How To Use Tube In A Sentence
When we see her, we remember that hot July day doing five knots pulling Jess and Jerry on a tube and Russ skippering his first yacht.
Aliquot 10μ l of the master mix for each DNA to be analyzed into a reaction tube.
The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
Josefina Scaglione's YouTube video When Mr. Laurents first called the willowy soprano, who speaks with lushly rolled r's and sometimes interrupts conversation to ask the meaning of an English word, she was performing the role of Amber Von Tussle in a Buenos Aires production of "Hairspray.
I've Just Met a Girl Named Josefina
I'm sure she's flouting loads of official and unofficial tube etiquette in one fell swoop here.
Gastric lavage for isolation of M tuberculosis is a well accepted method.
The family didn't want a gastrostomy tube placed, but they weren't ready to say goodbye, either.
If only the local toerags sitting opposite knew what thrills these cardboard tubes contained.
Dysphagic patients should be fed through a nasogastric tube or percutaneous endoscopic feeding tube until it is safe to resume oral food and fluids.
(Regular posters such as Kurland put up more on their own 3-D YouTube channels.) Weather News
No other abnormalities were detected in the cervix, uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes.
In this course will be considered diphtheria, small-pox, the insect carriers of disease, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and uncinariasis.
The University of Virginia Record
lunger" out here, and I didn't relish the idea of sleeping in a tuberculous bed.
The Prairie Wife
Flynn said Hilton denied owning a small plastic "bindle" containing 0.8 grams of cocaine powder that the police lieutenant said fell out when Hilton opened the purse to get a tube of lip balm. - Philadelphia's Source For Breaking News, Weather, Traffic and Sports
Clonal progeny may be produced by stolons, runners, rhizomes, tubers, buds on bulbs, corms and roots, layering of stems, and agamospermous seed.
Fracas, that mother of all big floral scents, the strange, kinky Diva Tubereuse Criminelle, and the lustrously beautiful Carnal Flower.
Archive 2007-07-01
Amateurs can easily fill the tubes using simple agricultural tools, after which bags are arranged in a spiral that is gradually corbelled inwards as it ascends to form a dome.
Acid-fast staining should be done if tuberculosis is clinically suspected.
Skeletal tuberculosis is a haematogenous infection and affects almost all bones.
I sat there in the infirmary watching the nurses run about, taking blood and putting in tube after tube trying to save him.
The light energy is converted to electrical energy and amplified by a photomultiplier tube.
The sound of the human whistle, like that in the most primitive instrumental forms - a whistle fashioned from a hollow tube of wood or straw - is made by the turbulence generated in an airstream at the narrow orifice formed by pursing the lips.
The stube, or stove, of a German inn, derived its name from the great hypocaust, which is always strongly heated to secure the warmth of the apartment in which it is placed.
Anne of Geierstein
The loss of the plant led to thousands of children dying from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable diseases.
The gunk was coming out like toothpaste from a tube.
The Sun
The light-emitting carbon nanotubes represent the first electrically controlled single-molecule light emitter ever constructed.
The total protein content of the tube was evaluated by the Bradford protein method.
Links had been established between car exhaust and headaches, cancer and various respiratory problems, yet the automotive industry of the day, kicking and screaming, had to be forced to add a blowby tube.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The cost of a tube is small compared with the cost of energy consumption over the lifetime of the tube.
This is a hospital test where a narrow tube with a light and lens on the end is passed down the trachea and into the lung.
This is the tube that drains tear fluid into the nose.
The Sun
The magazine tube holds 10 rounds and the tapered octagon barrel is 20 inches long.
Alternatively, the faculty might have contagious diseases, such as tuberculosis or varicella, and could infect patients.
One reason TB-control programs are so important is that antitubercular drugs are such tricky instruments.
Tuberculosis: A Deadly Return
However, for our purposes, we have used a working definition anchored on Haramiyavia, assuming that the unknown intersection between multituberculates and modern mammals is the appropriate break point.
