
How To Use Tufted In A Sentence

  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • Dianthoides, several Astragali, one with the pinnulae dentato serratis, petiola spinosa, a tufted Monocotyledonous plant with terete canaliculate subulate leaves, _Salvia_, Gramen alterum, Composita dislocata, Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The head woman had a tame khanga tole or tufted guinea-fowl, with bluish instead of white spots. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • Naturally enough the greater number are rock ferns -- pellaea, cheilanthes, polypodium, adiantum, woodsia, cryptogramma, etc., with small tufted fronds, lining cool glens and fringing the seams of the cliffs. The Yosemite
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
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  • The non-intensive moor was lovely with some hazy silver birch, vivid green mosses, rushes, bilberries, bleached and tufted grasses and a touch of gorse.
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • Besides a Downy Woodpecker here and a Tufted Titmouse there, avifauna was all but absent.
  • They continue this pattern until they diapause in the leaf litter, where they over-winter, emerging in the spring as orange caterpillars with numerous dark brown, tufted spines.
  • Dianthoides, several Astragali, one with the pinnulae dentato serratis, petiola spinosa, a tufted Monocotyledonous plant with terete canaliculate subulate leaves, _Salvia_, Gramen alterum, Composita dislocata, Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • She could imagine that hard, sardonic grin beneath the tufted eyebrows. RIOT
  • From an underground, thick, oblique rhizome, the short, green, succulent stipites arise, in a tufted form, and are crinite with brown, subulate, shining scales.
  • Up on the hillside, two men lay on their bellies in the tufted grass. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Its merciless laugh was like blood bubbling in its tufted throat, an ugly sneer produced in sounds.
  • Carolina wrens, tufted titmice, and red-bellied woodpeckers are other relative newcomers to our area.
  • My excuse for the gap in my knowledge is that tufted ducks are rarely vocal except during the breeding period.
  • He used the now common tufted layout and end-rounded bristles to help create a brush that was still tough on teeth but gentler to gums.
  • The camelopard has short horns, covered with hair, truncated at the end, and tufted with hair.
  • It walked with a stalking grace that reminded me of a big cat, perhaps a lynx, especially with those tufted ears and cheeks, and the furry ruff around the neck.
  • There were several pairs of great crested grebes but there were also good numbers of tufted duck, pochard, gadwall mallard and teal.
  • Some species present, which are endemic to the Atlantic forest include maned sloth Bradypus torquatus (EN), thin-spined porcupine Chaeotemys subspinosus (EN), jaguar Panthera onca (VU) and Geoffroy's tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix geoffroyi (VU). Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, Brazil
  • That suggests that our captive SY birds molted their juvenal flight feathers on a schedule similar to that of Tufted Puffins in the wild.
  • Then he turned and went slowly up the stair, and came out on to the open face of that Isle, and he saw that it was waste indeed, and dreadful: a wilderness of black sand and stones and ice-borne rocks, with here and there a little grass growing in the hollows, and here and there a dreary mire where the white-tufted rushes shook in the wind, and here and there stretches of moss blended with red-blossomed sengreen; and otherwhere nought but the wind-bitten creeping willow clinging to the black sand, with a white bleached stick and a leaf or two, and again a stick and a leaf. The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, the land of Living Men
  • Well-known for its patterned Axminster carpets, the company's new range of plain coloured woven and tufted carpets gained an ‘outstanding reaction’ from the trade, according to a spokesman.
  • Especially important are the assemblies of peat-bog plants with species like sweetgale, cross-leaved heath, shoreweed, heath rush, tufted bulrush.
  • Tufted is a classical Drosophila mutant characterized by a large number of ectopic mechanosensory bristles on the dorsal mesothorax.
  • The estate is home to a variety of bird life, from breeding common terns, nightingales and tufted ducks to vast numbers of wintering birds, such as wigeon, smew and goosander.
