How To Use Tsushima In A Sentence
On 27 May 1905, after half circumnavigating the world, the Russian fleet was surprised by the Japanese in the Straits of Tsushima between Korea and Japan.
Hikari Mitsushima is very good at playing depressed and apathetic, which is impressive because she used to be a cute pop idol of the kind churned out by the agencies this thread is supposed to be about.
Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » The Jimusho System: Part One
The Koreans, who were considered as vassals, or semi-vassals, came to Japan to present their congratulations on the accession of each new Sh [= o] gun; and some small trade was done at Fusan under the superintendence of the daimi [= o] of Tsushima.
The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
Among the lessons to be drawn from Tsushima, one of the clearest is the weakening effect of divided purpose.
A History of Sea Power
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