How To Use Tsa In A Sentence

  • Mr Boardman said: ‘I was out walking with my wife and dog when we happened across a little cove and we found the creature in the flotsam that had been washed up.’
  • Ka go realo, ke laetša gore sela se bego se dirwa maloba sa go hlakiša dinaga tša baagelwane se fetogile. SPEECH BY MS SD MOTUBATSE-HOUNKPATIN DURING THE DEBATE ON PAN AFRICAN PARLIAMENT
  • A similar problem came up yesterday in reading a Boris Akunin story called Strast' i dolg Passion and duty, set in an alternate Russia which has revived tsardom, along with its Table of Ranks and all the rest of the imperial paraphernalia. TRANSLATION PROBLEMS.
  • Central Asian desert and grow cotton, which tsarist Russia lost access to when the American south, its supplier, began fighting the American north in the Civil A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • I'm not saying I believe in curses, but I wouldn't want my mission to be the one they choose to piggyback Lightsail-1 on. Solar sails to take flight - Boing Boing
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  • From its reputation as a cure-all, comes the obscure name of the plant ‘tutsan’ which is a corruption of the French La toute-saine - meaning ‘all-heal’.
  • These intagli would be interesting relics for collectors of such flotsam and jetsam of a ruined dynasty. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • His maternal grandfather, who fled Russia to avoid conscription by the tsarist army, was a Hebrew scholar, mystic, mathematician, and inventor who made boots and shoes for a living.
  • Scrambling to her feet, she zigzagged away across the wasteland, through the grimy cans an(l hubcaps and other roadside jetsam. COMPULSION
  • It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
  • He really felt, right now as he looked at her, that he'd outsailed her and needed another challenge, and anyway, lately he'd been wanting to do more cruising.
  • They are knee-deep in gelid gray water, with food and clothing, skinned seagulls and whale blubber, sheepskins and oilskins - the ancient flotsam of death at sea - sloshing about them.
  • IMO, the word "scrotum" is a more elevated term than others the author might have used: nutsack applesack ballsack Oh, those sneaky sneaks!
  • Maslenitsa, known as the overeating holiday, is the wildest, merriest celebration of the year. Celebration Breads
  • TSA bought a bunch of so-called puffer machines to detect explosives by blowing air on passengers, but they didn't work very well. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
  • But, even when staffed by people with little or no experience in the Communist Party apparat or Soviet state, the new executive institutions bore the unmistakable stamp of the Soviet epoch, and even of the tsarist period.
  • This is true even in the Urban 4-H programs where most of the young shooters or their parentsare not neccesarily primarily interested in hunting perse. The Volokh Conspiracy » Changes in the Gun Culture over the last 25 years
  • It perforated the sheer fabric of her chemise, ran through her body and whipped up the flotsam in her heart.
  • The mizzen-topsail, which was a comparatively new sail and close reefed, split from head to foot in the bunt; the foretopsail went in one rent from clew to caring, and was blowing to tatters; one of the chain bobstays parted; the spritsailyard sprung in the slings, the martingale had slued away off to leeward; and owing to the long dry weather the lee rigging hung in large bights at every lurch. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • Insects and worms hitchhike the ocean on bits of flotsam, coming ashore wherever the winds and currents take them.
  • For example, degraded scatterometer measurements from QuikScat can still be useful for cross-calibrating the mission's climate data record with measurements from other scatterometers, including the operational EUMETSAT ASCAT instrument, India's recently launched Oceansat-2 and a planned Chinese scatterometer. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A hardy Daphne flowers in March, simultaneously with a Coreopsis and two kinds of Litsae with small yellow bells.
  • You are encouraged to help identify flotsam sources, get involved in local beach clean-ups and campaign for responsible disposal of waste by marine industries.
  • He would walk along the beach collecting the flotsam and jetsam that had been washed ashore.
  • Among sports we have terms like parascending and surfari, and nonce adjectives such as sportsational or swimsational which blend words with the last element of sensational.
  • King Frederick William, in a magnanimous gesture, presented the entire room to the tsar.
  • A Russian guide told the visitors of the events on that dark night of Jan 17, 1918, when the Bolshevik Guards called the tsar and his family to the cellar and shot them. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Simeon II, or to give him his civilian name Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, styled himself "tsar of Bulgaria" while he lived in exile. Prepare for the reign of Charles the Meddler | Nick Cohen
  • Bulls and cows in the Tsaatan herd grow velvety racks of antlers.
