How To Use Tweet In A Sentence
The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
After about two hours of tweets mentioning the lay-off, Philip Brasher broke the silence, also with a tweet: "Saddest part: DM Register opened bureau nearly 80 yrs ago to cover ag policy when Wallace became ag secy.
Paula Crossfield: Why Laying Off Ag Reporter Philip Brasher Is Bad for Food
A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
When it found one, it would automatically tweet them back with a plot spoiler.
Times, Sunday Times

Escobar has pitched in just one game over the ... nleastchatter. com 40 hours ago - Kelvim Escobar, which google translates as: Kelvim Escobar Some person named Francisco Blavia with a twitter account tweeted thrice in Spanish the following: Tweet # 1: Kelvim Escobar recibió su regalo navideño: acaba de llegar a un acuerdo con los Mets de Nueva York.
BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
Karlovic's commentary ranges from self-deprecation to self-defense to heckling of other tennis Tweeters to absurdism.
Words of Wisdom Provided by Dr. Ivo
All I could hear in the hush was the birds tweeting until, suddenly ahead of me, a lithe lad in Lycra darted over a crossroads like a rabbit scuttling for cover.
Underneath the horizontal skyscraper is a landscaped area with a number of water features which give the impression that the building is floating on water. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this
Steven Holl’s LEED Platinum Horizontal Skyscraper Completed! Vanke Center by Steven Holl – Inhabitat
Comments, "likes" and shares on Facebook, as well as retweets and favorites on Twitter, can indicate what topics and subjects your followers found interesting and valuable.
We will check on some of the tweets.
Memes, data, information get filtered through multiple channels these days, instantly and so the ones that get through to most people are the ones that are shocking and "tweetable."
She gained notoriety when she joined student protestors in Millbank Tower, the home of CCHQ, and tweeted live from within the kettle.
Some of those unable to get to one of these Tweet-ups are contenting themselves with a glass of something cold at home – indeed, some of the Antipodean members have already celebrated!
Online communities meeting offline « pwcom 2.0
Now the silence settled over the garden was thick and heavy, a stark contrast to the chirping and tweeting he was so accustomed to.
It's got everything - woofers, tweeters, cup holder and an impressive-looking front panel that screams ‘Hey, look at me!’
Imean, Iunderstand that it represents aslightly different communication tool: ashort messaging system that is easy to publish to, including phone messaging options, allows for acollated syndication of all your friends tweets into asingle, easily digestable stream, and allows for people to subscribe and unsubscribe as they wish. » Blog Archive » Twitter in 140 Characters or Less: Trivial
Does anyone else think that tweeting on behalf of your pets is a little absurd?
The Age of Tweety Cats - Bits Blog -
For up-to-the-minute information follow my tweets on twitter.
Times, Sunday Times
And the news business, which once took pride in what it put down for posterity, is all atwitter with tweets and insta-posts by self-appointed experts on a bazillion blogs.
Cash for clunker columns
Twitter has earned plenty of developer ire for its release of official products that will likely quash those offered by independent players in its historically vibrant developer community, and its policing of third-party applications that include the word "twit" or "tweet" has had plenty of opponents as well.
On the other side of Twitter-Wood, there's far less ambiguity in Alyssa Milano, Michael Ian Black and Brian Lynch's tweets about Pat Robertson.
‘Scream 4′ & A Droid, Pat Robertson And James Gunn’s ‘Super’ In Today’s Twitter-Wood » MTV Movies Blog
Oh, tweetums tootums ickle dirl!" he heard the ravishing voice exclaim.
I can promise you, I'm not going to be tweeting on the weekends.
The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet.
Someone tweeted me saying they took a Frisbee class in high school and college.
As of this writing, the site's 'Tweet' button is showing over 13,000 shares on Twitter.
Again, there's a democratizing influence; the blogosphere is the new slushpile, and a retweeting chain that links someone with a manuscript to an agent or editor might pass through three "friends" who barely even know each other.
MIND MELD: How Does Blogging and Social Networking Affect the Publishing Industry?
Hashtags are a discovery tool, while subtweets are a category of tweets that often purposely evade easy discovery.
These were put right after the tweet and he was given 60 credit.
Times, Sunday Times
Matt: Matt, which stands for Multi Account Twitter Tweeter, is a colorful and simple Twitter app that just lets you update multiple accounts from the Web.
