How To Use Turn away In A Sentence

  • However long the odds, he couldn't bring himself to turn away all those labors of hope and industry and self-promotion.
  • I turn away, gagging on the bilious waves of resentment rising up within me. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • I have to watch once in a while because its like rubbernecking at an accident; you cant turn away and cannot believe what you are seeing. CNN Poll: Americans mostly agree with Obama on Afghanistan
  • People shudder at the thought of them and turn away.
  • They had not intended to spend the afternoon, but found themselves too fascinated to turn away from the breakers bursting upon the rocks and from the many kinds of colorful sea life starfish, crabs, mussels, sea anemones, and, once, in a rock-pool, a small devilfish that chilled their blood when it cast the hooded net of its body around the small crabs they tossed to it. CHAPTER VI
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  • If copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears are not for you, turn away now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would the blandishing enchanter still weave his spells around me, or should I burst them all and turn away in coldness! Master Humphrey's Clock
  • Until those in Washington turn away from the fraudulent system we have in place due to the universal embracement of keynesian economics it will only continue to get worse. Gregg defends GOP opposition, says Dems moving too far left
  • I should, to be sure, turn away my head if I should hear you tick, and mark the quarters of hours; but the buzz and whiz of a good large life-endangerer would be music to mine ears. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli
  • As the sail is shifted to windward of the vessel, it causes an imbalance of forces commonly known as ‘lee helm’, which is the tendency of the vessel to turn away from the wind.
  • turn away one's face
  • The smell of vomit rose from her like a miasma, but he crushed his impulse to turn away. THE THORN BIRDS
  • She saw Jesica turn away as the sharp prick of teeth caused her blood to flow.
  • Necessity made us philosophers, and we were obliged to show as much sangfroid on the subject as himself; for it was impossible to turn away without our prudery's exciting more attention than would have been pleasant.
  • He wishes now to turn away from such hard-edged, self-referential post-modern texts and get into a closer intimacy, a greater communion with his readers, the communion in which lies the main strength of the novel.
  • As the women made their protest, motorists began inching up the grass verge to get past their horseboxes, or made a series of tight manoeuvres to turn away.
  • I started to turn away, making to get up and head to the restroom to find some tissue as I sniffled slightly.
  • You make some gestures to indicate you've lost your handle for a moment; you turn away and get your grip.
  • Moreover, the Left has tended to turn away from applause for insurrection - at least in so far as prospects for change in Britain are concerned.
  • I tried to turn away still embarrassed at my unclothed state.
  • The insurance company has promised not to turn away its existing customers.
  • Perhaps they will turn away in disillusionment, as if such discord mocks all meaning.
  • As she was about to turn away from the window Joanna heard voices coming from the park at the end of the short street.
  • I began to turn away, back towards the forest that I was sure to lose myself in, but he called out in urgency.
  • How can I convince my flock to turn away from the razzle-dazzle spectacle of idolatry? WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.
  • And the day of mine affright is the day you turn away: The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The result is ineffective Web sites which may turn away customers and sites that need to be recoded after the complaints start coming in.
  • The overpaid millionaires and their spouses, gay lovers, dates and/or mistresses, no longer even pretended to turn away.
  • If man does not shun and turn away from evils as sins, therefore, the external and at the same time the internal of his thought and will are infected and destroyed, comparatively as the pleura is by the disease in it called pleurisy, of which the body dies. Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence
  • Mr Haven, of Indianapolis, said the Titanic struck a glancing blow to the iceberg as it attempted to turn away.
  • The very instant you wholeheartedly turn away from every symptom of distrust and discouragement, the blessed Holy Spirit will quicken your faith and inbreathe divine strength into your soul.... Both Sides Now..and Always
  • Art-world; and tempted by ambition, or barred by faint-heartedness, or driven by necessity, to turn away thence to the vulgar life-track, and the light of common day. The Newcomes
  • Transfixed, discomforted, we can't turn away from the spectacle as it lurches into even more ghastly territory.
  • And yet how can I turn away from my faith in God, my political convictions, my gender?