  • Of course, this is in the context of Raed Jarrar receiving $240k from JetBlue and the TSA for not being able to take himself in a t-shirt with an Arabic motto onto a plane. omigod Says: Matthew Yglesias » Newsflashes
  • You can see Indian and Chinese activists discuss government plans to dam the Yarlong Tsangpo (or Brahmaputra) on the Tibetan Plateau and in Northeast India. Peter Bosshard: Global Grassroots Network Emerges From "Rivers for Life" Meeting in Mexico
  • In reality, the tsar proceeded with extreme caution.
  • Buntsandstein-Hauptbuntsandstein_ (900 ft.), the bulk [v. 04 p. 0802] of this subdivision is made up of weakly-cemented, coarse-grained sandstones, oblique lamination is very prevalent, and occasional conglomeratic beds make their appearance. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • No one has named me tsarina yet, which is undoubtedly a relief to the companies that don't want workers poking into their policies on 401 (k) s. Burned!
  • The grand dukes became the tsars of Muscovy, who in turn became emperors of the Russian Empire.
  • Ptolemy Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene were putting a jigsaw puzzle together, a scene of flowers, grass, and butterflies painted on thin wood that some master craftsman with a fretsaw had cut into small, irregular pieces. Antony and Cleopatra
  • However, he said the NHTSA gave him the "runaround" and Toyota allowed him only to speak to entry-level employees. Latest News -
  • With space at a premium in the tiny nation, futsal has flourished and Bahrain are steadily building up a high-quality national team.
  • Permalink 2 hours ago TheseBootsAreMadeForStalking. com - joyce-dewitt-arrested-dui1 What's a holiday weekend without a classic celebrity DUI arrest?! ShowHype - Top Entertainment News, Videos, and Blogs
  • From the Tsarist Russia time, Georgia locates Transcaucasia is Russia's sphere of influence.
  • AMRITSAR: Om Parkash Soni Congress candidate for the prestigious Amritsar parliament Seat Friday claimed that Congress party would win the Amritsar seat on the basis of development works which were done in last fiver years. PunjabNewsline News
  • For Christmas or New Year's, fortunes in the form of coins, cornel cherry twigs, or slips of paper are inserted in banitsa or bread.
  • According to these proposals, ‘genuine’ asylum seekers, it seems, are simply flotsam washed up by the tidal wave of persecution.
  • Let alone the content of the piece, the tsarist ring of the title was bound to provoke Soviet anger.
  • His study of tsarist censorship was a quest at once painstaking, costly and without visible reward. Times, Sunday Times
  • But unknown to Iphigenia, he was no ordinary fisherman, but a sea wizard, one who lived from the flotsam which washed up upon the beaches and shores of the world.
  • India's Brahmaputra river, known in China as the Yarlung Tsangpo, is a lifeline that provides irrigation and hydroelectric power for several Indian states and Bangladesh. Indian Satellites Confirm China Not Diverting River
  • But surely there's a reason football is infinitely more popular than futsal. The Sun
  • He's a Cossack, who rose to command a hussar regiment in the army, won the Tsar's special favour, and retired here, away from his own tribal land. The Sky Writer
  • According to the TSA, each scan delivers a radiation dose of less than 0.01 millirem. TSA workers, experts worry about radiation exposure
  • Though he clearly outsang most of his competition tonight, I have little use for his relentless screeching. American Idol Episode Recap: The Top 12 Guys Perform
  • Equally in much demand were also relief images of ancient Russian warriors, powerful outposts, as well as tsarevnas with exuberant crown kokoshniks.
  • As tsar he wanted to apply western mercantilism to stimulate agriculture, industry and commerce.
  • A putative virulence region spanning an 80-kb region of pAPEC-1 possesses four iron acquisition systems (iutA iucABCD, sitABCD, iroBCDN, and temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin tsh), a colicin V operon, increasing serum sensitivity iss, ompT, hlyF, and etsABC. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
  • TSA requirements impose a final security check in the aerobridge just before boarding the aircraft," he said. India Says Airline Frisks Ex-President
  • A year later, just 25, he was sent to the Tsarist court as British Vice-Consul to Moscow.
  • They were long open boats with a large spritsail and jib.
  • Arianna Huffington, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (Dailykos) Josh Marshall (talkingpointsmemo. com) are all opening up venues where people who practice the occupation of awakener can do their good work. Awakener; My Occupation. And yours?
