How To Use Twilight In A Sentence
He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
The much anticipated The Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere is almost here and we will be hosting a live stream of the red carpet arrivals!
The magic of the elves is a twilight thing, the sound of distant silver horns, a fairy gold that turns to dust by noonday, and it is meant to chide the pride of foolish mortal men.
MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
The spirit of a soldier of the Truth entered into me; weary as I was, I rushed from the dusky corner where I had been hidden in the twilight, ran to the altar, and held up my hand with my hymn-book as I began to repeat an address that had often silenced the papistic mummers in England.
In the Wrong Paradise
You can lean on each other's crutches in your twilight years.
Times, Sunday Times

The light within the eave was a dusky twilight at the entrance, which failed altogether in the inner recesses.
The Antiquary
There were brighter pictures, of early Mexican-Californian life, a pastel of twilight eucalyptus with a sunset-tipped mountain beyond, by Reimers, a moonlight by Peters, and a Griffin stubble-field across which gleamed and smoldered California summer hills of tawny brown and purple-misted, wooded canyons.
Photographers made use of the pandanus to lend striking silhouettes to black and white photographs of Reef twilight.
Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies.
Les Miserables
This great day was called Ragnarok, or sometimes the Twilight of the Gods.
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung
In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface.
Scientific American
The twilight spoof is from a group of youg peeps they are called Evillguana production, the guy playing ed has a blue shirt on in the picture.
Twilight Lexicon » M Squared Productions Twilight Parody
I think twilight is the best movie in the whole intire movie world in the history movies and i also thing that edward is the hottest man in the whole intire universe. cheyenne on Mar 27, 2009
Twilight's First Official Photo and Why I'm Passing «
Are we today in some twilight zone before a new conflagration?
Times, Sunday Times
I'm going to see Twilight Eclipse this weekend - so excited! Go TEAM EDWARD!
Hmmm ... seems like a great idea ALTHOUGH, unless vampires are really popular in the Burmese culture, their suggestions are WAAY off (I only added the sookie stackhouse books and the Twilight saga - not one vampire book was suggested).
BookArmy Suggests New Books, Readers With Similar Tastes | Lifehacker Australia
I imagine my façade as an old Victorian, right on the waterfront and overlooking the twilight with many, many rooms and a little garret in which I sit overlooking everything.
There are plenty of grown-ups who could give a hoot about anything to do with the poorly-written, atrociously-acted mess that is Twilight.
This week's cover: 'New Moon' Exclusive: Which of Robert Pattinson's costars does he find the most difficult? His hair. |
I was waiting in the twilight semi-darkness, yawning, eyes half closed, and basically looking like a zombie.
When he came nearest to the scientific spirit of his time, in zealous observations of the life of nature, he characteristically concentrated on the sequence of various bird notes at daybreak and the flight of moths as the stars of twilight were kindled.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1923 - Presentation Speech
At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink.
Shelley saw how, as the sun faded among the trees just as we would see it now: ‘pallid evening twines its beaming hair in duskier braids around the languid eyes of day: silence and twilight, unbeloved of men, creep hand in hand’.
Twilight's sequel New Moonis all set to playa huge part at Comic-con in San Diego andat th...
Twilight’s ‘Eclipse’ First New Cast Member
Billy nodded, then chirruped to the mares, and the descent began through a warm and colorful twilight.
Rather call the dusky and dark-haired Twilight, whose pensive face is limned against the western hills, by the name of that fierce and fervid Noon that stands erect under the hot zenith, instinct with the red blood of a thousand summers, casting her glittering tresses abroad upon the south-wind, and holding in her hands the all-unfolded rose of life.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
One handful of twilight was left, but Brevet General Thurman Dynamics fit skeet shooting into his day.
Between twelve and one that Sunday night Katharine lay in bed, not asleep, but in that twilight region where a detached and humorous view of our own lot is possible; or if we must be serious, our seriousness is tempered by the swift oncome of slumber and oblivion.
Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
Cay Wesnigk mined the archives of the East German state film studio to chronicle the regime's rise and fall, with instructional films about threats from the West, TV shows indoctrinating children, and the East German leader Erich Honecker and his wife, Margot, waltzing at the twilight of the so-called German Democratic Republic.
Reconstructive History
Hovering between day and night, light and dark, life and death, twilight is glorious in its very imprecision.
This unvitiated region stands in no need of the veil of twilight to soften or disguise its features.
