How To Use Tussock In A Sentence

  • Instead, he indulges his weed-mindfulness, enjoying the sight of "cow parsley and primrose in the spring" and "the fat tussocks of yarrow and plantain" in the summer. Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
  • Principle communities include tussock grasslands of Stipa spp. and xerophytic cushion grasses of Poa spp. interspersed with bushes of Schinus magellanicus and Condalia microphilia, among other species. Península Valdés, Argentina
  • The red flags continue uphill through the tussock where the raucous braying gets louder. Margie Goldsmith: Traveling to the Falkland Islands: Sub-Antarctica
  • I breathed deep, taking in the scent of pollen blown from the wild grass, and carried in vaporous clouds over the larger tussocks, past a grazing antelope and onwards over the rolling hillocks as far as we could see.
  • A large part of the study area was a bed of Carex tussocks, in which C. appropinquata was the dominant species.
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  • The high pastureland was lush with grass, sere and tussocky now after the summer's heat, and it sort of rolled, building itself up in a series of slow waves into the foothills of the Sierras.
  • DoC says the dunes have significant conservation value and are home to a rare sand tussock, katipo spiders and the Notoreas Wellington moth. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • Among the vegetation in the northern sector of the marsh lie tall herbs including meadow-sweet, wild angelica and figwort, while strands of yellow iris, greater tussock sedge and alder carr can also be seen.
  • She tripped on a tangle of brambles and fell forward onto a tussock of dead grass. GRACE
  • Covell’s Moths of Eastern North America describes this as being very similar to the banded tussock moth (H. tessellaris)but with a bluish green middorsal stripe on the thorax (shows ncely in your photo). Anniversary Moth - The Panda's Thumb
  • Both sexes start scrapes on mounds or tussocks near the water, and the female picks one.
  • Low structure and tussock shape, which gives protection from drying winds, e.g. heather, bilberry.
  • Among the vegetation in the northern sector of the marsh lie tall herbs including meadow-sweet, wild angelica and figwort, while strands of yellow iris, greater tussock sedge and alder carr can also be seen.
  • Tussock moth larvae that are not killed by parasitic wasps and predators turn into brightly marked caterpillars.
  • I loved the flattish grassy terrain at the top with numerous tarns of slate-grey water fringed with tussock and rocks.
  • _ There is but one name for a man who handles his four-in-hand over tree-trunks, tacurus, and tussocks, as our coacher does. Argentina from a British Point of View
  • This land growing mainly tussock is old goldmining country and heaps of tailings are evidence of the earlier presence of the miners who must have rejoiced to slake their thirst at the Cardrona Hotel built in 1870.
  • The high pastureland was lush with grass, sere and tussocky now after the summer's heat, and it sort of rolled, building itself up in a series of slow waves into the foothills of the Sierras.
  • Ireland, is mimicked in a wonderful manner by one of the Liparidae (the family to which our common "tussock" and "vapourer" moths belong). Darwinism (1889)
  • Festuca tussock grasslands and matagouri (Dicaria toumatou) form the main vegetation cover. Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
  • The ground was wet and boggy and the yellow grasses had been raised up into high tussocks.
  • Board walks take walkers through bog and tussock up to a moraine ridge overlooking the Otira Valley.
  • Lymantria lunata (Tussock moth caterpillar) solanaceous crops Chapter 7
  • Alex had stood on the rocks above him, and could see the blood trickling out from beneath the spinifex tussocks.
  • He stops counting, calls out her location and vanishes into the swaying tussock grass. Three Mississippi
  • Directly in front of me a caracara bird chases a screaming penguin who scurries into a little hole beneath the tussock, safe. Margie Goldsmith: Traveling to the Falkland Islands: Sub-Antarctica
  • An awkward ascent, hopping from tussocks to old stumps through a deep mire, and then a stiff climb up steep screes, led to the high point of the circuit, the John Garner Pass.
  • For me, the Routeburn has everything - waterfalls, golden tussocks, beech forest, alpine lakes and passes and, of course, breathtaking mountain scenery.
  • Among stones and rocks the recognized sign is one stone set on top of another (_top line_) and in places where there is nothing but grass the custom is to twist a tussock into a knot (_third line_). Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts
  • He tells us follow to the red flags through the tussock grass clumps because there might be nesting penguins beneath. Margie Goldsmith: Traveling to the Falkland Islands: Sub-Antarctica
  • The male fern and broad buckler fern are also common, with occasional tussocks of wood melick.
  • Heavily fleeced sheep hunkered down behind tussocks of tawny grass for shelter.
  • Here he had pulled a spinifex tussock to the cave entrance, and sung a powerful magic song.
  • To imagine what Hanmer Springs would be like without the forest one could think of the Hanmer Plain as it once was - rather dull with just tussock, kanuka and flax.
  • Now it was leaping and hopping among the grass tussocks, striking at the two rabbits with terrible darts of its head.