  • Jason Henry for The Wall Street Journal The interior finishes of the lobby, or "Living Room", Mr. Edelstein picked out himself, from the tufted leather ottomans to funky armchairs covered in white pony upholstery, Mongolian alpaca chairs, slate velvet armchairs and a 19-foot-long beaded curtain. Edelstein's Beach Hangout
  • Fortunately my Nikon camera landed on soft tufted grass but my body was immersed in the freezing creek water.
  • A sleeper chair (above left) is tufted and skirted in the same plaid taffeta used behind the bed.
  • Between the tussocks of grass grew purple heather and tufted bog cotton, which were used in the old days for pillows and mattresses.
  • The magistrates heard that the company manufactured tufted and Axminster carpets and handled 365 tonnes of packaging waste last year.
  • Tufted sofas in buttery chestnut leather ... a mirrored armoire with burled walnut doors ... Georgia Jeffries: Performance Art
  • There was paper-making, print making, moose hair tufted jewellery, traditional beading, sketching, carving.
  • Tufted broadloom carpeting and wool area rugs give the Idea House interior a warm, casually elegant air.
  • Whenever I take hold of a woman I feel as though my feet are slithering on tufted grass and goat willow.
  • tufted duck
  • To judge the quality of a tufted carpet, look at both the number of stitches per inch and the gauge.
  • Tufted Duck are unusual on salt water, except in severe winter weather.
  • This while, to the same place came his orison-mutterer impaletocked, or lapped up about the chin like a tufted whoop, and his breath pretty well antidoted with store of the vine-tree-syrup. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The thrum is the fringed end of a weaver's web; a thrum hat was made of very coarse tufted woollen cloth. It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • Betwixt the canes and the infant is a kind of matrass of the tufted herb called Spanish Beard, and under its head is a little skin cushion, stuffed with the same herb. History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
  • Chickadees, tufted titmice, blue jays, cardinals, sparrows, juncos and red-headed woodpeckers all come to feast on the scrumptious mixture of seeds, nuts and cracked corn I put out for them.
  • The projecting ears were tufted, and the eyebrows bristled with greying unclipped hairs, forming an overgrown ridge above the eyes. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • For scent, grow Eschscholzia caespitosa, a tufted annual with bright yellow flowers that grows well in a container.
  • The tufted jay is one of the harder birds to find in its native habitat in Mexico, but one truly worth the effort that is required. Tree hugging replaces logging in Mexican forest
  • Through binoculars we recognised shoveler, teal, pochard and tufted duck, all of which breed in the pools.
  • For something a bit different, any yellow or variegated hedging plant would contrast well with an infill of the tufted blue grass of festuca glauca.
  • This cylindrical, tufted pillow would fit in perfectly with a formal living room with heavy drapes, deep sofas, and perhaps a Bichon Frise curled up on the ottoman.
  • To evoke the enfilade, two long galleries were divided into rows of rooms, the doors between them fixed open, their interiors cosseted by paneled wainscoting, velvet walls and tufted furniture.
  • The descent was on a good track, past a nice farmstead, then a path through tufted grasses and a precipitous stretch right by the river that's made easy by very well engineered duckboards.
  • In the outer room, apparently a storeroom, there was, in accordance with the practice of planters to keep a supply of materials on hand, a quantity of piece-goods in dowlas, lockram, dimity, coarse Holland, fine Holland and tufted Holland, osnaburg and kersey, and seventeen ells (45 inches in English measure and 27 inches in Dutch measure) of sheeting, as well as yarn stockings. Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
  • He'd been dressed in an Adidas t-shirt and traditional woven vest, and carrying a spear tufted with dyed hair.
  • tufted loosestrife
  • The tufted convallaria bifolia, or bead-ruby, is one of our most common wood plants, very much like that of Europe, although the flowerets are larger. Rural Hours
  • The mayoress was a thin, elderly country woman with a nod for everyone; her big Normandy cap fitted close round her thin face, making her head, with its round, astonished-looking eyes, look like a white-tufted fowl's, and she ate in little jerks as if she were pecking at her plate. The works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 5 (of 8) Une Vie and Other Stories
  • There are four kinds of tit around here as well as woodpeckers, chaffinches, grey leg geese and tufted ducks.
