How To Use Tuneless In A Sentence
Or a thick plod who will not even notice they have no tax disc, no number plates, a large bag marked ‘swag’ in the back seat and blood dripping from the boot and will wave them on their way while whistling tunelessly.
Another tuneless goon is going to be eliminated from X Factor tomorrow – but who?
Betting Extra: X Factor Betting Odds – First Elimination
In short, in everything that related to accomplishments, whether of mind or body, no pains were spared with little Ned; but of the utilitarian line of education, then almost exclusively adopted, and especially desirable for a fortuneless boy like Ned, dependent on a man not wealthy, there was little given.
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance
On top of that, her voice is tuneless and her cover of ‘Papa Don't Preach’ - an unlisted bonus track on Shut Up - is officially played out.
Every song sounds like a somewhat tuneless reprise, albeit not of itself; one is entitled ‘Nothing Will Ever Be the Same,’ although disproof lies close at hand.

Derek was trying to persuade the manager to play some of his music - tuneless, grating, and likely to cause stomach ulcers.
British English, however it may have sounded in Shakespeare's day, has acquired a poetry-enhancing speech melody that tuneless, flat American cannot match.
The saggar whistled tunelessly and within seconds the Land Rovers were halting, the sag gars climbing out to wait for the falcons 'return.
Falcon's Prey
He sat as silently and as still as he could, his eyes shut, thinking private thoughts and listening to Max's tuneless, wandering hum.
I usually don't listen to tuneless sound collages, but at the end of this album, I was willing to give anything a try.
Klause sat restlessly for a while, humming tunelessly and wishing there was actually homework to do.
Others will find the level of smarm suffocating, as every plot twist occasions a self-conscious musical outbreak, with the characters tunelessly expressing every little thought in their heads in song.
Someone walked by, singing a tuneless song.
At some ungodly hour, Lutherans from all over the neighbourhood are summarily summoned to church by an extended barrage of random, vigorous and tuneless clanging.
The 1970s detail is quite particular: a chopper bike, space hopper and the piercing tunelessness of the daughter's descant recorder are all thrown into the rowing family's maelstrom.
They should spend a little less time smoking wacky baccy and listening to that tuneless rubbish called dance music, and rather more time being seen and not heard.
If Democrats care so much about the "downtrodden," and if the GOP is playing on their false consciousness by emphasizing things that don't matter like abortion and homosexuality, why don't the Democrats simply adopt pro-life and antigay positions, so that they can win office on their superior economic programs and actually do something for these fortuneless folks?
Archive 2005-01-01
Mainly Mr. Lippa's songs, which are unamusingly jokey ( "You have to see the world in shades of gray/You have to put some poison in your day") and tuneless to boot.
I've Seen That Show Before
As I hung up he'd started to whistle, that wobbly tuneless whistle that's unmistakeably elderly.
He was a vast hulk of a man, who hummed a tuneless melody to himself as he lumbered down the corridors.
After ten years of listening to your neighbour strumming tunelessly on the Spanish guitar he bought while on holiday in Benidorm, you're ready for a move.
He began to hum, somewhat tunelessly.
It does feature some the most tuneless whistling we've heard committed to record in a long time.
Oh, the joy of hearing a top-class brass section and not the ugly tuneless gabbling which passes for popular music today.
As the lion and I depart the chamber I hear a tuneless toot of the whistle and the magical whoosh of the cloud of numbers.
As he went he hummed his tuneless tune and swung his stick forwards across himself, and then behind him.
He was a vast hulk of a man, who hummed a tuneless melody to himself as he lumbered down the corridors.
Optimistic crusties with unusual skin disorders busked tunelessly on flutes.
The sound was awful, each song was a tuneless, discordant dirge.
Once in a while they could hear Ellel's voice raised in tuneless song from her seat by the driver.
Others milled there, as fortuneless and disinterested as I.
Shaman's Crossing
He was wont to sing for her also, albeit tunelessly, and as he sat blond and roseate and gay, warbling after his fashion on the hearth, her clouded old eyes were relumed with a radiance that came from within and was independent of the prosaic light of day.