All the Legos used in the project were donated from the Lego Graffiti Styles Convention in Munich. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this
Artist Uses LEGO Blocks to Rebuild New York City All the Legos used in the project were donated from the Lego Graffiti Styles Convention in Munich. – Inhabitat
You can't sit there and tweet about what's going on in the case.
If bird names are anything to go by, the "bowwow" theory (perhaps we should call it the "tweet-tweet" theory) rules the roost, since many birds are named for their songs or calls.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 3
Overall, the issue is happily devoid of many of the ditzier features that have crept into business magazines in recent years -- no pointless lists of the best this or the worst that -- and, mercifully, no attempt to get you, the reader, to start blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, linking or job hunting right now!
Yvette Kantrow: Economist sans buts
The actress is a self- proclaimed Twitter addict and has posted over 2,000 tweets since joining Twitter just a few months ago.
Is the "microblog" Internet phenomenon the next leap forward or just a tweeting waste of time?
Houston Press | Complete Issue
Users retweeted his tweet and added their own new tweets.
It's important to write tweetable press release headlines.
So it made a nice change to be able to tweet something interesting.
The Sun
Some of his tweets show family life, with photos of a new grandchild.
Christianity Today
She then tweeted a "selfie" that shows her clearly wearing make-up.
DUKE: Demi then reposted that to what she calls the Twitterverse, so the 300,000 or more people who could be reading her tweets would see it.
CNN Transcript Apr 6, 2009
ABC News's Rick Klein tweeted that he was "REALLY not sure this is funny.
Colbert's Congressional Act Panned By Reporters
On a recent train journey a nearby couple had a comically tumultuous and very public break-up, which she duly live-tweeted in all its glory.
The #beatcancer hashtag is funded by Paypal: The company is going to donate $0.05/tweet that mentions it to Livestrong.
Dave Taylor: Why #beatcancer Doesn't Help Fight Cancer
New Google service lets you call to tweet from #egypt: we hope @speak2tweet helps people hear from the voices of Egypt
Linda Bergthold: The DeNile Revolution as Tweeted
In Mundania, a speaker system-that is, something that makes sounds-has a big cone called a woofer, and a small cone called a tweeter, and a middle cone called a midrange.
Yon Ill Wind
Filter views, custom pane set-ups, and options galore help you keep your TweetDeck experience in check - although the reams of options would likely daunt new users just looking for a way to tweet and read updates.
Archive 2010-02-01
He has just tweeted a picture of his new back tattoo.
The Sun
Here is some fine Nanowrimo manuscript-padding advice in convenient and easy-to-digest Tweet form (a part of us just died as we wrote that) from Famous Writers, courtesy of the very erudite staff of Inkwell Bookstore Their blog is mad fab also.
Motivate is Spelled B-L-O-V-I-A-T-E
Generally, a hashtag is used to increase your Twitter visibility, promote an idea, theme or event and should only be used if your Tweet adds value to that specific topic.
Twitter Hashtags For Writers « Write Anything
If a tweet contains the word "kitten," that's not going to be very helpful.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
They say that currently only 4 % of Tweets are geocoded.
And then, circling back to @whitehouse, we have what I'm fairly certain is the first-ever tweeted use of the shorthand "FTW" by a head of state.
Tweets Political, Less-PC, and FTW
Is it really the panacea it occasionally claims to be, and can we make a step change in ROI through enthusiastic adoption of novel communication such as Wikis, Tweets and Blogs?
CIMCIG « pwcom 2.0
Traffic spiked quickly and contained a mix of retweets and original posts, mostly sexual jokes of varying quality.
MPs are now bombarded by tweets and emails.
Times, Sunday Times
Here are some common dictionary definitions of "cackle," none of which are appropriate in the context of Palin's tweet: cack·le (kkl) v. intr.
Sarah Palin's 'Cackle' Stretches Boundaries Of English Language
LeSean McCoy, since McCoy tweeted that Umenyiora was "overrated" and "soft," and Umenyiora dubbed the tailback " Lady Gaga.
The easiest way to reply to a tweet is to hit the @reply icon which broadcasts your answer to all your followers, essentially Twitter's equivalent of the "reply all" email function.
How to Twitter
Resting 28.6 inches wide, 11.5 inches deep and 7.7 inches high, the Z62 houses a patented Neo3PDR ribbon tweeter coaxially mounted in front of a new 10 by 5-inch Neo10 midrange planar driver.
