
How To Use Tuberculosis In A Sentence

  • Gastric lavage for isolation of M tuberculosis is a well accepted method.
  • In this course will be considered diphtheria, small-pox, the insect carriers of disease, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and uncinariasis. The University of Virginia Record
  • Acid-fast staining should be done if tuberculosis is clinically suspected.
  • Skeletal tuberculosis is a haematogenous infection and affects almost all bones.
  • The loss of the plant led to thousands of children dying from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable diseases.
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  • Alternatively, the faculty might have contagious diseases, such as tuberculosis or varicella, and could infect patients.
  • Other common diseases include schistosomiasis, sleeping sickness, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.
  • In the nineteenth century, a mercury compound called calomel was used to treat everything from tuberculosis and parasites to toothaches and constipation. The Panic Virus
  • Starting in 1986, when she embarked on a fellowship in parasitology and vaccinology at the National Institutes of Health, she's dedicated herself to developing vaccines for AIDS and tuberculosis.
  • In countries afflicted by epidemics and pandemics like malaria and tuberculosis, growth and development will be threatened until these scourges can be contained.
  • People with long-term coughing or other signs of tuberculosis should cover their, mouths whenever they cough. Chapter 19
  • Survivors still complain of ailments ranging from breathlessness, chronic fatigue and stomach pain to cardiac problems and tuberculosis.
  • Studies have shown that administration of thalidomide improves weight gain in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis patients.
  • Still only six years old, his little body slowly became pitifully deformed as his tuberculosis spread. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • The only other interaction between an antimicrobial drug and alcohol is with cycloserine, an anti-tuberculosis drug – the two together increase the risk of convulsions. Doctor, doctor: Alcohol and antibiotics, milk and prostate cancer
  • That is why we will never find tuberculosis in the bronchia.
  • The report, which covers 15 zoonotic infections, also provides data on other zoonoses, such as brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis and rabies, and the two parasitic zoonoses trichinellosis and echinococcosis. Food IngredientsFIrst News
  • Sunlight (heliotherapy) was often a part of healing and was used to treat many disorders, such as tuberculosis, rickets in children and war wounds. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Health and education facilities are minimal and diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and tuberculosis are common.
  • The clinician must look for tuberculosis, and confirm or exclude this treatable malady in any patient who presents with gastrointestinal disease.
  • It's a filthy habit that spreads diseases such as tuberculosis. The Sun
  • He worked on typhoid fever and tuberculosis a disease he contracted himself.
  • Among 25 cases of tuberculosis of internal genital, the roughness of cervical margin was most commonly seen, stenosis of cervix uteri came second.
  • · Prevent and control the major diseases and parasites of the buffalo: hemorrhagic septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, sarcoptic mange, fascioliasis, nematode parasites, rinderpest and 11 Recommendations and Research Needs
  • In an undesigned world, plague, pestilence, famine, diphtheria, cancer, tuberculosis, and other natural ills no longer had to be reconciled with the sovereignty of an omnipotent and benevolent deity.
  • In 1939, membership was broadened to include physicians with an interest in tuberculosis who did not work in sanatoria, and the name was changed to American Trudeau Society.
  • He developed pulmonary tuberculosis at the time of his final undergraduate examination, resulting in over two years in a sanatorium.
  • It can, however, without prejudicing the objective, be restricted to those cases which constitute a danger to their acquaintances and so to patients with open tuberculosis in hygienically unfavourable conditions. Robert Koch - Nobel Lecture
  • Today, conditions like pneumonia, bronchitis or tuberculosis can be cured with antibiotics. The Sun
  • Central nervous system tuberculosis includes tuberculous meningitis (the most common presentation), intracranial tuberculomas, and spinal tuberculous arachnoiditis.
  • Choroidal tubercles, when present, can provide valuable diagnostic clues to life threatening forms of disseminated tuberculosis such as miliary tuberculosis.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture is actively considering a buyout of all 11 El Paso area dairy herds as well as a shutdown of the local dairy industry in response to chronic outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis in the region.
  • He revealed that troops were given more than 20 jabs, including those for anthrax, cholera, diphtheria, hepatitis, plague, polio, tetanus, typhoid, yellow fever and tuberculosis.
  • The researchers engineer a BCG strain that secretes the listeriolysin protein, which punches holes in the membranes of phagosomes where M. tuberculosis is located, allowing better T cell-mediated immunity.
