
How To Use Tsar In A Sentence

  • A similar problem came up yesterday in reading a Boris Akunin story called Strast' i dolg Passion and duty, set in an alternate Russia which has revived tsardom, along with its Table of Ranks and all the rest of the imperial paraphernalia. TRANSLATION PROBLEMS.
  • Central Asian desert and grow cotton, which tsarist Russia lost access to when the American south, its supplier, began fighting the American north in the Civil A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • His maternal grandfather, who fled Russia to avoid conscription by the tsarist army, was a Hebrew scholar, mystic, mathematician, and inventor who made boots and shoes for a living.
  • But, even when staffed by people with little or no experience in the Communist Party apparat or Soviet state, the new executive institutions bore the unmistakable stamp of the Soviet epoch, and even of the tsarist period.
  • This is true even in the Urban 4-H programs where most of the young shooters or their parentsare not neccesarily primarily interested in hunting perse. The Volokh Conspiracy » Changes in the Gun Culture over the last 25 years
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  • King Frederick William, in a magnanimous gesture, presented the entire room to the tsar.
  • A Russian guide told the visitors of the events on that dark night of Jan 17, 1918, when the Bolshevik Guards called the tsar and his family to the cellar and shot them. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Simeon II, or to give him his civilian name Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, styled himself "tsar of Bulgaria" while he lived in exile. Prepare for the reign of Charles the Meddler | Nick Cohen
  • In reality, the tsar proceeded with extreme caution.
  • No one has named me tsarina yet, which is undoubtedly a relief to the companies that don't want workers poking into their policies on 401 (k) s. Burned!
  • The grand dukes became the tsars of Muscovy, who in turn became emperors of the Russian Empire.
  • Permalink 2 hours ago TheseBootsAreMadeForStalking. com - joyce-dewitt-arrested-dui1 What's a holiday weekend without a classic celebrity DUI arrest?! ShowHype - Top Entertainment News, Videos, and Blogs
  • From the Tsarist Russia time, Georgia locates Transcaucasia is Russia's sphere of influence.
  • AMRITSAR: Om Parkash Soni Congress candidate for the prestigious Amritsar parliament Seat Friday claimed that Congress party would win the Amritsar seat on the basis of development works which were done in last fiver years. PunjabNewsline News
  • Let alone the content of the piece, the tsarist ring of the title was bound to provoke Soviet anger.
  • His study of tsarist censorship was a quest at once painstaking, costly and without visible reward. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's a Cossack, who rose to command a hussar regiment in the army, won the Tsar's special favour, and retired here, away from his own tribal land. The Sky Writer
  • Equally in much demand were also relief images of ancient Russian warriors, powerful outposts, as well as tsarevnas with exuberant crown kokoshniks.
  • As tsar he wanted to apply western mercantilism to stimulate agriculture, industry and commerce.
  • One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
  • A year later, just 25, he was sent to the Tsarist court as British Vice-Consul to Moscow.
  • He became so as he was her lover, and made sure to feed the Imperial bed once he got tired of the aging tsarina or she of him, more likely. Would Potemkin be chavista?
  • It is a poorly kept secret that the collective farms of Stalin kolkhoz were in many places resurrections of the communalized feudal estates that had existed prior to the liberation of the serfs under Tsar Aleksandr II in 1861. The Russian Soul, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Reiber and Richard Wortman, who drew attentionto the despotic qualities that undermined the Tsar’s liberal reforms—See Alfred J. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • In the the Hall of St George, he shows me the newly restored twin-headed eagle, symbol of Tsarist Russia, from the top of the Winter Palace.
  • Not so much 'dark tourism' as an enlightening account of a wretched tsarist penal system. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Thus the fact that the tsar possessed a large army did not mean that he could risk significant external commitments.
  • By the end of the day the members of the Provisional Government were under arrest, the tsar and his family were also under house arrest.
  • The prince's Romanov-style beard may be designed to hide a bobsleighing scar but he turns heads wherever he goes in Russia because of his physical likeness to Tsar Nicholas II, the cousin of King George V, his grandfather.
  • Of course the prince was right, but the sybaritic lifestyle of the old tsarist aristocracy invited nemesis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • The social upheavals and conflicts, the end of tsarist-style deference, and in particular the flow of peasants into the towns had meant that in public people were uncongenial and at home led narrow lives.
