How To Use Turnout In A Sentence
If you interview a lot of conservative Democrats, even in states like Texas, you know, New Mexico, they are very concerned that Hillary Clinton on the top of the ticket would really kind of depress voter turnout and ultimately affect a lot of down ballot races.
CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2008
The polls were kept open an extra four hours because the turnout was so high.
The Sun
Failing to do so imperils his chances by giving us nothing to be excited about, much less to work for and a likely dismal voter turnout.
Got back to the polling station, and the turnout was still bumbling along in its slow way, if much quieter than before.
As expected the bill will introduce a 50 per cent turnout threshold for strike ballots.
Times, Sunday Times

There were thirty or forty people there, which was an excellent turnout.
When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.
We had a splendid turnout and it was lovely to see so many people taking part in all the activities and enjoying themselves.
What she finds particularly galling is the tea partiers 'oft-repeated revolutionary cry of taxation without representation, despite the election of a president on the highest voter turnout since 1968.
Three books on the Tea Party, reviewed by Steven Levingston
Outside groups also will be pushing voter turnout.
I don't know if it was for lack of interest or lack of confidence in the current system, but the youth voter turnout was only marginally higher.
Election officials predict they'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state.
He has no clue how high the turnout can be and thus his numbers are based on invalid assumptions of what Kerry was able to achieve with votes and the false premise that Romney (the mormon) or Guiliani (the crossdresser) would pull the same number of votes as Bush.
Obama Says He Can Flip Deep South States. But Can He Really?
The turnout was recorded as 74.66 percent of those eligible to vote.
Although thousands of people lined the pavements to salute the couple, the turnout was much lower than had been expected.
The voter turnout of this election was at 60 percent.
The poll also suggested a big turnout in the most unpredictable election for decades.
The Sun
In fact the numbers voting for it were probably nearer two millions - a respectable enough turnout at a time of civil war, and an indication that the propitiatory gesture of national consultation had achieved some success.
As in every runoff election, it all comes down to which campaign does the better job of persuading its supporters to get out and vote again (in runoff elections, voter turnout is generally about 50 percent of what it was in the first election).
So, who's it going to be? - poli
He won a big majority on a low share of the vote in 1997 and enjoyed another landslide three years ago on a very low turnout.
No wonder then that experts predict a record low turnout.
The Sun
Early indications suggested a woefully low turnout.
Times, Sunday Times
Turnout in the election was astonishing.
Times, Sunday Times
Montreal peace activists still can't stop talking about the record-breaking turnout of the Feb. 15 anti-war march.
Turnout is becoming as important an electoral indicator now as the share of the vote that each party achieves.
No wonder then that experts predict a record low turnout.
The Sun
“I wonder to what extent the turnout in each locality is an indicator of the relative effectiveness and strength of the party apparatus”.
Waldo Jaquith - Recentered Democratic primary turnout figures.
This year we felt the sculptors were more ambitious then ever and our 120 exhibitors were delighted with the turnout.
And what sort of landowner would refuse to play host to a concours d' élégance at which owners of magnificent chariots - Lagondas, Delages, Rolls-Royces - could admire each other's turnout?
The turnout for the ballot was 68 per cent, and of those, the vote was 2,947 in favour of action and 2,246 against.
All of the 650 items up for auction were sold with a huge turnout on site for the Wednesday event.
As expected the bill will introduce a 50 per cent turnout threshold for strike ballots.
Times, Sunday Times
There are more than 50 turnouts and, I would guess, about eight miles of track in total.
That was why the 2001 general election had the lowest turnout since 1918.
the turnout for the rally
Cadets attend two parade nights a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays - where they learn military skills including drill and turnout, fieldcraft, camping, map reading and how to handle the cadet rifle.
Gans' preliminary estimate about the Tuesday turnout means the spurt four years ago was an exception to the trend.
Voter turnout was low for the election.
The problem with poor turnouts has nothing to do with the hassle of getting to a polling station, and everything to do with people feeling unrepresented and disenfranchised.
The union was unable to reveal the level of turnout for the ballot.
Manufacturer shall notify TCDD 20 (days) before the readiness of the acceptance of the each manufactured turnout delivery.