TWICE - Digital Imaging News
I didn't venture advice to Melanie when we were chummier because she's one of those sincere types (tweet tweet) who believes that people are basically nice and good and that there's nothing in a fledgling relationship that can't be resolved through better communication, and as Lou Grant once said, there's no reasoning with a fanatic.
MoDo Has No Mojo: James Wolcott
Finally, on Aug. 15, he tweeted from the finish line of a race: Just ran my first 10K in almost 25 years.
Drew Carey's 80-Lb Weight Loss: 'Crappy Food Is Not A Reward' (PHOTOS)
At least one tweet was pretty braggadocious; it casually mentioned "my third sailboat" with an accompanying photo.
Popular topics, known as "trending" topics, appear on the main Twitter page and can significantly increase the number of tweets containing that topic.
Sharp had a tweetable soundbite - "we have shifted from a 24-hours news cycle to a 140 character one".
Just a few hundred thousand couch potato members of the sports channel pay-per-view community, watching because there wasn't any football yet, or darts or speedway or boxing, getting value for their subscriptions, fat on the sofa in last year's Premier League football jersey, thick as you like, tweeting Bumble to say how much they fancied Lily Allen and googling "lbw" to find out why the man in the motorbike helmet had to go home when the ball only hit him on the leg.
Top stories from Times Online
My Twitter account mostly consists of retweets from other twitterers.
The bird watchers in question were photographers, whom he had tweeted a photograph of.
Times, Sunday Times
I imagine his resignation letter is being composed as we tweet!
The Sun
He has just tweeted a picture of his new back tattoo.
The Sun
Found via @peterc, who tweeted out about his quick look at the tmux terminal multiplexer a better "screen".
Intro to TMux -
I Tweeted this earlier (I'm on Twitter @kristysf / Ish is there @Ish), but this is the kind of thing that goes through my head as I'm trying to fall asleep:
She Just Walks Around With It
But one of the few patterns I can actually discern is that during the hours when I tweet the book or website's URL, sales go up.
"Many Moons"
Somehow this transmitted itself to the players, who began tweeting similarly ominous warnings, apparently having taken to heart the suggestion that they had been unconvincing and lax.
Times, Sunday Times
Without regulation, tweets about medical visits and the weekly shop might become fair game.
Times, Sunday Times
I discovered that I really really like my new bedroom (My mum kindly let me have her room…!) because at one in the morning I can still hear the birds tweeting gently in the trees outside my window.
You cannot forbid tweeting because that is a restriction on freedom of speech.
The Sun
This will automatically fill in the @reply, which you can then follow with your reply message, and then hit the "tweet" button.
Vail Daily - Top Stories
I'm tired of their whistles and hoots and tweets.
Your woofers and tweeters better be in pretty good shape to take this kind of battering, I can tell you.
What better base for tweets than a country where the national pastime is chatter?
Times, Sunday Times
Moore said she was torn about responding or retweeting that woman's post but felt uncomfortable just letting it go
The digital marketplace of ideas that welcomes every blog and tweet is the same one that inspires the next generation of innovators to fuel our economies.
Linn Blancett and his wife, Tweeti, have been running cattle here for much of their lives.
Though it's still quite rare for people to make a comment on a piece in a tweet; more usually it's a "retweet", echoing the headline.
I imagine his resignation letter is being composed as we tweet!
The Sun
Some people think tweeting is just like talking in a pub.
Times, Sunday Times
The subtweets were kind of a funny interaction between two NBA bigwigs who come from opposite sides of the social media spectrum.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard called ranga in NSW Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell tweet PRIME | Top Stories
Now there's a modern occupation — celebrity-tweet vetter.
Times, Sunday Times
They also launched something called perky tweets which is now aired on Radio one. - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India
You can never take it back because you never know if someone is going to see it or re-tweet it or download it and then repost it.
On this show, we feature solutions and we'd like to hear from you so tweet me with your education solutions or post your ideas on my Facebook page.
Around midnight, Costello responded to a question by Jessica Verilli, who asked about details of the meeting with a mere: "@jess sadly no. i was in a part of the bay area where the tweets cant get in or out!
Obama holds Silicon Valley summit with tech tycoons
I was tweeting on these dotty matters last week when a friendly follower directed me to a useful page devoted to the history of the polka dot.
Times, Sunday Times
He went on to post more angry tweets before deleting them all along with the picture.