  • For sheer lack of space and resources he is having to turn away drug-addicts who are begging for admission.
  • But Faust cannot turn away from the awful figure of his lost love, and his compulsion is the sign that he has not abandoned his inspiration. The Beauty of the Medusa: A Study in Romantic Literary Iconology
  • When they show an operation on TV, I have to turn away.
  • Great newspapers give ad breaks to groups with which they feel an ideological affinity, but turn away ads from those they do not, such as antiabortion groups. Hear, Hear
  • This is the one hurdle at which most listeners coming in hope, tend to falter and often lose heart and turn away.
  • I might show facts as plain as day: but, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, 'Where? What?' and turn away. Christina G. Rossetti 
  • The unbeliever will doubtless be destroyed; but the believer ivill supply his place, for they shall all be taught of God, from the least to the greatest, and thus taught, it will be impossible to find an unbeliever, for the Re - deemer will come from Zion, and will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. Letters, and sketches of sermons : in three volumes
  • But Dublin also had a number of unattractive features that had the potential to turn away investors.
  • The stadium was jammed and they had to turn away hundreds of disappointed fans.
  • There would be no time to turn away, no time to act, yet there would be time to perceive and apprehend.
  • I turn away, gagging on the bilious waves of resentment rising up within me. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • This was the bee sting, the intimacy he had coveted, legitimately his at last; he felt befouled by things of the body and wanted merely to turn away, but knew he could not.
  • One option is to turn away from the big six suppliers and examine what the new entrants have to offer. Times, Sunday Times
  • he made an abrupt turn away from her
  • That which, in the next place, we are to speak unto is, "The equity of this divine constitution, -- that, in the ordinary way of God's rule and dispensation of his providence, repentance and reformation shall turn away impendent judgments, and procure unto a people a blessed deliverance; and nothing else shall do it:" "Except ye repent, ye shall perish. The Sermons of John Owen
  • At the same time we have deployed our navy to harass and turn away boats.
  • This is what is called a votive picture, which means a picture made in the fulfilment of a vow, in gratitude for some signal blessing or to turn away some danger. A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • But hopefully it will turn away the financial backers. Times, Sunday Times
  • As young accounting students turn away from academia, accounting professors are getting older.
  • And the day of mine affright is the day you turn away. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • When we landed I did take occasion to send him back a the bateau while I did get a 'baiser' or two, and would have taken 'la' by 'la' hand, but 'elle' did turn away, and 'quand' I said shall I not 'toucher' to answered 'ego' no love touching, in a slight mood. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1667 N.S.
  • To be in communion with God means to turn away from sin and believe in the saving message of Jesus Christ.
  • Beethoven managed to put an end to this noble tradition by inaugurating a barbaric U-turn away from an other-directed music to an inward-directed, narcissistic focus on the composer himself and his own tortured soul.
  • The University and College Union (UCU) warned that some colleges were losing as much as a quarter of their adult learning budgets and may be forced to turn away hundreds of would-be students in courses such as bricklaying, care work and catering. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The key is to offer candidates good reason to turn away from the scramble for corporate and private dollars.
  • Specialist services turn away a quarter of young people referred to them. Times, Sunday Times
  • This does not mean the company would turn away the opportunity to sell to the multiples, or any other customer if the chance arose.
  • But the crew were forced to turn away the villagers for fear of sparking a dangerous free-for-all. The Sun
  • March 30th, 2010 at 1: 26 pm tombaker says: freedom from depravation is the most important freedom of all. something today’s soft, pink, spoiled rotten righties have conveniently forgotten. the proud, hardworking americans of the past would turn away in shame from this tearabble mob. Think Progress » Tea party leaders say they would ‘absolutely’ abolish Social Security.
  • When finally she announced the news to Monty, he was so pleased that his expression collapsed, his eyes moistened, and he had to turn away in embarrassment.
  • Some turn away from all the places that have become shorthand for violence beyond measure, preferring not to know. Times, Sunday Times
  • Graham also encouraged people to turn away from materialism and instead focus on what he said really matters: the spiritual.
