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How To Use Tutelage In A Sentence

  • The mancipable (conveyable or movable) possessions of a woman who is under tutelage of [her] agnates [18] shall not be acquired rightfully by usucapion (long usage or long possession), save if these The Twelve Tables
  • The quintessence of religion lies in actual perception and realization of Self under tutelage of a perfect master of the time.
  • His tutelage of Congress Party workers was always fraught with difficulty because those who believed that politics could be moralized were in a minority.
  • Police internal-affairs units set up under U.S. tutelage were dismantled following Mr. Sanabria's appointment to head the antidrug police in 2007, a Bolivian law enforcement officer said. Smuggling Scandal Shakes Bolivia
  • Under their tutelage, the Egyptian Press became a medium for public debates over socioeconomic and political issues.
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  • Even the institutional tutelage and apprenticeship arrangements that were the norm decades ago are now relabeled partnerships.
  • A new regime was installed under French tutelage.
  • His time spent at some of the better Boston area restaurants under the tutelage of some well-respected chef-icons would also prove to be nothing short of kismet.
  • Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Bruce hodder | country hike « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Many readers of this column will have benefited from his tutelage and we all wish him well.
  • Sue's wise tutelage and Tom's submission to it keeps him alive for nineteen years in the hostile South, where ‘They lynch you bout anything’.
  • What the village has are divisions called houses of 10 children under the care and tutelage of one mother.
  • In this setting, less advanced monks practiced the ascetic life under the tutelage of a more experienced master. Christianity Today
  • This was news, indeed, to bewilder nations who had hitherto remained content in infantile tutelage, unconscious, undesirous, of the rights of men! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.
  • Under his tough tutelage, moreover, I learnt a good deal about how to handle the world.
  • We often wonder about and, indeed, my colleagues and I routinely suggest Haiti and similar places for "tutelage" - a type of UN trusteeship. MercatorNet
  • But, under his dad's tutelage, Wood Jnr has now taken up the goalkeeping gloves, and is a regular at City's school of excellence.
  • A new regime was installed under French tutelage.
  • Just like being a doctor or entrepreneur or tiler, becoming famous takes a few things; for the sake of argument, let's call those talent, training, tutelage, practice, birth or upbringing and a lucky break moment. Vanessa Richmond: Willow Smith and America's Dirty Little Fame Secret
  • In fact, Leviev had the temerity to lecture Namibians on what would be good for them under his tutelage.
  • Working under Bas ' tutelage had been like getting a graduate degree in business. SOMEBODY
  • You can attend embroidery classes under the tutelage of Jocelyn James.
  • Genuine democratic and social renewal within the Balkans can never take place under the political tutelage of the Western powers and their local quislings.
  • Mortals became able and prosperous farmers under his tutelage, but gradually they turned careless and wasteful.
  • Exxon stock has gone up 57 percent under his tutelage, which is quite an accomplishment to be celebrated, or should it be defended now here in America? CNN Transcript May 28, 2008
  • By a pathetic fallacy their capacity to suffer is measured by their apparent power to enjoy, and those are moved to tears by the spectacle of a Dauphin surrendered to the coarse and brutal tutelage of a sans-culotte, who read without emotion of thousands of Huguenot children torn from their mothers 'arms and flung to the novercal cruelties of strangers in blood and creed. The Story of Paris
  • This was a very powerful curse, and in order to cure, Rosa would have to be placed under the tutelage of a powerful orisha. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • But in the long run, this choice will bear fruit - a fruit that is ripened under Mother Nature's own tutelage.
  • All this accentuates the Russian sense of having come under a kind of colonial tutelage.
  • The day will alternate between instruction and hands-on practice under the tutelage of the very best in the business.
  • Under his tutelage she became a proficient maker of maiolica models, parrots and birds of prey in particular. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under his tough tutelage, moreover, I learnt a good deal about how to handle the world.
  • I told Swami that I had come to learn shastras under his tutelage.
  • In the last three years, under U.S. tutelage, the Sunnis were persuaded, largely through large amounts of money and promises of immunity from prosecution, to abandon the insurgency they had led since the U. S.-led invasion. Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense
  • To the amazement and disappointment of Annie Besant and some of the other theosophists, he gave up all the power and prestige that he had gained under their tutelage.
  • Under her tutelage, she learned the nuances of singing.
  • Under the tutelage of master painters, amateurs get to learn how to give shape to their creativity.