TWILIGHT PUMPKINS ARE ALL THE RAGE THIS HALLOWEEN www. Halloween is just round the corner and now is the time for us to start searching for those all important pumpkin carving templates.
TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR OCTOBER 26TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
No such cutwork is needed on Twilight, which is merely better suited to the large screen than the large print, where within its 600 pages it was at worst, plodding, and at best, tendentious.
Interviews with various vampires
It represents a new twilight zone for monetary policy.
Times, Sunday Times
Leaving a secure job for the twilight world of pop music was perhaps a mistake.
TY to everyone who wrote in about reminding people about this feature especially Megan from the Because I Read Twilight I Have Unrealistic Expectations In Men facebook group.
Twilight Lexicon » MTV Awards Write In Campaigns
The park spreads out behind the mouth of the river, where each day at twilight a flood of scarlet macaws migrates from the tropical forest to the mangrove swamps.
In the long run I will support Twilight as long as Rob and Kristen are in it; any hulky guy could play Emmett, but Ashley IS Alice, she would be very hard to replace and make it believeable.
Twilight Lexicon » Kellan and Ashley Still To Sign on the Dotted Line
After months chided in ghostly Twilight spoof spearheaded by Jimmy Fallon, Robert Pattinson is reportedly set to come face-to-face with the comedian on NBC’s Late Night next month.
Jimmy Fallon Robert Pattinson “Twilight” Spoof
A look out the window confirmed that I was indeed in the Twilight Zone, as huge, unnatural snowflakes fell to the ground.
It was almost as if the barn was it's own little world where it was twilight all the time, and the only light was the frail beams given off by a few candles.
Three dancers representing twilight, darkness and full - moon create a wonderland of charm.
The problem for must us "haters" is that twilight is overly promoted as something it really isn't.
Twilight's First Official Photo and Why I'm Passing «
Enjoy a peaceful night sleep under Twilight Sea Turtle's starry night sky.
At twilight, as I rode out through the great gate of the capital, I saw the jaded horse fall and the exhausted rider stagger in on foot; and I little dreamed that that man carried my destiny with him into Keijo.
Chapter 15
Some smaller alcid species visit breeding colonies only at night, coming and going under the protective cover of twilight or full darkness.
Alcids in marine ecosystems
Wicked Lovely, aside from being better written and more well rounded, is nothing like Twilight.
George Lucas Producing CG-Animated Musical About Fairies » MTV Movies Blog
The 9th of May, after another such an up-and-down course, ascending hills and descending into the twilight depths of deepening valleys, we came suddenly upon the Mukondokwa, and its narrow pent-up valley crowded with rank reedy grass, cane, and thorny bushes; and rugged tamarisk which grappled for existence with monster convolvuli, winding their coils around their trunks with such tenacity and strength that the tamarisk seemed grown but for their support.
How I Found Livingstone
Three-and-twenty years form a large portion of the short life of man, -- one-third, as nearly as can be expressed in unbroken numbers, of the entire term fixed by the psalmist, and full one-half, if we strike off the twilight periods of childhood and immature youth, and of senectitude weary of its toils.
The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
There's a two-hour Twilight Zone special to celebrate its silver anniversary.
Silver foliage and leaves with white variegation will also add a twilight glow to a border.
Times, Sunday Times
Do you see Twilight as a blessing, or are you afraid of typecasting with such a huge franchise? Any reservations with being part of such a cultural phenomenon?
At last the shadows began to grow lighter as my eyes adjusted to the dim twilight.
At twilight, the family lights candles, to shine a beacon to the souls as they return.
Today, in the summer twilight at Bird Cloud, the greasewood and rabbitbrush hunch themselves into giant marmots, crippled elk.
Bird Cloud
Affable, intelligent, and a talented general, the regent was also a libertine and a rake who had fallen foul of the starchy atmosphere of Versailles during Louis XIV's twilight years.
In the twilight of the Second World War hundreds of Nazis fled to Argentina.
I am looking forward to New Moon and am hopeful that with a bigger budget the "cheesiness" of the film can be toned out or completely eliminated next time around, but all in all I was very happy with Twilight and plan to see it again this week.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
I understand that Rob wants to get away from the tweeny romance (btw I am a die-hard twilight fan) and I think he achieves this by doing an indie movie in which he takes on Dali's sexual exploration.
