How To Use Twinkle In A Sentence
A few stars twinkled through the light dark clouds.
He said the unsayable and the unthinkable but with a twinkle.
Times, Sunday Times
Here is my compile command "cc - Wall - lncurses - o twinkle twinkle. c" I am using fedora 12. 'env' shows that TERM = linux.
Witty and warm with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
The Sun
She rubbed my arm comfortingly with a small twinkle of mischief that I had seen somewhere else.

Their faces light up and eyes twinkle as if there's a current of electricity swirling inside them.
Terry rolled his eyes, but the green orbs twinkled with amusement.
And now the engineer pulled out the throttle-valve to make up for lost time, and the clatter of the train faded into a distant roar, and its lights began to twinkle into indistinctness.
In the twinkle of an eye two powerful Quadi followed the dispensator, and, seizing Chilo by the remnant of his hair, tied his own rags around his neck and dragged him to the prison.
Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
She's got a mischievous sense of humour and a twinkle in her eye.
The Sun
Witty and warm with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
The Sun
The combination of intellectual integrity and a twinkle in the eye inspired affection as well as respect.
Times, Sunday Times
They twinkled bright in the dark sky, beautiful and old and they made her unimportant.
We've bloodied noses and bit off ears with the best of them, before even the US was a twinkle in someone's eye.
She looked into his gorgeous, blue eyes that had a dull twinkle in them.
Voices came from the battlements, and a twinkle of steel.
The stars twinkled brightly in the night sky above her head.
Her hair is freshly set in loose curls and her green eyes twinkle behind spectacles.
The Sun
Circles ringed and shadowed them, but still they twinkled brightly.
These gases scatter light from the cosmic microwave background radiation as it passes through the clusters, similar to the way Earth's atmosphere can scatter starlight, making some stars twinkle.
Her eyes, a startling blue-gray danced and twinkled in the light streaming in from tall, elegant windows framed with green marble columns topped by gold-painted fluting.
The stars and planets that merrily twinkle, light years away, have inspired song lyrics and poems, become pivotal symbols in religion and have provided an eternal need for man to explore the concept of infinity.
A devious grin crossed his face as his clear grey eyes twinkled with amusement.
He had a wry sense of humour and a twinkle in his eye.
Times, Sunday Times
The stars serenely encased the green-and-brown planet in their milky twinkle, lighting up all the oceans with a crystal glow, a beautiful shine.
Her hair is freshly set in loose curls and her green eyes twinkle behind spectacles.
The Sun
They twinkle in all directions clean on out of sight, these flash pictures of the dreamy doll faces of the workmen.
At its feet tea lights twinkle in tiny bird cages.
Times, Sunday Times
When it was finally belching smoke to his satisfaction, he looked at me, and in his eye was what I can only describe as a rueful twinkle.
The Beekeeper's Apprentice
The combination of intellectual integrity and a twinkle in the eye inspired affection as well as respect.
Times, Sunday Times
We never tired of the stunning view, and at night the sky was full of stars, the lights twinkled from houses dotted among the trees and olive groves and the only sound was the strange hoot of the little Scops owls.
In between the shows, the comic interludes were performed to keep the audience in good spirits with twinkle-footed clowns.
It's a twinkle and a sparkle that has left the world.
Times, Sunday Times
At night, lights twinkle in distant villages across the valleys.
The fire in his eyes flared and with a single hand he flipped the table halfway across the room, the teapot and cups shattering in a twinkle of light.
Kevin held his look of innocence, while his eyes danced and twinkled, laughing at her.
It snows onto a snowman and a Christmas tree while Santa flies overhead and the aforementioned bulbs twinkle merrily.
Wearing black trousers and a grey polo shirt, he is still handsome with shoulder-length silvery hair and a twinkle in the eye.
Amy had expected one of his bright smiles, a twinkle in the eye, and a joyous ‘yes’; she didn't expect him to sidetrack the conversation completely.
On good days most of these twinkle and sparkle in the sun.
Times, Sunday Times
He felt cold and damp, but was comforted to see the twinkle of torchlight in the distance.
There was not a star to twinkle hope and light to him.
