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How To Use Try In A Sentence

  • Laura Wade's Posh, timed to open as the Tories edged into power in May 2010, reminded us just what we were in for: overprivileged hooligans in drinking-society blazers who trash a pub as thoughtlessly as they will trash the country. Dominic Cooke: a life in theatre
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
  • The mysterious jack snipe is a typical bird of the often water-logged northern taiga, birch and willow country.
  • The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity, though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate.
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  • Our ambition is to build a prosperous, inclusive and outward-looking country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interiors are beautifully kept and the countryside is lush and fruitful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • Of all types of commercially based American music, jazz is the one that has most consistently fostered musical artistry on a high level.
  • There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.
  • Neither of them sugar-coat the ups and down of working in the industry, but they will open your eyes a great deal about the false assumptions that you're making.
  • Obviously, I'm not Catholic, but I think it takes a lot of effrontery for the media to try to dictate the doctrine for Catholics.
  • You may be trying to invoke the ‘echos from the supernal world’ but they're everywhere and where-ever people say they're doing magic there's a bit of truth there.
  • Try feeling a little "schlubby" popping around the corner for a newspaper. Wine Shopping in San Francisco, Italian Style
  • The only people she would be able to talk to in English would be Ovidiu, and marginally to Rica with the broken language he was still trying to learn.
  • They conquered the southern part of the country in a few months.
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • The study predicted that, by 2022, the country would still require $7.2 billion in foreign aid a year—and that assumes an upsurge of so-far inexistent mining-industry revenue and no dramatic deterioration of security. Afghanistan Seeks Enduring Support
  • If you're partial to poultry, the Nostos Special is a good bet at $7.95 for a grilled half chicken and $14.95 for a whole one.
  • If the adventurers try to reach location 14 they will have to pass scores of biting faces and clutching hands.
  • The snowy dome of Fujisan reddening in the sunrise rose above the violet woodlands of Mississippi Bay as we steamed out of Yokohama Harbour on the 19th, and three days later I saw the last of Japan — a rugged coast, lashed by a wintry sea. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • My fellow countrymen were killing and harming each other in ways that I previously could not have fathomed. Soiya Gecaga: Being the Change That I Wish To See In the World
  • Add the toasted almond slivers and mix well before turning into the pastry case. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Danish Dairy Board and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries supported this study.
  • Entry forms for the forthcoming Community Games should have been received by now.
  • There are some trademark pieces - elegant-legged tables and high-quality marquetry - mixed in with contemporary designer furniture, antique shop finds and some very in-your-face art.
  • It is murder trying to find a parking place for the car.
  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • Most organic farmers try to supply their nitrogen needs with legumes in the crop rotation or with manures and composts.
  • We do not allow people a second try on a second question when they have so absurdly got it right the first time round.
  • There are no problems, either, in regard to fuels and lubricants, that is, in the refining industry. The Speech
  • The two-hour show was televised on the national network so the whole country could watch.
  • His entry into the takeaway arena was somewhat fortuitous. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the alpine end of the sport needs only cold weather to produce skiable terrain, cross-country must have snow.
  • They are trying to rush through the draft resolution before the general election.
  • Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • I do not of course mean, Heaven forbid! that people should try to converse seriously; that results in the worst kind of dreariness, in feeling, as Stevenson said, that one has the brain of a sheep and the eyes of a boiled codfish. From a College Window
  • Savona also includes several family recipes from Malta, such as Nanna's rice salad, which I'm anxious to try. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • Speed ramps along College Road, put in to try and dissuade boy racers who use the road to cut from one side of the town to the other, have been branded useless.
  • She decided she would try to forget the episode by the lake.
  • All he could do was try different arrangements of transmitter and receiver. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • Cazalbou's injury-time try came too late to ruin the party.
  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
  • Another group of supervisors from light manufacturing industry are undertaking a conversion course to catering supervisor.
  • Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******. Support Al Kemal for Mayor of London: the People’s Choice! « raincoaster
  • A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, swaying uncertainly and trying hard to stay upright.
  • That said, the chemistry between the two brings a thrilling tingle of excitement to the tale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting.
  • While you're in Miami, make sure you stay up to see the sun come up … and try a drink called Miami Vice, which is a mix of daiquiri and pina colada. Insider's guide to music pilgrimages: Hip-hop, dance, disco, electro
  • A country which once conquered the commercial world now fails to make the most of the global market place.
  • The Government should give industry a lead in tackling racism .
  • On Friday, we thought we'd try lunch at the Stag and Hounds in Binfield, but there wasn't a table free, so we'd headed back homewards and went to the poshest place in the village.
  • The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.
