How To Use Tunnel In A Sentence

  • It also has superb golf courses, so if you're a bit of a golf widow, leave him to tussle in the bunker while you slink off to the spa - it's connected to the hotel by a subterranean tunnel.
  • Along the tunnel there exist a few modest zones of safety.
  • So, the system of existential graphs actually requires three dimensions for its representations, although the third dimension in which the torus is embedded can usually be represented in two dimensions by the use of pictorial devices that Peirce called “fornices” or “tunnel-bridges” and by the use of identificational devices that Peirce called Nobody Knows Nothing
  • They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel.
  • The land was wild and empty, but there always seemed to be a human shape lurking in the tunnels.
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  • The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
  • The giant worm bolted, racing through the tunnels with Jay hanging on like a bronco rider in a rodeo! MEN IN BLACK II©: THE MOVIE NOVEL
  • Did you know that the way that you wrap the yarn around the needle can affect the twist and cause the fabric to bias or that continental style knitting can aggravate carpal tunnel syndrome?
  • Looking over the oval, the entrance to the tunnel is shielded from view by a large green shed.
  • Their tunnel starts in our part of the line.
  • The use of the bucket and telpher also eliminated most of the objectionable noise incident to the transfer of spoil from tunnel cars to ordinary wagons at the shaft sites. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • I've got tunnel vision when it comes to what I want to do.
  • Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia. UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • People inside the 50-kilometer (30-mile) tunnel, known as the Chunnel, were evacuated through a service tunnel that runs between the two train-carrying tunnels, Eurotunnel officials said. Top Stories - Google News
  • Conclusion Treating Cubital Tunnel Syndrome with microsurgery by neurolysis ulnar nerve with none-injury operation is a good method.
  • The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
  • He was pursued up the tunnel by Jock and had to lock himself in the dressing room to avoid condign punishment.
  • Historical highlights are the old railway viaducts and an old railway tunnel which you can safely ride into.
  • The others were found at the spot where they had been working in a shaft off the main access tunnel. The Sun
  • Is there any light at the end of the tunnel or is it just an oncoming train? The Sun
  • The blast occurred about 30 minutes ago near a military outpost and appeared to have come either from a car bomb or a tunnel.
  • Nowadays tunnels are mainly lined with concrete segments or with concrete pumped in between the excavated ground and internal shuttering.
  • The subway froze in its tracks, and thousands of people found themselves trapped in stuffy box cars and pitch-dark tunnels.
  • By reference to Plate XII it will be seen that the water-proofing, which in the concrete-roof tunnels extended the full height of the sides to the 15° line, was carried in the brick-roof tunnels completely around the extrados of the arch. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • The approached a strange formation in the side of the cliff: a large, rotund tunnel dug deep into the side of the mountain.
  • Wind tunnel test is usually used to analyze the wind - induced response of super - high - rise buildings .
  • However, determined tunnelling into the inspissated mass of detail reveals some fascinating things.
  • The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel.
  • The police arrived to keep watch on the mouth of the tunnel.
  • The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule.
  • Tarkovsky sublimely prefigures space exploration with a five minute sequence of cars winding through the tunnels and overpasses of a modern Russian city.
  • A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
  • Its diversion tunnel is accompanied by upstream and downstream cofferdams that permit construction of the main dam.
  • It is a variation of the short tunnel option, which was extended to bypass the garden suburb of Haberfield.
  • Three times I can remember it: the ending tunnel silhouette in "The Third Man," falling rubble jarringly breaking up a scene (by splicing the foreground and midground) in of all things "Duck Soup," and noticing a borrowed composition from "La Dolce Vida" (namely, a long shot where multiple people were running and the camera followed them) showing up in "Little Miss Sunshine. Reverse Storyboarding
  • Construction began at the lower end of the tunnel in 1903.
  • June 21st, 2009 SHIMLA - In a freak accident, a 20-year-old man, who was travelling on the Shimla-Kalka holiday special train, was crushed between the tunnel wall and the rail bogie in Himachal Pradesh's Shimla district Sunday, railway police said. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The army did announce that it found two new tunnels this spring, both dug since the end of the war. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, this hormone is extremely expensive, and its adverse effects include carpal tunnel syndrome, headache, arthralgias, myalgias and gynecomastia.
  • Several men were killed during construction of the tunnel.