He had a wry sense of humour and a twinkle in his eye.
Times, Sunday Times
The diamond on her finger twinkled in the fire-light.
With a twinkle in his eye and a shrug.
The Sun
there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes
He shook his head, and twinkled his eyes in feigned amusement, and marveled to himself that her intuition should have so squarely hit the mark.
Playing the ball late, his feet started to twinkle.
He had a broad, trusting smile, and eyes that twinkled with mischief.
He was holding the phone with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
She looked out into the ocean, seeing the moonlight twinkle on the ocean surface as the waves slowly danced their way to shore.
As he turned out the light, three bright stars twinkled above the silent house.
There was a slight twinkle of humour in them.
Stars twinkled above them as they lay on the hill.
He was a pertinacious controversialist, but in any personal discussion his humorous twinkle was disarming.
Stars twinkled in the night sky.
A faint twinkle appeared under the mass of rubble occupying the centre part of the room.
The sun had almost set and already Auckland's lights were a twinkle in the distance.
There was a twinkle in his limpid brown eyes.
Twinkle lights filled the ceiling of the auditorium so that when you looked up, you had the illusion of sitting beneath a star-studded night sky.
There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for awhile.
The lights have twinkled on in Lucern, spread below us, lancing golden shafts into the lake.
Dunfermline is taking money with a twinkle in its eye, paying a not unattractive 6.75% on the top band.
From the opening line of the film he has a twinkle in his eye that clues you in that this movie is going to be fun.
Zachary's eyes widened for a moment, but they soon twinkled with amusement.
The avuncular Yorkshireman with the cloth cap and the polite twinkle was just a front.
Times, Sunday Times
Every time curtain of night arrives, electric lamp of cupcup twinkles like numerous star.
‘I can drive all the way to Chennai in my Ford jeep,’ the former raja says with a twinkle in his eye.
Her blue eyes twinkled to reveal a gentle nature and shone as her lips were curved in a smile.
Twinkle twinkle little star ... No one but a bloody fool would try to walk a mile with an arrow through his chest.
The multi-coloured roofs twinkle from a distance in the occasional sunshine, but usually it's raining or hailing.
Stars twinkled in the night sky.
She's got a mischievous sense of humour and a twinkle in her eye.
The Sun
Why, Jim," said Paul, who had a twinkle in his eye, "that's diplomacy, and the man who practises it is called a diplomatist or diplomat.
The Free Rangers A Story of the Early Days Along the Mississippi
His eyes twinkled with a humorsome light, but his face was shrewd, alert and aggressive.
The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
Aside from the aforementioned toys, nothing is to be found bedecking the tree more interesting than inexpensive twinkle lights, cloth ornaments, and garland.
Mike Doyle: Macy's State Street Cost Cuts Christmas
And now we have a Robbie Williams waxwork that has ‘real chest hair’ and ‘a twinkle in his eye, activated with hidden sensors’.
With her long silky chestnut hair and a familiar twinkle in her eyes, Vivian had developed into quite an attractive young lady.
Where was the old careless rapture, the twinkle, the fire?
Times, Sunday Times
A grin cracked across the man's stony face, and a twinkle gleamed from his eyes.
On good days most of these twinkle and sparkle in the sun.
Times, Sunday Times
Tucked down in boho Stockbridge, this crimson-walled diner twinkles with candlelight and feels as cosy as a New Orleans bar in a cyclone.
‘I knew from day one of joining the four-month course that passing the exam would be a cakewalk,’ he says, with a twinkle in his eyes.
Her hair is freshly set in loose curls and her green eyes twinkle behind spectacles.
The Sun
His eyes twinkled and when he smiled, his teeth looked bigger and whiter than ever.
A twinkle of amusement and excitement gleamed in his olive colored eyes.
The dead waters of the Rhodes Wood Reservoir, ringed with poinsettia, twinkled alienly.
Ballardian » “Enthusiasm for the mysterious emissaries of pulp”: an interview with David Britton (the Savoy interviews, part 2a)
Beyond the rooftop twinkled the lights of the city and the office buildings uptown.