She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout about 75 percentpercent and in Irbil it was percent.
The nut has won the argument and now we need to maximise the turnout in the ballot.
She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout aboutpercent 85 percent and in Irbil it was percent.
In Nevada, where the party is making a big push for Reid, Democrats are slightly ahead of Republicans in raw early-vote totals, although Democrats are trailing slightly in turnout percentage.
Democrats hope early voters will give them an edge
And while the party wants the public to endorse the amendment, turnout may be a more accurate analysis of success than a yes vote.
I went to work today and it was a slower than usual day because the patient turnout was low.
Officially, turnout was 61 %; local journalists say it was under 10 %.
And percentagewise, that would be in keeping with 2006's turnout.
2010 Results Depend On Which Groups Vote
Generic, national polls remain unreliable for reading individual House, and even Senate, races, not to mention the other challenges of modern polling, to correctly measure actual turnout, to actually obtain polling answers from likely voters, and so on.
Sound Politics: Republicans Picking Up Steam As Election Day Nears
It is certainly not evidence of a correlation between voter turnout and local autonomy.
Times, Sunday Times
When we calculate turnout, we figure out how many active people there are in the entire population.
The state media reported a very high voter turnout.
Eight unions walk out over three days from tomorrow but none had a 50 per cent vote turnout.
The Sun
When things are going well, experience teaches us that turnouts are relatively lower.
A meeting for all members is being held on Wednesday to build the largest possible turnout in the ballot and to deliver a yes vote.
And the swing from Tory to Liberal Democrat was highest where turnout was highest.
The turnout for the event was impressive as the downstairs dining room was filled with the smell of perfume, the sound of music, and, of course, fresh cocktails built around a new spirit called Ty Ku Soju.
Aspen Times - Top Stories
As per the Central Zoo Authority instructions, the mugger crocodiles were shifted to the Tirupati zoo, which is crippled by poor turnout of visitors.
Freshers' Cuppers - a prelude to the Freshers' Varsity match taking place on 7 November - saw a good turnout of athletes and many strong performances from athletes old and new.
Yet statistics show voter turnout sliding down.
Unison maintained the turnout figures were similar to those in recent strike ballots.
Times, Sunday Times
Saturday's match saw a good turnout of players eager to get game time prior to the league season.
Frappé and petit battement serré introduce real dynamic movement, with more speed, quick precision and sustained turnout as in serré.
Heavy voter turnout has been predicted for the first primary of 1996.
This year's federal election had a turnout of only some 60 per cent of eligible voters.
The result was forged turnout figures and rigged elections.
Labour's Dan Jarvis, a former paratroop major, won an overwhelming share of the vote but on an abysmal turnout of 36.5% which left the coalition partners with humiliatingly low figures.
Humiliated Lib Dems come sixth in Barnsley Central byelection
Yet statistics that show voter turnout slowly sliding down, down.
How can any reasonable person believe that the turnout in Dade or Broward counties might have been different if the primary would have MATTERED?
Clinton lawyer makes Florida, Michigan case
The fact is that many anatomical problems cannot be fixed, whether it's poor turnout or flat feet.
In most parliamentary democracies voter turnout tends to be around half to three-quarters of the electorate.
In centers of Democratic strength, the drop-off in turnout was more precipitous still.
Voter turnout in local elections was frequently as low as 25 percent, in contrast with over 70 percent in national elections.
And if the turnout was any indication, the parish was welcoming them with open arms.
On their first day they sold out of what they had, not expecting the turnout they got.
The high turnout was welcomed by both camps as a sign that whoever wins the battle will have a clear mandate to lead the party.
Suckler cows with calves will also benefit from early turnout provided the fields are sheltered and dry and you take steps to prevent tetany.
In terms of voter turnout, it appears that the apathy of the nation's youth was as big a problem as old bigots.
Times, Sunday Times
York University had an abysmal five per cent turnout, in part because in the previous year they hadn't had an election.
This kind of turnout is just an unbelievable thing. - Crowd rocks Carrier Dome in greeting champion Orangemen
The majority of eligible voters said they would rather not cast ballots, leading to the worst percentage voter turnout since 1924.