New Trailer: ‘Twilight’ Star Robert Pattinson Moves From Edward Cullen To Salvadore Dali In ‘Little Ashes’ » MTV Movies Blog
It was twilight, and the light was dark yellow and cast long shadows.
Photographers made use of the pandanus to lend striking silhouettes to black and white photographs of Reef twilight.
Twilight fan! on Jun 20, 2008 ok yea they should totally switch the actors for edward and jacob. lik i know that they fit apperance wise their characters but Stephanie Meyers makes Edward seem really hot and the guy playing him (wasnt he in goblet of fire? the guy who dies?) really isnt that good of like a looker. no offense or anything. i love the books and hope the movie turns out really go.
Twilight's First Official Photo and Why I'm Passing «
They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
I'm going to go pick up a copy of the book as soon as I can I have readd Dracula numerous times and prefer it to Twilight any day.
Sequel to Bram Stoker's Dracula Official - The Un-Dead «
Omg.Omg. i was litterally first lyk da dude wid da shing black fringe is pretty cool but wid as u said twilight influence n he lykin da books n den bein called as EDWARD CULEEN.aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. iwas knocked off my heals n now am totally, in favour of adam, da idol edward cullen.
Twilight Lexicon » Adam Lambert Talks Twilight Again
They live in small parties, grazing on grasses, herbs and other vegetation usually at twilight or at night.
Animals of the World
Damin hesitated for a moment then shrugged, rubbing the handprint that stood out against his tan in the twilight.
I liked twilight but it wouldve been better with Chris weitz doing it. he shouldve done eclipse. i dont think the book is dark at all. just more suspense. so david slade needs to chill with all this “horror” junk because the twilight saga is NOT horror. theres no genre that can cover the twilight saga. the twilight saga is its on genre.
Twilight Lexicon » FearNet: Why Bill Condon Could Be Good For Breaking Dawn
The mizen hid them from the man at the wheel, and the twilight of tropical stars held the main – deck.
For the term of his natural life
A Robin is building at our back door, the Blackbird sings in the meadow behind, the Nightingale is heard even to the doors, the Cuckow plies his two notes all day, and a colony of frogs their one by twilight. best love to All,
Letter 276
Oh, if you're easily amused, go over to Peter David's blog where he's running segments of a thing called Potato Moon, which is a parody of a fan sequel to Stephenie Meyers 'Twilight books (as well as a parody of the originals); this book, titled Russett Moon, got its author into legal trouble, whereafter she proclaimed some New Agey stuff about the global gestalt mind ... which is where PAD comes into it.
Sinking feelings aboard the Seaview
I don't think masochism is quite the word I'd use for Twilight, but I think both Bella and Edward are dislikable characters; Bella's weak and Edward's just plain unfriendly.
March Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour
It was common for coy damsels and staid matrons to wend their way to Lizzie's cot about twilight, to have their fortunes spaed.
The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
Imagine Kristen Stewart -- the conflicted, angst-ridden Bella Swan from the "Twilight" movies -- as Snow White.
Kristen Stewart gets closer to becoming Snow White
And in this stretch of ocean, lookouts were mastheaded at day-dawn and kept mastheaded until twilight of evening, when the Mary Turner was hove-to, to hold her position through the night.
The weather is still balmy and the light is like twilight, even though it's almost 3 in the morning.
In that interlunar twilight there reigned a solemn sense of wonder evoked here eternally, one felt, from the ancient time, with the rustling of stirred foliage and the voice of those far waters for its music.
Apologia Diffidentis
The latest rash is people thinking the Twilight cast is Tweeting the happenings on the New Moon set on Twitter.
Twilight Lexicon » Kristen Stewart: Still Not Tweeting
Acting Auditions. org is announcing that Breaking Dawn, the fourth and last book in the Twilight Saga series of vampire novels by Stephenie Meyer, has been "greenlit" for a - Articles related to Fans cast Stephenie Meyer's 'The Host' film
Twilight at Mrs. Wickett's, when the School bell clanged for call-over, brought them back to him in a cloud — Katherine scampering along the stone corridors, laughing beside him at some "howler" in an essay he was marking, taking the cello part in a Mozart trio for the School concert, her creamy arm sweeping over the brown sheen of the instrument.
Goodbye, Mr Chips
Meyer has said that the apple on the cover of the first "Twilight" novel represents Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden.
Mormon Influence, Imagery Run Deep Through 'Twilight'
Quietly, ever so quietly, I watched two worlds briefly collide before one exited into the sunlight and the other stayed behind in the dim twilight.
