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How To Use Turbid In A Sentence

  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
  • Compact and light-weight waterproof hand-held turbidimeters are designed for portability and durability
  • ; the river raced in turbid waves; the sand drove in clouds; and the face of the sky was darkened as if by a London fog. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.
  • This turbidity, if I remember the cyclopædia aright, is tannate of fibrin, or leather. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
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  • All public water supplies in Laois were also fully compliant with the standards for ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, odour, pH and turbidity.
  • But after mechanical fishing dredges destroyed the oyster reefs early in the 20th Century, the water became increasingly turbid and oxygen deficient.
  • Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.
  • Surface water containing high turbidity may require sedimentation prior to chemical treatment.
  • Municipal water treatment plants must charge customers for the increased chemicals and electricity necessary for water treatment when influent raw water has high turbidity levels.
  • Wherever the Valle Group is exposed, it has been interpreted as a clastic, marine, sedimentary sequence that includes turbidite, submarine-fan complexes deposited in water depths ranging from outer neritic to bathyal.
  • Twice every year, they begin their migration from the Caspian - up from the shores of Iran into the turbid brown artery of the Volga.
  • Although they prefer clear, fresh running water, they seasonally adapt to turbid water caused by runoff and flooding during the rainy season.
  • The water from the source is pumped into the primary filter initially to reduce the level of turbidity, suspended solids and organic matter.
  • They bravely endured these tempests and continued to fight valiantly across the turbid depths to reach their goal…
  • There are similar differences in the air; of which the brightest part is called the aether, and the most turbid sort mist and darkness; and there are various other nameless kinds which arise from the inequality of the triangles. Timaeus
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • In the Western zone and the contiguous Hooper Complex, turbiditic quartz wacke was deposited on the Kimberley Craton between c. 1872 and 1865 Ma.
  • And, by the way; Chiapas is not a place with beautiful beaches but has a huge, uninviting and undeveloped coastal region of dismal black sand and turbid Pacific coastal waters interspersed with poverty stricken and impossibly hot and humid villages existing in utmost poverty. Plan Puebla-Panama. Yay or Nay?
  • Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of the water caused by suspended particles.
  • Carbonic acid readily betrays its presence through solutions of the alkaline earths such as baryta and chalk, in which its passage produces an insoluble carbonate, and consequently makes the liquid turbid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • When the water flows out it is warm but often turbid.
  • Among the famous inmates were Benito Juárez (before he was exiled to Louisiana), Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, a 19th-century writer who fell out of favor with Emperor Agustín Iturbide, and "Chucho el Roto," a Robin Hood-style bandit from the 1700s who stole from the rich to give to the poor. Veracruz, Mexico: a feast for the senses
  • During these times it is easier to see fish than at times when the water is more turbulent and turbid.
  • The prevention methods of heated turbidity included water cooling method, cooling method, and natural cooling method.
  • We are met almost at the threshold by a colossal epic, Creation, Man and the Messiah (1830); by songs that turn into dithyrambic odes, by descriptive pieces which embrace the universe, by all the froth and roar and turbidity of genius, with none of its purity and calm. Henrik Ibsen
  • Grading sequence, burthen structures, and the Bouma Sequence are developed in the turbidites sliding structures, which demonstrate obvious features of both the rhythmicity and the cyclicity.
  • The study applying scatter light turbidity measurement to design a turbidimeter system.
  • The turbidites and their migmatized schistose equivalents overlie the grey feldspathic arenites but it is unclear whether this relationship is stratigraphic or the result of tectonic stacking.
  • It comprises turbiditic elastic rocks with cherts, pillow lavas and greenstones.
  • Compositionally, the turbidites are mostly feldspathic litharenites with trace amounts of serpentinite, anorthosite and mafic volcanic clasts.
  • Alluvial basins act as direct sources for turbidite basins when contemporaneous shallow marine shelves are by-passed and detritus is fed along submarine canyons that erode back into alluvial basins or coastal plains.
  • The swamp itself was muddy, turbid, and infested with biting gnats and mosquitoes.
  • Thick shale packages, approaching 30 m thick, occur interbedded with the turbidite sandstones.
  • The addition of water to either of these compounds decomposes it; the mucus thus separated, either swims on the mixture, or forms large flocci in it; whereas the pus falls to the bottom, and forms on agitation a uniform turbid mixture. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
  • The Xigaze terrane incorporates a 5000-8000 m thick succession of volcaniclastic turbidites.