And then, just ere our hands met, a twinkle of -- oh -- such distant and controlled geniality quickened the many tiny wrinkles in the corner of the eyes; the clear blue of the eyes was suffused by an almost colourful warmth; the face, too, seemed similarly to suffuse; the thin lips, harsh-set the instant before, were as gracious as Bernhardt's when she moulds sound into speech.
I made the mistake of looking up at her, only to see that the smile on her face had grown, the twinkle in her eyes gleaming more brightly then ever.
She curtsied and continued forward, intercepting Christopher's mischievous twinkle.
It was with a twitch of this kind, and a certain indescribable twinkle of his somewhat melancholy eye, as he seemed intuitively to form a hasty conception of the oddity of his appearance to a stranger unused to the bush, that he welcomed me to his clearing.
Roughing It in the Bush
Orpishurda, sitting next to Burnell, was assiduous in filling their glasses till a meniscus twinkled.
The sapphire twinkled in the setting sun's light.
The stars twinkle like so many stringed sitars.
His eyes were bright blue with a roguish twinkle in them.
We watch the lamplighter move along the streets lighting the gas lamps and soon Astoria twinkles like the sky above.
The Trouble With May Amelia
Tanner saw the twinkle of amusement in the elf's eyes as he briefly faced him.
You possess quite a mischievous twinkle.
The Sun
He had an incredible technical ability and he was a star, he had a twinkle in his eye.
Times, Sunday Times
Look beyond the crooner's perma-grin, the twinkle in the eye, the ever-bouncing quiff and there, on his cheeks and chin, was the unmistakable sheen of foundation.
My friend will miss her; he told me she was young at heart, had a wicked sense of humour, and always had a twinkle in her eye.
Her long, straight blond hair was piled messily on top of her head and twinkled with sparkly butterfly clips and hairpins.
Chutter-murra Wylo had so often indicated the exact locality of the stone, and had described its dire influence with such sincerity that, when it twinkled, a resolution which had been long in the back of my mind became wilful and imperative.
Tropic Days
Gideon smiled to himself, loving her laugh and the way it made her eyes twinkle like lustrous sapphires.
You're light on your feet for a hoofer, Twinkletoes.
The Legion of American Watchers
Where was the old careless rapture, the twinkle, the fire?
Times, Sunday Times
A playful twinkle appeared in her emerald eyes.
The multi-directional informational flow helps to make the internet a distinctive surveillant assemblage (Haggerty and Ericson, 2000: 605) with an idolatrous dream of omniperception and a minacious twinkle in the electronic eye.
I've not known Bill for very long of course, though I'm glad to have been acquainted with a quiet, dignified man, with a wry sense of humour and a Granddad's twinkle in his eye.
Jason looked at her with a twinkle of laughter in his eyes.
This time the light is the twinkle of candles picking up gold trim on china plates.
He had a huge grin on his face and his eyes had a twinkle to them.
You possess quite a mischievous twinkle.
The Sun
In between the shows, the comic interludes were performed to keep the audience in good spirits with twinkle-footed clowns.
A scurvy, vermiform scug with a serpentine twinkle in his solitary eye.
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Chris' eyes faltered for a moment, but continued to playfully twinkle during his levity.
In this increasingly garish context, there can be no denying the reassuring twinkle of a traditional fairy light.
Before I had gained her house I met her, as I supposed, coming toward me across the down, greeting me from afar with the familiar twinkle of her great vitreous badge; and as it was late in the autumn and the esplanade was a blank I was free to acknowledge this signal by cutting a caper on the grass.
Lights twinkled across the bay.
But he is such a famed raconteur, one is always looking for a mischievous twinkle in the eye.
Times, Sunday Times
Rachel glanced over at him and noticed the familiar mischievous twinkle in his eyes had returned.
The avuncular Yorkshireman with the cloth cap and the polite twinkle was just a front.
Times, Sunday Times
I unclench my fist, and a twinkle of reflected light shines back in my face.
It's a twinkle and a sparkle that has left the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Sawyer's eyes twinkled with unsuppressed amusement.
Nasri 6 Inspired his team to a bright start with his twinkle-toed incisions but faded and did not look the force he has been this season.