  • Those empty vessels of ours, hearts "endowed with inexhaustible hope," must turn away from the grave (?) _empty still_. The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume 1, January, 1880
  • The Beatles wanted to turn away from the comfortable and reassuring familiarity that is the essence of pop music and stardom, and instead confront their audience with strangeness and a kind of depersonalization.
  • As Paul says in Galatians 5: we are fallen from grace when we turn away after another belief. What has caused a lack of Bible knowledge in America? « Literacy Research « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • There was a sudden flicker of light, so blindingly bright that Cinaed had to turn away and close his eyes tightly for a few moments, until it faded.
  • Looking through the exhibition checklist for the show (see previous post) at the Corning Museum of Glass, I came across the term "apotropaic", referring to "objects such as amulets and talismans or other symbols intended to 'ward off evil' or 'avert or combat evil.'" [wiki] The term apotrope comes from the Greek meaning "to turn away", and seems to express itself a great deal in eye symbology. Archive 2007-09-01
  • But I defy you to watch the film and not turn away, or at least feel genuine revulsion, at several points.
  • The individual would have no conscious awareness of the nature of the fixation, but the libido would constantly turn away from the possibility of satisfaction in reality, towards a fantasy gratification.
  • If copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears are not for you, turn away now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light and happy scene contrasted with his dark and aching heart; he started to turn away.
  • If copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears are not for you, turn away now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, irritated with myself for being so cowardly to turn away, I looked back into his eyes.
  • Mr. Yorio has never actually had to turn away a crasher trying to impersonate Ms. Wintour, the famously intimidating editor of Vogue. The Man Who Catches Fashion-Show Crashers
  • Mr Haven, of Indianapolis, said the Titanic struck a glancing blow to the iceberg as it attempted to turn away.
  • Moreover, there was a significant turn away from religious weddings to marriages performed by civil celebrants.
  • Then turn away and hope the lamebrain has learned something.
  • She is mistress of herself, and the questioners, beaten back time after time, turn away in disappointment.
  • For he that is angry seems with a kind of grief and close contraction of himself, to turn away from reason; but he that sins through lust, being overcome by pleasure, doth in his very sin bewray a more impotent, and unmanlike disposition. Meditations
  • As he that selleth land is understood to transfer the herbage and whatsoever grows upon it; nor can he that sells a mill turn away the stream that drives it. Leviathan
  • Also I get about two calls per day requesting long-term marina dockage for the coming season, all of which I must turn away as we are fully booked.
  • The Presidential campaign affects what too many people say about too many things, and that causes me to turn away from a lot of subjects that might otherwise be bloggable.
  • For the most part, we are more likely to turn away or feign indifference. Christianity Today
  • The smell of vomit rose from her like a miasma, but he crushed his impulse to turn away. THE THORN BIRDS
  • The sight was so horrible that I had to look/turn away.
  • We should probably not assume that his changes in technique - the turn away from the live model, the shift in pigments and grounds - were determined by haste and flight.
  • The beef industry has been in the doldrums ever since consumers began to turn away from eating red meat.
  • The insurance company has promised not to turn away its existing customers.
  • There had to be a way to resist, to fight back and turn away.
  • The woman who went through a prostaglandin amnio abortion had a long and painful experience, which made it generally impossible for her to turn away from the reality of her choice," they wrote. Re: Am I Blue? - Swampland -
  • When Robin approaches me to dance our special dance—lavolta, the only dance that allows us to embrace publicly—I keep to my resolve and turn away from him. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Lidat at most he let you spend 10 sec on heaven, aftr that he banish you to hell jesus say he will never turn away from his followers wor ... just need to follow him can liao chiu see those murderers, they confess liao, then they say they sorry, also can go to heaven~ but with devils like these, who needs heaven~
  • Certain off licences in the city centre operate a refusal register, which charts the estimated age of children that they turn away.
  • The stadium was jammed and they had to turn away hundreds of disappointed fans.