The Sun
I may even initiate my own (hopefully) informative or amusing tweets.
And to prove it, he tweeted a pic from the delivery room.
The Sun
However, as an SMS-addict and avid tweeter I found the small keyboard on my old phone a bit fiddly and didn't see that improving with the latest incarnations.
She twittered and tweeted and seemed to move imperceptibly whilst standing completely still.
They tweeted this pic along with the message: 'The blondes!
The Sun
The members of a hashmob gather, virtually, around a particular hashtag by labeling each of their tweets with said hashtag and then following the resulting hashtag tweet stream.
Marbles, real name Jonathan May-Bowles, was sentenced to six weeks in jail, and his last tweet before heading off to the clink was an "lol" in reply to @hypervocal.
Lee Brenner: The Top 10 Stories From 2011 Missing From All the Top 10 Lists
Personally, I'm into the music and arts scene, so I limit my "tweets" to events I feel worth sharing with friends who care.
The larger model features coaxially mounted 0. 75-inch tweeter and 3-inch midrange flanked by two 4-inch woofers.
TWICE - Digital Imaging News
And so tweeted a photo of herself seeking comfort from her dog instead.
The Sun
The latest rash is people thinking the Twilight cast is Tweeting the happenings on the New Moon set on Twitter.
Twilight Lexicon » Kristen Stewart: Still Not Tweeting
I highlighted the sticker by tweeting a picture of it and was sent thousands of vile tweets from people who supported the message.
The Sun
I have had to unfollow dozens and dozens of so called writers for their completely insipid tweets.
Tweeting is for little brain birdies and the media by referring to it show their afinity
Ed Henry tweets while following Obama today from Cleveland
Julia Gorodetskaya (@gorodetskaya), a Ukrainian TV journalist, sent the first underwater Tweet from the bottom of a dolphinarium, TechCrunch reports.
First Underwater Tweet Sent By Ukranian Journalist Julia Gorodetskaya (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
In a moment which summed up the technical brilliance and supreme inconsequentiality of the tweet-happy live stream at ISTEK, Gavin Dudeney boldly tweeted that he was about to wave his arm above his head.
2010 April « Ken Wilson's Blog
The Extras actor tweeted this snap of himself wearing the pyjamas yesterday.
The Sun
In your delusional mind the world waits with bated breath for your next revelation and tweet.
Palin: 'My heart goes out to Huckabee'
This morning, I was alerted to a few tweets worried about a potentially bad low pressure system moving eastward that could become a nor'easter and damage the Eastern Seaboard Sunday into Sunday night.
HUFFPOST HILL - Dems Deploy Payroll Tax Robots
On Easter Sunday, pastor Todd Hahn prefaced his sermon by saying, "I hope many of you are tweeting this morning about your experience with God.
First, don't hesitate to ask people to retweet your tweet.
Twitter is a great way to keep up with his tweetable quotes and blog posts.
The real-time tweets effectively "spammed" the more interesting conversation about what real-time communication reveals about the collective unconscious.
The Full Feed from
Pour y retrouver vos tweets, suivez hashtags sur Twitter.
Hashtags For My Followees — Climb to the Stars
If anyone retweets or answers, then all their connections, friends and followers could also forward it on.
Thus, the best measure of someone's quality as a Twitter user is not the number of followers but the amount of retweets.
Shakespeare liked to coin new words too," she said. tweet following her use of the word - something of a mix of 'refute' and 'repudiate' -
Edmonton Sun
The show's executive producer Neil Goldman tweeted "Midseason schedule burn!" after the news broke, and series creator Dan Harmon responded "Streets ahold!
'Community' Will Return To NBC Midseaon Primetime Lineup, Date Not Yet Set
After the group ride, he tweeted: "Thanks to everyone who turned up to ride in Paisley!"
the sound system had both tweeters and woofers
Letting Twitter keep my tweets seems a fair price to pay for a free news service and a place to waste vast amounts of time.
Times, Sunday Times
His twitterview today with Jake Tapper is full of examples as he talks about Iran not so much as an actual country full of actual people doing actual things in a difficult situation, but instead as a kind of phantasmagoric canvass onto which we should paint a tableau of American hubris and militarism. this Tweet:
Center for American Progress Action Fund
I've doubtless many more to discover: please tweet me suggestions.
