How To Use Truthfulness In A Sentence

  • The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.
  • I accept that Paul believes in the truthfulness of what he told me.
  • With her, untruthfulness had always been a difficult matter. CHAPTER VII
  • Among her many virtues are loyalty,spunk,and truthfulness.
  • Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.
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  • Her story was told with evident reluctance, but in a simple, straightforward manner, that attested its truthfulness.
  • The truthfulness of a measurement is reflected in its reliability and validity.
  • Indeed, it is nowadays oddly daring for a real artistic talent (that is, one properly attentive to considerations of language and truthfulness) to "confine" itself to this task. New Fiction
  • Much of the book deals with scandals and questions of "truthfulness" - the very questions that have dominated the conversation about memoir in recent years. SMITH Magazine Superfeed
  • Here's a soundtrack that really matches the truthfulness of the film itself.
  • She did not stir hand or foot; she sat listening movelessly to the story, which came with such loving truthfulness from the lips of her childish teacher. Melbourne House
  • He admired the truthfulness of landscapes painted by an unschooled artist, who became his first teacher.
  • Prejudice is a form of untruthfulness, and untruthfulness is an insidious form of injustice. Miroslav Volf: Did 9/11 Make Us Morally 'Better'?
  • If we set out with that high ideal which would seem to be demanded as a characteristic of a great religious teacher, and certainly of one claiming to be a prophet of God, we ought to expect that his character would steadily improve in all purity, humanity, truthfulness, charity, and godlikeness. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • You are looking for signs of weakness, for twitches that indicate untruthfulness, for signs of prevarication and mendacity. Dead Zero
  • For all these films' formal originality and sophistication, for all their self-consciousness, finally what makes them extraordinary is their directness, their effortless grace and beauty and truthfulness.
  • There it stands, high above them all, and remote from them all, in its air of great antiquity, in its unaccountableness, in its serene truthfulness, in its unapproachable sublimity, in that impress of divine majesty and ineffable holiness which even the unbelieving neologist has been compelled to acknowledge, and by which every devout reader feels that the first page in Genesis is forever distinguished from any mere human production. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • The truthfulness of the account he had given in his witness statement and his application was clearly being put in issue.
  • Every moment of mindfulness is a moment of truthfulness, of directed knowing.
  • Palin's record for truthfulness is pathetic, even for a politician. McCain campaign adviser pushes back on Palin book
  • Although the Proustian amassment of details may create the effect of "truthfulness", it does not interest Fedor due to his cult of imagination.
  • The principles of satya [truthfulness] and ahimsa [nonviolence] from our scriptures are needed more today for the survival of the human race than at any time in history.
  • He is a dark, strange-looking man -- strong and large -- of the brigand stamp, with fine eyes and lowering brows -- blunt and sarcastic in his manners, with a kind of misanthropical frankness, which seems based upon utter contempt for his fellow-creatures and a surly truthfulness which is more rudeness than honesty. Famous Reviews
  • Here's hoping that the Year of Horse will be a year of compassion, humanity and truthfulness.
  • It is probably the only story the famous humorist wrote which was supported by an affidavit to its truthfulness.
  • Honesty is the sum of sincerity, reasonableness, truthfulness, and fairness – honesty is the virtuous strength that overcomes deceit, deception and lying. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This article, from the perspective of logic, systematically analyzes the meaningfulness of the truthfulness of premise and its influence on the effectiveness of our empirical accounting research.
  • But no search engine factors truthfulness is crawling the Web for Web links relevant to your search query. CPA fined $33,000 after blaming Google for mistake
  • Williams argues, Nietzsche is on his side, not the deniers ', because Nietzsche himself believes that, while a vindicatory history of the notions of truth and truthfulness certainly has to be a naturalistic one, that is not to say that such a history is impossible. Bernard Williams
  • Galileo had therefore crossed the line set out sixteen years earlier - he had promoted an idea contrary to Scripture without providing convincing proof of its truthfulness.
