group just took a big step backwards with this 37-minute retro-trip. Mike Ragogna: HuffPost Reviews: Pearl Jam, Monsters of Folk and More, Plus an Interview with David Gray, and This Week's New Albums
  • My sister got a Barbie convertible that year, and I got a baby blue Brother children's typewriter and a stack of thin typewriter paper. The Typewriter
  • The second-highest incident of homonymic mistakes is by people typing on typewriters. THE DEVIL’S TEARDROP
  • In my outer office Zerk was pounding furiously on the typewriter. THE DUTCH BLUE ERROR
  • Final reports were prepared on manual typewriters with two-color ribbons so that totals appeared in red.
  • She tapped out a letter on the typewriter.
  • We had built a kind of typewriter device that would enable you to interrogate what, at the time, seemed to be a huge database.
  • Printer, Fax Machine, Timer, Photocopier, Typewriter, PC Equipment, Graph Plotter Time Recorder.
  • If we can't afford computer, we shall do with typewriter.
  • The typewriters supported correction ribbons, but except in a few rare circumstances, they weren't installed so that it was incredibly obvious if you backspaced and typed over yourself. Typewriter Forces You To Focus While You Write | Lifehacker Australia
  • There was a typewriter and an appointments diary and a telephone through to the holy of holies itself. SNOWLINE
  • Today, a three-year stay at a company practically qualifies an employee for a long-service award, while the idea of a one-company career went out with the typewriter.
  • When E. Joyce Matheny produced church bulletins, she brought them to life the old-fashioned way: with a typewriter from Sears Roebuck and a mimeograph machine she believes was ‘model 410.’
  • Or, you can call CPSC's hotline at (800) 638-2772 or CPSC's teletypewriter at (800) 638-8270, or send the information to info@cpsc. gov. Carbon monoxide~ basic information
  • As this person says, if you learnt to type using an old-fashioned typewriter, you hit the keyboard hard, and it knackers normal keyboards in a matter of months.
  • We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.
  • I had allotted my own bedroom for necking, prudently removing both the bed and the key, and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son's bedroom.
  • Anyone who has ever used a manual typewriter remembers that the keys do jam occasionally, but the QWERTY layout permitted a better system for key usage, and it reduced the need for typists to stop to reach in to the machine to unjam the keys. Kate Kelly: Why Our 21st Century Keyboards Retain Vestiges of the Past
  • Fittingly, Rita Sobrol Campos's photographic record of an old-time Olivetti typewriter text work, The Last Myth In The History Of Mankind, makes cryptic use of the writings of the early-20th century Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, perhaps the most self-questioning multiple-personality, spirited melancholic and forward-looking nostalgic in the entire history of world literature. This week's new exhibitions
  • The clatter of the typewriter rapped sharply from the opposite room.
  • A COBOL mnemonic name associated with the console typewriter.
  • Mr. Kaczynski has spent years trying to block the government from auctioning the items, which include handwritten and typed versions of his antitechnology manifesto, as well as a typewriter, sunglasses and old shoes. DNA Sought From Unabomber in Probe of Tylenol Poisonings
  • My greatest annoyance is when the typewriter prints an extra letter, or forgets a necessary one, to a word I well know. Five-typo feast of fail
  • The unemployed reporter pawned his typewriter to pay the rent.
  • The secretary tapped her typewriter all morning.
  • So the story she chooses is not exactly about the typewriter. Mark Twain And Science: It's Complicated
  • Give it a fair trial and you will agree that taking pictures -- the mere _taking_, with no bothering your head about developing, printing, toning and the like -- is a matter no more baffling than the simple art of learning to punch the letters on the keyboard of a typewriter. If You Don't Write Fiction
  • As I raced back to the threadbare offices, where we tapped out stories on half-sheets of paper hunched over manual typewriters, my adrenaline was pumping.
  • The first efforts may be very lame, but if you want speed on a typewriter, a record for a hundred-yard dash, or facility in speaking, you must practise, _practise_, _PRACTISE_. The Art of Public Speaking
  • The secretary batted out on the typewriter the first draft of the document.
  • It was an ordinary outer office of the golden-oak variety, with a railing of spindles separating a telephone switchboard and two typewriter desks from two public settles and a brass cuspidor. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Still, the typewriter's primary market appears to be snooty novelists who claim they cannot compose on any technology introduced since Hemingway took a dirt nap.