Times, Sunday Times
While the next Great Backyard Bird Count is ten months away, now is a fine time for novices to get outside and figure out the source of all those jubilant chirps, tweets, and whistles that fill the spring air.
The goal is that the link takes people to something that's enlightening or entertaining, and they thank you by retweeting it.
The location is unsurpassed and it has cuisine to tweet home about.
Times, Sunday Times
These chats are all identified by a hashtag (#) that allows you to easily find and track a key word or topic that other educators are tweeting about.
What better base for tweets than a country where the national pastime is chatter?
Times, Sunday Times
The latest feature is an add-on button for Twitter - so you can share files directly when you tweet.
Office of Fair Trading, which is looking into whether she was paid to tweet glowing endorsements of particular beauty products we assume she can't bring herself to tweet about her own fruit bars.
The Guardian World News
He live-tweets each episode.
Tweet Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is taking flak this week for his use of the term "tar baby" while addressing a group of Iowa Republicans on July 29 in a reference to Boston's troubled Big Dig highway project. Top Stories
She tweeted a snap of them still together the morning after the party.
The Sun
With the growth of social media, "citizen journalists" could be blogging and tweeting about your business.
In addition to the PV panels, wind turbines and carbon offsetting the building will have an ozone-free absorption heat pump chiller. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this
Crazy Pixel Building to Be Australia’s First Carbon Neutral Office Pixel Building – Inhabitat
If you find a blog post or new item about Twitter, tweet it, and it will probably get retweeted.
The Klipsch HD 300 system features five slick little satelles, with 0. 75-inch tweeters with Micro Tractrix horns and 2. 5-inch mid-range drivers.
Big Picture Big Sound - Home Theater, HDTV, Movie Reviews
The X-2 bass cabinets with "wings" attached, ready for installation of the midrange and tweeter modules.
We're bombarded with boorish cell phoners, disengaged and seemingly somnambulistic texters who walk in the middle of traffic Tweeting.
Lionel: Olfactory Terror at 36K Feet
(Be the first to Tweet this post) Share and [...] steve winkler
State of the Union: Celebrate Michael Jackson's art, says Powell
I've doubtless many more to discover: please tweet me suggestions.
Times, Sunday Times
For music lovers there are in-car entertainment systems including CD changers, amplifiers, woofers, speakers and tweeters in a mind-boggling range.
His music videos are heavy draws on YouTube, and he's a relentless Tweeter.
Let's look at a couple of tweets, if we can.
First of all, Brian, you're tweeting the wrong person.
It's a tribute to Rimington's chairmanship that this commitment to easeful enjoyment is loyally echoed by colleagues, with her fellow judge and author Susan Hill tweeting: Hurrah!
The Man Booker judges seem to find reading a bit hard | Catherine Bennett
There's a growing cultural obsession with being blogged, digged, tweeted and liked.
The Insidious Evils of 'Like' Culture
The birds are chipper at chorale practice, tweeting away on window ledges behind me.
You can create or find a tweetup on this site.
The avalanche of incredulity, ridicule and scepticism that greeted anyone who came out as a "tweeter" in those early days is hard to imagine now, five years on.
Twitter's five-year evolution from ridicule to dissidents' tool
The ribbon moves magnetically, reproducing the higher frequencies normally handled by a tweeter in a conventional speaker.
Back in the 1990s, when accessing the web involved a complicated assortment of computer programs with names like "Trumpet Winsock," who could have imagined a day when billionaires would tweet about fellow billionaires? News
However the nature of such relationships involves too many variables to neatly "theorise" in a tweet.
The club quieted down as the Hoff Roast (#Hoff for you tweeters) began.
Comedy Central Insider | Funny, TV and Comedy Blog
They created a leader board with logos for the three parties moving on small wires each time a re-tweet was registered.
In Washington D. C., people were starting to tweet about President Obama's State of the Union address.
It was the star pair's flirty tweets which focused the spotlight on them.
The Sun
The birds all around them tweeted to one another in their own language before the stars illuminated the vast sky in an array of colors that would shame anyone that concluded that night was purely made for those who lived in the dark.
The Tweet is mightier and flightier than the sword.
The API revolution « BuzzMachine
Miss Johnson looked at me as if seeing me for the first time; giving a little jump, she tweeted, ‘Oh, clumsy me.’
5: In April 2009 the Daily Telegraph set up a "Twitterfall" for its coverage of the budget, in which it tried to include any tweets with the tag "#budget".