  • In February workers overthrew the dictatorial ruler, the Tsar.
  • The town, Tsaritsyn, offered all sorts of advantages. Deathride
  • In 1832, Baron Schilling, a Russian diplomat, linked the Summer Palace of the tsar in St Petersburg to the Winter Palace using a telegraph with rotating magnetized needles.
  • In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania.
  • One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • The last most publicised case was in tsarist Russia in 1911-13 when Menahem Mendel Beilis, a foreman in a brickyard and a non-practising Jew, was charged with the murder of a 13-year-old boy, Andrei Yushchinsky. Letters: The Beilis blood libel
  • How the backward, Oriental tsardom of Muscovy has been transformed into the huge empire of Russia, now comprising one-sixth of the land surface and one-twelfth of the population of the earth, is one of the most fascinating phases of the history of modern times. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • As a result he received the blessing of the Byzantine patriarch and the title of tsar of Bulgaria.
  • In the tsar's view, the new assignment was much more important than the one Paskevich had just completed.
  • The aim was to bring the ordinary believer closer to the church, and incidentally raising its effectiveness for the tsar as an agency for controlling society.
  • The public also can seem a bit dismissive of tsars.
  • If the Tsar had abdicated, what would happen to us?
  • Upon his return to Amritsar, Guru Hargobind recalled the family from Goindwal.
  • There's a cache of stolen tsarist gold that everyone wants to get their hands on. Times, Sunday Times
  • In medieval Veliko Turnovo, royalty and high nobility lived in relative safety behind the massive ramparts of Tsarevets Hill.
  • It acted as an incubator for revolutionaries and their ideas, while telling a tale to the world of tsarist inhumanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crown and the double eagle are very reminiscent of the state emblem of tsarist Russia. Blackwater -- The Home Game (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The last most publicised case was in tsarist Russia in 1911-13 when Menahem Mendel Beilis, a foreman in a brickyard and a non-practising Jew, was charged with the murder of a 13-year-old boy, Andrei Yushchinsky. Letters: The Beilis blood libel
  • Historical artefacts preserved from that period show the might of the Bulgarian tsar dynasties and the influence of the Bulgarian Patriarch.
  • Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.
  • Tsarist Russia was a military empire, and this will be reflected by the many different uniforms on show, including a miniature version worn by the young tsarevich Alexei.
  • Page Summary tsarina: (no subject) [+0] whiskeychick: (no subject) [+0] ysabetwordsmith: Yes ... Frank Frazetta (1928-2010)
  • The scheme may also require a rubber stamp from the US government 's pay tsar. Times, Sunday Times
  • His next sortie was to Russia to work for Tsar Alexander, for whom he created Strawberries Romanoff, in which strawberries are macerated in orange juice and Cointreau and served with chilled crème Chantilly.
  • However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
  • That is why the tsar is now so often photographed with his beloved pet labrador instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know whether this "tsar" idea started over here (UK) or over there (US) but if the record of our drugs tsar, mental health tsar and the like are anything to go by, he (or might it even be a tsarina?) won't make any difference one way or another to the war. Four year anniversary; ongoing tragedy.
  • However, as it does so, it still primarily aids and abets a publishing system that has become as insulated as a Tsarist bureaucracy. Afterthoughts
  • The notion of despotism masquerading as liberation was part of the Victorian liberal stereotype of tsardom.
  • In 1996 a small mission hospital called the Good News Hospital was opened in Mandritsara, a market town in the northern interior of Madagascar.
  • It was no longer a question whether Russia was to have a tsar but whether the tsar should be a monk or not, and whether it should be The Russian Revolution; the Jugo-Slav Movement
  • He was obliged to leg it over the cemetery wall to avoid arrest by the tsar's secret police. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was forced to quit then as the Government 's enterprise tsar. The Sun
  • I don't know why the sheep are called Romanov, because those tsars were generally sterile. [chuckles] And now it turns out that the sheep have been named Romanov. THIRD NATL MEETING OF COOPERATIVES
  • In the Russian empire of the tsars there had been no national republics, just non-ethnic provinces.
  • You say that the Tsar's icon hanging in the Winter Palace is not the original but a copy.
  • Not long after Ivan the Terrible captured the Tatar city of Kazan in 1552, Russian freebooters acting in the Tsar's name began to penetrate beyond the Urals.
  • According to reports, he was fulminating before a ‘small, but appreciative ‘crowd of well-to-do people in Amritsar.’