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I shook it, but could tell from the way her eyes twinkled that she was anything but a stickler for formality.
Though Anthony had a scruffy look, with his unshaved face, he also had a twinkle in his eyes that made almost everyone who knew him think twice on pulling a prank on him.
The incident was over in a twinkle.
Stars twinkled above them as they lay on the hill.
But he is such a famed raconteur, one is always looking for a mischievous twinkle in the eye.
Times, Sunday Times
They have the most imaginative young out-half in the tournament and a back line loaded with twinkle toes and explosiveness.
Times, Sunday Times
You could say that the razor-sharp twinkle of perception in his eyes has gained an extra edge.
Alan beamed proudly and twinkled even more.
Her eye's started to twinkle with curiosity when she came across a black door.
The only bystander who appeared to have a twinkle of cynicism in his eye joked about being "quizzed" on the surprisingly academic material, and told me he expected Fairey would be "preaching to the choir" rather than facing hard questions about fair use.
His brilliant blue eyes always twinkled brightly, he was smart and a quick thinker.
As principal dancer with the English National Ballet, her toes have to twinkle for a living.
Her eyes flashed and twinkled mysteriously, and she shot her gaze towards me.
The stars twinkled and shined like they were the only thing to light up the Earth tonight.
She has a kindly, slightly scatty manner and a lively twinkle in her eye.
The lamps twinkled in the gathering dusk.
The stars twinkled in the sky.
Perhaps six feet around and coated with mirrors, it twinkles above the Empire Bar while a swing band holds forth below.
The stars twinkle, an owl hoots and we toast a stay that's left us all just a little bit spellbound.
Times, Sunday Times
Scared by a storm, Twinklestar, the least reliable reindeer, bolts -- causing Santa and his sleigh to crash-land.
When Santa Fell To Earth by Cornelia Funke: Book summary
He had an incredible technical ability and he was a star, he had a twinkle in his eye.
Times, Sunday Times
Darcy could perceive from the twinkle in her eyes and the hint of pertness in her tone that there was more to her statement than she was willing to contribute.
The star seemed to twinkle hope to us.
There is now and then a twinkle of humor in Darwin's eyes, as when he says that in the high altitude of the Andes the inhabitants recommend onions for the "puna," or shortness of breath, but that he found nothing so good as fossil shells.
The Last Harvest
The glassware and silver twinkled from the light in the overhead chandelier, and the porcelain coffee cups were so eggshell thin that one expected them to shatter into pieces when the hot coffee was poured into them.
His aqua eyes twinkled in the moonlight like gemstones on a lavish piece of jewelry.
The twinkle of light began to grow and divide, until Peter could see a myriad of bright lights just up ahead.
Sylvia, thinking the blow might fall more bearably from his brother's hand than from hers, relegated the task of writing him to Austin; and Austin, with a wicked twinkle in his eye, wrote him in this wise:
The Old Gray Homestead
Forgive my pride, dear Sir; but it would be almost a crime in your Pamela not to exult in the mild benignity of those rays, by which her beloved Mr.B. endeavours to make her look up to his own sunny sphere: while she, by the advantage only of his reflected glory, in his absence, which makes a dark night to her, glides along with her paler and fainter beaminess, and makes a distinguishing figure among such lesser planets, as can only poorly twinkle and glimmer, for want of the aid she boasts of.
The moon twinkled off the water, dazzling me, blinding me for a moment.
At the age of seventy, his blue eyes still twinkle under a mop of corkscrew curls.
Tiny red gems twinkled in the eye sockets, and the broad top of the skull was dotted with similarly tiny green and black jewels, forming an intricate paisley pattern.
Then there are snippets of absorbing esoterica, such as the fact that Mozart wrote the tune to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or that Vienna has its own Vegetable Orchestra.
It all began last Monday, before my beloved sty was even a red twinkle just below my eye.
A thick layer of snow lies on the rooftops, lights flash and twinkle on every street and a dazzling forest of trees has sprouted up all over the city.
The stars twinkled back, winking and flickering.
The girl opened her eyes to find herself looking into blue eyes which twinkled behind a pair of spectacles.
For extra holiday glam, add twinkle to your make-up.