  • Opened in 1994, the Channel Tunnel is the longest undersea subway in the world. Breaking News - The Post Chronicle
  • Well, when the tunneling takes place, a small, microscopic bubble would nucleate somewhere in our universe. False Vacua I: The End of the Universe As We Know it « Imaginary Potential
  • In particular, many people have moved to the Wirral peninsula and they commute to Liverpool through the Mersey tunnel or by ferry.
  • WEST BRIGHT supplies wind tunnel control equipment for aviation field, trailer control system for the biggest water-power laboratory in Asia and kinds of test and control systems for many labs.
  • The displacement equation of a point on the disk cutter of a full-section rock tunneler has been created and its apPlication is investigated.
  • Planes bombed the guerrilla positions yesterday in an attempt to flush out snipers from underground tunnels.
  • Pass through 12 flowerlike tunnels by gently stroking the walls using your touchscreen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Secluded inside the historic Hotel Monaco and accessible through a tunnel-like entrance from Eighth Street NW, you feel like you're anywhere but Washington, especially once you stretch out on one of the low, cushioned sofas with a well-made cocktail. Nightlife Agenda: Eighteenth Street Lounge anniversary, Animal Collective, Hot Chip
  • Disaffected eco-warriors around the world can now learn the lessons of a decade of resistance from Faslane Peace Camp and other UK protest sites, as a tunnel-builder's guide is published on the internet.
  • The underground tunnels leading to it have also been buried.
  • The contingency is 415 million, and there is another 400 million contingency tolling, please look at page two of the estimate, the tunnel boring estimated cost is $350 million dollars. Open Letter to the Council: Take the Same Damn Risk You’re Asking Us To Take « PubliCola
  • The use of large-scale wind tunnels to improve aerodynamics is restricted, and teams will be required to close their factories for six weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock .
  • The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel.
  • The tunnel was cut through a hill.
  • In recent years, badgers have tunnelled into 52 ancient monuments on Salisbury Plain.
  • They cut precise circles and ovals out of leaves for their long, tunnel-like nests. Garden Goddess for Hire
  • Luckily for our boys, it also has a trapdoor in the floor leading conveniently into a series of maintenance tunnels which are accessible through any manhole in Montreal.
  • The coast-to-coast train journey through the tunnel will take seven minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It includes an old gas holding tank that served as a space tunnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The construction crew blasted out a tunnel through the mountain.
  • The drill guide was removed and a second drill guide was inserted to position the remaining tunnel.
  • It was a dim, twilit gloom filled the enormous tunnels, muffling all hints of life within them.
  • She sat down to the hard floor of the tunnel and sat there, thinking about what to do.
  • Or for a civil engineering student not to appreciate the environmental implications of large-scale works such as the channel tunnel.
  • I'm going to build tunnels and a wall, but not tunnels under the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • He glanced back at Vincent, who was puffing and wheezing from the walk down the tunnel under the burden of ammunition, weapons and the oppressive heat of his coat.
  • That sparked a free-for-all in the centre circle which spilled over as both players headed for the tunnel. The Sun
  • The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.
  • But Luttrell's Tower sleeps four; Pounds 1,082/Pounds 2,768, beside the Solent at Eagleshurst, is exceptional: an outlandish Georgian folly with pink chimneypot tower and its own "smugglers' tunnel" down to the shore. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The story was simple to him: good prospects that warranted the starting of the tunnel into the sidehill; the three months 'work and the getting short of money; the lay-off while the men went away and got jobs; then the return and a new stretch of work, with the "pay" ever luring and ever receding into the mountain, until, after years of hope, the men had given up and vanished. Chapter IX
  • Trent rode in first gear, headlight tunnelling into the forest gloom through which the rain bucketed.
  • Mr Wood said most of the damage was done in the 1970s when he was working as a coalface worker and tunneller.
  • They will have to block up the entrance to the tunnel.
  • The habitats landed at the base site which will be preselected for trafficability can have wheels attached to their landing gear legs, and then, with the aid of a cable and windlass, be rolled together to be either mated up directly or connected with the aid of inflatable tunnels. The Case for Mars
  • The company's wind tunnel improved its aerodynamics. Times, Sunday Times
  • A heart-shaped molecular donut, the topoisomerase II dimer boasts an electropositive tunnel, the likely passage point for DNA.