  • Before initiating treatment of latent tuberculosis infection, physicians must ensure that active disease is not present.
  • active tuberculosis
  • If the physical examination has for its only result the entering of words upon record cards, then pediculosis and tuberculosis are of precisely equal importance. Health Work in the Public Schools
  • The procedure is carried out by injecting the flu vaccine between the layers of the skin using a tiny needle, similar to the method used for a tuberculosis skin test.
  • The current tuberculosis epidemic, which threatens the entire population with antibiotic-resistant strains, is the result of one such foolish cutback.
  • If approved, I would favor its widespread use for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
  • People used to go to special health spring to recover from tuberculosis.
  • E. coli and 25 µg/ml for M. smegmatis; and hygromycin B, 100 µg/ml for oppA (Rv1280c) of M. tuberculosis was amplified from cosmid MTCY50 using the primer pair PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The differential diagnosis in this case includes secondary syphilis, lepromatous leprosy, cutaneous tuberculosis, and discoid lupus erythematosus.
  • House flies are suspected of transmitting at least 65 human diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, anthrax, leprosy, food poisoning, pinworms, hookworms, and some tapeworms.
  • The TB bacterium was first identified as the causative agent of tuberculosis in 1882. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • However, a more sophisticated understanding of the biology of slowly replicating M. tuberculosis is necessary to develop such a strategy.
  • Other organs usually are affected as a consequence of miliary tuberculosis.
  • Within weeks of the arrival of the new inmates, epidemics of typhus, dysentery, and tuberculosis were raging out of control.
  • Diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and tuberculosis had dire consequences, and these consequences were intensifying on Britain's increasingly crowded streets.
  • Objective:To observe the clinical results of the use of new type halo- cast fixation apparatus in the treatment of tuberculosis of cervical spine.
  • Empiric therapy for tuberculosis and histoplasmosis was initiated.
  • After the tubercle bacillus was identified, accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, of the lungs and of other organs, became possible.
  • Sometimes latent tuberculosis becomes active years later.
  • The most frequent cause of broncholithiasis is calcification of lymph nodes secondary to tuberculosis or histoplasmosis.
  • Tuberculosis is not considered to be a notifiable disease in India and hence routine health data have not served as the source of information for estimating the disease state in the community.
  • Abortion may be due to pathological changes in the ovum, the uterus, or its adnexa one or both -- to the physical or nervous condition of the woman, to diseases either inherited or acquired (syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism); to any infectious, contagious, or inflammatory disease; to shock, injury, or accident. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The team's research shows that Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is able to stimulate macrophages - the immune cells the bacterium infects - to accumulate fat droplets, turning them into "foamy" cells. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The cows are known to be free from tuberculosis, actinomycosis (lumpy jaw), and foot and mouth disease. The Mother and Her Child
  • As a result of very promising work with experimental tuberculosis in guinea pigs, Feldman and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1952 - Presentation Speech
  • Prisoners may trade antituberculosis drugs, to be saved for later use or to be traded for goods or services or to pay off debts.
  • All three reactions with early pustule formation indicate concurrent tuberculosis.
  • More than 2 billion people or a third of the world's total population, are infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2010 is Year of the Lungs
  • For instance, the germ that causes typhoid fever is called the _bacillus typhosus_; that which causes tuberculosis is called the bacillus tuberculosis; while the germ of diphtheria known as the _Klebs-Loeffler bacillus_, after the two men who discovered it. A Handbook of Health
  • Researchers find that antibiotic D-cycloserine, used to treat tuberculosis, improves recovery rate in psychological treatment for social anxiety. Mind Hacks: March 2006 Archives
  • So each morning and evening, 700 villagers strike out across dirt roads turned into a morass of mud and dung to deliver medicines to people with AIDS and tuberculosis.
  • His family was decimated by tuberculosis, casting a shadow over the rest of his life and career.
  • There is, however, no logical reason why a vaccine for protection against tuberculosis should contain species specific antigens.
  • Whether closer follow-up of cases of tuberculosis leads to earlier detection of incipient toxicity or other factors are at work is unclear.
  • Tito's government significantly raised the standard of health, eliminating diseases such as typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough.
  • The spotty leaves of Pulmonaria officinalis, or lungwort, indicated it could cure tuberculosis and other afflictions of the lungs.
  • Malnutrition, typhus, tuberculosis, sepsis, and universal diarrhoea (probably functional rather than infective) were rife.