  • He masqueraded as the gardener and cook, under the alias of David Motsamayi.
  • Juxtaposed against his traditional weather-beaten cowboy gear is a shining chrome lightsaber — a symbol of his destruction of a Jedi warrior.
  • Could the TSA procedures also shift the mind to the everyday experiences of transgender people, whose genitals are "imaged" by acquaintances without apology? Hayley Gorenberg: TSA Screening Reveals Transgender People's Experiences for All of Us
  • I tell him I don't know what either flotsam or jetsam mean beyond their colloquial connotations.
  • Kohati on see tee Robin Hobbi skill road, kohati tunned ära keskmaa kivised rajad läbi Ürgmägede, siis aga saad aru, et jalutad läbi mõne metsa või mäe kaardi Magicu mängus. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • The Tao Tsang Treasury of Tao, compiled over 2,000 years ago, contains numerous references to heliotherapy, which it refers to as ‘the method of administering sunbeams’. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • He became so as he was her lover, and made sure to feed the Imperial bed once he got tired of the aging tsarina or she of him, more likely. Would Potemkin be chavista?
  • It is a poorly kept secret that the collective farms of Stalin kolkhoz were in many places resurrections of the communalized feudal estates that had existed prior to the liberation of the serfs under Tsar Aleksandr II in 1861. The Russian Soul, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She turned the Zodiac and headed at a sedate speed for the invisible piece of flotsam that was Kyle Donovan. JADE ISLAND
  • Ms. Tsangari, who grew up in Greece and has a master's degree in performance studies from New York University, was an associate producer on "Dogtooth," a New Directors selection from last year.
  • Reiber and Richard Wortman, who drew attentionto the despotic qualities that undermined the Tsar’s liberal reforms—See Alfred J. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • The power of futsal lies in its multiple qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make the tsatsiki by grating the unpeeled cucumber (chop the ends off first and discard).
  • Mr. Tsang said the government plans to waive the stamp duty, or property rates, for 82% of rateable properties in the next financial year, subject to a ceiling of HK$1,500 per quarter for each rateable property. Hong Kong to Sell Inflation-Linked Bonds
  • Dead Lift degenerative problems dementia depression desaturase desserts, sugary detox exercise forinternalin the liverseven channels oftestingdetox formula diabetes adult-onsetand good fatsand inflammationand obesitydiallyl sulfide DAS The Fiber35 Diet
  • These polymer support are polyvinylpyrrolidone ( PVP ), sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ), chitsan ( CS ) and cyanoethylated cellulose ( CC ).
  • No fewer than 20 legislative acts will be required, says Mr Otsason.
  • Which TSA is a Simulink simulation cycle time.
  • Tsavo West is filled with crocodiles, vervet monkeys, antelope, baboons, giraffes and hippos.
  • At the end of our journey, back in Zheleznitsa, we lay down by the side of the river and even had a quick dip in it.
  • Durga Puja [Worship of Durga´], also referred as Durgotsab [Festival of Durga] is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates worship of Hindu goddess Durga. American Chronicle
  • Rehefa latsaka anaty haizina ny arabe sy ny avenues, tsy misy asany koa ny jiro fandrindràana [...] 7 September 2009, 12: 23 pm Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Solving the Issue of Power Outages
  • The sandal was a present from Sylvia, who mounted an exhibition of flotsam temple shoes on Hokkaido a few years ago. Wildwood
  • Finally, the synthetic system of noise fuzzy assessment developed was used to assess noises of a woodworking sander, planer, fretsaw, obtaining their noise assessment results.
  • The women were blonde because they were hairdressers, not jet-set jetsam.
  • The airlines would upload passenger lists to the Transportation Security Administration, which would then compare the lists themselves, The TSA says that since it will be more efficient at preventing name mismatches than airlines because the checking will all be centralized. hearing before a House Homeland Security subcommittee on Tuesday, where lawmakers again peppered officials from the TSA and the Terrorist Screening Center with questions about why the watch lists keep snagging innocent Americans. Legitgov
  • Kalibo, Aklan (19 March) -- Ang mga Pilipino nga indi pa rehistrado nga botante apang gusto magboto sa maabot nga 2010 nasyonal kag lokal nga eleksyon ang may tsansa pa nga makaparehistro antes mag-abot o sa adlaw mismo sang Oktubre 15, ang gintalana nga deadline sang rehistrasyon sang Commission on Elections (COMELEC) sa mga upisina sang COMELEC o sa mga gindesignar nga mga lugar sang rehistrasyon. Undefined
  • Javier Lozano's decision to step down as Spain coach marks the end of an era in Spanish futsal.