  • Instead they have further undermined the economy by driving capital and foreign investors out of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • When combined with combinatorial chemistry methods, scientists can dramatically increase their chances for a hit. The Scientist
  • The family is the one place that should be a guarantee of safety to its members, especially its most vulnerable members, and this legislation goes part-way towards trying to define that and to defend that right.
  • They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.
  • Many of them had not undertaken even the leaving certificate or the academic entry qualifications necessary to enter university.
  • Proper footgear for the Confederate infantry was in shortest supply.
  • Not so with this trivial, lawless country club set of the 1920's, drunk part of the time and reckless all of it, codeless, dutiless, restless. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • There have been monumental social and demographic changes in the country.
  • We're trying to bring along several promising young football player.
  • He said the long term vision of the ginnery is to establish a fully fledged textile industry, which will produce finished materials if the company started producing more lint than what the customers could take.
  • The prosecution has been given a week to decide whether to retry the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the end, though, Smith was beginning to realise the futility of trying to liberate a proletariat that seemed quite content to remain unliberated.
  • Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
  • People consumed fewer calories without even trying to do so.
  • On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • We have increased by tens of thousands the number of surgical procedures being carried out in this country.
  • We're trying to solve the difficult problem by ourselves.
  • He insisted the second try - which levelled the scores in injury time - was short of the line.
  • This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.
  • One thing's for sure: Rosen won't be trying to play the role of sole rainmaker.
  • We are trialling it for commercial growing for the first time in this country.
  • They soon added a try when one of their strong running centres burst through some ineffectual tackling to score under the posts.
  • We did get a digital box so we could record programs and watch them at our leisure and not get tied to a schedule for tv programs but we end up recording so much that it always seems like I spend more time trying to watch tv and clear space in my digi box than write. On Efficiency, Or How To Get Everything Done As A Multi-Tasking Writer - by Joanna Penn | The Creative Penn
  • He swept his hands up and down the smooth sides, trying to find a notch or groove.
  • Johnson and a cohort of industry representatives have been busy banging the drum for London's fintech scene.
  • And it was perhaps insensitive to try to sell pet funerals to distressed purchasers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wasn't trying to give her false hope.
  • His golf swing is poetry in motion .
  • 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
  • In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
  • Received telemetry data confirmed the initial phases of the mission to be nominal.
  • The restaurant is definitely trying to get you to go for this choice. The Sun
  • As such, hemp is legal in virtually every country on Earth except the United States. Harvey Wasserman: Legal Pot or Bust!
  • The boracic powder was lifted in my absence from the _Pharmacie_ to try and get the first glimmerings of a slide on that sticky creosoted floor. Fanny Goes to War
  • The solution is to use optical interferometry.
  • The "fruitily perfumed pineapple weed" that came to Britain from Oregon in the late 19th century and then began to spread throughout the countryside, Mr. Mabey says, "exactly tracked the adoption of the treaded motor tyre, to which its ribbed seeds clung" as if the treads were the soles of climbing boots. Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
  • The establishment of administrative accountability system in our country soon, And accountability is still in the consubstantial Accountability stage.
  • The glistening mushrooms were plump and earthy against the dry, crunchy pastry softened by the delicate, herby cream sauce.
  • a demarche is the strongest sanction a country can exercise against another. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
  • He infected mice and rabbits with Trypanosoma gondii, the parasite responsible for the dreaded sleeping sickness, then injected the animals with chemical derivatives to determine if any of them could halt the infection. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Last April I wrote a column that suggested it was unwise to try to load the .45 Colt to levels approaching the .44 Magnum.
  • He had been trying to persuade me to disregard what he termed the obstinacy of the old folks, and said impatiently: Nick Baba's Last Drink and Other Sketches
  • The business of the dairy, like the feeding of hogs and poultry, is originally carried on as a save-all. XI. Book I. Of the Rent of Land
  • And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
  • He came back to one of my classes and talked about all this stuff like how if you don't know what you're doing, you can just get sliced in half trying to hop the trains.
  • Despite having all the appropriate authorisations in their possession, they were unable to produce the program for which they had travelled to the country.
  • And since the Department of Public Prosecutions are so hot on prosecuting hatred and bigotry, let me point out an example to them.
  • Vordul's verse is uninspiring and sounds much more like spoken word poetry, rather than a proper rap.
  • Life isn't a competition. It's a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you're wasting your journey.
  • Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more. 1601
  • The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration. Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
  • A dislocated wrist, unsuccessfuily set, occasioned advice from my surgeon, to try the mineral waters of Aix, in Provence, as a corroborant. Autobiography
  • There's no entry in his diary for that day.
  • Sémillon (also Muscadelle and Sauvignon Blanc) is the best grape for making botrytis-affected sweet wines.
  • We see him speaking with Budd, trying to convince him to watch out.