  • Tuberculosis bacteria reach the gastrointestinal tract via haematogenous spread, ingestion of infected sputum, or direct spread from infected contiguous lymph nodes and fallopian tubes.
  • Many students endured poor living conditions and chronic ill health, thanks to the prevalence of tuberculosis and other diseases.
  • In cases of skin tuberculosis, the positivity in the range of 50–60 per cent has been observed, as compared to very low positivity by culture.
  • At the time the American Sanatorium Association was founded, there were only 106 sanatoriums in the United States, which provided 9,107 beds for patients with tuberculosis.
  • These may be caused by inflammatory bowel disease, local or systemic malignancy, venereal infection, trauma, tuberculosis, or chemotherapy.
  • In my case, what was physically evident might equally well have been due to nervous spasms, to the first stages of tuberculosis, to asthma, to a toxi-alimentary dyspnoea with renal insufficiency, to chronic bronchitis, or to a complex state into which more than one of these factors entered. Within a Budding Grove
  • Tuberculosis had the highest incidence rate of serious diseases, followed by hepatitis B, dysentery, gonorrhea and syphilis.
  • Whipping up the frenzy recently was a report about corruption in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, an international public/private partnership that attracts and disperses funds to fight these diseases. Catholic Relief Services: Global Fund Deserves Our Support
  • Without proper treatment, sufferers from tuberculosis of the lung can be contagious all their life.
  • Jurgis 'informant; but it was hard to think of anything new in a place where so many sharp wits had been at work for so long; where men welcomed tuberculosis in the cattle they were feeding, because it made them fatten more quickly; and where they bought up all the old rancid butter left over in the grocery stores of a continent, and "oxidized" it by a forced-air process, to take away the odor, rechurned it with skim milk, and sold it in bricks in the cities! The Jungle
  • We currently have insufficient evidence about the mechanisms of the association between respirable pollutants from smoking or indoor air pollution and tuberculosis.
  • The first step in management of a possible drug fever is to ensure that there is no superinfection or worsening of tuberculosis.
  • In 1993, he was also seen by a specialist in pulmonology in the private sector and it was favoured that he has some bronchiectasis and fibrosis of his left lung due to the previous tuberculosis. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The country has made headlines lately with the resurgence of preventable diseases such as plague, malaria, dengue fever and tuberculosis.
  • The antibiotics used were mainly cephalosporins, penicillins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and antituberculosis drugs.
  • Jon Leiden is spokesperson for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. AIDS Fight Sees Decline In Global Support
  • Such cases include those of severe kyphoscoliosis, occasionally widespread and far-advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, some cases of bullous emphysema with replacement or compression of active lung tissue. Dickinson W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • After the tubercle bacillus was identified, accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, of the lungs and of other organs, became possible.
  • A 6-month regimen is recommended for tuberculosis at multiple sites and for miliary tuberculosis, although there are limited data from controlled clinical trials addressing this issue.
  • Results 1. IVP was superior in early diagnosis of renal tuberculosis.
  • He and coworkers developed a method, using a chamber with microbial air samplers, to collect and quantify culturable cough-generated aerosols of M. tuberculosis.
  • Among them, one of the most studied is the anaplerotic utilisation of intracellular carbon sources through the glyoxylate shunt enzyme ICL icl gene after M. tuberculosis infection of macrophages and dendritic cells PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For Wilson, Pearl's work on cancer and tuberculosis was the ‘smoking gun’ that showed Pearl's limitations in biostatistical research.
  • Ohio State University researchers have determined that Mycobacterium tuberculosis has learned through evolution to coat itself with a sugar called mannose, which makes the bacterium attractive to cells in the lungs that are looking to clean up and discard unwanted sugar in the body. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Malaria and tuberculosis were dealt with in the little dispensary.
  • Tuberculosis is easily transmitted through the air.
  • The most common cause of benign calcified pulmonary lesions is the granulomatous reaction to infectious or foreign agents, such as tuberculosis, coccidioidomycosis, and silicosis.
  • The beneficial role of adjunctive corticosteroids have been demonstrated in miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
  • Still scrounging for food and blighted by diseases like kala-azar and tuberculosis, many live as bonded labourers, and face acute food shortage and starvation every year.
  • Other common diseases include schistosomiasis, meningitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and HIV / AIDS.
  • Alcohol and tobacco accelerate epidemics, such as tuberculosis and drug abuse.