I glanced quickly to the wall of the giant diagram of the male anatomy and I was reminded that the urethra is a miniscule tube through which I had always peed.
Sleepwalk With Me
Or, the lift wreckage would become mangled inside the tubing, preventing any further use of that tube.
Tubes called drains may be used to remove any build-ups of blood in an area of the body until healing occurs.
Also, just before the Russian submariner opens the torpedo tube, he is asked "What do you think is in there?
Stargate SG-1 Watchathon - 'Small Victories' (S04E01)
Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia.
UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
The most sumptuous and heady of fragrances, these feature exotic flowers like Bulgarian rose, jasmine and tuberose, as well as mysterious musks, woods and other exotic essences.
For example, one such bottleneck may occur during reinoculation of a chemostat, when tubes are changed.
The end of the tube feet have suckers, which chemically adhere to the substrate.
In reality, the only choice before them is sterilisation through tubectomies.
Jerry smelled the familiar stench of beer as the tube neared his lips.
It looked like it was going to be grotty, but as I was on the tube the clouds all seemed to disappear and by the time I came back above ground at Tottenham Court Road station the sky was a beautiful clear blue and the sun was shining brightly.
In addition, if the scar tissue forms in and around the fingerlike ends of your tube called the fimbria, the tubes may actually seal shut, in which case all chances for natural conception are lost.
Getting Pregnant
She saw a tube of lipstick out of the corner of her eye and applied it to her lips before smacking them together looking at the result before grimacing and swiping it from her lips.
Interestingly it has a thick plastic coverslip tube with the Rose and the Doctor on it.
November 26th, 2006
After remembering inflatable tubes on roofs, I thought of another story about things on roofs.
Fallopian tube patency can be confirmed by detecting an enhanced signal after instilling microbubbles into the uterine cavity.
O immaginativa, che ne rube tal volta sì di fuor, ch 'uom non s'accorge perchè d'intorno suonin mille tube; chi move te, se il senso non ti porge?
This movement was more significant than any change in the cracks caused by the Tube line construction.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the tubes may contain multiple virions, or capsids, like peas in a pod, or the linear arrangement of spores in neurospora filaments.
The medial stripe, nearest the midline, which becomes the ventral region of the neural tube, gives rise to motor neurons, whereas the lateral stripes give rise to interneurons and sensory neurons.
Other common diseases include schistosomiasis, sleeping sickness, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.
A small amount of urine drips constantly from your kidneys to your bladder through tubes called ureters.
To form the wound periderm certain metabolic processes are necessary These processes use energy which is gained by expiring starch stored in the tuber.
4 Yams
Xylem vessels, the vascular tubes responsible for water transport throughout the plant, are formed by tracheary elements.
I'm meeting with the guy from Solatube at the site on Saturday, so any specific advice (eg; using multiple smaller lights to avoid shadows rather than one big one, using specific kind of diffuser, etc, would be really helpful if you can think of any.)
Skylight tubing
What had happened was that the passage of electrical current created huge magnetic forces which constricted the tube.
The medial and lateral portions of the tendon of the Quadriceps pass down on either side of the patella, to be inserted into the upper extremity of the tibia on either side of the tuberosity; these portions merge into the capsule, as stated above, forming the medial and lateral patellar retinacula.
III. Syndesmology. 7b. The Knee-joint
My writing heart feels as crushed as that last bit of toothpaste that refuses to be squeezed out its flattened, mangled tube because someone (and I won’t name name but it begins with S and ends in cott) left the cap off again …
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » That’s Right. It’s Contest Time.
The splanchnopleure, which lies on the endoblast, takes part in the formation of the wall of the digestive tube.
The tubercles are mammillated and the surrounding areas apparently are granulated.
The bottom of the tube was fitted with a rubber bung.
When I cannot get them, I substitute for them with jicama, a South American tuber that has a nearly identical texture, and a similar, though slightly starchier flavor.
Tigers & Strawberries » It Isn’t Just About the Crunch
Some ethnobotanists and anthropologists are convinced that root and tuber crops were among the first plants to be domesticated.
