
How To Use Trusting In A Sentence

  • National Provisions Company, and went out preaching fiat money and a subtreasury for the farmers 'crops, trusting to God and the flower garden about his little white house, to keep the family alive -- it is odd that Jeanette's childish impression was that General Ward was a man of consequence in the world. A Certain Rich Man
  • But this is a small town as typical as anywhere else in the American heartland: earnest, churchy, amiable, inward-looking, bland, conformist, trusting.
  • In its original form, this involved saints like Columba taking to his coracle (that bobbing teacup of a leather boat, without rudder or oars), trusting the waves to carry him wherever they might.
  • This, however, is another reason for mistrusting the application.
  • Your wife cheating on you may have made you untrusting and possessive but that will damage any relationship. The Sun
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  • The son having sent his father a messenger to know how he might bring the Gabii under a close subjection, the king, mistrusting the messenger, made him no answer, and only took him into his privy garden, and in his presence with his sword lopped off the heads of the tall poppies that were there. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • It's important to understand the Duggars' beliefs: The Duggars follow a conservative Christian belief system known as Quiverfull, which eschews all birth control in favor of "trusting the Lord with… family planning," says Vyckie Garrison at RH Reality Check. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Glass touched his lips, and Giles drew back, distrusting it.
  • ELLIS HIXOM, with charge to meet him at such a river though the Master knew well the Captain's toothpike: yet by reason of his admonition and caveat [warning] given him at parting, he (though he bewrayed no sign of distrusting the Cimaroon) yet stood as amazed, lest something had befallen our Captain otherwise than well. Sir Francis Drake Revived
  • He was watchful, weary, worried, and altogether untrusting of anything she and her companions said or did.
  • Supper ended Pocahuntas was lodged in the gunner's roome, but Iapazeus and his wife desired to have some conference with their brother, which was onely to acquaint him by what stratagem they had betraied his prisoner as I have already related: after which discourse to sleepe they went, Pocahuntas nothing mistrusting this policy, who nevertheless being most possessed with feere, and desire of returne, was first up, and hastened Iapazeus to be gon. The Story of Pocahontas
  • Analysts say that while the economy is coming around in advance of this year's election, the most untrusting voters will be in hard-hit manufacturing states.
  • There is no deal between these two untrusting rivals for a choreographed handover. The Sun
  • Trusting in her intercession with Christ, who whereas He is the "one mediator of God and men" (1 Timothy ii, 5), chose to make His Mother the advocate of sinners, and the minister and mediatress of grace, as an earnest of heavenly gifts and as a token of Our paternal affection we most lovingly impart the Apostolic Blessing to you, Venerable Brethren, and to all the flock committed to your care. Latest Articles
  • Jacob knew now, trusting in God as he was, that he did not need to manipulate and beguile and cheat to find favour for himself and his loved ones; he did not have to worry about his welfare.
  • I learned that between the planting and the reaping is always the waiting - the watching - the trusting. Archive 2006-11-01
  • She is gray and scaly and trusting some lecher more than she trusts Dick. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Trusting in the mystery that will lead me to whatever books will mesh with my current (non-academic) learning needs.
  • But this is a small town as typical as anywhere else in the American heartland: earnest, churchy, amiable, inward-looking, bland, conformist, trusting.
  • It's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep.
  • They kindly allowed me to pay at a later date though, which was very trusting of them.
  • She is arrested and deported back to the U.S., entrusting the care of her daughter to Azon. Home
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • All the candidates were described as conscientious, smart, and insightful, and all the descriptions ended with notes, such as "Observation: seems to be candid and trusting," or, "Observation: his/her natural competitiveness was apparent. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I set off for the valley, trusting to luck.
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • So a while they sat talking, all of them, and the squire and the sergeant aforesaid were not a little timorous of the adventure of making that stead unkenned their sleeping chamber; and to while away the time, their lords made them tell tales such as they knew concerning that place; and both they said that they had never erst come into the dale but a very little way, and said that they had done so then but trusting in their lords 'bidding and the luck of the Quest. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • But the Byzantine emperors were themselves no more trusting and would generally keep their foreign envoys in virtual isolation.
  • You shouldn't be so trusting - people take advantage of you.
  • Where then is the danger of trusting these cases, which form allowedly a very large proportion, to the hands of an intelligent and well educated woman?
  • Yet he is trusting, generous and hypersensitive, reacting physically to the more complex social problems of those closest to him.