  • The majority of the people she sees are suffering from malaria, tuberculosis and skin diseases.
  • On his deathbed, wracked by tuberculosis, he seems to have cursed his fate.
  • There aren't many men that could fight back from tuberculosis and play cricket for England.
  • Ottawa is being urged to investigate the growing tales of horror from former patients regarding three tuberculosis sanitariums which were operating in Manitoba up until 30 years ago.
  • On Wednesday, Mr. Gates will be at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where he plans to exhort wealthy donors—especially governments—to keep funding a range of crucial projects in the developing world, from tuberculosis drugs and antimalaria bed nets to maternal care and vaccines. Gates Urges Support for Global Health Programs
  • There is, however, no logical reason why a vaccine for protection against tuberculosis should contain species specific antigens.
  • An ulcerative papillomatous or verrucous tuberculosis of the skin Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The principal recorded killers were smallpox, influenza, measles, typhoid, typhus, chickenpox, whooping cough, tuberculosis and syphilis.
  • This seems particularly likely in the patient who had an old, inactive hip joint tuberculosis and a false-positive PCR test result from the knee joint sample in this study.
  • Tuberculin skin testing with tuberculin purified protein derivative is used to screen persons for latent tuberculosis infection.
  • None of these programs provide primary HIV care, although medical staff at each conduct annual physical examinations, perform urinalysis and blood counts, and skin test for tuberculosis.
  • Four teachers tested positive for tuberculosis at the end of the first week of April; tuberculosis had been diagnosed in 19 pupils and teachers earlier in the week.
  • He developed his life-long dedication to tuberculosis while doing autopsies as a medical student.
  • I ended up with tuberculosis, watched my operations in out-of-body experiences, thought everyone did, studied at home and thankfully got cured. Laura Mola: Know Thyself, from Someone Who Didn't (Part 1)
  • Malaria, mumps and tuberculosis, once considered eradicated, are on the rise again.
  • M. tuberculosis in aerosol is classified by WHO as a Risk Group organism, requiring biosafety level 3 laboratory safety precautions.
  • This study demonstrates that multiple infections are present in patients with active tuberculosis in a high-incidence setting.
  • M. tuberculosis Serine/Threonine phosphatase (Mstp, Rv0018c) is shown to dephosphorylate both PknJ and mtPykA, thus proving that autophosphorylation and transphosphorylation of PknJ and mtPykA are reversibly regulated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In our study cathelicidins were identified at greater levels in M. paratuberculosis infection at 10 months PI in comparison to controls, suggesting a possible role in antimycobacterial activity. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Tuberculosis, first known as phthisis or consumption, has been recognized as a leading cause of American deaths for as long as records have been kept.
  • The tuberculin skin test is used to diagnose latent tuberculosis infection, but it requires two visits and skilled personnel for test placement and interpretation.
  • Other benign conditions resulting in a scrotal mass, such as testicular torsion, spermatocele, varicocele, or tuberculosis, must be ruled out.
  • One of his papers was on the health of Cornish tin and copper miners, including studies of their working conditions and the stethoscopic signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • D.M. tuberculosis produce an exotoxin and contain an endotoxin in its cell wall Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Tuberculosis in the elderly is a disease to be feared only if it is undiagnosed and untreated.
  • Acute bacterial infections, notably salmonellosis, brucellosis, pertussis, tuberculosis and rickettsial infections, can cause neutropenia.
  • Besides the use of these drugs renders one more vulnerable to tuberculosis; and that is a very dicey situation in a country like ours.
  • Fixed dose drugs have proved successful in treating malaria and tuberculosis.
  • If approved, I would favor its widespread use for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Early diagnosis of tuberculosis is an important arm in the control of tuberculosis.
  • Respiratory specimens were examined with radiometric broth medium cultures and with the AMPLICOR assay for M tuberculosis.
  • In addition to leprosy, foreigners seeking work permits are now required to be tested for tuberculosis and the sexually transmitted diseases syphilis, chlamydia and chancres.
  • The biggest health problems are tuberculosis, venereal diseases, malaria, trachoma, typhoid fever, and dysentery.
  • This book is a compendium of detailed protocols for the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using molecular techniques.
  • In the midst of the softened mass are small, firm, rounded granulations, fibrinous, and even caseated, and when the soft, pultaceous material has been scraped off, the surface bears a resemblance to the fine, yellow points of miliary tuberculosis in the lung. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Use of antituberculosis drugs by unqualified persons or alternative medicine practitioners in bizarre regimens for inadequate periods is an important problem in our country.