  • The most abundant breeding birds include the cardinal, tufted titmouse, wood thrush, summer tanager, red-eyed vireo, blue-gray gnatcatcher, and Carolina wren. Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province (Bailey)
  • Liriope Big Blue’This lilyturf cultivar is a tufted, grass-like perennial which typically grows 12-18″ high (sometimes to 2′) and features a clump of strap-like, arching, glossy, dark green leaves (1″ wide). Don’t Monkey Around: It’s time to trim your Monkey Grass « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Each tufted piece is made on an upright frame, using a compressor powered air gun, which shoots the yarn into a canvas backing fabric and creates a heavy, evenly piled rug.
  • Rain sheeted down on gad wall, tufted duck, coot and mallard.
  • On Triangle Island, bald eagles are known to depredate tufted puffins.
  • untufted ears
  • Wintering birds on the pond itself include Teal, Shoveler, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Cormorant, Canada Goose, Water Rail, Snipe and Pintail, with many of the wildfowl species staying on to breed.
  • Traipsing along the tufted surface, peaty water swirling rainbows beside my boots more vivid than any I'd seen in the far off sky, I swung the furry body at my side. Acceptance
  • In Andalucia, Spain, birch trees line up in ranks like silent soldiers on a tufted, dewy-green ground cover.
  • Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Some small areas the size of a dime can be tufted in with new yarns.
  • Closely related to the Tufted Puffin, the Rhinoceros Auklet is a large alcid with a wedge-shaped head.
  • After a few weeks one male, who she named David Greybeard because of his white-tufted chin, let her approach him – tempted by the odd banana – and allowed her to observe him as he foraged for food.
  • A sleeper chair (above left) is tufted and skirted in the same plaid taffeta used behind the bed.
  • If the branches are dusted like powdered sugar, there's no problem; tufted like a large marshmallow, I'll put my boots on; piled high and lofty like meringue, I'd better call the office hotline to find out whether or not I need to go to work. Saveur: 11 Snowy Desserts
  • In some, the nebulous matter of which they are composed can be seen like masses of tufted flocculi, sometimes piled up, and at other times promiscuously scattered, resembling in appearance the foam on the crested billows of a surging ocean rendered suddenly motionless, or cirro-cumuli floating in The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • Wholesalers were treated to a circular room swathed in tufted pink satin. Lesley M. M. Blume: ICON OF STYLE SERIES: Lilly Daché (PHOTOS)
  • Other species found included goosander, pochard, tufted duck and teal on the water.
  • An embroidered cotton upper garment, the valanka, is embellished with tufted fringes and braid along the seams.
  • Dianthoides, several Astragali, one with the pinnulae dentato serratis, petiola spinosa, a tufted Monocotyledonous plant with terete canaliculate subulate leaves, _Salvia_, Gramen alterum, Composita dislocata, Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri—the tufted-eared senior theologian whom Khomeini had called the “fruit of my life,” before he became an outspoken regime critic and finally spiritual mentor of the opposition—died in his sleep in December 2009, during the holy month of Moharram. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Bracken Twist is a stunning new Tufted range of 12 colours, manufactured in 50% wool, 50% polypropylene.
  • The design elements include gentlemen's classics such as tufted wing chairs, antique lighting, Venetian glass mirrors and velvet seats with carved and gilded details. -
  • Then Melville himself came in, brushing back his white tufted burnsides and licking his lips and blinking his eyes -- looking for all the world like a cat at its toilet. The Deluge
  • There are the usual species for this wetland habitat mallard, tufted duck, coot, wigeon, teal and mute swan.