  • Mr. Gugle's letter of apology does not come across as contrite, it's more like he seeks to self rationalize his untruthfulness. Heroes or Villains?
  • Emerging from their apparently aimless meanderings came an essential truthfulness, a revelation of how things are.
  • She did not stir hand or foot; she sat listening movelessly to the story, which came with such loving truthfulness from the lips of her childish teacher. Melbourne House
  • As a law enforcement veteran, now retired with over 36 years of service, I worked during this era of protest and I also subscribed to the rule that intentional” untruthfulness is a gross disqualification of anyone for the police service” and observed a number of officers who were proven to be untruthful terminated and relieved of their employment and even criminally prosecuted and gone to prison. CT VFW lays into Blumenthal for fake military claims. | RedState
  • Your crude truthfulness is really what a good motivator or “business consultant’ should be presenting instead of usual garbage they learned at last weekends “business consulting for dummies” course. The Plan of Action. « The Paradigm Shift
  • The recent scandalous examples of malfeasance and untruthfulness of too many big business leaders and some of our foremost politicians have reduced the public trust in the beneficence of anybody.
  • And why has no one questioned the truthfulness of the semi-annual income reports required of all cadres?
  • I never much liked it; I was always unsettled by its glaring untruthfulness.
  • The lawyer probed the witness' truthfulness by asking questions.
  • There was something about the originality of his vision, the force of his dramaturgy, the raw truthfulness of his rendition of African-American life that made him an engaging dramatist.
  • They wanted to reinvigorate painting with the colourfulness, naturalism, and truthfulness of the early Italian painters.
  • The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.
  • Thus even his opponents acknowledged his sincerity, truthfulness and honesty.
  • I can say, with absolute truthfulness, that I did not injure her.
  • Evolutionary indoctrination had gradually gnawed away at his faith and he had wondered more and more about the truthfulness of the Bible account of history.
  • Here, B was under a pre-existing contractual duty owed to A's employer to test the truthfulness of A's statements.
  • But somehow, in recent months, the horrible truthfulness of this has become crystal clear.
  • Icon worship has different types of materiality and immateriality, of dominance and recessiveness, and of truthfulness and falsehood.
  • Truthfulness is the main element of character. Brian Tracy 
  • In all truthfulness, this exaggerated approach does work for this film - but it will get too over-the-top in the final installment of the series.
  • Surely it is the untruthfulness of the allegation being championed by the BBC which continues to provoke what looks like an understandable reaction among members of the government and its sympathisers.
  • Yet the most salient feature of Truth and Truthfulness is Williams's passionate devotion to the political heritage of the Enlightenment.
  • As a matter of fact , moderate imagination would not harm the truthfulness of reportage.
  • Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.
  • Honesty is the sum of sincerity, reasonableness, truthfulness, and fairness – honesty is the virtuous strength that overcomes deceit, deception and lying. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • At the stage of hearsay admissibility the trial judge should not consider the declarant's general reputation for truthfulness, nor any prior or subsequent statements, consistent or not.
  • I can say, with absolute truthfulness, that I did not injure her.
  • Honesty is the sum of sincerity, reasonableness, truthfulness, and fairness – honesty is the virtuous strength that overcomes deceit, deception and lying. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Some people question the truthfulness of childhood memories, which are often not recovered for decades.
  • In order to guarantee judicial proceeding, protect legal interest and lessen the heavy work of court, our civil procedure law should enact the obligation of truthfulness at the minimum limit.
  • What passes by the name of "Etiquette" is often of the essence of unpoliteness and untruthfulness. Character
  • If Truthfulness is the Last Taboo, in the meantime the lowest common denominator aspect of our culture sensationalizes other taboos -- like sex of course, even shrouding ignobility over the very requisite deed that continually incarnates us into the continuum of expression -- to manipulate emotions into profit. Sebastian Siegel: Letting Go to Hold On
  • It does not undermine in any way the truthfulness or credibility of the evidence.