I've seen various attempts to discount the astounding 75K turnout for Obama in Portland last week, but none have the charming daffiness of this one, from rightwingy Newsbusters.
I’ll Get You and Your Little Indie Band, Too! - Swampland -
Although the national turnout was officially given as 60 percent, the elections were marked by a high rate of regional abstention.
The players later took part in an exhibition game before a large turnout at a local middle school.
Turnout at general elections is too low.
Times, Sunday Times
They are the retailers who send 1,500 mailers to their customers and yield a good turnout of 100.
A beautiful sunny day with a fresh breeze greeted the large turnout and some excellent scores were recorded on the day.
Eighty eight per cent of people polled demanded a referendum and the turnout was bigger than in the local elections.
The Sun
That might be optimistic: insiders predict a far lower turnout for the mayoral election.
Times, Sunday Times
Aunt Maud had gone to the Manor to Mrs. Vine, to visit her as she had taken to bed with arthritis, and Ellen and the daily woman were upstairs having what they called their weekly turnout.
Paradise For Two
With three strong candidates in the running, many backroom organizers are predicting a heavy turnout for the election.
The treatments involved early turnout of cows to grass for 2 h per day at two residual sward heights and two silage allowances, plus a control treatment, in a randomized block design.
But on the city's South Side, the Tribune reports turnout is down considerably from the presidential election.
President Obama Talks To Chicago Radio Station, Asks Voters To Have His Back
i was number 496 at 7: 50am in candler park at epworth united methodist. aint no turnout like a wealthy white turnout, because (apparently) the wealthy white turnout dont stop!
Election open thread (Blog for Democracy)
The turnout was so good partly because of the weather and partly because the event is so well known now.
Voter turnout was high at the last election.
In his address he complimented the huge turnout and afterwards he and the priest cut the tape to set the walkers on their way.
The prizes for farmers’ milk turnouts have been considerably increased and a silver medal is being offered for the best collection of saddlery.
I was really impressed with the turnout and would like to thank people for their support.
After a look at his turnout, she decided to take him on, provided he would commit to six hours a day in the studio.
It was probably the largest turnout for a gymnastic event in the United States.
In the last general election she held the constituency on a 58 % turnout with the Conservatives in second place.
Times, Sunday Times
The concert attracted a large turnout.
Opposition leaders will claim victory if the turnout is lower than 50%.
Its policies are set largely by committees of inner-city head teachers elected on a low turnout.
Times, Sunday Times
In recent times, the voter turnout in elections has hovered around 50 percent, with young voters in particular staying away in droves.
The 'yes' vote was vitiated by the low turnout in the election.
If you think interparty conflict is bad these days, it was possibly worse in the 19th century -- and voter turnout was far higher then than it is now.
Party rivalry past and present
There was a large turnout and in some areas insurgents guarded polling booths.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a low turnout in the ballot with just 30 percent of teachers voting.
Most of these pollsters have models based on a conventional election, not one in which turnout patterns move in one marked direction.
Voter turnout was high, hovering at around 62 percent , compared with 51 percent four years ago.
The referendum was reported as recording an 87.01 percent turnout and 99.87 percent approval for sovereignty for Kosovo.
Yet statistics that show voter turnout slowly sliding down, down.
There were signs of a high turnout - something both camps claimed would bring them victory.
The Sun
The concert attracted a large turnout.
Some conservative commentators, who didn't have much else to gloat about, dwelt lingeringly on what they evidently regarded as the upside of the huge, Obama-sparked African-American turnout.
The Golfing Society had a big turnout of members for their outing to Coolattin Golf Club and some excellent scores were recorded.
I doubt that low turnouts across Europe provide evidence of terminal apathy among the voters, far less that they signal the end of liberal democracy as we know it - as one commentator suggested last week.
The first official estimates from about a third of polling stations put the turnout at just over 50 percent.
It looks like the turnout for today's General Election is going to be up on the last one.
The official figure for voter turnout was over 1,600,000 people, representing just over 90 percent of those registered to vote.
The result was also a disappointment for women, despite a high turnout of 62%.
Times, Sunday Times
a large turnout for the meeting
Election turnout would be increased if citizens were convinced their vote would make a difference.