  • Who would win the lightsaber duel anakin skywalker or starkiller from starwars the force unleashed? SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1127
  • But like lefties everywhere, clinging to whatever jetsam keeps us afloat, I believe every revolution ere now was betrayed.
  • Located about two hours west of Sofia in the Sredna Gora highlands, Koprivshtitsa is a prime example of Bulgaria's attempt to promote its country life to tourists.
  • The homeless sleep in doorways and stations - we step over their bodies like so much human flotsam.
  • Perhaps that is why I was forced to stand on a platform with my hands held to my head so another TSA agent could inspect a computer-generated version of my unclothed body. Faiz Siddiqui: Don't Grope Me, Bro
  • Nnete ke gore, ke ka dinako tša mathata tše di swanago le tše, fao re lebanego le tlhotlo e kgolo ya gore re itshware bjalo ka maloko a makgonthe a ANC, ao a tla dirago tšohle gore leina la mokgatlo le dule le le le lebotse, le gore re dule re kopane. Polelo ya go Tswalela Modiro ya Presidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Go Khansele Kakaret�o ya Bobedi Ya ANC Tshwane
  • Explainer, "Michelle Tsai incorrectly used the term syndesmosis as a synonym for" high ankle sprain. Slate Magazine
  • In the the Hall of St George, he shows me the newly restored twin-headed eagle, symbol of Tsarist Russia, from the top of the Winter Palace.
  • Couscous with parsley and mint, falafel on picks, a cherry tomato and a marzipan chocolate in the foreground; Tsatsiki, rucola, steamed pumpkin and a container with muhammara for dipping in the background. Bento #270 « Were rabbits
  • One of the most admirable aspects of sailing and yacht racing is that, using only Nature's powers - the wind and the tide - a sailing craft leaves no flotsam and jetsom in its wake, only pristine waters.
  • Aim To investigate the cytotoxic activity of HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A (TSA)combined with anticancer drugs targeting DNA on T24 bladder cancer cell line.
  • Is it possible that Maritsa is talking about the increase in tax on cash deposits exceeding a certain level each month? esperanza Mexican govt taking your money?
  • As I carried considerable weight in my gown, about ten pounds of silver, our two revolvers, the telescope, our silver-lined tsamba basins and dry stockings for us both, Mr. Rijnhart cautioned me not to fall off, for with such impedimenta about me he could do nothing to save me. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • We ran and we danced among the flotsam and jetsum of out digital lives, scattering bon mots like candies to the poor and needy children around us.
  • Tens of thousands of Transportation Security Administration TSA screeners are now casting votes to choose a union to collectively bargain for cushier personnel practices on their behalf. Ready for Unionized Airport Security?
  • I can rummage around in the so-called dustbin of history for aesthetic flotsam like sewing patterns, and then wear them in front of my computer. Again with the Summer - A Dress A Day
  • One man laboriously cut the pierced decoration with a fretsaw and a variety of steel punches.
  • The Khans celebrate Ganeshotsav every year, but this time, the live telecast of the family performing 'aarti' (invocation) of Lord Ganesh has irked some community leaders. NAACHGAANA
  • But what I prized most of my early scriptings was describing the Blue Nile with the phrase, "The Mount Everest of Rivers," which Google now shows includes the Amazon and Tibet's Tsangpo, and a raft of other lesser streams. Richard Bangs: Avoid Clichés Like the Plague
  • Mo lebakeng le, NGC e ne ya dumela gore mo ditokomaneng tsa rona re tshwanetse go tlhagisa kemokgatlhanong e e siameng ya rona malebana le bobodu le go tlhagisa gape boineelo mabapi le go bo lwantsha. Polelo ya Tswalelo ya Poresidente ya Mokgatlho wa African National Congress (ANC), Thabo Mbeki, Kwa Khanseleng ya Bobedi ya Kakaretso ya Boset�haba (National General Council - NGC) ya ANC Tshwane
  • Not so much 'dark tourism' as an enlightening account of a wretched tsarist penal system. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Thus the fact that the tsar possessed a large army did not mean that he could risk significant external commitments.
  • Israeli President Moshe Katsav has submitted his letter of resignation a day after accepting a plea bargain that allows rape charges against him to be dropped.