  • Elsewhere, what appeared at first glance to be a fluffy pale jacket of tufted tulle turned out to be made of leather, minutely shaved with razors to give an "eyelash" - fine Daily Fashion Show Pictures
  • The estate is home to a variety of bird life, from breeding common terns, nightingales and tufted ducks to vast numbers of wintering birds, such as wigeon, smew and goosander.
  • Choose a small to medium sized toothbrush, with soft, multi tufted, nylon bristles.
  • I had a wonderful time, saw, pyramid orchids, spotted orchid, St. John's wort, kidney vetch, tufted vetch (I think), bladder campions (hadn't seen any for a long time) meadowsweet, bird's foot trefoil, hare's tail clover, silverweed and tormentils, sea bindweed, field poppies, greater knapweed, centaury, and what I think may be a kind of mullein.
  • Other species found included goosander, pochard, tufted duck and teal on the water.
  • To abandon the pink-and-white bloom that slept all night without crying in the cove of her arm, to the grayness of a nursery that should have been pink and white and sweetly fragrant with powders and puffs and the rosy kind of tufted coverlets with scent between them that her mother had once sewn over with bowknots for the Kemble baby. Star-Dust
  • The new products include an extended Naturally Herdwick brand, a new Simply Herdwick carpet and another tufted Herdwick carpet that has yet to be named.
  • Endless and uneven rows of rich brown trunks rise fifty feet into the air before any full branches grow, and from there the green tufted canopy reaches another forty feet.
  • More than 70 varieties of birds breed on and around the lake, including the famous ospreys, tufted ducks, goldeneyes, coots, pochards, mallards and widgeons.
  • From tufted masses of sword-like leaves shoot up the tall spires of the _yucca_, heavy with pendent flowers, of pallid hue, like the moon, and from the grass gleams the blue eye of the starry _ixia_. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
  • In the outer room, apparently a storeroom, there was, in accordance with the practice of planters to keep a supply of materials on hand, a quantity of piece-goods in dowlas, lockram, dimity, coarse Holland, fine Holland and tufted Holland, osnaburg and kersey, and seventeen ells (45 inches in English measure and 27 inches in Dutch measure) of sheeting, as well as yarn stockings. Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
  • Currently we mainly produce Wilton Jacquard carpets, tufted carpets, printing carpets and diverse handmade latex - back carpets.
  • The tall young Queen was in crimson satin with cunningly-wrought silver embroideries, trimmed with tufted silver fringe, her stomacher stiff with silver bullion studded with gold rosettes and Roman pearls, her bodice cut low to display her splendid neck, decked by a carcanet of pearls and rubies, and surmounted by a fan-like cuff of guipure, high behind and sloping towards the bust. The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • Other birds include scarlet-tufted malachite sunbird Nectarinia johnstoni, mountane francolin Francolinus psilolaemus, Mackinder's eagle owl Bubo capensis mackinderi, and the locally threatened scarce swift Schoutedenapus myioptilus. Mount Kenya National Park and National Forest, Kenya
  • a tufted bedspread
  • They are glossy black except for white markings on their face and underparts, with a tufted tail and slight mane.
  • The descent was on a good track, past a nice farmstead, then a path through tufted grasses and a precipitous stretch right by the river that's made easy by very well engineered duckboards.
  • Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • We used the owl monkey, the tufted capuchin, and the spider monkey (A. belzebuth) as representatives of subfamilies of Aotinae, Cebinae, and Atelinae, respectively.
  • Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • That suggests that our captive SY birds molted their juvenal flight feathers on a schedule similar to that of Tufted Puffins in the wild.
  • -- Dark slaty above; head and lower parts pale yellowish; hands concolorous with body, or only a little darker; tail slightly tufted; hair on the crown of the head short and radiated; on the cheeks long, directed backwards, and covering the ears. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Skins of red deer and the tufted pelts of kyloe cattle lay on the stone floor: there were massive black oak coffers and a great wardrobe like some huge safe for coats behind us, but two broad ancient leathern armchairs stood by the hearth invitingly, suggestive of unperturbed eighteenth-century ease, wherein we at once settled ourselves. Border Ghost Stories
  • There must have been a thousand birds, a mix of species including lots of pochard or tufted duck.