  • The tunnel was reinforced with concrete, rebar and lumber.
  • He could hear the wooden wheezing of the feed that pumped air through the tunnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some bees and wasps reuse beetle tunnels as nest sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • A low-slung chassis, no more than 15 inches at the shoulder, enables the basset to tunnel through bramble and brush like a four-legged rototiller.
  • The blast was caused by an accumulation of gas in an unventilated tunnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deposit at the Eureka tunnel was mined for cryolite and thomsenolite, which were used as a flux in the manufacture of glass bottles.
  • The team put life-size models in a wind tunnel used for testing aircraft to discover how the creature stayed airborne. The Sun
  • Vision may still be 6/6 even at the terminal stage of glaucomatous field loss (tunnel vision)
  • The tunnels are sometimes fortified by concrete slabs, and some are equipped with electricity and phone lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a 15ft vertical drop into the tunnel, down a metal ladder set into the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are tiny bones, tendons and nerves that all come together in one little area called the carpal tunnel to provide us with our wrist and hand functioning. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Wellness for Writerly Wrists
  • Some were so disorientated that they ran down the tracks into tunnels, heedless of the danger from oncoming trains, their only instinct to get out.
  • The buildings reach above and the tunnels burrow below.
  • The tunnel is a remarkable feat of engineering.
  • There will be a lot of opposition to that plan of the tunnel across the river.
  • Ten days ago a police bullet had hit the explosive which Terry Place had hidden in a carrier bag in the tunnel.
  •  Then trees began along the roadway, first a scattering between structures, then tunnels of dense, overhanging growth — great, straight, ivied trees, passage without exit. For A Day
  • Gradually market traders and hawkers moved in until eventually the tunnel became a seedy backwater.
  • drive a tunnel
  • The interior of the tunnel is mostly bricked, with a few recently-repaired patches, and tiny lengths of chalky deposit hang down like trainee stalactites.
  • A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel.
  • Why Not? how about we move the monorail stop to this plaza, instead of that ugly dying mall, and construct an underground passageway from the tunnel to this plaza? Our Little Times Square « PubliCola
  • Finally, with only 4-11 foot through lanes the tunnel is capacity deficient from the git-go. “Anyone Who Says There Aren’t Going to Be Cost Overruns Is Fooling Themselves.” « PubliCola
  • The tunnel through Cap Hill for ST is about $1. 2B over the original budget and serious construction is just underway. “Anyone Who Says There Aren’t Going to Be Cost Overruns Is Fooling Themselves.” « PubliCola
  • A police officer negligently sent the plaintiff, another police officer, into the tunnel, against the traffic flow.
  • Wilbur watched him disappear into his tunnel. In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough.
  • I could dig a tunnel round the door.
  • They seemed to be crawling in the tunnel for a lifetime before they found another grille.
  • The tunnel to the right turned left after a short distance, while the tunnel to the left led to a crossroads.
  • Soon we are riding along a narrow path through a tunnel of trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tarsal tunnel, which is located on the medial aspect of the posterior heel, is bounded by the flexor retinaculum and the medial surfaces of the talus and calcaneus.
  • He stopped speaking, and despite the sound of hooves and wagon wheels echoing in the tunnel, an odd sort of silence enveloped his listeners.
  • It is not known whether they egressed the area to the northwest in the canals and crevasses that are out in that area or if they used the tunnel complexes. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2002
  • The grey-trunked trees sprang up straight to a great height and then interwove their pale-grey branches in a long tunnel through which the autumn light fell faintly.
  • Ten British and French companies combined to form the Channel Tunnel Group.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • The passengers had their vehicles returned once the train had been towed out of the tunnel. The Sun
  • The two-level tunnel comprises an upper road deck and a lower duct for services.
  • Anyone who thinks local opposition would be easily overcome should review the extended history of the Channel Tunnel rail link. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spunnels" in the public's jargon, came into being, the term compressed from the phrase "hyperspace tunnels," a universal phenomenon once suspected and eventually confirmed. The Universe — or Nothing
  • The news copters weren't following us anymore they were focused on the tunnel explosion.
  • The tunnel had lights, ventilation and a carpet. Times, Sunday Times
  • To let the air in, the cheese wheel is regularly pierced all the way through with a long needle, and the mold develops all along the thin tunnels thus generated.