  • On several occasions in your house I observed that whenever there was a discussion of any kind, and Diego gave his opinion, you always took it with a certain irony and doubtfulness of its truthfulness. Jan Herman: Frida K Lives On ...
  • This meant it would have to have grave reservations about the truthfulness of any evidence given by these men.
  • With regard to truth, then, the intermediate is a truthful sort of person and the mean may be called truthfulness, while the pretence which exaggerates is boastfulness and the person characterized by it a boaster, and that which understates is mock modesty and the person characterized by it mock-modest. The Nicomachean Ethics
  • The reporter must have forgotten those common sense soldiers on the HMS Ark Royal who turned off the BBC in disgust at its bias and untruthfulness.
  • And why has no one questioned the truthfulness of the semi-annual income reports required of all cadres?
  • The fable was started by Laplace, who invented the "conjuration", though he tried to tone for his untruthfulness by omitting the phrase in the fourth edition of his "Essai philosophique" (see LAPLACE). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • There was a pause in their discussion as the truthfulness of her declaration brought about different reactions in the two people sitting side by side.
  • There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement.
  • Doubt stole up on me about his truthfulness.
  • The Bible tells me so, but my faith in the truthfulness of the Word is shored up by a number of relatively recent discoveries in physics, math, astronomy, and chemistry that have confirmed that the universe had a definite beginning. Parenting by the Book
  • History has proven the truthfulness of this proposition.
  • Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.
  • Children come to oppose Lying because truthfulness is necessary for cooperation.
  • This means that consumers and manufacturers have responsibility for checking the safety of dietary supplements and for determining the truthfulness of label claims.
  • The government prosecuted Bronston "on the theory that in order to mislead his questioner, [Bronston] answered the second question with literal truthfulness but unresponsively addressed his answer to the company's assets and not to his own -- thereby implying that he had no personal Swiss bank account at the relevant time. Preliminary Memorandom Referral Office Of Independent Counsel
  • As he grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes.
  • Yes and No in affirmations and denials -- as if our word for it were not enough, and we expected others to question it -- springs from that vicious root of untruthfulness which is only aggravated by the very effort to clear ourselves of the suspicion of it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • After the revelations of Ben Trafford's past track record and including his level of honesty and truthfulness in business dealing, his criminal record for fraud and deceit and deceitful business practices, his swindling of employees and investors and handing out bad checks, I can't regard his comments here as either benignly or well-meaningly fomented. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • We have had to judge the truthfulness of the evidence at one remove, forced to rely either on reporters telling us, or actors re-creating for us, what the witnesses said.
  • The lack of credibility regarding the central issues in this claim have caused me to doubt the truthfulness of the appellant.
  • Americans have gone a very long way from having a healthy relationship with reality, with the idea of truthfulness, with sound epistemology, with proper proportion, with a sense of what's fair. Seeking Both the Defeat of the Bushites and the Reclamation of American Culture
  • I am a democrat but would not contribute to the DNC for this ad as I believe it is really stepping over the line in truthfulness. McCain directs '100 year' fire at Obama
  • Only the love of life gives the artist his unreserved truthfulness towards everything that he perceives and reproduces, his breadth, scope and depth of vision.
  • There is a truthfulness to the second part that makes it distinctively better and more interesting than the first.
  • When the defense does this, the prosecutor has the right through cross-examination to ask the witnesses questions challenging their truthfulness.
  • Hellman was repeatedly accused of untruthfulness, most notably by her longtime adversary Mary McCarthy, who announced on US television: "Every word Hellman writes is a lie – including 'and' and 'the'. The scandalous Lillian Hellman
  • Most politicians lie either because electors expect them to, or because they know that if they do not their opponent will lie about the same issue, and as a result of their truthfulness they will lose to an untruthful opponent.