YouTube, members decide which photographs and videos should rise to prominence by " favouriting ", linking and commenting.
There were two wounds, one abdominal and one perineal with a tube drain in place draining into a bag.
Crown gall strains caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens S-1 702, C-58 have been established from sunflower hypocotyls, tobacco stems and stem pithes, carrot roots and potato tubers.
He marks out small-sized pitches for drills with old inner tubes from bicycle tyres.
Times, Sunday Times
In the nineteenth century, a mercury compound called calomel was used to treat everything from tuberculosis and parasites to toothaches and constipation.
The Panic Virus
Radiographs are usually negative; rarely, they show avulsion of the apophysis at the tibial tuberosity.
As for asexual reproduction, the authors discuss why vegetative reproduction works so well for so many aquatic plants: rhizomatous growth (clonal growth), as well as reproduction through fragmentation and the production of corms, stolons, tubers, turions and gemmiparous plantlets.
Starting in 1986, when she embarked on a fellowship in parasitology and vaccinology at the National Institutes of Health, she's dedicated herself to developing vaccines for AIDS and tuberculosis.
Both caseation and calcification are highly suggestive of a tubercular etiology, neither being common in malignancy related lymphadenopathy.
This will involve placing a small rubber tube called a catheter in the abscess to drain out the fluid.
A delicate balance of smoulder and sensitivity that's best experienced on YouTube, where the track has rapidly earned a million views.
F&M playlist
On borehole televiewer logs. An unusual effect produced on the cathode-ray tube display by erratic movement of the tool as it drags along the borehole.
For one test, a device called a reflectometer is used to measure the degree of whiteness in processed tuber samples destined to become chips.
Plant tubers in a 6in tray of moist potting compost so that their tops are just covered.
Objective To investigate the curative effect of tube placement and drug irrigation in the auditory tube under nasoscope in the treatment of secretory otitis media(SOM).
The field emission properties of hafnium coated carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) were investigated.
We wish to report that the dextrorotatory acids of the lipids of human tubercle bacilli, hitherto believed to be saturated acids, are unsaturated acids.
Today's tuberous begonias are highly bred plants of South American ancestry.
The pill slides down the chute into a flexible tube leading to the patient's mouth.
The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,000 world wide.
Magnets, either conventional electromagnets or superconducting magnets, are placed along the accelerator tube at regular intervals.
Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands.
Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
In the new study, the researchers surveyed more than 2,000 proteins expressed on synergid cells to clinch the exact molecules luring pollen tubes to the embryo sac.
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Gastric lavage should be performed with a large bore orogastric tube.
The incision is directed towards the ipsilateral ischial tuberosity, away from the anal sphincter.
Smoke from a slender chimney vents above the height of the second-level cooling room, a triangular ‘wood tube’ that cantilevers beyond a supporting brick wall.
In countries afflicted by epidemics and pandemics like malaria and tuberculosis, growth and development will be threatened until these scourges can be contained.
And the lamp tube is usually coated with a man made fluorescent powder frequently called a phosphor, but there is no phosphor in the powder coating.
For an endoscopy, a thin tube with a tiny camera inside it is put down your throat and into your esophagus so the doctor can look at it.
In September last year he stopped eating and had a nasogastric feeding tube fitted.
The Sun
Apply thick celloidin to the tube-capsule joint, the opposite end of the capsule, and the line of junction of the capsule with its cap; dry thoroughly.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Cassava is grown for its starchy tubers, which are most often used to prepare farina or flour, and it is the primary source of carbohydrates in sub-Saharan Africa.
The kids spend too much time in front of the boob tube.
Riding inside a tube with the wave crashing down around the surfer is particularly impressive.
They diagnosed cystitis and then they diagnosed nephrolithiasis & then they diagnosed Malta fever with ovarian complications & then they went all hush-hush while they diagnosed a tuberculous infection so that I couldn't possibly guess what they were testing for.
Another piece of the puzzle
He stared at me with blue, slightly protuberant eyes.
Music of the highest nobility crawled forth like toothpaste squeezed from an unending tube.