  • Well, sir, I won't say anything about the hextry gas, though a poor widder and sevenpence hextry on the thousand, but I'm thinkin 'if you would give my Rosie a lesson once a week on that there pianner, it would be a kind of set-off, for you know, sir, the policeman tells me your winder is a landmark to' im on the foggiest nights. The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
  • Ignoring it shows total disrespect for their country. The Sun
  • Bond really has to work in this movie - he has to set up his cover well in advance and try not to be noticed.
  • But what would happen if that gaze turned to the IT industry, and asked us what we are doing to reduce our carbon footprint? Computing
  • She also advised them to avoid characters who worked in town planning, civil engineering or dentistry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entry requirements are five passes in the Leaving Certificate including mathematics and English and one higher level grade C.
  • The country was administered by the British until very recently.
  • sericultural industry
  • We examined publication bias and related biases in funnel plots and carried out a test of funnel plot asymmetry.
  • Their green rings, circular or ovoidal in form, abounded in all parts of the country, and it was in these circles they were said to dance through the livelong night. Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
  • The investigation will try to find out where the guilt for the disaster really lies.
  • When they relate poetry to music, they invite harsh criticism on two fronts, not just one.
  • He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist. Plan of Attack
  • Most of last week was spent concentrating on trying to get the pitch dry because of all the rain we had.
  • The ministry says the tiny amounts of iodine-131 pose no threat to public health.
  • She is well schooled in poetry
  • What splendor and pulchritude, what symmetry in all things, what assets for the necessities of life have you not granted and assigned to this land and its inhabitants! Brotherhood of the Butterfly Net
  • We also believe that practically any country that degrades women or any country that cuts them off from the vital life of the country is making a very big mistake.
  • I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the domed forest-trees on the slopes, and was fortunate in meeting a gentleman intent on preserving in art the beauties of his country. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • The efforts of the Emperor Franz Joseph and the ruling elite to divert attention from their country's increasingly threadbare imperial pretensions furnished Musil with comic material galore.
  • She was accused of failing to keep her promise to work with the aviation industry to improve the choice of destinations.
  • To which I responded matter-of-factly, ‘This is a bilingual country.’
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
  • He beat on the man's muscular arm, trying to pull himself free as the man opened up the door.
  • The openings came amid fresh political uncertainty in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bird was trying to find food for its brood.
  • In the early years of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and even one author's experience under the CISP program, the term compensating control was used to describe everything from a legitimate work-around for a security challenge to a shortcut to compliance. CSO
  • The Bantustans represented an imposed tribalism, with indigenous Africans forcibly displaced onto reservations carved out of the country's poorest land.
  • CAMBODIA - Cambodia is alarmed at the illegal import of pigs from the neighboring country of Viet Nam. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • It was the force of global industry that cemented the worldwide tendency for driving on the right.
  • Greg Wood is one of only 150 men and women in this country to devote themselves to the welfare of our horses' gnashers.
  • He has pledged to bring his country to peace by the end of the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
  • For the whole night, under the influence of a hallucinogen called yagé, the healer sings his song the power of which is due not to words, lyrics, or poetry.
  • Drinking among the upper classes of Persian society, for example, took place at secret parties reminiscent of Greek symposia with their strictly ritualized etiquette and emphasis on poetry and discussion.
  • If I'm trying to find a contact name and I type "Kab" that means I'm looking for someone whose name starts with or includes those letters; don't autocorrect it to "tab" just because I have someone whose name does include that. Samsung Galaxy S II and HTC Incredible S smartphones – review
  • It is a long-term task to rebuild the infrastructure of a war-torn country such as Angola.
  • You've also threatened, or you've also mentioned that my relationship threatens my country and again I find that such a huge leap of illogic.
  • Quintus is aiming its product at the high-tech and software industry and hardware and software managers inside end-user organisations.
  • It seemed the whole of the country was there in one form or another.
  • Both see the value of learning poetry by rote. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.
  • I personally try and keep it simple with a Grande, skim, triple, bone-dry cappuccino, which is Starbuck's English for the kind of cappuccino you'd get at the Rome airport. Mark Strausman: A Chef's-Eye View of Starbucks
  • Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator. Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
  • The historic buildings which will receive grants in the present allocation are from right across the country.
  • Many birds are nesting earlier than they used to, while others are overwintering in this country instead of migrating to warmer parts.
  • Police are still trying to establish the cause of the accident.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; living = 1; nickname = sharon-glassman; entry_id = 212862; humor = 1; kimpton-hotels = 1; melatonin = 1; new-york-city = 1; pillows = 1; sleep = 1; snoring = 1; snoring-remedies = 1; women = 1", Sharon Glassman: Why Can't Women Sleep? Part V - The Zzz-inducing Joy of Things Gone Wrongly Right
  • The country is experiencing a severe economic depression.