  • Guillain-Barr paralysis (usually temporary) paralysis from pesticides, chemicals, foods (lathyrism) lump on back tuberculosis of spine floppy or limp weakness usually some loss of feeling 1) Head Control and Use of Senses
  • This strain of bacteria, called Mycobacterium bovis, is similar enough to the human strain (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that vaccination with the bovine strain protects against disease caused by the human strain. Tuberculosis Vaccine
  • He got very sick, and caught tuberculosis as well, dropping from 70 to 50 kilos in weight.
  • Examinations should be carried out to exclude tuberculosis, bronchial carcinoma and intrabronchial foreign body.
  • There were healing granulomas and caseous foci, presumably tuberculosis, in mesenteric and peripancreatic lymph nodes.
  • One possible threat is bovine tuberculosis, a disease probably introduced to South Africa through domestic cattle brought in by European settlers at the end of the 18th century.
  • Bernhard and Rollier used Alpine sunbaths to heal wounds and surgical tuberculosis.
  • But just when it looked as if she was about to realise the American dream, she coughed blood into a handkerchief and her doctor diagnosed tuberculosis.
  • In the concentration camp he had contracted silicosis, a lung disease similar to a combination of tuberculosis and emphysema from breathing in the fine dust that filtered through the cracks in the walls and floors.
  • The children then succumb to diseases like tuberculosis, pneumonia and meningitis.
  • Spinal caries, known as Pott's Disease, is tuberculosis of the spinal column.
  • For example, when he describes trends in public health, he points sunnily to data showing that deaths from diseases like tuberculosis are far fewer than in the past, but says nothing about the present, growing problem of the emergence of antibiotic-resistance strains of TB, et. al., which threaten to reverse those gains. Learning from Lomborg, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He suffered from tuberculosis and worked so hard that he had herniated discs and other back injuries.
  • ObjectiveTo investigate the correlation between fibrinogen in pleural effusion and pleural adhesion in tuberculosis exudative pleurisy.
  • He goes into excruciating detail discussing the treatment for tuberculosis in the 1940s and Orwell's physical agonies.
  • The very low level of amino acid diversity in antigenic proteins may be cause for optimism in the difficult fight to control global tuberculosis.
  • Other less common causes of non-diabetic retinopathy include infections such as tuberculosis and syphilis.
  • These observations may suggest a more complex compartmental and perhaps time-dependant relationship of human expression of NOS within the newly forming granulomatous tuberculosis lesions and surrounding tissues.
  • These trials do not cover the drug related to tropical disease such as kala-azar, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Filaria, Dengue, Chucken Gunea, which are the major problems of the third world countries. Indian subjects in clinical trials are vulnerable lot
  • That scientific breakthrough enabled advances in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment which have now saved millions of lives.
  • There is, however, no logical reason why a vaccine for protection against tuberculosis should contain species specific antigens.
  • Among them, one of the most studied is the anaplerotic utilisation of intracellular carbon sources through the glyoxylate shunt enzyme ICL icl gene after M. tuberculosis infection of macrophages and dendritic cells PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And that is the worst disease in the world today, not tuberculosis or leprosy. Daily Readings with Mother Theresa
  • Acute miliary tuberculosis may produce the impression of a general paresis or of an amentia in Meynert's sense. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The multimillion-pound publicly funded operation comes weeks after the government said that 11,000 badgers were shot last year to protect cattle from tuberculosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following is a list of terms used to describe the shape, size, color, consistency, or other characteristics of pathological conditions. millet seed miliary tuberculosis pea-sized plum-sized orange-sized tumors melon-sized pear breast cancer porridge atherosclerotic material napkin rings colon cancers popcorn calcium of hamartoma soupy creamy cheesy discharges anchovy paste word salad schizophrenia oyster ovaries hydatid mole chicken breast rickets cauliflower tumor osteochondroma potato nodes sarcoidosis onion-peel sign Ewing's tumor hard-baked spleen Hodgkin's disease apple-jelly nodules cutaneous tuberculosis strawberry nevus cavernous angioma peau d'orange carcinoma of the breast bacon spleen sago spleen amyloidosis Swiss cheese ventricular septal defects coffee ground emesis gastic bleeding chocolate cysts ovarian endometriosis sugar icing liver chronic perihepatitis port wine urine porphyria corkscrew esophagus diffuse esophageal spasm doughnut kidney bipolar fusion of renal anlagen forkful Colles's fracture VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
  • They no longer conduct population-wide check-ups to detect tuberculosis in its early stages (via fluorography).