  • Turbidite deposits and westward younging of limestones and evaporites record the development of the foreland fold and thrust belt during the Late Carboniferous Epoch.
  • The lower Cubagua Formation consists of gray shale with glauconite, abundant pyrite nodules, gray limonite, and some sandy intercalation with fine clastics probably carried out by turbidity currents.
  • But after mechanical fishing dredges destroyed the oyster reefs early in the 20th Century, the water became increasingly turbid and oxygen deficient.
  • It is ironic that the human eye, but not the Hitachi 917, can easily distinguish the pink color of the genuine diazo reaction from the white turbidity of the precipitate.
  • Scientifically accurate measurements of turbidity are performed using a nephelometer. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • The efforts to improve the accuracy and stability during the design of the scatter light turbidimeter are described in this paper.
  • Richard Lenski (concerning turbidity), and then search the pdf for "turbid" for me to observe that the actual data are not there. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Turbid, cold waters are often sufficiently dense to plunge beneath the surface waters and flow down the slope to form subaqueous fans with channels and levées as seen in fluviomarine deltas.
  • Normal urine from the horse may be turbid or cloudy and more or less slimy, because of the presence of mucin. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • The tin tricolor flag swings at the top of the church-steeple; the two chintz streamers still flutter in the wind from the linen-draper's; the chemist's fetuses, like lumps of white amadou, rot more and more in their turbid alcohol, and above the big door of the inn the old golden lion, faded by rain, still shows passers-by its poodle mane. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VIII (of X) - Continental Europe II.
  • Turbidity due to plankton production is, on the contrary, rather beneficial to tilapia and especially for the microphagous species (O. niloticus, O. aureus), providing a complementary diet in this natural food. 1. Breeding
  • It has been interpreted as having been deposited in an offshore, inner basinal to turbiditic basinal environment.
  • These have left volcanoclastic deposits and andesitic lavas found together with intercalated turbidic marine sediments corresponding to tertiary sedimentary formations. Western Ecuador moist forests
  • Turbidity was measured on all sampling dates using a nephelometer.
  • The sedimentary lenses are composed of limestone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, shale, chert and well-bedded calci-turbidite.
  • The filter turbidimeters continually monitor the turbidity of each filter as it goes into the clearwell.
  • Turbidity currents are high-density flows in which the sediment is supported by the upward component of fluid turbulence.
  • The Lake was originally an oligotrophic water body with hydrocarbonate-calcium ionic content, very low turbidity, and low concentrations of microelements.
  • After a while, the sky fell cloudy and grey, and the waters of the Sound were as dark and turbid with sediments as old wine. THE BROKEN GOD
  • A detailed structural investigation on the nature of such aggregates is well beyond the aim of this work, although we noticed a considerable increase of turbidity of the protein solution that became opalescent.
  • If, two thousand years ago, we had been permitted to watch the slow settling of the slime of those turbid rivers into the polluted sea, and the gaining upon its deep and fresh waters of the lifeless, impassable, unvoyageable plain, how little could we have understood the purpose with which those islands were shaped out of the void, and the torpid waters enclosed with their desolate walls of sand! The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • The online turbidimeters have reusable primary standards which are contained in sealed glass cuvettes.
  • Stacked, turbidite-sandstone-filled lenses also occur beneath fan delta sandbodies and probably record infill of channels or chutes cut into the subaqueous slopes of such deltas.
  • It comprises turbiditic elastic rocks with cherts, pillow lavas and greenstones.
  • These have left volcanoclastic deposits and andesitic lavas found together with intercalated turbidic marine sediments corresponding to tertiary sedimentary formations. Western Ecuador moist forests
  • The commodity value of vinegar is seriously influenced by turbidity and precipitation.
  • The Dutch sedimentary petrologist and marine geologist Philip Kuenen is best known for his research on turbidity currents and their deposits.
  • Using light waves, turbidimeters measure the amount of suspended particles in a sample of water.
  • The breccia is interpreted as a turbiditic debris layer, typical of the outer edge of the slope.
  • Thicker tuff layers are turbidites containing volcanogenic material redeposited from the inner trench slope.
  • Therefore, the detection of turbidity is associated with the presence of hemoglobin S. 219.
  • It was bad chance, for Hanuman's mood, already turbid and dark, fell instantly black, and he exchanged quick looks with Danlo. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Bullheads and catfish are often associated with muddy, turbid waterbodies, and thus many people have a low opinion of them.