  • It was a peaceful, beautiful world that met our eyes as the Island Princess stood through the Straits and up the east coast of Sumatra; the air was warm and pleasant, and the leaves of the tufted palms, lacily interwoven, were small in the distance like the fronds of ferns in our own land. The Mutineers
  • Both species have tufted ears and a ruffed face, but bobcats are differentiated by their slightly smaller build, more distinct fur markings and "bobbed" tail. Local Breaking News
  • The estate is home to a variety of bird life, from breeding common terns, nightingales and tufted ducks to vast numbers of wintering birds, such as wigeon, smew and goosander.
  • Of the 20-odd bird species present in mature forest, the most common are the pine warbler, cardinal, summer tanager, Carolina wren, ruby-throated hummingbird, blue jay, hooded warbler, eastern towhee, and tufted titmouse. Southeastern Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
  • After a long stretch of tarmac-bashing to Glen Finglas I made my way up the long, tufted western slopes of Ledi, eager to gain some height, and some views.
  • The non-intensive moor was lovely with some hazy silver birch, vivid green mosses, rushes, bilberries, bleached and tufted grasses and a touch of gorse.
  • My excuse for the gap in my knowledge is that tufted ducks are rarely vocal except during the breeding period.
  • In succession they passed ankle-deep through the spotted silk of soft rose catchflies, through the tufted satin of feathered pinks, and the blue velvet of forget-me-nots, studded with melancholy little eyes. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • The budding trees also offered Tufted Titmouse, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Phoebe, and Downy Woodpecker.
  • For a unique twist to the ceremony seating, I had beautiful white tufted sofas interspersed with traditional white chairs, creating an eclectic yet comfortable setting. My Fair Wedding
  • Furniture makers noticed that tufted upholstery furthered the chair owner's sense of luxury.
  • Her thighs were long and heavy and tufted with fine black hairs. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • This is one of the many birds that until the last several decades was restricted to our southern states, but like tufted titmice, cardinals, Carolina wrens and mockingbirds, it is now an established breeder in parts of New England.
  • Tufted clubrush is typically the dominant species.
  • Liriope Big Blue’This lilyturf cultivar is a tufted, grass-like perennial which typically grows 12-18″ high (sometimes to 2′) and features a clump of strap-like, arching, glossy, dark green leaves (1″ wide). Don’t Monkey Around: It’s time to trim your Monkey Grass « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Although 179 highland bird species have been recorded for the mountain, species recorded in the upper zones are few in number, although they include occasional lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, mainly on the Shira ridge, hill chat Cercomela sordida, Hunter's cisticola Cisticola hunteri, and scarlet-tufted malachite sunbird Nectarinia johnstoni. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • Apart from a puppy gambolling across your tufted rug or the glint of a new relationship shivering off the walls, the only thing that can turn a cramped and dirty one-bedroom flat into something verging on magical is an expensive scented candle. The beauty spot: scented candles
  • Since neurogenic genes do not exhibit proneural activity, the name ‘Tufted’ is somewhat of a misnomer.
  • In place of the crisp air, and tufted grass, was a misty bog.
  • The latter we were far too poor to own; the 'tufted' ones had worn out; and I loathed the cheap Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
  • Notable species are the bamboo warbler Bradypterus alfredi and Shelley's crimson-wing Cryptospiza shelleyi (T) the endemic Ruwenzori turaco Musophage johnstoni, and two sunbirds, the regal Cynnyris regius and the larger scarlet-tufted malachite Nectorinia johnstonii dartmouthi. Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
  • Today 95 percent of the carpets sold are tufted, not woven, but they are still known as broadloom.

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