  • But he carried on regardless: tapping his column out on a typewriter in his apartment 15 floors above Central Park.
  • I like Cub Reporter, but the typewriter is HUUUUUGE. And we’re back. . .
  • Typewriting institutes are becoming an oddity, as manual typewriters are swept away by word processing software and computer keyboards.
  • For those unaware of these strange antiquated devices, a typewriter is a portable input-output device (sort of a combined keyboard-printer, with the user's brain acting as CPU). GUIDOLON and AGOH stint!
  • I finally found one that had the particular daisywheel for those of you who only know computers, the typeface for the typewriter I owned was mounted on a daisywheel...broken wheel meant no typing and confirmed that they would still be open by the time I drove the thirty miles to that store. Thanks to Bored in Vernal, I get to pretend that I'm famous
  • We don't have many blacksmiths or typewriter makers these days.
  • I know they often stayed up all night, toe-to-toe with Doc, and were asked to find and deliver telephones, whiskey, typewriters, tape recorders, batteries, blow-up dolls, and other things.
  • I was seated at my typewriter and the book was balkier than usual, and I wished that the clumper at the door would go away. Dawn O'Hara, the Girl Who Laughed
  • Crawford furnished News Central with typewriters, telephones, teletype machines, office supplies, coffee, and soft drinks, and provided reporters with press kits, passes, and convenient darkroom facilities.
  • There were a couple of electric typewriters, but we had to learn on the manual ones.
  • This week he auctioned off his old typewriter for over $250k to raise money for the institute - that could have kept him in booze for a few years, or HST supplied for a few months. Cheeseburger Gothic » Brief note from Der Bünker.
  • The secretary transcribed those letters on the typewriter.
  • I never could understand why a letter typed with a word processor was any less personal than one produced with a typewriter.
  • Well no -- I hardly think -- you see he typewrites his letters, and although I know his writing very well I can't at the moment put my hand on any figures of his. The Red Triangle Being Some Further Chronicles of Martin Hewitt, Investigator
  • The typewriter was rattling away so loudly that we could not fall asleep.
  • To finish the book she sat at her typewriter for seven weeks straight.
  • Her capital was the grand total of two hundred and thirty eight pula and forty-five thebe, and that would buy, at the most, one secondhand typewriter. The Kalahari Typing School For Men
  • Instead, the typewriters of today have a couple integrated circuits, a power supply, one or two stepper motors, a ribbon cable, a daisy print wheel, and a whole lot of air.
  • The stories are already largely written for them before the journalists take fingers to typewriters or pen to paper.
  • Whether I was in a train or a plane, I carried a portable typewriter and never failed my editors.
  • The typewriter does nothing to cut down on how badly you're going to misword everything- it happens no matter what your writing implement is. Typewriter Forces You To Focus While You Write | Lifehacker Australia
  • depression of the space bar on the typewriter
  • The gipsy fascination, the abandoned, perverse bewitchery of this female devil of the dance is not to be described by mouth, typewriter, or quilled pen. The Merry-Go-Round
  • In the long run, office machines may have routinized clerical work, but in their early years, the skills demanded by the typewriter and adding machines were new and challenging.
  • The invention of the teletypewriter and its development of the teleprinter, linked to the telegraph system, added a further dimension to communications.
  • People of my vintage will instantly recognise this as most certainly not produced by any common typewriter in use in 1973.
  • A "monkeys & typewriters" program would simply guess strings independently until it got a match, which would take a very long time; such a "monkeys" program could be regarded as a model of saltationism, but not selective evolution. The Weasel Thread
  • Apprenticeship was useful to everybody: to the clerks, who picked up some knowledge of law, at least by osmosis; and to the lawyers, who in the days before telephones, typewriters, word processors, Xerox machines and the like needed copyists and legmen badly. A History of American Law
  • Just grab a typewriter or computer and find an unguarded copy machine and the situation is rectified.
  • She took up a sheet and ratcheted it into the typewriter.
  • My neighbors handed over nickels when I appeared at their front doors with the latest issue, a kindness that always sent me back to the typewriter to do it all over again for the coming week.
  • In the first two I was finding my feet and taking instruction from the other editor - who showed me how the golf-ball typewriter worked and how the paste-up was done (overnight sittings with coffee and the fumes from the glue to keep us going).