  • More recently, and largely as a result of English tutelage, it had acquired some reputation as a maritime power.
  • The Robinson girls not only learned how to grow vegetables but also, thanks to the expert tutelage of mum Joan, how to cook them.
  • He has studied the instrument under the tutelage of some of the best.
  • Under the tutelage of the baker he rolled mixed cake batter and rolled dough.
  • More recently, and largely as a result of English tutelage, it had acquired some reputation as a maritime power.
  • When his father renounced the throne in 1927, Michael was made child king at the age of six under the tutelage of a regency.
  • She is hobbled by inexperience and a lowly position, but Wilmot takes her under his patronage and tutelage.
  • Under Michelle 's tutelage, Peter had become his more charming face. DEAD LINES
  • They have gotten rid of outside tutelage, while retaining the best of Italy (the food and the espresso, though even an ardent fan cannot praise the wine, which tastes like sheep-dip), the best of England (pedestrian traffic in Asmara is directed by modest but efficient Girl Scouts wearing white ankle socks), and most of the useful contacts with Ethiopia. African Gothic
  • She is the patroness of unmarried girls, who on marriage pass out of her domain into the tutelage of other, less farouche, goddesses.
  • Today those young men gathered under the tutelage of their fathers and grandfathers in sedate quiet as the fights began. Cockfighting - Chicken Soup For The Soul
  • In 1916, Miyagui Chojun Sensei went to Foochow city (Fukien) were Higaonna Kanryo had studied (aprox. 1869-84) a southern style of Shaolin kempo under the tutelage of Master Ryu Ryuko. Karate and Modernity: A Call for Comments
  • Under the tutelage of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph's, she would have acquired needlework skills by working a sampler or pictorial silk embroidery.
  • She joined the king on his long hunts for large game throughout the countryside, under his tutelage was becoming a skilled archer and rider.
  • The "civilizer" has no intention of ever seeing the object of his desire "completed", but rather in a constant process of tutelage and "improvement". Kuo Kuan-ying = Fan Lan-chin?
  • Under his tutelage, she started reading widely again.
  • The new facility, with air con, treadmills and an aerobics studio, bears little resemblance to the sparse and shabby termite-infested sweatbox above an off-licence that the brash young boxer, then named Cassius Clay, walked into five decades ago, and which eventually produced 12 world champions under Dundee's tutelage. Emotional 5th Street return for Muhammad Ali
  • But if Jurand die first, then the tutelage will be the prince's and mine, and we will give you the girl immediately. The Knights of the Cross or, Krzyzacy
  • It exercises regulative rather than constitutive power, determining the destiny of nations from afar but without the burdens associated with imperial tutelage.
  • Adoption too was possible and various forms of tutelage or guardianship existed.
  • Instead of "flowering" under the tutelage of the social worker they were portrayed as "coarsening" and in the end branded as unreformable.
  • The Robinson girls not only learned how to grow vegetables but also, thanks to the expert tutelage of mum Joan, how to cook them.
  • Under his tutelage, Australia has fulfilled its historic heritage as ‘the lucky country.’
  • Under Tyranowski's tutelage, Karol Wojtyla decided to be a priest and enrolled in a clandestine seminary in Krakow.
  • I have a feeling they will be around for a time and will get better under his tutelage.
  • Eschenbach would stop him at intervals, asking, "What is the second oboe doing now?" and expecting him to sing a note-perfect response -- hardly the tutelage of someone who wants to go only with the emotional flow. Can Christoph Eschenbach and the National Symphony Orchestra give each other a fresh start?
  • Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.
  • After a little pause, 'But is a woman in tutelage for her whole life in this country?' she said. Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • The England team have wound down their pre-Ashes practice now, more than anything an exercise in ticking-over before getting outdoors in Perth at the weekend, but Tim Bresnan and Stuart Broad were bowling under the tutelage of David Saker, while Jonathan Trott, insatiable worker and usually the only one left to turn off the lights, was there with Graham Gooch and his dog-ball thrower. No spin required as the ECB gets its coaching house in order
  • He brought his little brother into the emcee game and under his tutelage and direction the B Boy known as Melle Mel would one day claim the title Grandmaster for himself as well as the title as the World’s Greatest Emcee. Style Master Generals AKA The Originators (The Emcee Edition) Part 1 Of 4
  • The dribbling tutelage he received from his father on the beaches near his home toughened him up to ensure that he has coped with the physical nature of the Scottish game.