Technology news, comment and analysis |
I blog a little about cycling (although my blog is mostly centered around motocross), and I also tweet a lot.
Others have fallen as a result of their online behaviour, be it through hasty tweets or blog posts of a vitriolic nature equating to a public mud-slinging match, to the technological sex scandals from the likes of Vernon Kay and Jason Manford, to politicians such as Anthony Weiner.
Ambi Sitham: Keyboard Warriors and Trolls: Post in haste, Repent at Your Leisure
So I tweeted a photo.
Times, Sunday Times
Along with her seven fellow ambassadors, she spruiked the HTC Cha Cha mobile phone and Red Bull Mobile phone plan, as well as using the phone to tweet and upload photos and videos to make Red Bull a trending topic on Twitter. | Top Stories
He doesn't tweet and is noticeably pickier about modelling these days.
Times, Sunday Times
For the record, Cott is now in jail but the subpoenaed accounts continue to tweet and blog.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
His tweets also offer reminders, should we need them, of his magisterial political correctness.
Times, Sunday Times
Slide 5: strategy - with protected ip 1 help women shop for fashion more quickly and confidently 2 3 4 gaming social networking product review •engaging / sticky •micro communities •focused assortments •content generation •content generation •filterable style rank •millions of •profile page •friends 5-star rankings •style reviews (tweets) •location
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Because the Jets and Giants shouldn't be the only ones sitting at home getting fat this Sunday, we've ransacked the minds of some of NY's most esteemed chefs & barmen to bring you easy-to-make recipes packing flavors so explosive, you'll think Antonio Cromartie's tweeting about you.
Thrillist: Super Bowl Super Snacking: Easy Grub for Game Day
Tweet of the day This could be a long winter.
Times, Sunday Times
Happy birds chirped and tweeted, and a deer just barely out of sight grazed peacefully.
A fluffy little chickadee pops out of his mouth and tweets sweetly before hopping away.
Leno, a social media skeptic, finally turned to me with squinted eyes and said in a conspiratorial tone, "Are you tweeting right now?
First lady's first tweet
A free Twitter account lets users "microblog," that is, publish short (140 characters tops) advice, aphorisms, and status updates (known as "Tweets") to others who have subscribed to their feed.
Information Today News Breaks
I didn't before, I signed up eons ago but didn't really become an active "tweeter" until recently.
They seem more interested in their tweets and emails than they are in each other.
The Sun
Letting Twitter keep my tweets seems a fair price to pay for a free news service and a place to waste vast amounts of time.
Times, Sunday Times
Although the couple have yet to publicly announce their engagement, they posted a series of happy photos and tweets yesterday hinting at good news.
The Sun
Kairos is the kind of arcana I expect in my cryptic tweets from a man who isn't the Stanford football coach, but the Bradford M. Freeman
Bloggers and tweeters are quoted freely as semaphore from the streets.
We remind her that there have been a few tweeting faux pas.
The Sun
The horsemeat scandal was hardly out of the gate before thousands of amateur jokesmiths had entered the race with the professionals, jockeying to contrive the wittiest, most popular tweets about equine consumption.
Hope this time it goes through. 90% of 10% active twitting is just from bloggers who tweet for every new blog or from spammers.
Ironic But True — Many On Twitter Are Just Silent
I'm having tweeter's remorse.
This skyscraper is designed for the Ciliwung River, Jakarta's largest river. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this
Water Purifying Skyscraper Cleans up Jakarta’s Rivers Jakarta Water Purification Skyscraper – Inhabitat
Just follow the link below for instructions on what to tweet to score one of these modern, BPA-free, recycled plastic water filtering bobbles for yourself!
Yuka Yoneda | Inhabitat
When those selected Tweets can then be cross-referenced with other sets of data from outside Twitter - that's when the word fecund starts feeling inadequate.
Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
I was tweeting on these dotty matters last week when a friendly follower directed me to a useful page devoted to the history of the polka dot.
Times, Sunday Times
The new era of sponsored tweets has already arrived in Britain.
Times, Sunday Times
His last Tweet recommends a fatuous Robert Kaplan op-ed contending that the Muslim world is one undistinguishable agglutination of grievance.
A World Brimming Frozen Over With Overexposure | ATTACKERMAN
If I was mining Twitter I wouldn't pay any attention at all to tweets, but I would pay a lot of attention to retweets.