

  1. in deplorable condition
    a street of bedraggled tenements
    a ramshackle old pier
    a broken-down fence
    a tumble-down shack

How To Use tumble-down In A Sentence

  • Suddenly, the camera swings around or zooms out from the view of a temple, or a palace, or some tumble-down shack, to reveal the airport, superhighway, or other emblem of modernity next door.
  • This "frier," whose shanty leaned against a tumble-down house, and was propped up by heavy joists, green with moss, made a display of boiled mussels lying in large earthenware bowls filled to the brim with clear water; of dishes of little yellow dabs stiffened by too thick a coating of paste; of squares of tripe simmering in a pan; and of grilled herrings, black and charred, and so hard that if you tapped them they sounded like wood. The Fat and the Thin
  • 'None of your "paper-mashy," one brick thick, run-up-to-tumble-down houses,' said Mr. Timbs with satisfaction, which was certainly quite true. My New Home
  • a tumble-down shack
  • The last of its tumble-down outlying villages, with its cheering raggedy children, was left behind many hours ago.
  • The last of its tumble-down outlying villages, with its cheering raggedy children, was left behind many hours ago.
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