  • Compositionally, the turbidites are mostly feldspathic litharenites with trace amounts of serpentinite, anorthosite and mafic volcanic clasts.
  • Those were slow, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares.
  • If you put it in a glass, you can see it's turbid.
  • But companies are beginning to dip their toes into these turbid waters.
  • Sand-rich turbidites from two Palaeocene submarine fan systems have very different heavy mineral stratigraphic styles.
  • Most coarse-grained clastic sediment that is deposited in turbidite basins is either derived from alluvial basins or shallow marine shelves.
  • Although Spain renounced the treaty, Iturbide promulgated the "Plan of Iguala. Los Caudillos, Mexico's masters
  • Weary of waiting longer for the weather, we start at last on a somewhat doubtful morning, and find the paths wet and slippery, and the mountain streams all turbid from the rain of the last three days. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Methods Adopt the turbidimetric - kinetic method by Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2000 edition.
  • The turbid water should be cleared before chlorination.
  • Wonoka units 4 and 5 include distal turbidites and are of relatively deep water origin.
  • Iodination or chlorination is acceptable but does not kill Cryptosporidium or Cyclospora, and increased contact time is required to kill Giardia in cold or turbid water.
  • Actually, the gradualness of their descent helped control the turbidity, so whenever Dortmunder aimed his flashlight back up the track there was very little extra roiling of the water. Drowned Hopes
  • Cloudy or turbid water can quickly clog a filter and shorten the life of the unit.
  • The unit is composed of rhythmically bedded marls, horizons of laminated organic-rich black shales, rare marly limestones, clastic turbidites, and penecontemporaneous slumps.
  • The clear protoplasm of the mature ovum is made so turbid by the numbers of dark granules of food-yelk or deutoplasm scattered in it that it is difficult to follow the process of fecundation and the behaviour of the two nuclei during it (Chapter The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • This transition coincides with an upsection increase in megaturbidite beds and increasing abundance of trace amounts of mafic igneous detritus.
  • These in turn cannot be backwashed properly and produce filtered water of high turbidity. 1. Historical development and experience with water treatment
  • Most coarse-grained clastic sediment that is deposited in turbidite basins is either derived from alluvial basins or shallow marine shelves.
  • Below the lowest sheet of largely coherent mafic igneous rocks is the Phyllite-Quartzite Group, a sequence of turbidites and black mudrocks.
  • To explore a new means for axial eye length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract.
  • Flies: The traditional advice is to use black in turbid water and light colors in clear water, but I’ve always had better results with darker flies — black, green, and brown. Catch Big Trout Against Cutbanks With Big Wet Flies
  • Turbid is a major trouble in waste dump construction, especially in sufficient rain area.
  • Between dips add Stock Solution as required, if the vat goes blue and turbid add 3 to 4 fluid ozs. of hydrosulphite and warm up to 140°F. and wait 30 minutes. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • To unite a killer mix of artificial and live bait — giving a larger, bulkier target in turbid waters — hook a minnow in the head on the middle treble, adding a treble stinger if strikes are short, and drop it to the bottom. 25 Killer Spring Tips for Bass, Trout, Crappie, Walleys, and Pike
  • It mainly treats syphilitic strangury and turbidity, diarrhea, foot qi, welling abscesses, and swollen sores.
  • Let us carry our experiments a step further, and see what effect what is known as a turbid medium has upon the illuminating value of different parts of the spectrum. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • These beds are commonly channelized and always exhibit erosive bases incised into underlying fine-grained turbiditic sandstones.
  • It is no matter if the liquor is a little bit turbid; transfer it to a lead dish, evaporate, scorify, and cupel in the usual fashion. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Indeed, when the break with Spain did materialize in 1821, it came through the agency of an archconservative royalist army officer, Agustin de Iturbide, who brought together his fellow hombres de bien with remnants of the Hidalgo rebellion in support of a new nation based upon three general ideals they could all embrace. A Country of Vast Designs
  • Technological advances have introduced a variety of turbidimeters designed to meet different water-clarity objectives.
  • The turbidimeters are pre-calibrated and a simple zero adjustment is the only steps required prior to testing.
  • Integration of multi-vitamins, minerals and high fruit extract and accelerate cell renewal, clean skin, avoiding skin elastic tissue affected by turbidity against accelerated aging.
  • Mehl argued for a turbiditic origin for the Arnager limestone.
  • Only two days on the job, but 18-year-old Talia already knows the drill as her green mountain bike skirrs over potholes in turbid laneways.