Twilight merged into darkness.
Fact of the day: The only thing scarier than a Twilight fangirl is a Twilight fanBOY.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Glimpse into the Editor’s Office: Editing Twilight
The twilight schedule makes for long days and late departures, but the media café remains open and provides a substantial Greek salad for about a fiver, which is reasonable compensation. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
We'd stroll the whole crescent "U" of, say, Keizersgracht (Emperor's canal), past majestic gabled manses, cozy gabled houses, small boats with a few folk tippling rose and tour boats with tourists roaring beerily into the twilight.
Barry Yourgrau: Walking with Joy: Amsterdam
I went in the opposite direction, but even the pleasure of being in the woods alone at twilight did nothing to lighten my mood.
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The Grammy winner, 30, botched the lyrics, mistakenly singing "what so proudly we watched, at the twilight's last reaming" instead of "o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
Christina Aguilera Fumbles the Lyrics, Black Eyed Peas Light Up Super Bowl XLV
If there are a lot of windows in your scene, consider shooting at twilight when the illumination levels will be closer.
The lurid coppery glow had vanished, and the sky thickened and lowered until the darkness was as that of a late twilight.
in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity
The Twilight star has been growing the facial fluff for a while now and has long passed the designer stubble stage.
The Sun
As twilight approached, he lit the lantern and returned home.
Of course it could also be better if Americans stopped to be such nancies and started to watch foreign films, but as long as the trailer wont include either Jaden Smith or any person associated with Twilight, I have faith that it will be watchable due to the source material alone.
Let Me In Director Matt Reeves Offers Further Thoughts on Remaking a Cult Classic, Defends Against Twilight Comparisons | /Film
If you type in "twilight" in google, you will see nothing but FAN SUPPORT.
Second Full Trailer for Stephenie Meyer's Twilight «
WHEN TWILIGHT BURNS is fast-paced from the opening vampire assault until the powerful finish, but as always in this excellent vampire wars saga Victoria turns the thriller into a victory for sub-genre fans.
When Twilight Burns-Colleen Gleason « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
He was equipped for instant duty, as far as the imperfect twilight would allow me to see; the long sword clanked upon the floor as he made his way through the lobbies which led to my place of confinement; his ample military cloak hung upon his arm; his cocked hat was upon his head, and in all points he was prepared for the road.
The Purcell Papers
The lex is still my choice to go to for my twilight fix because I can trust the website.
Twilight Lexicon » The Lexicon Turns Four!!
September nights! their young moon's lingering twilight, their full broad bays of silver, their interlunar season!
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 28, February, 1860
Annie Evett By the time most of you are reading this, Annie will be with another writer – who shall remain unnamed, in a Twilight Movie Marathon.
The Fascination with Edward « Write Anything
By late in the month Mercury becomes visible low above the western horizon at twilight, a preview of its showing in March, when the planet will make its best evening apparition of the year.
They watched as the bright colours of the sky faded and were replaced by the muted pastels of twilight.
The twilight rings with the laughter of the 'loppies' young and free.
I might have appreciated it more if I loved all these veteran western actors (plus a gravelly singing nonactor) and if I was in my twilight years as well.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
These things with tales of sombre clouds and shining skies and whisperings of strange creatures dancing timidly in pavonine twilights, he traced upon the ivory keys of his instrument and the world was richer for a poet.
Chopin : the Man and His Music
You can blame it on Star Wars (and the pernicious influence of “Fantasy”) if you want, but it goes back to every crappy drive-in B movie, every half-arsed rip-off of The Twilight Zone, every shitty piece of symbolically formulated kipple that came off the production-line broken and useless to all but the true believers, the geeks who loved it all for the lurid glory of its strangeness, however slipshod.
Hey, Janet! Have You Got Syfy?
Their songs were tailor-made for top-down summer twilight drives through Fairmount Park with your main squeeze.
At least one company is making stencils for Twilight and Edward Cullen pumpkin cutouts as well.
TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR OCTOBER 6TH, 2009 | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
Twilight has proved a boon for British actors in Hollywood.
Times, Sunday Times
The supposed twilight days of his career provided him with countless afternoons in the sun.
It's a soft spring twilight by the edge of Lake Superior at the far northern tip of Wisconsin.
The thing that STUNS and I do mean STUNS me at the Creation Official Twilight Tours that I attend is how many people became fans of the books because of the movies.