Dismissed in four paragraphs with no analysis of the so-called impassable barriers, while the Idaho/Montana route is extensive in the number of turnouts needing to be constructed, the number of small bridges needing crossed, and the extent of modifications needed to complete the route.
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My father, yielding to my entreaties, has given me the prettiest turnout in Paris — two dapple-gray horses and a barouche, which is a masterpiece of elegance.
Letters of Two Brides
Frye's turnout surprised San Diego voters partly because, from a practical standpoint, the odds were stacked against her.
He'll need to muster a turnout great enough to give the poll legitimacy.
There are two plausible reasons why voter turnout is down, neither of which would be ‘cured’ by compulsion.
Gans' preliminary estimate about the Tuesday turnout means the spurt four years ago was an exception to the trend.
It was a scene repeated at polling stations across America last week as an unprecedented wave of early voting signalled a potentially sharp rise in overall turnout.
Turnout is also very low in elections for local councils, devolved institutions and the European Parliament.
The majority of eligible voters said they would rather not cast ballots, leading to the worst percentage voter turnout since 1924.
At 60.5 percent of registered voters, the turnout in Monday's election was the lowest in Canadian history.
The turnout, in fact, was nearly double that in the municipal elections a year ago.
And a record turnout of voters was expected in the north-eastern state.
The Sun
Turnout dipped despite an increase in voter registration.
Some estimates put the turnout at up to 300,000.
Hawaii had massive turnout in "landslide" victory ...
In Texas, students march 7.3 miles for the right to vote
As the co-chair noted at the organization's second meeting, the turnout has been ‘unprecedented.’
The Southern Railway has always prided itself in its turnout and kept the rack section running despite the revenue deficit.
President Jimmy Carter has been in Sudan this week to monitor the historic independence vote and to meet with top officials, and he praised the poll's high turnout and orderliness.
Polls close in South Sudan's independence test
Thanks in part to warm sunny weather, the turnout was double what was expected as visitors passed by 20 000 picnic tables lined up end-to-end in what organisers dubbed a moveable feast of "everyday life and culture".
News24 Top Stories
A voter turnout of 59 percent of some 13,300,000 registered voters was recorded for the Dec. 26 poll.
All those with a vote have been reminded that the deadline is noon tomorrow after reports of a low turnout.
Times, Sunday Times
* Want to know what turnout is expected to be like in key states?
Afternoon Fix: Cornyn says GOP won't retake Senate; projections for House continue to tilt toward Republicans; O'Donnell can't air 30-minute ad
If this is anywhere near correct, it's an astonishing number, far exceeding the turnout of eligible voters in any recent American Presidential election.
A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
On the big night there was a massive turnout.
But there was not a great enough turnout under the NUT's own rules to sanction a boycott.
Cook kept faith with voting reform, maintaining the present system depresses turnout and contributes to ‘lack of colour’ as parties compete for the swing voter in key marginals.
He could actually win if the turnout is low and led by conservatives who are sticking by him.
Turnout surged in such Southern Bible Belt states as Alabama and Tennessee, which had no hotly contested races on their ballots.
And the swing from Tory to Liberal Democrat was highest where turnout was highest.
Due to poor promotion a less than adequate turnout was achieved.
Basically, people are born with three kinds of hips that determine the orientation of their legs: normal (moderate turnout), pigeon-toed (turned in), and duck-footed (turned out).
Forced underground, opposition activists have been waging their own battle to ensure a big turnout today.
Times, Sunday Times
Democrat votes outnumber Repub by about 2.5: 1 (so far) so it seems probable that R turnout is at least as high as D turnout, if not higher.
Illinois/FL-19 primary results. | RedState
And according to actual political analysts, rain depresses Democratic turnout far more than Republican turnout.
Who's Carl This Time?
I wonder to what extent the turnout in each locality is an indicator of the relative effectiveness and strength of the party apparatus in each locality.
Waldo Jaquith - Recentered Democratic primary turnout figures.
AMERICAblog News: Hawaii had massive turnout in "landslide" victory for Obama skip to main | skip to sidebar
Hawaii had massive turnout in "landslide" victory for Obama
A key factor in the result was the large voter turnout, which ranged from 76 to 85 percent across the main electorates.