  • It was also found that the interaction of the exuberance of internal heat toxin and fu-organ turbidness stagnation enlarged the risk of the onset of dementia after basal ganglia infarction.
  • _ During the acute attack, the vitreous may become slightly turbid by transudation of serum from the vessel of the ciliary body and the chorioid and may become filled with fibrin. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • And all the while the water becomes a thicker and more turbid green; the wake looks more and more ochreous, the foam ropier and yellower. Two Years in the French West Indies
  • “Match the hue to the water conditions: black in turbid water, bright colors in stained, and silver in clear, for example. “ Use a Double-Bladed Bucktail for Monster Muskies
  • The first phase of diagenetic albite constitutes an impure, turbid variety including albitized grains of original plagioclase and alkali feldspar.
  • In contrast, in the section south of the turbidites the lavas dip steeply northwards, and basalts are overlain by andesites.
  • The commodity value of vinegar is seriously influenced by turbidity and precipitation.
  • In addition, intercalated terrigenous turbidites exhibit considerable lateral variation in bed thickness.
  • My few days were intermediate - cloudy, rough, with the reef and turbid water yet to fully recover.
  • The sedimentary lenses are composed of limestone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, shale, chert and well-bedded calci-turbidite.
  • From the mangrove swamps at the mouths of turbid, sluggish rivers, where numberless alligators dwell in congenial slime, the State gradually rises inland, passing through all the imaginable wealth of tropical vegetation and produce till it becomes hilly, if not mountainous. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • Beautiful deserted white beaches and marshlands and aquamarine if somewhat turbid seas. Retiring in Yucatan
  • There, in the turbid darkness, Atara screamed silently in fascination and fear, and I wanted to scream, too. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • A wall of turbid water, aslope to the wide sky's wonder Studies in Song
  • The water is made turbid by this stirring, and carries the mud and sand and small particles of metal into the buddle below.
  • Generally speaking, turbid natural water is not very harmful to people.
  • The Turbidimeter Model 977 - C is an innovative turbidimeter which utilizes an insertion-type sensor.
  • Cavendae sunt aquae quae ex stagnis hauriuntur, et quae turbidae and male olentes, &c. 1387. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He and the wise men went before the rest to scout the place, and suddenly, he saw a joyless woods leaning over turbid and bloody water.
  • Algae then grow on the surface and bottom-dwelling plants, deprived of light and oxygen, die off making the water even more turbid and inhospitable to fish and other life.
  • Slight turbidity is a result of mucin secreted by the lining of the urinary tract.
  • The lucid ascends to form the heaven while the turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth.
  • The group consists of some 8 km of Moine-like, shallow-marine, arkosic clastics, with conglomerates in the NW adjacent to the Great Glen fault and deeper water sandstone-mudstone turbidites in the Corrieyairack basin.
  • Quit est enim praeclarius quam honoribus et republicae muneribus perfunctum senem posee suo jure dicere id quot apud Enium dicit ille Pythias Apollo, se esse eum, unde sibi, si no populi et reges, at onmnes sui cives consilium expetant; suarum rerum incerti quos ego ope mea ex incertis certos compotesque consili dimitto ut ne res temere tractent turbidas. Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1-2
  • Greywacke is an old term still sometimes used for a particular type of wacke especially in grey-coloured turbidite sequences.
  • The swamp itself was muddy, turbid, and infested with biting gnats and mosquitoes.
  • This adaptation allows the fish to live in turbid, stagnant waters low in dissolved oxygen: under such conditions, it may obtain as much as 70 percent of the oxygen it needs from the atmosphere. Fun Facts About Alligator Gar
  • Sand-rich turbidites from two Palaeocene submarine fan systems have very different heavy mineral stratigraphic styles.
  • Geochemistry and petrology of the turbidites suggest deposition in a forearc basin.
  • They bravely endured these tempests and continued to fight valiantly across the turbid depths to reach their goal…
  • Visual signals are also used in aquatic environments, however turbid water reduces visibility very rapidly and may adversely effect visual communication.
  • Methods: The turbidimetric technique in Chinese pharmacopoeia, 2000 edition was used.
  • In all these occurrences, the deposits show a flyschoid and turbiditic character and include metamorphic pebbles of soft rocks, such as slates and schists, as well as plant debris.
  • I bethought me of my father and his kingly estate and how I had become a woodcutter; and how, after my time had been awhile serene, the world had again waxed turbid and troubled to me. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

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