How To Use twerp In A Sentence
- Without warning or presage the still evening air was smitten and made softly musical by the pealing of a distant chime, calling vespers to its brothers in Antwerp's hundred belfries; and one by one, far and near, the responses broke out, until it seemed as if the world must be vibrant with silver and brazen melody; until at the last the great bells in the The Black Bag
- There's never a constable around when you need one so the only recourse was that taken by the driver of a bus who sat thumping the horn repeatedly until the twerp came along to move and clear the jam.
- From Madrid via Alexandria en route to the city of Antwerp, the current stopover is New Delhi.
- England -- are mostly extremely handsome, and generally contrive, however big, to retain, at any rate in their heart, as at Antwerp, or in the Grande Place at Brussels, a striking air of antiquity; whilst some fairly big towns, such as Malines and Bruges, are mediaeval from end to end. Beautiful Europe: Belgium
- She finished third in the world cross-country championships in Antwerp.
- Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized.
- He argues that, just as Antwerp's golden age depended on openness, so will its future.
- The Hughes intersected the River Scheldt and altered course eastward, the roadstead and Port of Antwerp growing on the horizon. CORMORANT
- That twerp, all eyeliner and lager dithering up Chalk Farm Road under a back-combed barnet, the lips that I'd only seen clenching a fishwife fag and dribbling curses now a portal for this holy sound. Russell Brand on Amy Winehouse: 'We have lost a beautiful, talented woman'
- 'Professor Palafox/the maestro thundered,' usury is usury and we inust allow the merchants of Antwerp no Mexican loophole through which they can defile the law of the church. ' Mexico