  • Ivan Assen II, son of tsar Assen I, ascended to the throne in 1218 after dethroning the mediocre ruler Boril with the assistance of Russian and Kumanian troops.
  • Marojejy, Andringitra, Anjanaharibe-Sud, Tsaratanana and Andohahela are significant sites in that they are areas where there is an intact elevational cline from lowland forest through to ericoid thicket. Madagascar ericoid thickets
  • At the same time powerful landed nobles, on whom the tsar depended most immediately for social support and high state personnel, became increasingly resistant to political reform or changes in the patterns of landholding.
  • In Mozart and Salieri he wrote in a highly expressive declamatory idiom, while in Tsarskaya nevesta he used traditional forms and smooth melodies.
  • Neither the tsar nor the tsarina was suited to state dinners, pomp and political windbaggery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stalinabad, the capital of Tadzhik Republic, did regain its original Tadzhik name of Dushanbe, but here the change was back to the old name of a caravan stop and had nothing to do with tsarist Russia. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • Whenever political theorists looked for a contemporary example of such a government, their eyes fell upon either the Ottoman sultans or the Russian tsars and tsarinas.
  • In the next century an Englishman employed by the Tsar visited Central Asia, and this was followed by the dispatch of emissaries to the various khanates of the region.
  • The tsar used to separate and occupy a vast territory of northeast and northwest China.
  • When one erring General committed the Amritsar massacre in India, there was great public outrage in Britain and he was cashiered over it.
  • Few observers, however, even in the Tsardom, gaged the strength or foresaw the effects of the anarchist propaganda which was being carried on suasively and perseveringly, oftentimes unwittingly, in the nursery, the school, the church, the university, and with eminent success in the army and the navy. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • The coffin will remain open because of a Russian tradition going back to the time when people were suspicious that some of their tsars had not died peacefully.
  • Twenty years ago this week the India army stormed the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar, the holiest shrine in the Sikh religion.
  • Pursuant to the employee plan, these TSARs may be exercised upon vesting, which is between 24 months and 36 months after the grant date, and will expire after 10 years. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • After the Tsar recited the Nicene Creed as a profession of faith, and after an invocation of the Holy Ghost and a litany, the emperor assumed the purple chlamys, and the crown was then presented to him. Imperial Crown of Russia
  • Being tsarina, I'd require all 401 (k) trustees to sit through a course on their responsibilities. Burned!
  • If you know anything at all about the tastes of the tsars - think of the Fabergé eggs and you're there - you will understand already how spectacularly immodest the factory's output was.
  • Potemkin was a monster to be remembered among the many who ill-served the tsardom through the centuries. John Paul Jones
  • Few had the courage to buck the system in case they incurred the well-known wrath of the tsar.
  • As winter approached, Napoleon was unable to advance further, nor could he persuade the Tsar to negotiate.
  • So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
  • The reign of Alexander III did a great deal to extend the power of the tsar at the expense of liberties taken for granted in Western Europe.
  • Let alone the content of the piece, the tsarist ring of the title was bound to provoke Soviet anger.
  • As a state legislator he may have voted to let Henry Flagler divorce his dreaming mad tsarina of a wife, but Broward had a larger agenda, and it did not include helping out the big boys he was, after all, a rebel. Dream State
  • A new generation of fervent Sikh preachers is being educated in this seminary near Amritsar.
  • By February 1917 revolution overthrew the Russian Tsar and brought the working class to power, led by the Bolsheviks in October.
  • The crowned heads of Europe - kings, emperors, tsars, and kaisers - still entertained each other at regattas, manœuvres, weddings, and funerals.
  • House's acting cyber - security tsar has resigned from her post, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  • In August 1552 the young Tsar led a Russian army, perhaps 150,000 strong, to besiege Kazan, a walled and moated town set on a hill.
  • Stalingrad did not become again Tsaritsyn, nor did Stalin Peak revert to an earlier name but rather was renamed Communism Peak. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • He realized the gravity of his action, in killing the Tsar's representative, and, while viewing it as necessary, resolved to "expiate" his crime by taking his own life. A Finnish Brutus?
  • The media warmly applauded the commitment, as a means of frustrating the tsarist bear. Times, Sunday Times
  • A key recommendation of the report is that the US to create an " intelligence tsar ".