Twilight Lexicon » Hit Fix: Will Eclipse Make Less Money Than New Moon?
Depression in the twilight years is usually related to chronic illness, which often can have a major impact on lifestyle.
Read more: Mtv Movie Awards 2010, Twilight, Slidepollajax, MTV Movie Awards, MTV Movie Awards Photos, Los Angeles News
'Twilight' Sweeps MTV Movie 'Awards'
As the day faded to twilight, both men were naked, left only with their respective wills.
Times, Sunday Times
But you know what bothers me now that Twilight is so big and its one of the most anticipant movies of 2009 everyone wants in on the action like those Disney stars! eww!!!
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
at twilight or any other time
The plate soared through the air, slicing the twilight, before a bullet made contact with it, shattering the porcelain dish in midair.
Time, tide, and twilight; and there is no twilight
VI. Lancelot: III
“We hear and we obey,” answered they and turning back to their braves did his bidding and spread themselves about the sides of the valley in the twilight forerunning the dawn.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Forget even Dan Brown and the albino assassin monk from an order that has no monks, or the long twilight struggle between the Freemasons and the Vatican.
September 22nd, 2009
Remember, twilight is the most dangerous time, when the light is failing but your lights do not have much effect.
Both King and Snyder eschew the vampire as dashing sophisticate or dewy-eyed romantic ( "King hates 'Twilight' more than I do," Snyder notes).
The 'Riffs Interview: 'American Vampire's' SCOTT SNYDER on vampires, Vertigo & collaborator Stephen King
The comic went to school with the Twilight star and regularly mocked the heart-throb during his early days as a stand up comic.
The Sun
It was afternoon, twilight yet out of doors: starless and moonless twilight; for, though keenly freezing with a dry, black frost, heaven wore a mask of clouds congealed and fast-locked.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Fans of vampire lore balked at the undoing of the genre [...] breanna, on January 23rd, 2009 at 1: 08 pm Said: well Twilight isnt emo (not once did anyone cut theirself). but i agree with you with the thing about everyone obbesesed with these books? they are good i agree but not fall down love over.
Book Review: Twilight | Heretical Ideas Magazine
The old tile-roofed village in the old green countryside, the Hwang Ho mightily flowing, a bell at twilight, lifeways and a reverence for them that had changed their outward guise only a little as the millennia swept past; science and machines could ensorcel a girl, she could snatch at a scholarship and lose herself in the marvels of city and university and a certain young man, but always, always she would yearn back.
She stared at the dancing flames for hours, daylight passing to twilight and then to darkness.
These secret agents occupy a twilight zone between legality and illegality.
In the twilight of their years they are spending their lives at Sainik Ashram in Kakkanad since they found that they are a burden to their own families.
(through whose tortured glottis the word nymphet has decisively been lifted into the linguistic mainstream from the minor Jacobean rivulets of Drayton and Drummond), whose speech is effectively spoonerized by the "tender, mysterious, impure, indifferent twilight eyes" of "Haze, Dolores" (to firmly place the child where she belongs -- in a school attendance list):
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
Jackson Rathbone dirige un video musicale | Twilight Italia says:
Twilight Lexicon » Jackson Rathbone Directs Music Video
Both a superbly subtle character study and a poignant hymn to Japan's lost past, Twilight Samurai is one of those rarest of cinematic creatures, a film that also qualifies as a genuine work of art.
Their ears were pointed, their beaks were hooked, and their obsidian eyes were large and flat, like pools, goggling at him in the rose twilight of full moons.
The Soul of Yeats « Unknowing
Twilight of Avalon is currently available at all booksellers and online retailers.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Anna Elliott, part 2
I might not get any cool, sweet Twilight merch from the Lexicon, but maybe I will win the poster.
Twilight Lexicon » Answer to the Hot Topic Riddle
He and Violet sing duets as the purple film displaces the glories of azure and gold, and the twilight shadows the dusky bits of wood, the frowning rocks, and the indentations of shore that might be nereid haunts.
Floyd Grandon's Honor
As Bella Vista's shovelers work into the late-afternoon twilight, the faint chiming of church bells wafts over from the nearby town center.
The five Twilight films have taken more than 2billion at the box office worldwide.
The Sun
There's a lot of things I don't know about The Twilight Zone, but I do know this: every time someone even mentions the name, my brain automatically plays the theme music ... inkedgal
7 Things You Might Not Know About The Twilight Zone
The information is, however, locked inside the heads of the old wire-benders, designers, musicians, panmen and others - many of whom are in their twilight years or on their sickbeds.