  • Then the real fun and filthiness began, with a mud hill, a mud-based obstacle course, a "carwash" foam tunnel and a long, watery pit with flags hovering above that racers had to crawl through. The Orange County Register - Homepage
  • The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
  • Carry on north through the tunnel - eek, there be dragons!
  • GM has revised the extensively re-engineered U-van floorpan to accept a driveshaft tunnel and all-wheel drive option.
  • He tunneled himself out of prison.
  • Smiling, the brown-haired Caucasian man, now proud that he endorsed his own intuitiveness, escorted me down a stairway, then through a long, concrete tunnel-like corridor. One Season
  • If you tunnel underground and travel in a straight line, you cover less distance.
  • His interpretations of this vary, but are defined by an intense tunnel vision that blocks out the rest of the world.
  • Local villagers cut a tunnel road through the mountain and named it Guoliang Cave.
  • I crawled around one of the thousands of tunnels honeycombing the island, then I returned to the squadron.
  • As a tunnelling medium, the chalk was ideal: homogeneous, largely without fractures and nearly impermeable. CORMORANT
  • It includes an old gas holding tank that served as a space tunnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a snare of some sort in one and a swarm of buzzing insects in the other, neither of the tunnels looked inviting.
  • And it behoves us to ensure the tunnel was state of the art and had all the modern requirements,’ Mr Tobin said.
  • Between the years 1902-1902, there was actually a signal box situated well inside the Woodhead tunnel.
  • The deposit at the Eureka tunnel was mined for cryolite and thomsenolite, which were used as a flux in the manufacture of glass bottles.
  • As it headed into a tree-covered hill in which a stone-edged tunnel mouth was set it gave a realistic wail and plunged out of sight. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • Mercedes engineers constructed a model of the boxfish, put it in a wind tunnel in Germany, found it to be unusually aerodynamic and turned the idea behind the model into a vehicular prototype. Coolest Concept Cars 2006 © Aston...
  • The riotous crowd around him swept him along through arcane underground tunnels to a vaulted hall.
  • The ureter as a pedicle for construction of a ureteral urethra: The Double Tunnel. Publications of the Urology Division
  • Eventually, quantum confinement effects and tunneling currents dominate the device design.
  • You hike through that tunnel of live oak, cool shade and wren song, then climb the stairs that top out on a high dune strewn with pennywort.
  • The rust-coloured gantry running along the wall up there leads to the tunnel system entrance at the east end of the room.
  • Fourteen columns of colored marble sustain a domed ceiling of gilded cedar, with an exterior deambulatory under a tunnel-vaulting also roofed with cedar. In Morocco
  • In my view there was only one hope, and that was to build the tunnel using private venture capital.
  • I say if Nipples wants his tunnel, allow slots and gaming in all bars and nontribal casinos. Sound Politics: Mayor Gridlock
  • A side tunnel branched up slightly into a chamber that must have been worked as an exploration into the vein.
  • As mustelids - stoats, ferrets and weasels - were highly mobile and curious, it would be expected that if there were stoats on the island they would have encountered one of the tunnels or traps in their travels.
  • But his defenders note that the current excavation of the tunnel was initiated by the Labor government.
  • The competent departments shall report the names of the tunnels, subways and urban transit stations and lines to the Municipal Place-name Office.
  • She whirled, one hand still on the grit-spalled floor, and saw indistinct figures struggling in a tunnel of spiraling dust. Sun of Suns
  • The fronds were stiffened by ice and arched over the trickle like a tunnel of swords at a wedding.
  • With no need to allow for a transmission, shifter and cardan tunnel, the designers took advantage of the opportunity to create a particularly slim and lightweight center tunnel and center console. Autoblog Green
  • His men had blocked all the roads in and built a network of tunnels inside the mountains big enough to take lorries. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is found that in a high electric field electrons can transit from the valence band to the conduction band, which is demonstrated to be Zener tunneling in organic semiconductors.
  • With a muffled growl, the white lycan crawled her way up the narrow tunnel of the den, and stepped out into the world, her world.
  • There are deep gashes in the roads; some are still blocked by landslides and a major road tunnel to the town has collapsed.
  • He then punches corner flag on his way to the tunnel. The Sun
  • Laser welding is used in the driveline tunnel area.