  • Under Peter the Great, the Romanov tsar who ruled from 1682 to 1725, Russia began a period of imperial expansion that continued into the Soviet period.
  • For 51 days, the Soviet of Workers' Deputies in the then Russian capital St Petersburg had been an alternative power to the tsar, Russia's absolute monarch.
  • As a result of tsarist policies, Crews maintains, "Muslim men and women came to imagine the imperial state as a potential instrument of God's will," and engaged with it to renegotiate their own relationship with Islam as loyal subjects of the tsar. Moscow Bombing: Literature Sheds Light On Problems In Russia
  • The city in south-west Russia was originally called Tsaritsyn until it was renamed after the communist leader in 1925. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • If the Tsar forbore to execute the darkest of the terroristprinces who had been caught up in his nets, Sergei Nechaev, it was perhaps because he could not decide whether it would bemore agreeable to kill him outright or bury him alive in a ravelin of the Fortress of Peter and Paul.1 FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • It was a royal city from 893 to 972 and the reign of Tsar Simeon the Great was the heyday of its glory.
  • Amritsar bound Jansewa Express train collided with a goods train in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly district as the passenger train driver 'overshot' a red signal while the other train was changing tracks. India eNews
  • Among the special schools were those providing secondary education for orphans and girls, which were supervised by the Tsar's mother.
  • However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
  • The ruinous effects of World War I, combined with internal pressures, sparked the March 1917 uprising that led Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
  • She undertook an assignment to enlist Tsarist support for the Boulangists and then travelled to Ireland.
  • The tsarina passed along to her son, Alexei, the gene for hemophilia that had been carried by Victoria. Bloodlust
  • The new tsar acted against the jealousy of other boyar families with intrigue and persecution. 1582
  • In a short scene the Poles, characterised by mazurkas and polonaises, lament the downturn in their fortunes and decide to go in search of the new Russian Tsar and capture him.
  • In 1832, Baron Schilling, a Russian diplomat, linked the Summer Palace of the tsar in St Petersburg to the Winter Palace using a telegraph with rotating magnetized needles.
  • They must be utterly loyal to the tsar or emperor, and be willing to die for him.
  • Other subjects are diverse: the slave trade to Tsarist Russia, Fon proverbs, and the heritage of the slave trade in the literature of areas that received large slave populations.
  • On Tsaratanana montane sclerophyllous forest exists up to about 2,500 m and then shifting to ericoid thicket, while in on these other three massifs the ericoid thicket commences just below 2,000 m. Madagascar ericoid thickets
  • I can find no evidence that any of the tsars are doing this but plenty of evidence that colleagues think it a risk of tsardom.
  • The scheme may also require a rubber stamp from the US government 's pay tsar. Times, Sunday Times
  • He rode in triumph to the Tsar.
  • At seventeen he attempted the life of a Tsarist spy and was sentenced to death, but owing to his extreme youth the sentence was commuted to katorga for life [severe imprisonment, one third of the term in chains]. My Disillusionment in Russia
  • In one sense this is the equivalent in literature of the tradition of kingship or of tsardom in the national politics: the icon of the country's special version of sovereignty. Pushkin's Shakespearean Lover
  • AMRITSAR: In a fatal road accident five people including three women killed and six cortically injured at Harikey Patan in the neighboring district Tarn Taran near Ferozpur border, 60 kilometers from the city of Golden Temple. PunjabNewsline News
  • In March 1842, Mr Clerk of the Ludhiana political agency had led a diplomatic mission to Amritsar to condole with Maharaja Sher Singh on the death of his predecessor and congratulate him upon his accession.
  • The dinner at the Tsarist palace they styled a dacha was an historic occasion between our two countries and deserves to be recorded for posterity. An American Life
  • The Tsar gave him a diamond ring, Metternich a gold snuffbox.
  • His parents were Russian radicals in exile from the Tsarist regime. Deals
  • It predicted an inevitable collapse of tsarist finances and proposed the repudiation of the payment of the tsarist debts.
  • He was forced to quit then as the Government 's enterprise tsar. The Sun
  • Built over a Thracian settlement and a Byzantine fortress, Tsarevets turned into an unapproachable fortress.
  • In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania.
  • The legendary Faberge created a trove of treasures for the Tsars that endure as priceless examples of the craftsman's art.
  • In the reign of the Bulgarian tsar Boris I, those territories were incorporated into several komitati (units of local authority).