  • Des Manns mir seltsam klang, seltsam und freundlich -- The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
  • By the end of the day the members of the Provisional Government were under arrest, the tsar and his family were also under house arrest.
  • The prince's Romanov-style beard may be designed to hide a bobsleighing scar but he turns heads wherever he goes in Russia because of his physical likeness to Tsar Nicholas II, the cousin of King George V, his grandfather.
  • Of course the prince was right, but the sybaritic lifestyle of the old tsarist aristocracy invited nemesis. Times, Sunday Times
  • E bontsha ka moo "Supplementary Valuation Roll" e etsoang ka teng. e.g. ka morao ha "Valuation Roll" e entsoe, ho etsahale hore hobe le ditulo tse neng di sa kenyelletswa ka phoso, kapa tse qalang ho kenyelletswa, kapa tse neng di sa kengwa ka molao, ho hlokahala hore di kenyelletswe, kapa tseo ho hlokahalang hore di yelletswe ka morao ha diqeto tsa Minister, di lokela ho hlahela ho "Supplementary Valuation Roll" e updatang "Original Valuation Roll SPEECH BY MR S MSHUDULU, ANC MP DURING THE PROPERTY RATES BILL DEBATE
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • He spends four or five days a week in the main cannery in Samutsakorn, southwest of Bangkok, with occasional visits to a smaller plant in Petchaburi.
  • While he was still president, Katsav complained that he was facing a political witch-hunt and accused the Israeli press of printing "poisonous, horrible lies.
  • The social upheavals and conflicts, the end of tsarist-style deference, and in particular the flow of peasants into the towns had meant that in public people were uncongenial and at home led narrow lives.
  • In February workers overthrew the dictatorial ruler, the Tsar.
  • The town, Tsaritsyn, offered all sorts of advantages. Deathride
  • He said that the reason aside from the lack of space, the reason that futsal has gained popularity was because it required less people and less equipment.
  • There were more than 6000 monasteries and nunneries in the three regions of Tibet - U-Tsang, Dotö and Domey.
  • le gore ke tla šireletša kopano le leina le le botse la mokgatlo le ditheo tša wona, le go lwantšha mekgwa ya tshenyo le dihlophahlophana ka gare ga mokgatlo. Polelo ya go Tswalela Modiro ya Presidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Go Khansele Kakaret�o ya Bobedi Ya ANC Tshwane
  • Dem kittehs of mien….spoiled heethurns, I sware! catsablanca says: Bunk beds – not for everybody. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Police are also investigating the gang's possible links to three hijackings and another murder, all in Mdantsane.
  • Flotsam and jetsam drifted from the yacht, some having already washed ashore.
  • That one will go down in history as it marked the coming of age of Spanish futsal.
  • In 1832, Baron Schilling, a Russian diplomat, linked the Summer Palace of the tsar in St Petersburg to the Winter Palace using a telegraph with rotating magnetized needles.
  • KWANGCHOW, China - The She-tsan Kuan restaurant was located somewhere within the chaotic bowels of Kwangchow, a city of 3.5 million Chinese and 1 million bicycles in 1976. Undefined
  • The spritsailyard rattled, and broke off sharp'at the point where it crossed the bowsprit; and a heavy smashing thump against our bows told, in fearful language, that we had run her down. Tom Cringle's Log
  • They are knee-deep in gelid gray water, with food and clothing, skinned seagulls and whale blubber, sheepskins and oilskins - the ancient flotsam of death at sea - sloshing about them.
  • Later that day the new duty crew were scrambled to attempt to put a team of salvage experts on board the Kodima, which by now was being driven inshore towards Whitsand Bay, which was liberally scattered with planks of wood from the cargo.
  • While there are trained artists--perhaps inspired by Gaudí's early 20th-century mosaics or Marcel Duchamp's readymades--who sculpt and construct large-scale artworks made from repurposed cast offs, many more are dreamers with ordinary day jobs who abhor waste, have a penchant for collecting, and seize upon an unstoppable urge to create something beautiful from the flotsam and jetsam modern life. Trash Art: California's Artistic Recycling Revolution
  • In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania.
  • The homeless sleep in doorways and stations - we step over their bodies like so much human flotsam.
  • Mr. Katsav resigned recently as part of a plea bargain that enabled him to avoid being indicted on more serious charges of rape and abuse of power.