In the quiet twilight, the cobbler slowly set down his tools, laying the wooden shoe at the foot of his stool and rising slowly.
‘Twilight’ star Facinelli bedazzles thousands of fans in Temecula appearance
TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS: FEBRUARY 7TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
i would really love to meet all the actors that are in twilight because i have read these books 12times and twilight is my life now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight Lexicon » Fan Trips To Meet the Actors
The colossal Muir Glacier, the remains of a world the history of which is lost in the dim twilight none can now penetrate, is dying slowly through a million years.
Five Nights
The sun set in a glory, and twilight arrived with gracefully gleaming stars, and a full golden moon on the horizon.
In Twilight he looks uncomfortable, probably because he realises how stupid it is. linn huh?
Movie Playlist: Robert Pattinson | /Film
He turns back to the woman opposite him, her face reflecting the approaching purple twilight.
We will be moving faster now, heading into the chop of a south wind and twilight has passed into dark.
Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.
The snow splattered all over a now very unhappy Twilight who lost her balance and slipped.
Men wanting to inspire the kind of rapacious passion Edward does might try reading the Twilight novels.
Devra Maza: A Twilight Seduction: What Men Can Learn From Edward
There's a two-hour Twilight Zone special to celebrate its silver anniversary.
Tim Masters speaks out about what he calls the twilight zone.
CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2008
He may be in the twilight of his career, but he has great qualities and great skill.
The quick tropic twilight swiftly blent day and darkness.
Harry Potter leaves me cold, the Twilight phenom bewilders me, and so many of the other chart-topping series just seem like the same thing over and over and over again.
MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
It's not against Twilight, it's against their fans. asdfghjkl
Twilight Sells Out 2,000 Showings (Including 600 Midnight Showings) | /Film
The Twilight Herald: Lord Bahl is dead and the young white-eye, Isak, stands in his place; less than a year after being plucked from obscurity and poverty the charismatic new Lord of the Farlan finds himself unprepared to deal with the attempt on his life that now spells war, and the possibility of rebellion waiting for him at home.
Archive 2009-02-01
The road smoked in the twilight with children driving home cattle from the fields; and a pair of mounted stride-legged women, hat and cap and all, dashed past me at a hammering trot from the canton where they had been to church and market.
Travels With A Donkey In The Cevennes
On returning to my domacile I discovered that, although the sun had set and the hour of twilight had arived, the Emblem of my Country still floated in the breese.
Bab: A Sub-Deb
When twilight came and the light was too poor to read, Roza closed the book and merely listened to the conversation.
The photographs from Laor's series ‘Image of Light’ were taken during twilight or at night.
The sun is melting on the horizon and twilight deepens.
But it's fair to say he's enjoying relaxing into the twilight of his life in other ways.
The Sun
Instead, trapped in the deep, the oil fouls the ocean's twilight and dark zones: the mesopelagic and the bathypelagic (bathos: deep).
Since then he has given the club great service and, although in the twilight of his playing career, he is still playing good football to the present day.
Whenever a hitter bloops a ball into the outfield during the day or at twilight, Wilson has a tough time picking it up.
Hi i live near buffalo, New York and i LOVE the Twilight Saga im like the twilight sagas biggest fan, my mom said they might be filming part of Breaking Dawn in buffalo, new york or in niagra falls is this trueI
Twilight Lexicon » James Woods Scouting Locations For Movie With Kristen Stewart
The end of the cigarette glowed in the twilight.
The new Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz action comedy Knight and Day was originally scheduled to be released on Friday, July 2, 2010, putting it up as counterprogramming against The Last Airbender and to some degree, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (which drops the following Wednesday).
Knight and Day Release Moves Up One Week | /Film
'Twilight Saga: New Moon' smashes 'Harry Potter' box office mark - Articles related to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (PG)
The sun had set, and the sky was that lovely shade of blue between twilight and true night.
The Daily Record talked to Robert Pattinson, who seems to have picke dup some phobias from Twilight, or at least a sense of his own mortality.
Twilight Lexicon » The UK Press Covers Twilight
If in the pensive twilight, while I recall my yesterdays, I hear the risen Lord call my name, the call awakes the thought of a wondrous tomorrow!