  • Every time we go on an aeroplane for instance, we are trusting our lives to computers in the cockpit and at air traffic control centres.
  • At issue are those 15 days and whether the media was too compliant and trusting in generally agreeing to government blackout requests.
  • People are apprehensive about trusting their food to an unknown business.
  • Mr. Ruskin bade men "go to Nature in all singleness of heart, and walk with her laboriously and trustingly, having no other thought but how best to penetrate her meaning, _rejecting nothing, selecting nothing and scorning nothing_;" and Mr. Hamerton was literally obeying him when he exiled himself for five years in a hut on an island in a bleak Scotch lake to learn faithfully to portray the shores of that single lake. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.
  • In the twenty-four-inch space at the right end of the hot dog there was a brown-yellow plain with just a few thorny trees a-thirsting on it and a pride of lions resting in the stingy shade beneath one of those trees, and far in the distance, too far for the warm lions to bother with, a herd of wildebeests was kicking up dust, and even further in the distance Mt. Kilimanjaro jumped up like God's own sugar-tit, and in a modest encampment at the foot of the peak, E. Hemingway was cleaning his Weatherby 375 magnum (not trusting the native boys to handle such an instrument) and slurping his gin. Another Roadside Attraction
  • Sam nodded, not trusting himself to speak in case he said something that displeasured his father.
  • In this attitude they proceeded on their journey, trusting solely to the dim light afforded of Henchard's whereabouts by the furmity woman. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • The General submitted the broad outlines of his plan to Lincoln and the President trusting in Grant approved the design without seeking to know the details.
  • We also discover that Terry, whose wife absconded with his best man, has turned for clandestine consolation to a naively trusting shopgirl, Nuala, and a dance-loving hairdresser, Breda.
  • She was a very suspicious, untrusting woman, not even letting her husband fully into her heart.
  • HER eyes are warm and trusting and her lips curl upwards to form the beginning of a proud smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their child is trusting and adores his fun-loving father.
  • What we have just witnessed is a humble attempt to train the nation to choose and decide, to encourage people to think about their problems, stop trusting to fate and begin asking questions.
  • It's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep.
  • His sense of insufficiency made him both over-trusting and over-suspicious.
  • Progress can't be stopped, but the community has changed with people less trusting of their neighbours.
  • Trusting in her talent and staying in touch with reality seems to have been the wisest career plan of all so far.
  • Like spoiled children, they can demand, stamp their feet, refuse to vote, be fickle and whimsical, expecting MPs to act as obsequious valets, while distrusting them all along.
  • Entrusting my garland to I started the Workshop with a talk on a functional model of language.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal 'One feature shared by all successful surgeons is the ability to stand confidently beside a trusting, helpless and anesthetized patient, make a deliberate incision on unblemished skin and carry out often complex and sometimes lifethreatening maneuvers inside a body cavity. Healing Reads: The Year's Five Best Books
  • He had a broad, trusting smile, and eyes that twinkled with mischief.
  • Gardiner is simply trusting to instinct and experience.
  • For certain noted fugitives from the army of King Monmouth (which he himself had deserted, in a low and currish manner), having failed to obtain free shipment from the coast near Watersmouth, had returned into the wilds of Exmoor, trusting to lurk, and be comforted among the common people. Lorna Doone
  • Not trusting herself to necessarily remain on top of the cliff standing, she dropped to her stomach and slithered toward the edge of the cliff.
  • Ratliff quietly casts shame upon the walking dead of Trinity by allowing for gray area and trusting that his audience is keen enough to know a flimflam when it sees one.
  • BoatU.S. also learned that most agencies keep records of consumer complaints, making them a valuable resource for consumers who want to check on businesses before spending their money or entrusting their boats to their care.
  • Surely only the most chivalrous knight would stand forth boldly, without armor, without the element of surprise, trusting only in his virtue and nobility to protect him!
  • It's also completely untrusting of local authorities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contents are heavily personalised and use homely phrases designed to appeal to those of a trusting nature.
  • He could not bear the thought of her in another man's arms; those sweet lips, that tender smile, that trusting, almost innocent gaze.
  • Ultimately any potential investors considering PETE SUMARUCK as a possible recipient of their hard-earned funds will be forced to rethink any notions of trusting such a scurrilous back-alley scallywag, slanderous liar, and unprincipled con-artist with any investments of any sort! Peter Sumaruck II
  • Because of that, she isn't very trusting of people, and she refuses to get too close to anyone anymore.