  • ‘No Clymer, I want you to try serving underhand,’ Mrs. Toth said, sounding exasperated.
  • Try to eat at least one piece of fruit a day.
  • Day said: ‘It's an honour to play here and if you can score a try it's even better.’
  • There is no doubt the fund management industry does not always work in the interests of investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pistachio and lemon bites became almond flavoured when I made them, as almonds were all I had in the pantry.
  • Now the agitation in the country and the violent disorder it threatened could be directed against the Government.
  • Finally met Judith "with the blue shutters": the American to whom the villagers have been trying to introduce me, going as far as to give me directions to her house "avec les volets bleus". Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
  • As the last country in the world to abolish slavery, only in 1888, temporary slavery due to indebtedness and forced labour has continued and been combated regularly by Government in isolated regions, where the arms of the justice system face a demographic challenge. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fighting contemporary slavery
  • Let's try using the laws on incitement to racial or religious hatred. The Sun
  • The Socialist Republic of Vietnam came into existence in July 1976 as a communist country modelling its political system after those of the Soviet Union and China.
  • Many golfers try to steer putts into the cup, especially when they can see the hole peripherally.
  • He went into chemistry, left New Plymouth in 1946, and returned in 1952 to take up a post at his old school as housemaster and teacher.
  • James Tate has published a number of books of poetry.
  • Wrapped in slick vocal layering and multi-tracked veneer, the disc is more upbeat than previous records and features an old-country twang.
  • The assembled opposition members, journalists and tourism industry heavies were slack-jawed.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • But the problem seems to be that the people writing about it are mostly of the inside-the-Beltway punditry, meaning it lacks a certain breadth, I think. Chris Weigant: To Lefties: How Does Obama Disappoint?
  • She described at last with extraordinary clearness, which is so often seen, though only for a moment, in such overwrought states, how Ivan had been nearly driven out of his mind during the last two months trying to save “the monster and murderer,” his brother. The Brothers Karamazov
  • At least half of the country's population voted, thereby validating the result.
  • The topics in those categories that were less widely dispersed throughout the curriculum included stereochemistry, drug design, drug nomenclature, natural products and biotechnology.
  • It's not triggered by wintry weather but the risk of complications is. The Sun
  • However, the same writer made a poem on the tricks of countryfolk, which is by no means devoid of merit. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
  • Imagine trying to photograph a large pufferfish with the final frame while an eagle ray circles round your head - much to the amusement of the other divers from the boat.
  • In recent years many have forsaken their turbans and beards, claiming it counts against them when trying to find a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is better to look at country groups than exact positions in the tables. Times, Sunday Times
  • The adrenalin was going and the rider was trying to get me back as quick as possible. The Sun
  • He was also trying to sell a snowy owl without the proper permits. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed to him that the ground was prearranged into a form of complex geometry.
  • I tried on clothes that actually fit me and felt comfortable instead of living in denial and trying on clothing that depressed me when I couldn't get the pants above my thighs.
  • Andreas was always trying to steal the key so that he could read it.
  • Forget about the digital divide - it's the domestic divide that really cleaves this country in two.
  • If slipping into your jammies and turning off the lights isn't enough to give you mental refreshment, or if stress and anxiety leave your brain a mess, try one of these mental-acuity agents.
  • Most people have no doubt that they are a money spinner and in some part of the country they are being pulled down.
  • However, he continued to press the need for military intervention to support, he said, worker risings in the country.
  • The trail will accommodate five core activities: walking, cycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling (where possible or desired).
  • Right now I don't think popular cell probing techniques such as micropipette aspiration, magnetic twisting cytometry and AFM can provide the material constants needed for the commercial package. IMechanica - Comments
  • An unlikely medley of five friends, one of them is now a star, the other a businessman, the third a pilot while the remaining two are in the software industry.
  • Yet Highland culture continues to flourish through the Gaelic language, piping, ceilidhs (informal gatherings with traditional music, dancing and poetry) and a full schedule of Highland games.
  • He was a powerful monarch, -- so powerful that the Greeks, who had built cities all along the coast of Asia Minor, in the country called Ionia, never spoke of him except as "The Great King. The Story of the Greeks
  • The computer industry is the one bright spot in the economy at the moment.
  • Getting involved in European companies is likely to bring a complexity of personnel management that will blow their minds," Graeme Maxton, a Europe-based independent auto industry analyst, told the news service, noting Chinese companies 'poor track record of managing their businesses. DealBook
  • What about the gorgeous symmetry of a well executed hexadecagon, or the quirky lurch of the isotoxal decagram. Cheeseburger Gothic » The Ladies Blue Room. Or something.

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