  • Anthony loved the excuse to chide, to mock, to exercise, in appearance, a little affectionate tutelage. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • From a long way back, a dream of European unification under benevolent French tutelage has existed in France.
  • I attended the public schools where I was properly "hazed" and got what was "coming" to all country boys; finally I graduated under the tutelage of Dr. Joseph Finch (a patriot indeed, who made a lasting impress for earnestness on thousands of boys), and then went to business as an entry clerk with a large importing metal house, where I remained until the war broke out. Between the Lines Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After
  • Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.
  • O'Sullivan never had the distinction of guiding a senior team to glory in the top division but his athletic tutelage of any team that crossed his path was legendary.
  • Some of the older players in that squad have said they will not miss his management style but the kids who now form the core of the first team admire his honesty and are grateful for his tutelage.
  • That ilk aren't left, right or middle and they couldn't care less because they're without a moral compass, relying instead on the guidance of a cash dowser that they whittle up for themselves under the tutelage of sc**bags like Goldschmidt and others who perpetuate the cycle of pro abusus publico. Good morning, sycophants (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • In five years under his tutelage they won seven one-day trophies.
  • Since five he'd fished under his grandfather's tutelage and had caught just about every known fish.
  • When Alexander died in 1894, Witte found himself transformed from the championed counselor of a paternal czar-protector to the unwelcome mentor of an unprepared sovereign—Nicholas II—who bristled under the tutelage of his inherited advisers. A Statesman For the Czar
  • Lynch took the lad under his tutelage and gave him a step-by-step programme to craft a reliable swing which would not break down under pressure.
  • She begins her career under the tutelage of her father, another artist of some talent but not much renown.
  • Under the expert tutelage of former sailors, the young people had a very full programme indeed.
  • In the spirit of Barack Obama, he warned them that cynicism is the enemy, “cynicism” being the code word du jour for any skepticism about liberal proposals to perfect mankind under the tutelage of a benevolent government. Africa
  • The health has the vigor, has the good hygienic custom, the attenionintrinsic tutelage, heavy love.
  • From Coventry he moved to Nottingham Forest, where his career took off under the singular tutelage of Clough, the mentor he says was one step up the food chain from the Almighty.
  • He has traveled extensively to gem locales worldwide and has opened himself to the tutelage of well-known gem authorities.
  • Hayes, now a professor of film in New England, blossomed under the master's tutelage, producing crisp, witty dialogue, and for a while the two were close.
  • Bruno doesn't know why he learns so quickly - "My father never quite lost his touch of aboriginal uncouthness" - but under the tutelage of an autistic janitor and a very liberal-minded cognitive psychologist named Lydia Littlemore, he emerges from his "prelapsarian nudity" and enters the world of conscious thought, "the awesome thaumaturgy of mere language. Review of Benjamin Hale's 'Evolution of Bruno Littlemore': Aping human love
  • Bruno doesn't know why he learns so quickly - "My father never quite lost his touch of aboriginal uncouthness" - but under the tutelage of an autistic janitor and a very liberal-minded cognitive psychologist named Lydia Littlemore, he emerges from his "prelapsarian nudity" and enters the world of conscious thought, "the awesome thaumaturgy of mere language. Review of Benjamin Hale's 'Evolution of Bruno Littlemore': Aping human love
  • The group's tutelage is far from polite and largely relies on instructors such as the Repairman and the Butcher, beating lessons into Gibson until he passes out. Kevin's Review: Wanted - The Beauty of Blood and Bullets «
  • So essentially, Schwartz has been dealing with an expansion team in 2009, and in that context, the two wins the team has managed under his tutelage are a good start. 13WHAM: Top Stories
  • As I have attempted to show, the congregants convert to the Christian God because of the divine tutelage they believe they have received.
  • But, at each club I have played, there has been a hard-core of gambling aficionados, eager to offer tutelage on all options to aspiring punters.
  • Under his tutelage, the 17-year-old has won gold at the Junior Olympics, and European and world junior championships.
  • The year 1968 witnessed the establishment of the Indian Rocket Society under Kalam's tutelage.
  • The law was “an insulting attempt to put the laborer under a legislative tutelage, which is not only degrading to his manhood, but subversive of his rights as a citizen of the United States.” A History of American Law
  • In this setting, less advanced monks practiced the ascetic life under the tutelage of a more experienced master. Christianity Today
  • He made good progress under her tutelage.

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