  • What finally pushed me to this decision was getting stuck in a tunnel on a congested train for a long period.
  • The tunnels are quite long and many employees who's job it is to shuttle stuff back and forth throughout headquarters drive little golf cart.
  • The waste water would be drained away through a 2, 000-foot tunnel, 150 feet below the river level.
  • The reverse acoustic ceilings amplify the din to a decibel range appropriate for a wind tunnel.
  • Beginning this procedure early enough in the course of carpal tunnel syndrome should yield a good result and avoid unnecessary encumbrances on a pregnant woman.
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • The outbound tunnel is now being used for inbound traffic.
  • The roof abscission layer is the biggest security hidden danger in bolting support tunnel.
  • We need to protect our men laying the charge and also the lower tunnel which they won't know about.
  • However, the slaver is impressed by his spirit and decides he shall be trained as a Tunnel Warrior for the upcoming war with the wombat-riding Warriors of Doom. Getting momentum into Chapter 1
  • Have you heard the rumours of a tunnel under the Viaduct, or the one connecting the main Post Office basement to the railway depot?
  • He turned the corner and still the tunnel delved deeper into the rock.
  • Otherwise, the poisonous gases in the tunnels will kill us. Christianity Today
  • He reached under him and cleared away a few large clumps of dirt, leaves, and twigs, and stones, which appeared ordinary but served as a good hiding place for the tunnel entrance.
  • The tunnels played a major role in the last round of heavy fighting, in summer 2006.
  • The calculation of the tunneling probability can be carried out by considering a doubly stochastic process.
  • His team used chain saws, disc cutters, picks, shovels and wood to shore up the tunnel before reaching the victim, who had been lying on a bed in a multi-storey building for five days.
  • At the base of either condyle the bone is tunnelled by a short canal, the hypoglossal canal (anterior condyloid foramen). II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
  • Tidy recordkeeping" is not a hallmark of my lifestyle, unless your definition of "tidy" includes "packrat in a windtunnel More advice
  • The surgeon passes the endoscope through the tube and inspects and confirms proper placement of the tunnel before proceeding.
  • The light turned into a tunnel, which Patrick steered into.
  • Travelling through unique terrain features such as climbable walls, bunkers, tunnels, and caverns, the player will battle four types of droids controlled by the Separatist Army. TheForce.Net
  • In the winter of 1983-84 a major snowslide damaged a number of buildings at the Mountain Monarch portal, and subsequent cave-ins within the haulage tunnels now block access to both mines.
  • Lights tunnel the darkness.
  • Male prisoners entering the Old Fort passed through an entrance tunnel; the walls are pockmarked with gunholes, in case the fort was ever attacked.
  • The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail.
  • It's an atmospheric work - the camera creeps like a stalker through subterranean tunnels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some say Ullswater's shore path from Glenridding to Howtown is the best, while others vouch for the pathway around Buttermere with its tunnel through the rocks. Country diary: Lake District
  • The Channel Tunnel is a marvellous achievement of engineering prowess that has brought the UK closer to the European mainland than ever before, although some would say that isn't a good thing. Web TV Hub
  • This may seem a daunting task because they require so much sustained sunshine, but a combination of polytunnel or greenhouse and careful selection of varieties more suited to our climate makes it possible and rewarding. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's aubergine recipes
  • One of the sandhogs' biggest projects right now is building Water Tunnel Number 3, which is the largest capital construction project in New York City's history.
  • Generally the baddies followed you through the tunnels that you dug, but sometimes they'd just osmose through the dirt straight at you, causing much panic.
  • The tunnel problem might seem far-fetched, but the minutiae of motoring demand a moral compass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fourth was equipped with detectors sensitive to any minor underground tremor - in case some prisoners attempted to tunnel to freedom. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A tax on gasoline, a property tax surcharge and a surcharge on train tickets could help finance the tunnel. Steven Cohen: The Jersey Train Tunnel Is a Smart Investment
  • The problem of tunnel collapse will cause the land above the tunnel to subside especially when the excavation is carried out at shallow depth and in weak and soft soils.
  • Where capital was readily available, as on most European main lines, civil engineering could defy topography, and span great valleys on embankments and viaducts, and drive tunnels through mountain ridges.
  • Nuttall started work on site last July and expects to have completed its work on the tunnel by April.

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