Times, Sunday Times
Successful placement of a feeding tube was defined as placement past the pyloric sphincter and in the duodenum.
In one published familial case, the mother of a 46, XY boy with anorchia who also harbored a p. Val355Met mutation in NR5A1 underwent left ovariectomy and homolateral fallopian tube ablation for ovarian cysts at the age of 22 years and subsequently had two spontaneous miscarriages, an outcome that suggests impaired ovarian function.
New England Journal of Medicine
Rick had also checked the mine's setting device, a tube-like affair sunk lengthwise into the body of the metal casing.
The charge of the ion is hence changed from negative to positive, and the ion is repelled from the terminal and accelerated towards the exit of the tube which is earthed.
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I mean, this was still virgin territory, there were no tube lines running to this part of the frontier.
Late flowering annuals and half-hardy perennials, like Rudbeckia, Nicotiana, Chrysanthemum and Argyranthemum come into their own now, along with tuberous plants like Begonia, Dahlia and Canna.
Richard Kay, like Nigel Dempster before him, is paid to write a diary about moneyed toffs like David and Sam so that humbler tube-travelling folk can goggle a bit and scowl at their youngers and betters.
Tory press defenders of Middle England rail against the toffs
The future looked so bright that he predicted to an industry group in 1952 that TVs of the future would have printed circuit boards instead of tubes, have three-dimensional images, and be atomic-powered.
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They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.
A tube of pile ointment Tranquilizers of course, buffered aspirins and a bottle of monstrous half-blue, half-yellow capsules.
Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
At the macroscopic scale, samples held in test-tubes spontaneously demix under the influence of gravity into a top isotropic phase and a bottom birefringent nematic phase.
The suite of unusual dental specializations suggests N. citnolodontoides is outside the N. hunteri-N. mckennai lineage, with features paralleling those seen in cimolodontid multituberculates.
This company is by Beijing Traffic department, Beijing transports the tube department, the industry and commerce tax affairs to authorize the be established large-scale Transport company.
The pickled mustard tuber, which is produced by pickling the stem mustard (Brassica juncea coss var tnmida Tsen et Lee) in salt solution, is an indigenous Chinese fermented vegetable product.
Aileron: the scale covering the base of primaries in some insects; see tegulae in Diptera = alula and squama, q.v. Air-sacs or vesicles: pouch-like expansions of tracheal tubes in heavy insects, capable of inflation and supposed to lessen specific gravity.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
In these flowers, the anthers are attached to the petals by short filaments half way down the corolla tube.
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The fallopian tubes sustain the connection between them.
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Stroke and Parkinson's disease are the leading causes, frequently requiring enteral alimentation through nasogastric or gastrostomy tubes.
The presumptive neural tube tissues consist of a layer of ectoderm along the dorsal midline of the embryo, between the notochord and an outer layer of epidermis.
The tube contains toroidally shaped rings within the maximum diameter portions of the corrugations in the tube wall.
Parcialmente en la parte baja la humedad es constante, razón por la cual se hizo un sistema de “canales” y tuberías ocultas para drenar el exceso de agua de las lluvias y de riego, en esta parte existe la posibilidad, por las condiciones del terreno, de contar con un venero de agua, según indicaciones del anterior propietario.
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People with long-term coughing or other signs of tuberculosis should cover their, mouths whenever they cough.
Chapter 19
The card features a bunny holding a tube of toothpaste.
If this technology was implemented in a fuel cell vehicle, it would cost about $200, as opposed to using carbon nanotube tanks (which cost about $5.5 million) or metal hydrides (which cost about $30,000).
Chicken Feathers May Fuel Hydrogen Cars in the Future | Inhabitat
Water flows through radiant tubes in floor slabs for both heating and cooling.
Sample put in tube which goes into machine.
The Sun
The model presented here is focused on interpreting the mechanism and resulting dynamics of the solute per se so it will be further assumed that there is no radial flux of solute through the tube walls.
Survivors still complain of ailments ranging from breathlessness, chronic fatigue and stomach pain to cardiac problems and tuberculosis.