  • Parents have got fearful and suspicious and untrusting.
  • Sometimes trusting the impulse leads directly to brilliance.
  • For instance, it was by trusting the bifocals of Euhemerus that Heinrich Schliemann rediscovered Troy.
  • The personality is trusting and trustworthy, indulgent and generous to itself and others.
  • I'm sarcastic, cynical, and completely untrusting.
  • But because they have lived through colonial and totalitarian regimes, they are untrusting and contemptuous of those impressive-sounding grand narratives.
  • At the end of the trip, he has to go through another round of number crunching to tally the waybill with the collection before entrusting it to the cash counter.
  • Justice suffers because parents have no way of trusting that their own experiences are the norm rather than an aberration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The downside to this is that you turn into a cautionary cynic, not trusting anything that comes out of a publisher's mouth and avoiding anything with a sniff of hype.
  • This impersonal and bureaucratic approach, which is implicitly untrusting of physician clinical judgment, is problematic.
  • And really, who can blame her for distrusting the world?
  • From her point of view, it was better not to mention the mistake because it was only a small mistake and admitting it would only result in her boss mistrusting her ability.
  • Six-month-old toothless Adi grins trustingly at the world.
  • Respecting a leader is important, trusting a leader is another, having the confidence that leader can work for all sides and compromise the issues so one side doesn't feel over run in the process is where that leader can make or break a city .. Before the bust (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Orator & his attendants, that no effectuall restitution was made: but he fatigated with daily attendance and charges, the 14. day of February next ensuing, distrusting any reall and effectual rendring of the saide goods and marchandizes and other the premisses, vpon leaue obtained of the saide Queene, departed towards England, hauing attending vpon him the said two English The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • But the Byzantine emperors were themselves no more trusting and would generally keep their foreign envoys in virtual isolation.
  • Now that she was detoxed and trusting, he could feel the full force of her inner beauty, could feel the press of her honesty and warrior spirit—all wrapped in a beautiful human package . . . her Light essence wrapping around every emotional cord within his soul. Surrender the Dark
  • I'm just plugging in a few keywords and just sort of trusting to luck.
  • Since moving to Swindon in my late 20s I have also had bad experiences with dentists, leaving me untrusting and I have paid exorbitant prices for both private and NHS dentistry.
  • This can be modified after you have worked with an adviser or broker for a year and grown into a trusting relationship.
  • Not office gossip or patronising shit about trusting the Registry files.
  • The patients are less deferential and trusting than they are in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had literally, therefore, no mode, of regulating our course but by once more trusting to the steadiness of the wind; and it was not a little amusing, as well as novel, to see the quartermaster conning the ship by looking at the dogvane. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 1
  • We're trusting our intuition a lot more and being able to rely on each other's intuition.
  • In every case they are very plausible and gain the confidence of a trusting generation.
  • Yet in that short, hopeful moment she had felt him so near to her, that it was as if his spirit had floated over the sea unto her, what is called a foretoken (_pressigne_) in Breton land; and she listened still more attentively to the steps outside, trusting that some one might come to her to speak of him. An Iceland Fisherman
  • Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
  • To love someone is giving them your heart but trusting them not to break it.
  • They are still making decisions to invest when all about them are trusting to the fates.
  • The work is the definition of honest, trusting its material and endlessly accurate in its sense of the human condition without succumbing to bitterness or the maudlin.
  • Firewalls, authentication schemes and rigid testing are musts for any company that wants to maintain a trusting relationship with its customers.
  • Douglas had kept them locked carefully away in the safe, but Brian was more trusting and left them lying openly on his desk. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • It's time to start trusting students to make their own informed decisions, as opposed to spoon-feeding them.
  • One envisages, basically, a Victorian oleograph; the mild-eyed, haloed and bearded one amidst a trusting, wooly flock which cluster round the holy knees in a sweet and adoring manner.
  • He gets off the train any old place, trusting to luck, and goes around the platform accosting one person after another, each time mumbling the same syllables: bou bournous…
  • Students must learn to work more spontaneously, trusting the distinctive character of watercolor.
  • The sort of job it is, means you're the person that whenever you go out to the farmer, he is putting all his confidence in you, trusting you with his livelihood.
  • There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
  • They are losing faith in democracy, are increasingly disillusioned with the opposition, but at the same time, appear to be more trusting of the government.
  • She saw him smile, a charming, attractive smile, one that was supposed to compel her into trusting him, no doubt.