  • A spring was negotiated and a beech copse, and a roe deer stood still and camouflaged in tussocks of grass by a stream.
  • The insect population of a single large tussock has been estimated at more than 1,000 individuals.
  • The short detour to a plank bridge had itself become a quagmire, and he edged his way along from tussock to tussock. A DEATH IN TIME
  • Scrubby acacia bush gave way to tussocks of cram cram grass until that too disappeared.
  • Scant tundra grass tussocks have been pulled and lay in rows.
  • If a bird needs to eat the flies which thrive on uncut grass tussocks, then regular cutting of the grass for silage is going to be a problem.
  • Firstly, it's the morning that I happen to severely sprain my ankle, landing badly on a tussock of grass as I trot downhill from my tent to the river below.
  • I think one of the plants that makes the hummocks might be this plant called tussock sedge carex stricta. Swamp adventures
  • Day one is an uphill climb through beech forest, day two across the tussock high up, day three downhill through podocarps to the Heaphy River, and day four along the gorgeous West Coast beach with nikau palms alongside.
  • These higher-elevation plots were covered with dense grass tussocks.
  • Dave and I forged on up and down the slopes, stopping to admire the olive-green frogs that leaped muscularly away from our descending boots to freeze like tiny carvings beneath tussocks of wet grass.
  • Short tussock grass Poa cookii, with cushions of the herb Colobanthus kerguelensis are present in coastal areas, with Kerguelen cabbage Pringlea antiscorbutica and Azorella selago cushions in established moraines and valleys up to 200 m. Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Australia
  • Another idea was mid-field 'beetle banks': unsprayed tussocks ripe for insect habitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Larks that live in desert areas will stand in the shade of grass tussocks during the hottest parts of the day.
  • The garden bar seating will be extended and landscaped with stone work features, a barbeque area and coloured tussocks.
  • They were to live at the Bluff homestead, a cob house built in 1860 of clay and chopped tussock.
  • On the McDonald Islands, tussock grass Poa cookii is common on eastern slopes and lower parts of the plateau, while cushions of Azorella selago cover higher areas, with Kerguelen cabbage Pringlea antiscorbutica, and dwarf shrub Acaena magellanica. Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Australia
  • If a bird needs to eat the flies which thrive on uncut grass tussocks, then regular cutting of the grass for silage is going to be a problem.
  • In addition to the fir trees there are rowan, macrocarpa, eucalyptus and larch, and some native plants such as hard fern, matagouri, tussock, manuka, coprosma, and dracophyllum (the grass tree).
  • A long nose of a shrew quivered through a tussock of grass, heather and bilberry gave ground to flanks of oak woods vivid with bluebells, wild strawberries flowered in cracks.
  • In the lower tussock grasslands, native bird life is restricted to a few open country species such as New Zealand falcon Falco novaeseelandiae, Australasian harrier Circus sp. and New Zealand pipit Anthus sp. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • Allow natural colonisation of seed tussocky grasses such as cocksfoot and Yorkshire fog.
  • Its cliffs forbid coastal access, leaving the interior - a tussock-covered plateau - as the only feasible route.
  • He hid inside a tussock of oat grass and watched as the fine thatched house rose up beside the water-hole.
  • We're surrounded by tussock sedge, alder, jewelweed, skunk cabbage and swamp rose.
  • The small remaining areas of coastal tussocks, such as Poa astonii, provide habitat for several species with limited distributions including an endemic chafer beetle, Prodontria praelatella. Southland temperate forests
  • Instead, farmers are leaving a cluster of tussock in their paddocks, because they have found that ewes like to tuck under those tussocks at the time they are lambing.
  • Hundreds of Rockhopper Penguins and Black-browed Albatrosses sit on rocks and tussock clumps, wheezing, clucking, and whistling. Margie Goldsmith: Traveling to the Falkland Islands: Sub-Antarctica
  • I got quite used to tiny black Tussock birds pecking matter-of-factly at my shoes.
  • The nest is usually located on top of a low mound or small island, under a small shrub or in a sedge tussock.
  • The park protects a vast tract of unbroken tussock grassland that, due to farming and ploughing, is now rare and vulnerable in New Zealand.
  • The houses are thatched with a reed-like grass called tussock, which is grown in the gardens or on a piece of ground near. Three Years in Tristan da Cunha
  • They place their nests at the bases of large trees in burrows under the roots, or under grass tussocks.
  • This was spanned by two steel-wire carrying cables, secured above by "dead men" sunk in the soil, and below by a turn around a huge rock which outcropped amongst the tussock-grass on the flat, some fifty yards from the head of the boat harbour. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • I was all gaitered up but a lot of the day was spend jumping from log to grass tussock and back to log.
  • Between the tussocks of grass grew purple heather and tufted bog cotton, which were used in the old days for pillows and mattresses.

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