[ US /ˈtəmbəɫ/ ]
[ UK /tˈʌmbə‍l/ ]
  1. a sudden drop from an upright position
    he had a nasty spill on the ice
  2. an acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end
  1. roll over and over, back and forth
  2. do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully
  3. fall suddenly and sharply
    Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency
  4. put clothes in a tumbling barrel, where they are whirled about in hot air, usually with the purpose of drying
    Wash in warm water and tumble dry
  5. understand, usually after some initial difficulty
    She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on
  6. fall apart
    Negotiations broke down
    the building crumbled after the explosion
  7. throw together in a confused mass
    They tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern
  8. fly around
    rising smoke whirled in the air
    The clothes tumbled in the dryer
  9. fall down, as if collapsing
    The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it
  10. cause to topple or tumble by pushing
  11. suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat
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How To Use tumble In A Sentence

  • He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
  • A couple of blokes tried to glass me in the face with a pint tumbler.
  • I let the word tumble out of my mouth as I made a vow to stay aware of what I was saying. Good Fortune
  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
  • “No, there ain’t no Bowlong,” said the barmaid, taking up a glasscloth and a drying tumbler and beginning to polish the latter. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • These companies will also sell you mason bee cocoons, if you don't want to wait for the neighborhood bees to stumble across your beehouse on their own. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Picture a cross between Machu Picchu and greek acropolis, all tumbled down.
  • For all their rough-and-tumble, burly-bully image, I haven't yet met one who doesn't go all moony over a good painting.
  • The line of stemware and tumblers feature a unique magnesium-based crystal that the company says eliminates the trade-off between clarity and durability in this product category.
  • The most popular story concerning her conception was that a golden egg tumbled out of Chaos in the beginning of the world.
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