Brooks by the Traveller's Way
i loved twilight and the people playing it, i did not read the book but i am glad because then i would not know what was going to happen next, i liked the suspensefulness ... and they should have edward more in the next one he is sooo hott and made the movie awesome especially with his realationship with Bella KEEP HIM IN PLS
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
“About 90 percent of the fandom is just excited to have anything,” said Lori Joffs, co-creator of Twilight Lexicon.
Twilight Lexicon » The Novel That Must Not Be Named: A Clarification
Scott and I walked along the beach last night at twilight, watching the dark clouds swelling over the ocean, and as the first rain fell, we ran for the cover of the nearest hotel.
The fifth and final Twilight film is due out in November.
The Sun
As they reached the great doorway through the gopura, a tall figure advanced to meet them which Beatrice at once recognized in spite of the gathering twilight.
The Native Born or, the Rajah's People
The twilight, lengthening from the shortest day a fortnight before, was but just sufficient to reveal the outline of objects.
MacMillan's Reading Books Book V
Since our conference had begun, the dusk of twilight had melted away; and the moon had called into lustre -- living, indeed, but unlike the common and unhallowing life of day -- the wood and herbage, and silent variations of hill and valley, which slept around us; and, as the still and shadowy light fell over the upward face of my brother, it gave to his features an additional, and not wholly earth-born, solemnity of expression.
Devereux — Volume 01
One has to wonder though: when this fad is over, are they going to take down all of the references to Twilight?
Stuff We Did On Our Vacation, Part One; Or, A Pictorial Essay on Vampire Habitats
Why not get someone who's actually invested in the story or atleast hasn't publicly dissed it, not just someone looking for a paycheck? katie i love twilight but it takes to long to read amelia if he didnt mean what he said, then why the hell did he even say it. profesional my ass. give the film to someone with a bit more passion!
David Slade Responds to His Own Remarks About Twilight | /Film
Considering he just got on the Hollywood radar because of the Twilight Saga (imagine, he was almost recast before New Moon) and just days ago blew out the candles on his 18th birthday cake, Lautner with his 8-pack abs is the newest and youngest action star in a dizzying volume of movie deals made over recent weeks.
Twilight Lexicon » Taylor Lautner in Abduction: The Ink Isn’t Quite Dry Yet
So even if the law is not changed, homeless people will still be there, existing in a twilight world of temporary accommodation, shifting from place to place, becoming more damaged.
Things had begun to change in the twilight days of the Somalia story.
THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
Looking north from the plateau, you will see in the endless twilight a forbidding light on the horizon.
The offending molar twinged as the twilight breeze drew more coolness into the air.
O' Bending Light
I was a little nervous, after reading Twilight, that there was a chance I could be stepping into a fictional world of brooding teens and angst-ridden vampires.
Book Review: "Strange Angels" by Lili St. Crow
but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal
Twilight: Breaking Dawn is set for release on Nov 18th, 2011. In the meantime Kristen fans can see her current film, Welcome To The Riley's, in which she plays an under-age stripper.
I am contacting you to let you know that the twilight actor kellen lutz is participating in the clothes off our back charity event with Habitat for Humanity.
Twilight Lexicon » Kellen Lutz and Emmett Truck Connection
In this soft twilight, Wilton could see a faint shimmer around Milon.
Summit has debuted the title treatment for “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”.
A Fistful of News –
Twilight Zone comments: bee said ... that grinder is pretty cool. when you're not using it, you can use the cavity to hide chocolates. lol.
Stone Ground Dal Vadas
Do you think kristen stwart was nervous on the mtv movie awards or she just didnt want to be there? first of all i like Kristen stwart especially when she plays the older sister on zathrua. but in the mtv movie awards she was very awkward and she dropped the award ha ha, and a lot of people say that she was nervous, Kristen stwart has been in a lot of movie and she probably has been to a lot of award shows i don't think she was nervous i think she just didn't want to be there and also what was up with twilight winning so many awards that it did not deserve it won over dark night and slum dog millionaire come now we all know those movies where kick a** the movie was not as good as the book which was great but i think they should just leave the vampire stuff to Anne rice en Español
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Sudden leaps of logic, intermedial dénouements and deviation from the beaten track were typical, as in the Celtic Twilight Zone where 'Gospel truth' met 'myth'.
They come out from the trunks of trees at twilight to forage.
Stephenie Meyer pubblica ‘La seconda breve vita di Bree Tanner’ | Twilight Italia says:
Twilight Lexicon » New Novella By Stephenie Meyer: Bree’s Story