  • In exclusively entrusting to the courts designated the function of the adjudgment and punishment of criminal guilt under a law of the Commonwealth, the Constitution's concern is with substance and not mere form.
  • It means to them, on some level, that this person is ‘family’ and they are more trusting of them.
  • When we were interviewing Betsey Wright, I was so grateful to her for trusting us that much.
  • You have to forge along, carefully treading a new way, trusting that your sense of direction has you going toward the right destination.
  • I will gladly endure all and every privation; for I am sick, _sick_ of worming secrets from trusting friends, and spying upon those who shelter me. The Lost Despatch
  • Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
  • And I also know that becausewe believe in trusting people, sharing responsibility, redistributingpower: things will go wrong. Epolitix News
  • Rewa Gunga, perfectly at home, sprawled leisurely, along a cushioned couch with a grace that the West has not learned yet; but King did not make the mistake of trusting him any better for his easy manners, and his eyes sought swiftly for some unrhythmic, unplanned thing on which to rest, that he might save himself by a sort of mental leverage. In The Time Of Light
  • Some male wildcats mate with domestic females, but the half-breeds rarely survive either because the wild tom returns to kill the kittens as soon as they are born, or householders distrusting their untameable reputation do the same.
  • There is much talk of a male pill being developed one day, but in casual encounters could the woman afford to take the risk of trusting her sexual partner to be honestly on it?
  • It was on that frazil ice, that some people called lolly, that I meant to run for my life now, trusting to the resistance of the two feet of snow that lay on the lake in the mysterious way snow does lie on lolly, and to the snowshoes on my feet. The La Chance Mine Mystery
  • Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
  • The film posits that uncritically trusting in any system whatsoever inevitably leads to disastrous consequences.
  • I guess they are trying to loophole their way until the next election, and we've already been hearing the "death squad" and "Obama Czar" wacko talk, trying to once again confuse the American public into trusting their wacko leaders. Health care ads dominate August, new report says
  • Meditation is a process of lightening up, of trusting the basic goodness of what we have and who we are, and of realizing that any wisdom that exists, exists in what we already have.
  • There is no trusting to appearance. 
  • He steals a knapsack from the trusting Pedro, and with that he heads off to find the father, a bearish dishwasher, and to exploit the prospect of someone else to rob. GreenCine Daily: ND/NF Dispatch. 1.
  • If you lose faith in your ability and stop trusting those people then it becomes difficult.
  • Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
  • Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.
  • He travels alone, trusting to luck and goodwill and depending on experience.
  • It can save money by entrusting this care to health corporations, but does this guarantee the best care for these vulnerable people?
  • There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.
  • Oftener deceived by distrusting than by being overcredulous Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • You may also be wary of trusting any one man with all your feelings because your dad wasn't there for your mum or you. The Sun
  • He says he hasn't changed anything in his delivery - he just isn't trusting his stuff.
  • I have more pragmatic reasons for mistrusting them too.
  • Or should he, trusting to his own personal powers of putting together qualities and traits, but more or less neglecting the patterns which the Almighty has put before him in _tout le monde_ -- sometimes also regarding conventional types and "academies" -- either (for this is important) to follow or violently _not_ to follow them -- produce something that owes _its_ personality to himself only? A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Isabelle was the only female confidante she'd ever had, and entrusting a secret to Isabelle was rather like toting water in a sieve. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Trusting soul that she is, Fanny related our conversation to the hotel manager the next day and came back in high dudgeon.
  • Iapazeus and his wife desired to have some conference with their brother, which was onely to acquaint him by what stratagem they had betraied his prisoner as I have already related: after which discourse to sleepe they went, Pocahuntas nothing mistrusting this policy, who nevertheless being most possessed with feere, and desire of returne, was first up, and hastened Iapazeus to be gon. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • I nearly replied, but I shut my mouth instead, trusting some other instinct.
  • It is, then, not only the impostor's willingness to deceive on which their success depends, but the fact that we are on the whole astonishingly trusting and generally do not expect to be lied to.
  • If no one knows what you really think and where you actually stand, they will end up instinctively distrusting you.
  • When Cussons arrives to take them to the game reserve he calls "Chimp Eden, " he often finds them hostile and untrusting.
  • Trusting to instinct she held the bar steady and peered ahead, not daring to look at the bend in the wing as it took the added strain.
  • The wise man trusts in his wisdom, the strong man in his strength, the rich man in his riches; but this trusting in God is the foolishest thing in the world. ' The Sermons of John Owen
  • Instead, he was too trusting, perhaps too confident in his own ability to keep everything together.