  • Thus, it is necessary and imperative that everyone struggles to imbibe and express values of selflessness, compassion, truthfulness and generosity in his character in howsoever small degree it may be possible for him.
  • She had absolutely no doubt of the truthfulness of his story and told him so.
  • In all truthfulness, this exaggerated approach does work for this film - but it will get too over-the-top in the final installment of the series.
  • Had we merely desired to please the imagination of our readers, it would have been easy to have painted the country and the people rather as we could have wished them to be, than as they actually were, at the period to which our description refers; and, probably, what is thus lost in truthfulness, it would have gained in popularity with that class of readers who peruse books more for amusement than instruction. Roughing It in the Bush
  • I knew of no virtues except truthfulness, obedience, self-sacrifice, total abstinence from alcoholic drinks ....
  • With its characteristic emphasis on truthfulness, this self-portrait can hardly be described as flattering.
  • The historian is interested in the truthfulness of his own understanding of the various sciences, not in the truth or falsehood of the science itself.
  • What of architectural beauty I now see, I know has gradually grown from within outward, out of the necessities and character of the indweller, who is the only builder — out of some unconscious truthfulness, and nobleness, without ever a thought for the appearance and whatever additional beauty of this kind is destined to be produced will be preceded by Walden
  • 35 Moreover, an important conceptual shiftfrom "life history" to "personal narrative" helped, by the 1980s, to move this literature beyond dead-end debates about the "truthfulness" of testimony uttered within postcolonial field encounters. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • It sounds absurd to say that it is part of truthfulness not to be overnice about the truth when circumstances demand deception.
  • Q “What kind of truthfulness is foul, though all kinds are fair?” — “That of a man glorying in that which he hath and vaunting himself thereof.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I think if one puts the issue in terms of moral responsibilities about what should or should not be remembered, Muller may have a stronger argument than his original framing of it in terms of 'untruthfulness' which requires a higher standard of evidence. The Panzer and the Hitler Youth
  • Take this example which I heard via a few degrees of separation, I couldn't exactly vouch for its truthfulness.
  • Truthfulness is the main element of character. Brian Tracy 
  • Such criticisms hardly detract much from his singular truthfulness.
  • Your Holiness, you are regarded as one of the greatest living icons of spirituality, piousness, truthfulness and righteousness.
  • Honesty and sincerity to ourselves is the decoding agent that unscrambles the web of illusion created by our untruthfulness.
  • So, wouldn’t it be safe to say that Camus sees something to admire in Meursault – his passion for truthfulness and the absolute? Classics of Confusion
  • On the shoulders of these three clubs rests the continued truthfulness behind the assumption that defenses do win championships.
  • Social climbers are prone to telling lies; over- ambitious, greedy, and hedonistic people are more likely to lack honesty and truthfulness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This invitation, combined with other evidence that police believe indicates her untruthfulness, has obvious implications for her charge of rape. Yes Means Yes—Except on Campus
  • The federal rules of evidence were amended in 1975 whereby judges were required to admit expert testimony and juries had to decide on its merit or truthfulness.
  • Clearly, regulation of the truthfulness of such statements is properly within the purview of government regulation.
  • Children come to oppose Lying because truthfulness is necessary for cooperation.
  • I am not to consider the declarant's general reputation for truthfulness, nor any prior or subsequent statements or the presence of any corroborating or conflicting evidence.
  • Here, B was under a pre-existing contractual duty owed to A's employer to test the truthfulness of A's statements.
  • To the careful training of his good mother he was indebted for the exquisite taste and truthfulness with which he interpreted nature; for the nice sense of honor which distinguished him through life, and which often rose to a weakness; for the delicate reserve which made absence from home a self-imposed hermitage; and for the deep, devotional feeling and healthy habit of moral reflection which ever shaped and inwove the pure current of his thoughts and writings. Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886
  • Their truthfulness to immediate experience gave them the lasting stamp of authenticity.
  • She claims that he has acknowledged the untruthfulness of this story to her over the years.

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