  • Army enlistment is up more than ever, and the United States Army has to turn away recruits, ensuring that only the best and the brightest end up in Iraq. Think Progress » Rumsfeld: Too Incompetent For Bush to Fire
  • To think that she has twice come close to being married, and especially to being married to young and attractive Fortune - she must be quite batty to turn away from that.
  • The turn away from Protestant scholasticism was given clear, systematic justification in the theology of Horace Bushnell.
  • Minority children, credentialed educators warn, will be so frustrated as to turn away from learning forever.
  • Although we may willfully turn away from what we conceive as good, that is an unnatural action; Augustine has nothing to say here to the immoralist or the debauchee.
  • Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.
  • In the foreground of the Minneapolis picture Titian, Michelangelo, Clovio and Raphael turn away from the scene to look at something Clovio is pointing out in the distance.
  • Though an ostensibly democratic space, rarely so “exclusive” that it will turn away business, the gym presents a sheltered environment, designed to produce in its visitors more inwardness than outwardness; despite your body being on display and your having to heave and sweat, both externalizing forces, the mood proper to the gym is more introvert than extrovert. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • However, if touched with a blunt object, the spines turn away, allowing the pedicellariae to be the primary mode of defense.
  • And the heartbroken grandmother ended up being forced to turn away her family for Christmas dinner.
  • He was about to turn away, when he heard footsteps coming up the church path from the gate.
  • I might show facts as plain as day: but, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, 'Where? What?' and turn away. Christina G. Rossetti 
  • The newly designed system now enables the spacecraft to turn away from the Earth, using precision sun sensors and gyroscopes to navigate its way to geostationary orbit.
  • I appeal to the White community to turn away from "contrariness" as the motor for political debate, and to help us give every citizen in this Province a stake in this Province. SPEECH BY EBRAHIM RASOOL, LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE WESTERN CAPE, IN RESPONSE TO THE PREMIER�S OPENING SPEECH DELIVERED ON FRIDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 1999
  • Jews and Christians may ostracise those who turn away from the religion, but Islam condemns apostates to death. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Legal formalities in accident cases should be simplified so that people will not turn away.
  • Scotland could turn away from politics in disgust and seek consolation in cynicism.
  • The rest of the time, we're tightwads who turn away as people die in far greater numbers.
  • She is careful to turn away from the cameras that are catching the action for the local sports network.
  • Parker, indeed, they could not easily turn away, but Lord Peter found himself confronted with a surly manner and what Lord Beaconsfield described as a masterly inactivity. Whose Body?
  • Although we may willfully turn away from what we conceive as good, that is an unnatural action; Augustine has nothing to say here to the immoralist or the debauchee.
  • For the most part, we are more likely to turn away or feign indifference. Christianity Today
  • His tail lashed, once, violently, but his gaze did not drop or turn away.
  • I stepped back; before I could turn away, all the hideous stages of putrefaction presented themselves in order reversed, like urchins at an almshouse who thrust the youngest of their company to the front: the wrinkled flesh swelled and seethed with maggots, retreated to the lividity of death, and finally resumed the coloration and almost the appearance of life; the flaccid hand closed on the corroded steel hilt of the batardeau until it gripped it like a vise. The Urth of the New Sun
  • Brian - Garber is in a perfect position to turn away Paulson's $35 million in franchise fees since Joey Saputo in Montreal has "rethought" his position on paying the franchise fee since Garber told him to toss off when he tried to negotiate a lower fee. An open letter to Branch Rickey, III (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I glowered, having a strong urge to turn away from him, but I knew that he intended well.
  • This, as you might know, makes us turn away from our own incapacities - which are many, much more than we like to admit.
  • The idea seems to be that while I have free will, I will nevertheless be punished with eternal and unspeakable suffering if I turn away from God.
  • On the way down, Andy teaches us how to jibe, or turn away from the wind.
  • It happens in the best of marriages when your partner asks you about your day and you just grunt or turn away - or vice versa.
  • Turn away, swing the arms and club and then pull the body and legs through.

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