You may see, it is true, an earth-worm in a robin's beak, and may hear a thrush breaking a snail's shell; but these little things are, as it were, passed by with a kind of twinkle for apology, as by a well-bred man who does openly some little solecism which is too slight for direct mention, and which a meaner man might hide or avoid.
Further still, and a twinkle of daylight breaks the distance.
After I quit, I spotted jobs on Craigslist that pay the same as substitute subbing including house painter and pedicurist at Twinkle Toes.
Carolyn Bucior: Lesson: Substitute Teaching's 'F' -- What Gwyneth and Cameron Can Teach Education Experts
McEwan has always had a twinkle in her eyes and this is going to be very much evident with the new series.
The whole museum rocked to the sound of happy voices singing ‘Twinkle Twinkle little star’ as each session ended.
Her hair is freshly set in loose curls and her green eyes twinkle behind spectacles.
The Sun
His father gave a mighty laugh and his stepmother's eyes twinkled in amusement.
But his features, in spite of irregularity, and a complexion resembling the tone of 'foxed' paper, attracted observation, and rewarded it; his eye had a pleasant twinkle, oddly in contrast with the lines of painful thought upon his forehead, and the severity of strained muscles in the lower part of his face.
The Whirlpool
Her hair is freshly set in loose curls and her green eyes twinkle behind spectacles.
The Sun
A playful and teasing twinkle had come into her eye.
Witty and warm with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
The Sun
And he has bounced back each time, taking on each new opponent with typical gusto and a twinkle in his eye.
The Sun
They seldom laughed or twinkled and the nose that kept them company was equally sedate, being purely aquiline, but a mouth with dimpled corners upset the scheme entirely, while ripples of golden brown hair completed the picture of a healthy, happy youngster -- not radiantly beautiful but what people like to call "winsome," which is after all as good a word as most.
Across the Mesa
He blinked as he felt her breath on his neck, her brown eyes watching him with a playful twinkle.
Adriana sat watching the glow of the dying fire and the golden twinkle of summer stars.
Outside the moon shone bright and the stars twinkled.
I'd regret some crocus god I thought I had recruit some crocus the gurning hosts were grinning twinkle eyed maniac rumour host and all the stuff in your ... invalid devolute
The Unutterable
More than once he saw Madge's quick wit twinkle through her booklore.
A Dozen Ways Of Love
Before the term "reality TV" was a twinkle in some producer's eye, wise old Santa understood the extraordinary brand-enhancement power of a Christmastime story of pain and redemption.
Michael L. Millenson: "Rudolph" Sings of Santa as Savvy Manager, Marketer
Never hurtful or judgmental, this wry sense of humour was never far below the surface, evidencing itself in a shy smile - but those eyes twinkled.
And there was, strangely enough, what Craddock could only describe as a roguish twinkle in her faded blue eyes.
A Murder Is Announced
‘A close call,’ he twinkles (with arms akimbo and a smile reminiscent of Richard Branson's).
At the age of seventy, his blue eyes still twinkle under a mop of corkscrew curls.
She twinkled her straight toes.
The watch-fire lights, that were our guide, twinkled above us through the trees that were on the hillside; and we made at once for them, sending on the fenman to spy out the post before we were near it.
King Alfred's Viking A Story of the First English Fleet
Take those tapes of Ronald Reagan's political speeches and memoirs, in which he smiled and twinkled and said not very much at all.
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He had a wry sense of humour and a twinkle in his eye.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a total shit-hole with twinkle lights, boxing posters and ten different kinds of brandy.
All the Pretty Boys
The waggery may be more or less refined, it may run the whole gamut from open clownery to a slightly ironical twinkle, but it is always there.
And he has bounced back each time, taking on each new opponent with typical gusto and a twinkle in his eye.
The Sun
The Archbishop likes nothing more than a joke; his shoulders shake, his nostrils flare, eyes twinkle and his infectious, cackling tee-hee, tee-hee, tee-hee rings round the café, generating smiles from everyone.
He had a coal-black beard and dark eyes that twinkled merrily.
This is epic science fiction with a twinkle in its eye.
The Sun
The lights of the town twinkled in the distance.