With his bow-tied, moustachioed, immaculate turnout he seemed a figure from a bygone age.
Voter turnout was high at the last election.
Turnout stateside is more predictable than in Puerto Rico - but there are still limitations.
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Look out over spectacular valley views from one of several roadside turnouts - on a clear day, you can see forever.
Yes, that's still 17%, higher than the likely turnout but at least in the ballpark.
All the speakers called for the biggest possible turnout for the lobby of the Scottish Labour Party conference in Dundee on 4 March.
The obvious manifestation of that is in low turnouts at elections.
He predicted a high turnout at the general election.
The only path I'm seeing for McCain - aside from a horrible mistake by Obama - is to make Frank Marshall a story in the last 48 hours, hope that it tightens the polls by 2-3 points, like the Gore campaign did in 2000 with Bush's drunk driving arrest, and hope that slow voting machines reduce turnout in areas with high African-American populations in OH, FL, PA, and VA.
The Poll Dance: No Tights - Swampland -
There was a great turnout on their first night back and a full timetable of events has been planned, such as cookery classes and beauty courses.
If using the white drenches and the yellow drenches that have no persistency post dosing, the recommendation is to dose at 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks after turnout.
Matt Barreto, who does the LatinoDecisions tracking poll, told me that Latino turnout is running higher than expected and going even more to the Democrats than it did in 2008, when it was key for Barack Obama.
Will Latinos swing the West to Democrats?
A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
Opposition leaders will claim victory if the turnout is lower than 50%.
The problem is that there is a chronic need to address poor turnout.
From 53 per cent in the 1996 elections the turnout of women voters increased to 58 per cent in 1998.
The poor turnout for the election will hopefully be a wake-up call to the government.
Mousavi, himself, has written an open letter to the people of Iran, congratulating them for their high and historic turnout and condemning what he calls the cheating, the official manipulation of the results.
CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2009
There was an air of pessimism among organisers when the first heavy shower fell just as villagers started turning up, but the turnout was excellent and the many stalls and sideshows did brisk business.
The road over Wolf Creek Pass was originally a single-lane road with short widened sections for turnouts to allow for passing.
But comparing these people with our low-turnout, low-commitment electorate, I felt the Chartists and suffragettes would recognise them as fellow spirits.
Advisers will point out that a low turnout and a winter poll tend to disadvantage Labour.
Times, Sunday Times
In all elections in Britain using proportional systems, turnout has been considerably lower than in general elections.
Times, Sunday Times
Another factor cited for low voter turnout by young people was their greater mobility.
So why is the voter turnout so low during the election that directly affects us all?
We preferred to rejoice at the high turnout, which pollsters had wrongly predicted would be much lower.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a terrific turnout and by all reports a very enjoyable night was had by all.
I can tell you, I was in a very poor mood for quite a while due to the dismal turnout.
We fought hard, but the country voted out on a big turnout.
The Sun
NEVADA - Polls of Nevada at this point are meaningless, as it's all about turnout, but, fwiw, the latest one from Fox has Angle up 48 percent to 45 percent for Reid.
Across Massachusetts, voters who had been bombarded with phone calls and dizzied with nonstop campaign commercials for Coakley and Brown gave a fitting turnout despite intermittent snow and rain statewide.
Democrats In Danger Of Losing A Senate Seat As Massachusetts Voters Go To The Polls
Firemen are ready at all times for a sudden turnout.
Kids with poor turnout tend to destroy their knees under rigorous training at a school that insists on turnout.
Eight unions walk out over three days from tomorrow but none had a 50 per cent vote turnout.
The Sun
What I'm pretty sure of is that the Clinton-era strategy (which I would describe as tacking to the right, esp. on economic issues, while providing enough liberal push on social issues to satisfy the coalition of disparate non-labor interest groups, can result in enough of a turnout among those groups while "stealing" enough of the "center" to win) has been thoroughly exploited by the GOP in the last few election cycles.
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The first landed on doormats yesterday as part of the biggest ever all-postal voting pilot scheme which is designed to increase turnout.