All my email's inboxes are down. well from china hotmail and yahoo has been slow .. and they banned youtube in china~~ what a flung 0_o #dinked I heart Creana "True friends walk in, when the rest walk out.
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To store insert straw into inner tube and apply pressure to banging stick to release air.
A nevus is a nest of cells that grows larger or more protuberant as we age.
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A transformer boosted the tube voltage to about 50 000 V, and x-ray imaging was done by both fluoroscopy and photography.
The main part of the scarf is knitted as a tube of stocking stitch in one colourway.
Archive 2009-03-01
Studies have shown that administration of thalidomide improves weight gain in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis patients.
Among the approaches being developed today are nanotubes, nanowires and nanocomposites for batteries.
After the third sterilisation cool the tubes to 42°C., and add to each 3 c.c. of sterile hydrocele fluid, ascitic fluid, or pleuritic effusion (previously sterilised, if necessary, by the fractional method); allow the tubes to solidify in a sloping position.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Icicles, stalactites, stalagmites, lava tubes, and some crystals may be considered cylindrical, but the rest of the nonbiotic Universe has other shapes.
Still only six years old, his little body slowly became pitifully deformed as his tuberculosis spread.
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It contains a fluorescent tube and can be set at different angles and at varying distances from the working surface.
The only other interaction between an antimicrobial drug and alcohol is with cycloserine, an anti-tuberculosis drug – the two together increase the risk of convulsions.
Doctor, doctor: Alcohol and antibiotics, milk and prostate cancer
The safer method, known as the liner-tieback option, would have provided more barriers to prevent the flow of natural gas up the space between the steel tubes and the well wall.
Lawmakers accuse BP of 'shortcuts'
In order to study the first of these properties, the porous partition, fixed by a hermetical joint to a glass tube, is immersed in the water (Fig. 2).
Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
In retaliation, most of the pro men and women chose to run some form of tubeless technology.
Cortical tubers, or benign potato-like growths, appear along the gyri and sulci in the brain.
The sole patient with benign pleural disease showing a mediastinal pleural involvement on MRI was identified pathologically as tuberculous pleurisy.
Products include disposable gas-detection tubes, single-gas personal monitors, multi-sensor chemical-detection monitors, photoionization detector (PID) monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), wireless gas-detection systems, and radiation monitoring networks for energy production and refining, industrial and environmental safety, and public and government first responder security sectors.
Engineering Hardware-Software
My first step will be to remove the insect killer tubelight setup on each floor, and issue a blanket ban on all insect repellants.
Antituberculous treatment combined with surgical debridement is mandatory to obtain satisfactory results with therapy.
My new paint tubes are arranged in a neat arc, brushes and palette knife by their side, and an upturned white enamel plate ready to do duty as a palette until I can find an old one or buy new.
Retailers usually offer smaller sizes to hold down prices but our offer this week brings top quality larger tubers at money-saving prices.
The Sun
The card features a bunny holding a tube of toothpaste.
That is why we will never find tuberculosis in the bronchia.
The most forgotten purchase of plants is bulbs, tubers and corms.
An electrode an electron tube that collects electrons which have finished carrying current.
As the science advances, stem cells could reproduce the disease in a test tube.
Times, Sunday Times
Tuberous sclerosis, untreated phenylketonuria and fragile X syndrome are genetic syndromes associated with autism.
A missile catapulted from the Columbia's missile tube and fired its rocket motor.
Snap off the remainder of the capillary tube from the broad upper portion of the pipette which is now destined to form the covering tube or air chamber, or what we may term the "barrel.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Adhesions can involve the uterus, tubes, ovaries, and bowels and can attach any of these structures to each other or to the floor of the pelvic area.
Making a face, Ethan dug into his jacket pockets, producing an astounding array of charms, talismans, herbs, and potions in corked test-tubes.
The remaining pair of pads, mounted at the bottom of the tube, are used as fire buttons.
One person bellowed as he gripped the metal tube in his meaty hands.