  • Europe's Slavonic eastern frontier zone was covered by the kingdom of Poland-Lithuania, and the realms of the tsar of Russia.
  • Guru Tegh Bahadur was the youngest son of Guru Hargobind and Bibi Nanki and was born at Amritsar on April 1, 1621.
  • In 1874, Dostoevsky began work on his final novel, The Brothers Karamazov, his literary masterpiece of parricide that reflected and prophesized the death of the Tsar and in turn, traditional Russian society.
  • It's kind of eery as this is precisely the language Lenin used back in 1917, calling for an end to the war with Germany which was supported by the Tsar. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images Newly-wed Indian women had their hands decorated with 'mehndi' or henna for the upcoming Hindu festival Karva Chauth in Amritsar, October 5, 2009. Festival of Karva Chauth
  • The train departed Amritsar at 6.15 p.m.
  • Bruni's version was completed for the iconostasis of the Church of Annunciation (court chapel in Tsarskoe Selo).
  • She was a famous housewife, ruling her little tsardom magnificently; she knew the ways, the vices and the virtues of mankind as they are set out in the Ten Commandments and the The Precipice
  • The Muscovite tsars rose to power during Mongol rule not by fighting the Golden Horde, but conspiring against other Russian princes.
  • Even with Liverpool's transformation into an un-vanguard and the equally unexpected decision by Lord Wei, unpaid big society "tsar", to volunteer less, through lack of money and time, an initiative that eludes, insults or enrages virtually everyone beyond the innermost parts of the government is to be pursued and where possible imposed by force of will. The 'big society' is collapsing under its inherent absurdity | Catherine Bennett
  • The most significant aspect of the Russian Revolution was the dominant political role played by the proletariat in the struggle against tsarism.
  • As winter approached, Napoleon was unable to advance further, nor could he persuade the Tsar to negotiate.
  • Even when the Baltic lands became outlying provinces of Sweden and later of Tsarist Russia, Germanic merchants and seigneurs continued to dominate Baltic towns and commerce and the manors where Estonians and Latvians were enserfed.
  • Southwest of the tsardom of Muscovy and east of the Holy Roman Empire was the kingdom of Poland, to which Lithuanians as well as Poles owed allegiance. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • The distinctive feature of the Russian tsardom was that, after the fall of Constantinople, it was the only remaining independent Orthodox Christian principality.
  • Press and provincial assemblies hastened to proclaim solidarity with the Tsar.
  • AMRITSAR: Rosebys interiors India Limited today opened its first exclusive showroom in Amritsar. PunjabNewsline News
  • Who persuaded the Tsar to break his word anent Port Arthur? The Stowaway Girl
  • Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature.
  • As it emits colors on green and red, which is old Russia's principal color, it is also called tsarist Russia's national gemstone. discount links of london necklace The stone is a top quality gem and is found mostly in antique Russian ornaments. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Sergei Solov'ev was wrong, however, to accuse the tsar of conducting the war with a lack of resolution.
  • They are supposed to take pride in their country, delight in Russia's tsars, armies and brave field commanders, and revel in the nation's scientific discoveries and success stories.
  • It is a poorly kept secret that the collective farms of Stalin kolkhoz were in many places resurrections of the communalized feudal estates that had existed prior to the liberation of the serfs under Tsar Aleksandr II in 1861. The Russian Soul, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It soon spread throughout Punjab, and the fourth guru, Ram Das, established the holy city of Amritsar.
  • I can show you the secret exit to your chamber, which is activated by placing your palm on the points of the tsaritsa flower in the middle of the window-wall. The Wizard Of Karres
  • The latter was an Anarchist, I was informed, who under the Tsar had been sentenced to katorga. My Disillusionment in Russia
  • Somehow this tsarist splendour seems quite at home in a suburban semi. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Stalinist leadership rehabilitated prerevolutionary military and cultural figures, while championing the Soviet state as the natural heir of the tsarist empire.
  • Assisted by the Germans, who hoped that he would undermine the Russian war effort, Lenin returned home and started working against the provisional government which had replaced the tsarist regime.
  • Excavating tsarist censorship was his life's work, though he would never call it that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Afterwards the Tsar commanded his son to be dressed in the miniature parade uniformof a Hussar of the Life Guards. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • With Punjabi flavour wafting from Murg Amritsar, Achar ka ghosht, Machili malasam and Murg dum biryani on one side, Seema is represented by the likes of Allam kodi kura, Sangati and Vepudu varieties.