  • Because tuberculosis affects women more than men, the gradual decline of that disease benefited female survival.
  • Malnutrition was rife, as were diseases such as tuberculosis and smallpox.
  • About 10 to 15 per cent of those with inactive tuberculosis will go on to develop active cases at some point in their lives.
  • Results were similar for two additional adults with latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Along with damp, insanitary housing and poor schools and public services went appalling figures of child illness and mortality, tuberculosis for the middle-aged, lung disease for miners, and physical deformity for the old.
  • Treatments in vogue included horseback riding for pulmonary tuberculosis, and a decoction of carrots for jaundice.
  • More distant prospects include improved vaccines for tuberculosis and childhood diseases, and possibly an AIDS vaccine, Young said.
  • Tuberculosis bacteria reach the gastrointestinal tract via haematogenous spread, ingestion of infected sputum, or direct spread from infected contiguous lymph nodes and fallopian tubes.
  • In this way it was possible to approach, even if not to give conclusively, the answer to the difficult question of the possibility or frequence of transmission of bovine tuberculosis to humans. Physiology or Medicine 1905 - Presentation Speech
  • Recumbency was, in fact, rigorously enforced in some tuberculosis sanatoriums in which patients were fed, made to use bed pans, and bathed, all while lying flat.
  • Very little is known regarding the usefulness of pyrazinamide and levofloxacin in the treatment of multidrug-resistant latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Peritoneal tuberculosis occurs in three forms: wet type with ascitis, dry type with adhesions, and fibrotic type with omental thickening and loculated ascites.
  • They are the ones who are so easily turned away at hospitals with a painkiller to cure pulmonary tuberculosis and who are regarded as disposable members of our society.
  • However there is no published data on the cellular interactions of tobacco smoke and mycobacterium tuberculosis. Printing: 2010 is Year of the Lungs
  • Diseases such as tuberculosis, influenza, malaria, typhoid, and pneumonia are serious health problems.
  • Fixed dose drugs have proved successful in treating malaria and tuberculosis.
  • Most patients with latent tuberculosis are treated with isoniazid administered daily for nine months.
  • To measles we can add smallpox, tuberculosis, malaria, typhus, typhoid, influenza and syphilis.
  • It has been validated for early diagnosis of tuberculosis.
  • Tuberculosis and malaria are the two major causes of illness and death in the nation.
  • Nevertheless, it is not advisable to begin both antiretroviral therapy and combination chemotherapy for tuberculosis at nearly the same time.
  • The inanition delirium of tuberculosis resembles that of carcinosis and malaria. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • For example bacteria in unpasteurized milk have been known to infect those who drink it with polio, tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, undulant fever, and foot and mouth disease.
  • They also looked at the genetic lineage of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria infecting the patients.
  • He did GP obstetrics and looked after patients with tuberculosis at a time when there was neither an obstetrician nor a chest physician on the island.
  • A ‘lunger,’ his tuberculosis kept him from active fighting in the Civil War but he served as a horse wrangler.
  • When this gradient is less than 1.1, etiologies other than portal hypertension should be considered, most commonly peritoneal carcinomatosis or abdominal tuberculosis.
  • In particular, preliminary data show potent target inhibition of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gyrase enzyme which translated in vitro to good antibacterial activity against drug-resistant tuberculosis. News Articles
  • The attention of the council was drawn to an anomaly in the existing arrangements for patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Sachs and other like-minded crusaders have put public health back on the map, leading to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
  • A wasting beauty in women was called ethereal, while robust health was considered vulgar; in men, tuberculosis was thought to denote creative genius, prompted by the suffering of such artists as Poe, Goethe, Balzac, Stevenson, and Keats. A Furnace Afloat
  • She, like John, contributed a major share to tuberculosis knowledge and its control.
  • Studies indicate that many physicians demonstrate poor compliance with recommended tuberculosis treatment guidelines.
  • Lesions in the testis can be due to tuberculosis, syphilis, or malignancy and require urgent ultrasound examination.
  • He suffered from tuberculosis, and, as his health began to fail, he made a last effort at a cure by giving up painting and repairing to his brother's property at Pomona for the pure mountain air.

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