Until now Zak, who can't eat and is fed through tubes in his stomach, only had to go on oxygen at night after his oxygen levels dropped sapping him of energy.
Is it not possible that tuberculous badgers cough up infected sputum onto grass which is then eaten by cattle?
Times, Sunday Times
To bring about the first of these reactions rapidly, a catalyzer is employed, and the process is carried out in the following way: Large iron tubes are packed with some porous material, such as calcium and magnesium sulphates, which contains a suitable catalytic substance scattered through it.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
However, I did have a fairly bad time of it last night; so a microcentrifuge tube of EtBr to strange brain functions.
Archive 2008-02-01
The report, which covers 15 zoonotic infections, also provides data on other zoonoses, such as brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis and rabies, and the two parasitic zoonoses trichinellosis and echinococcosis.
Food IngredientsFIrst News
Fourthly, the tube can be curved into the bronchia without deforming its tubular cross section.
I know you can get "modded" controllers, that from what I've seen on youtube, basically replaces your small crosshairs with a great big box in the middle of the screen.
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Last time I bought a bag of big rawhide sticks - long sheets rolled up into tubes, really.
Sunlight (heliotherapy) was often a part of healing and was used to treat many disorders, such as tuberculosis, rickets in children and war wounds.
Summit Daily News - Top Stories
Health and education facilities are minimal and diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and tuberculosis are common.
Some areas of the skull, such as the occipital table or the filling of the narial tubes, are preserved without deformation.
The clinician must look for tuberculosis, and confirm or exclude this treatable malady in any patient who presents with gastrointestinal disease.
Add some water to it, tape on a small blade and a tube of superglue, a spool of fishing line some weights, and a case of beer and a lazy boy (Don't forget to add a 50 inch plasma TV with all the channels,) and you're set.
Survival Water Bottle
Using watercolor, we captured a bit of summer with these functional tubes.
In some instances lameness is mixed as in joint ailments, involvement of the bicipital bursa (bursa intertubercularis), etc. In affections of the extremity there exists supporting leg lameness.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
The said experiments show that with the roll-die drawing process the drawing force can be considerably reduced and surface quality of the shape steel tube improved.
A: Sometimes a small amount of fuel will slosh out of the fuel-filler tube before the gas pump's automatic shutoff kicks in, and it can produce enough fumes to be smelly for a while.
Me & My Car
The posterior portion, known as the iliac tuberosity, is elevated and rough, for the attachment of the posterior sacroiliac ligaments and for the origins of the Sacrospinalis and Multifidus.
II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
The major risk factor is the presence of endotracheal and/or gastric tubes within the nares.
It's a filthy habit that spreads diseases such as tuberculosis.
The Sun
Unfortunately it has not been possible before this to remove all diseased portions, no matter what method was applied, because often tiny lupous tubercles spring up which are almost invisible to the naked eye.
Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated
Medial epicondyle, trochlea, greater and lesser tubercle, " he said.
City of Bones
Preparation for both studies involves antiseptic cleansing of the glans and perimeatal area and the placement of a small caliber lubricated feeding tube into the bladder.
He worked on typhoid fever and tuberculosis a disease he contracted himself.
Tender bulbs, corms and tubers will need protection in cold areas.
He underwent the procedure in which a wire mesh tube is inserted into the coronary artery to clear a blockage.
Times, Sunday Times
If this happens, a tube is put into your urethra to empty your bladder.
We look up now, pale-faced under the bare flourescent tube.
Different diameter capillary tubes are used for thinner or thicker oils.
The dried sample is then transferred to a small thistle-headed funnel which has been cut off from its stem, and the opening plugged with a little glass wool, and round the top rim of which a piece of fine platinum wire has been fastened, in order that it may afterwards be easily removed from the Soxhlet tube.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Based near Bordeaux, WIT is a recently founded firm that packages wine in screw-cap glass tubes containing 4, 5, 6 or 10 centiliters of wine to be sent out as gifts, samples or as "the business card you can drink.
It's Lights, Camera, Strike in France