The Ordeal A Mountain Romance of Tennessee
We listened to several tuneless renditions of Little Donkey then breathed collective sighs of relief as we heard them shuffle on to the next house.
He began a tuneless humming that set a beat, and she gave her small hands into his.
A new piano is just a tuneless lump of strings and wood - a classy piece of furniture, or a rather cumbersome ornament.
James took a pull of the coke can in his hand, and whistled a few tuneless bars of the national anthem.
Will we have to listen to her tuneless chanting for eternity?
He whistled tunelessly as he went, his easy gait and his casual manner all belying the hellish company he was keeping.
The play is just a painful series of really nauseating tuneless songs, one after the other.
Most people fled the pub after the first verse of my tuneless homage to the maestro of Drury Lane musicals,
He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly about the house.
He did not even appear to be listening; his eyes were on the floor of the cave, his hands in his pockets, and his lips were pursed in a tuneless whistle.
It was not the tipsy singing she had heard in the morning; it was jumpy, tuneless singing; she guessed that it was assisting in the process of shaving, for she heard a few "damns" peppering the song, which suggested that his shaky hand was wielding the razor badly.
From the bottom of the garden I recognised my father's tuneless whistle.
he whistled tunelessly
Hers, I thought, must be a curious soul, where in spite of a strong, natural tendency to estimate unduly advantages of wealth and station, the sardonic disdain of a fortuneless subordinate had wrought a deeper impression than could be imprinted by the most flattering assiduities of a prosperous
The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
What could I, helpless, houseless, fortuneless, be but a weight upon that buoyancy and ambition of eminence which marks superior natures for the superior honours of life.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
Inside, Lewis was half-heartedly pretending to clean up, brushing things to one side with a dishcloth and humming tunelessly to himself.
He even printed out a lyric sheet (just the one song) which is now being used by some tuneless people in the lounge!
It is virtually tuneless, self-pitying, uninteresting and is a world apart from the subtle atmospherics of the band's best work.
When Patrick Douglas, the learned and honoured, but fortuneless soldier, found that his new competitor for the hand of the gentle Jolande was none other than his sovereign, he was dumb with despair, and the last, the miserable _hope_ which it imparts, and which maketh wretched, began to leave him.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume 17
He came to the colony, as we have seen, a fortuneless adventurer -- highly recommended, indeed; while the special protection he obtained from the Governor, with the titular and more solid favors he obtained at court, made him a competitor to all other commercialists, whom it was impossible to contend with directly.
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 12
For seven minutes the quartet play a tuneless dirge that occasionally changes and is entwined with a slowly oscillating synthesizer.
Wearing a big red flower in her hair and a giant rectangle of red chiffon, she sings a draggy song, one of those meandering, tuneless R&B songs so many of the contestants do.
Indeed, I muttered tuneless, dire ditties that I myself had composed.
On the two occasions I have heard him perform (on the telescreen, I hasten to add), what I heard was degraded, simple-minded, noisy, tuneless pop wailing.
He found that he was whistling tunelessly as the endless forests beneath the van slowly changed from blackwort and devilwood to the local conifer-equivalents: iceroot, creeping willow, _hierba_.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Outside, the first sea birds screeched and offered their own tuneless, harsh version of a dawn chorus.
He has rolled out all kinds of excuses for acting like a big tuneless divvy.
Finally at twelve Mina stumbled into the sunroom, humming tunelessly under her breath.
“No wonder,” he thought, “if, courted by the son of a proud and powerful baron, she can no longer spare a word or look to the poor fortuneless page.”
The Abbot
You can still seek out bands like Tyvek for joyous blasts of tuneless skronk, if that's your thing.
All the Pretty Verses, Indie Style
She had spent her money, nearly all of it, and he couldn't afford to marry a fortuneless girl.
Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless.
The sound was awful, each song was a tuneless, discordant dirge.
My dad whistled tunelessly through his teeth.
I wish that I were old and ugly, fortuneless and an outcast -- or dead.
Princess Zara
In a good mood once again, he hummed a tuneless melody and headed back for his room.