  • With this support, the Duma decided to form a temporary government (the Provisional Government) to take the place of the tsar.
  • Consequently, in the Civil War, both the Reds and the Whites had fought for possession of Tsaritsyn. Deathride
  • Added to this cocktail were rumours that the tsarina, Alexandra, and her favourite, the infamous Rasputin, were German spies.
  • A decade later, Carême had become the toast of Napoleonic and Regency Europe and a man whose early death was mourned by emperors, tsars and kings.
  • The word czar comes from the Russian tsar which in turn was derived from the Latin Caesar. South Dakota Politics
  • Like the gathering of mushrooms and berries, the eating of prjaniki, and the consumption of shchi, the drinking of kvass in late Tsarist Russia had become a culture-laden act that helped to define one's Russianness.
  • The alleged distinction between tsaritsa and tsarina does not exist: the latter term is not a Russian word at all, but a west European coinage.
  • How else account, in the aftermath of a successful revolution intended to overthrow and then efface all traces of the hated legacy of tsarist rule, for finding ourselves with a leader who in every significant respect takes the tsars, especially Ivan, as his model, even to the extent of reinstating the law providing punishment for failure to denounce. In the Jaws of Kronos, scene 4
  • Page Summary timesygn: (no subject) [+3] tsarina: (no subject) [+2] fusijui: (no subject) [+0] "Leave off that!" screamed the Queen.
  • In Mozart and Salieri he wrote in a highly expressive declamatory idiom, while in Tsarskaya nevesta he used traditional forms and smooth melodies.
  • One evening she had sat in the Tsar's Box, not in the regular management seats in the stalls.
  • “Sir Alan Sugar has no business on TV now: The appointment of Sir Alan Sugar as enterprise 'tsar' is a stunt, but it is a Government-sanctioned one: and, as such, he should no longer be allowed to appear on his rather coarse television programme, says Simon Heffer” Sunday Morning update: There's been a revolution. Only nobody seems to have noticed
  • In the development of the revolutionary struggle against tsarism, what would be the relationship between the major classes opposed to tsarism - the bourgeoisie, peasantry and working class?
  • The paper tells us that Britain's telecoms watchdog, Ofcom, could have its decisions overturned by Brussels under proposals to create the "tsar", set to be outlined by the EU commission on Tuesday. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The real fear that this revolution might overthrow the Tsar forced him to make some political concessions to appease the masses.
  • The theatre is entering its 116th season, having once played host to tsarist exiles. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Another traveller, Mr. Fairman, is summarily arrested near Rovno where the Tsar's visit is making the police unduly brisk for the moment. Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies
  • And can he do it, when the people clamour only for a strong tsar? Times, Sunday Times
  • The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.
  • When, in 1809, Finland became a grand duchy of the tsarist empire, the first seeds of national self-consciousness were sown.
  • Some of his etymologies seem plausible: Georgian tamada 'toastmaster' from Circassian thaamáta, perhaps originally 'father of the gods'; the name of General Ermolov (who conquered part of the Caucasus for Tsar Alexander I) from Circassian yarmáhl 'Armenian' (though I'll have to check Unbegaun to see if there's a more convincing etymology). NARTS FOR CHRISTMAS.
  • As the upheavals climaxed, Witte persuaded the tsar to sign the “Manifesto of October 17,” in effect replacing absolutism with constitutional monarchy. The Return
  • The reign of the Romanovs began in the so-called troubled time, after the death of the last tsar of the Rurik dynasty in 1598. Great dynasties of the world: The Romanovs
  • But, on first sight, it was suspiciously short of tsardom. BBC Blog Network
  • In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania.
  • Only the united Balkan peoples can give a real rebuff to the shameless pretensions of tsarism and European imperialism.
  • Nowhere on Dharual can one find better-crafted ships than in Covar, a truth held for more than a millenary now (though the Shokunate shows promise in their newest designs, despite Tsarniot attempts to sabotage their development). The Codex Continual » Kharndam Guide: Tsarnus
  • The boyars were the senior aristocracy, the only force in the country capable of competing with the tsar-often with catastrophic results. Russian Road Trip
  • Tsarina is a big tease with the guys.
  • My father believed that our Tsar was weak and made wrong decisions.

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