  • Another 200 ish word writing from the pen (well typewriter) of yours truly.
  • He travelled 400 miles from Tokyo carrying rations for seven meals - food is almost unobtainable in Japan - a black umbrella, and a typewriter.
  • The constant clacking of manual typewriters pounded a symphony of literary achievement against his sensitive eardrums.
  • Dario is now cured of his illness, and his eyesight has improved so much that Franca gives him a computerized typewriter (he refuses to use a computer), They are very happy! Dario Fo - Biography
  • Another laugh came after Moore trailed off, holding the book up so the audience could see that the typeface was fading as Stella's typewriter ribbon runs out of ink.
  • He sat at a table chaotic with books and papers, his typewriter a lonely sentinel of order; in the room, people came and went, acolytes, aspirants and hangers-on, some immensely talented, others merely parasitical.
  • Above him, attached to the wall, were 25 manual typewriters with rusted and missing parts, mute relics of an antiquated era in communication.
  • Abusers of typewriter correction fluid frequently are found with the paraphernalia of abuse around them and the chalky white of the fluid on their face and hands. 9 Definitive diagnosis of TCE intoxication is made by quantitative determination of the compound in the patient's blood, tissue or expired breath. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • An electronic braillewriter is not unlike an electric typewriter, but has many more capabilities.
  • A U.S. designer has created a USB Typewriter conversion kit that allows computer users to type on their machines using an old-school typewriter keyboard.
  • I loved the reference to manual typewriters - I'd learned to type on one.
  • He swiveled around to face me and waved a hand at the typewriter. WHEN THE SACRED GINMILL CLOSES
  • Third, the apostrophes are curlicues of the sort produced by word processors on personal computers, not the straight vertical hashmarks typical of typewriters.
  • First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII - and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure. Douglas Adams 
  • By the subliterate typewriter lemur behind the awful The Day the Earth Stood Still remake. The best news since the Saints winning the Super Bowl!
  • Some people get lovely images of their favorite writer slaving away over their typewriter, keyboard, fountain pen, quill and inkpot, what have you, sweat glistening on their brow as they waffle back and forth over whether the dog should be a retriever or a Labrador, or if that comma truly needs to be there. February « 2008 « Morgan Dempsey
  • Actually, the world has changed bewilderingly since 1972, and the business of sport has been hyped up out of all recognition from the days when writers tapped out missives such as these on typewriters.
  • He answered his letters in long-hand, and when he retired there was not even a typewriter in the building.
  • On a typewriter, of course, they're the same (and I'll have much more to say about the typewriter's effect on punctuation this week). guillemets: « » Archive 2008-05-01
  • In other words, in writing on the typewriter, she was clever enough to be able to tap her keys in a pattern that is exactly like the Morse telegraphic code.
  • The girlfriend, Peggy, knocks on the door of the room where Lemmon is furiously hammering away on his typewriter.
  • The noise of the typewriters deafened her.
  • Video: Cacophonic typewriter doubles as piano | The gadgets chown - R ZeIT: TeAM blog. | chown - R ZeIT: TeAM blog. Typing The Sound, Musical Typewriter Project by Fabien Cappello with Yamaha » Yanko Design
  • In the early days of the magazine, I wrote my editorials on an electric typewriter, and our only other machine was a copier.
  • Although trained as a reporter to turn out copy on a typewriter, his papers show he quickly shifted to pencil and cheap, unlined sheets - which often reflect minimal revision when compared to the final version.
  • In my office I was able to cut stencils on a heavy-duty office typewriter and run off sheets of grammar, comprehension and writing exercises on the office Gestetner duplicator.
  • This is characteristic of the typewriter, a mechanical device.
  • Matt loved the potable teletypewriter he'd found online.
  • That hadn't been done yet; paper, pencil and typewriters still ruled.
  • WITHOUT an iota of irony, misty-eyed fans with typewriters are fond of referring to football as ‘the beautiful game’.
  • Eva Hughes had never even used a typewriter before starting computer lessons but now the nonagenarian has proven it's never too late to learn.
  • Many of those machines had only a few kilobytes of memory; disk storage was equally scant; the standard means of communicating with the computer was a hard-copy teletypewriter or a text-only video terminal.
  • They drove to Grossman's typists and took their copies, and their typewriter ribbons.

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