  • One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
  • The roil and swell of popular feeling flings all sort of flotsam and jetsam into our public debate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sa imbistigasyon nga gihimo sa kapolisan, nasayran nga nagpaingon na ang biktima sa ilang balay dihang giatangan siya sa suspetsado ug walay daghang langas, giligid siya og tigbas sa gitangkil nga sundang niini nga may gitas-ong 20 pulgadas. - RSS Feeds
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • They had nutritionists swooning but Oliver soared clear over double-oxers, and Cassidy outsang the birds. The Elvis Latte
  • The last most publicised case was in tsarist Russia in 1911-13 when Menahem Mendel Beilis, a foreman in a brickyard and a non-practising Jew, was charged with the murder of a 13-year-old boy, Andrei Yushchinsky. Letters: The Beilis blood libel
  • The latest Pirates installment, outsailed its predecessor. Faces Of The Week July 10-14, 2006Forbes Faces Of The Week July 10-14, 2006
  • How the backward, Oriental tsardom of Muscovy has been transformed into the huge empire of Russia, now comprising one-sixth of the land surface and one-twelfth of the population of the earth, is one of the most fascinating phases of the history of modern times. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • As a result he received the blessing of the Byzantine patriarch and the title of tsar of Bulgaria.
  • In the tsar's view, the new assignment was much more important than the one Paskevich had just completed.
  • At a school in Savannakhet's Atsaphangthong district, UXO Lao staffers lead elementary and middle school children in songs about the dangers of unexploded ordnance and put on a puppet show about a little boy who loses an eye in a bombie explosion. - 30-year-old bombs still very deadly in Laos
  • The aim was to bring the ordinary believer closer to the church, and incidentally raising its effectiveness for the tsar as an agency for controlling society.
  • The public also can seem a bit dismissive of tsars.
  • Sails named for parts of the ship include gaff sails, jib-headed sails, spritsails, and lateen and lugsails.
  • Aim To investigate the cytotoxic activity of HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A (TSA)combined with anticancer drugs targeting DNA on T24 bladder cancer cell line.
  • Tthe latest Pirates installment, outsailed its predecessor. Depp's 'Pirates' Hauls In Record Bounty For Disney
  • I had some bad resultsand I mean *bad* with a supposedly good cookbook a while back, so at least you know these will turn out! Black and White Cookies | Baking Bites
  • The spritsail flapped emptily and the boat righted to an even keel, causing the two men swiftly to change position.
  • The Athenians perceiving their intention extended their own right wing and outsailed them, 5 while their left had by this time passed the point of Cynossema. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • DLTSage performs error analysis and predictive diagnostics on its SDLT drives.
  • The toxic mechanism of benzoic acids to Photobacterium phosphoreum was mainly electrophilic and toxicities could be described by TSA in combination with ELUMO.
  • Dr Litsa Lambrakos, of the University of California, said: "We can demonstrate an association between daily consumption of sugared beverages and diabetes risk.
  • If the Tsar had abdicated, what would happen to us?
  • Upon his return to Amritsar, Guru Hargobind recalled the family from Goindwal.
  • There's a cache of stolen tsarist gold that everyone wants to get their hands on. Times, Sunday Times
  • In medieval Veliko Turnovo, royalty and high nobility lived in relative safety behind the massive ramparts of Tsarevets Hill.
  • It acted as an incubator for revolutionaries and their ideas, while telling a tale to the world of tsarist inhumanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spritsail was a simple triangular sail, whose leading edge was fastened to the mast by a rope.
  • Although you may not see it in the movies every true Jedi knight is required to build their own Lightsaber. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1216
  • The crown and the double eagle are very reminiscent of the state emblem of tsarist Russia. Blackwater -- The Home Game (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • We bowed and seated ourselves upon rugs provided for us, while the women gave us tea in china basins into which a piece of butter and some tsamba had previously been put; we were also served some bread fried in fat, and hong-tsao-er, a dried With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • The last most publicised case was in tsarist Russia in 1911-13 when Menahem Mendel Beilis, a foreman in a brickyard and a non-practising Jew, was charged with the murder of a 13-year-old boy, Andrei Yushchinsky. Letters: The Beilis blood libel
  • Historical artefacts preserved from that period show the might of the Bulgarian tsar dynasties and the influence of the Bulgarian Patriarch.
  • Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Bombenbauen und Raketenbasteln in Gaza zur Grundausbildung vom Kleinkindesalter weg geh #246; rt, erscheint das neu geforderte Spielzeugpistolenverbot etwas bizarr. Jihad Monitor
  • Everything at BG was good - lotsa lava, cajun chicken burger, some barramundi dish and even the garlic bread deserve an applaud. Natinski Diary Entry
  • declared Matsa frantically as he hit what would have been the enter key on a non elven computer, but in the unlearned language Matsa wasn't sure of it.
  • You can well imagine the reports from Normandy: the reporter would have his back to the sea so the camera caught the wreckage, the metal flotsam, the blasted craft and bobbing bodies.
  • Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.
  • There were deserters and rejects from the American army, one or two curious fragments of human flotsam from the Spanish Civil War, and the first American negro Raymond had known, a huge, clever man, rumoured to be a lawyer from West Virginia. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • For centuries the nomadic Tsaatan people have roamed the taiga of northern Mongolia, raising the reindeer that provide their livelihood.
  • A Letter of Practical Advice on Sutra and Tantra – or, more literally, A Brief Indication of the Graded Pathway Minds (Lam-gyi rim-pa mdo-tsam-du bstan-pa) – is an overview of the most important points for sutra and tantra meditation. A Letter of Practical Advice on Sutra and Tantra
  • It's "borsch" and "vam nravitsa" plus America does border Russia at the tip of Alaska. Archive 2008-04-01
  • For the first time in the history of the Pan-American games, futsal featured on the programme of events.
  • Kano eo Khansele e Akaretsang ya Naha e itseng e lokela ho bopa karolo ya foromo ya botho ba mokgatlo wa rona, e nehwang ditho tse ntjha ha di kena, e bolela ka ho hlaka hore ditho tsa rona di itlama ho "sebeletsa ho etsa hore ANC e be sesebediswa se sebetsang hantle haholo sa tokoloho, se leng matsohong a batho". Puo ya ho kwala mosebetsi ya MoPresidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Khanseleng e akaretsang ya bobedi ya naha ya ANC Tshwane
  • I had just about run myself dry of duff funnies regarding the trusty Smith and Whatsaname.
  • After a few more shops all the geegaws bled together and I could take no more fabulous flotsam.
  • Gero Pius Caputsapiens (Germanice Weishaupt), persona in rebus 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
  • Memories were surfacing in his mind, like flotsam from a shipwreck, drawn upwards from the deep.
  • Tsarist Russia was a military empire, and this will be reflected by the many different uniforms on show, including a miniature version worn by the young tsarevich Alexei.
  • Page Summary tsarina: (no subject) [+0] whiskeychick: (no subject) [+0] ysabetwordsmith: Yes ... Frank Frazetta (1928-2010)
  • My first executive assistant was Hu Tsang, a thirty-three year-old graduate of the Kennedy School.
  • A second witness, onsetter Chris du Plooy, was also asked to stand down minutes after taking the witness stand, when mine counsel Chris Loxton pointed out that du Plooy would be cross-examined on incomplete evidence by Potsane. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In addition to this flotsam, which is found in large masses in every big city, the militia which I mentioned consists of many adherents of an international European republic. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand Lassalle
  • If we're to outsmart and outsail the Ilse Witch and her Mwellrets and perhaps do battle with Black Moclips, we have to be at our best. Antrax
  • But I saw a troubling current running through a couple of those commentsand it is that current, rather than the contrary viewpoint, to which I wish to respond here. I Have Seen The Enemy and It Is . . .
  • The scheme may also require a rubber stamp from the US government 's pay tsar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Genes (by probeset) were ranked first by degree of upfold regulation with 5-aza / TSA treatment and second by COPA upregulation at the 90 th percentile. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • His next sortie was to Russia to work for Tsar Alexander, for whom he created Strawberries Romanoff, in which strawberries are macerated in orange juice and Cointreau and served with chilled crème Chantilly.
  • Men här är det annorlunda: outsäglig längtan slår 8 sina vingar kring min panna; som en drömmande jag går, kan ej glömma Balders hage, kan ej glömma eden än, som hon svor, -- _hon_ bröt den icke, grymma gudar bröto den. Fritiofs Saga
  • However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
  • Michael rose to the top, he outsang his cynics, he outdanced his doubters, he outperformed the pessimists. CNN Transcript Jul 7, 2009
  • One ultimately abandoned direction was that of a pale, bald-headed female warrior with twin lightsabers.
  • That is why the tsar is now so often photographed with his beloved pet labrador instead. Times, Sunday Times

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