  • Juan de Sousa stood immediately on his defence, and sent advice to the viceroy and the neighbouring commanders of his danger, trusting however to the strength of his defences, and particularly to a pallisade or _bound hedge_, which he had made of the plant named _lechera_ or the _milk plant_, which throws out when cut a milky liquor which is sure to blind any one if it touches their eyes. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • There is no trusting to appearance. 
  • Some of you said we're overplaying the privacy concerns involved in trusting ISPs or managed services providers to filter malicious messages from email traffic.
  • And so to satisfy these immense ancient naked elements of being, so apparently unrestrainedly and so trustingly - trusting that is in the ability to unleash these tremendous forces and yet keep them within certain bounds, not to be overwhelmed by them - well it took great skill and knowledge, but the State hadn't declared itself infallible for nothing, knew its business. Hanging
  • Forgiving is easy. Trusting again, not so much.
  • “The penetrance rate is amazing, absolutely astonishing,” said Agus, perhaps because some people prefer the comfort of using a service sanctioned and managed by their employer rather than entrusting their credit-card details to an unknown vendor. The $1,000 Genome
  • Personal potential, loyalty, the family, trusting your instincts, developing clairvoyance, lucid dreams.
  • Black-cab drivers should beware after a serial fare-dodger escaped a prison sentence last week, despite the brazen cons he pulled on trusting cabbies.
  • Baikie is now of the mind that his face doesn't seem to fit when it comes to senior sides entrusting their players to a coach with sound credentials.
  • She came up to me, though, with a sweet, sad expression in her face and a trusting look in her eyes that made my heart bound, as she laid her hands in mine and thanked me for what she called my gallantry; and I was so taken up by her words that I hardly noticed the scowl The Golden Magnet
  • Trusting his word, I step into the bedroom, most of my stuff still littering the floor right where Adele set it, and begin tossing various articles of clothing and other accoutrements onto the bed.
  • He would be trusting Damian with the well-being of his sole sister, the life of his twin.
  • An occasional contributor to this newspaper, Birman was especially critical of the CIA and most Western experts for trusting too much in Moscow's official claims. Right From the Start
  • Keep the virtues - mistrusting government, exploding myths, analyzing media - but apply them impartially.
  • One of the things the schools started doing was buying more foods pre-cooked from suppliers rather than entrusting the school districts, he says. Family's nightmare began with secondary infection
  • So I started thinking about how to do it better, instead of trusting to luck or a jolt of deadline inspiration.
  • These people are often damaged and untrusting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will be more observant of how women act around me and be more trusting of my senses.
  • Construction quality is checked and accept via entrusting tripartite, satisfy contract requirement entirely.
  • He rose up and departed, without counsel of any, trusting only in God and his own strength; he bore with him neither bag nor baggage, scrip nor scrippage -- not even a change of raiment; but with a handful of fruit and the humble provision which his good mother had furnished for the harvest-field, he set forth; day and night he journeyed on the truck he knew his friend had taken to that far country, toiling in the fields to secure food and lodging for the night, and some scant aids to carry him from place to place. Chanticleer A Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family
  • For example, interpersonally trusting and agreeable individuals may use a less critical strategy to evaluate credibility because they are more willing to trust the target's account as true or are reluctant to challenge the account.
  • Sykes was uppity, cunning and work-shy, while Hattie - magnificent in stature - was timid and trusting by nature, and easily suckered into her brother's misbegotten schemes.
  • an open and trusting nature
  • He had standards, but he was the most trusting of comedians.
  • Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
  • You have to forge along, carefully treading a new way, trusting that your sense of direction has you going toward the right destination.
  • The addressee is encouraged to be assertive but not argumentative; friendly but not trusting; vigorous and impressive but not overstretching it.
  • How could we even consider trusting blokes who look as though the triffid like lichen from the last cave they lived has taken root in their heart? What Kind Of Dick Is He ?
  • Hals makes his loose, gestural approach, termed "painterly" by the Swiss-German art historian Heinrich Wölfflin, look so effortless that it is often assumed that he worked quickly, making what would now be called "one shot" paintings; in fact, he built up his vibrant images with traditional layering techniques, trusting—just as Rubens, his near-contemporary and fellow master of the painterly, did—that his last flourishes would bring the result to vivid life. Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
  • It was only when an inquiry committee asked her to produce the said articles as evidence, that Apte realized her error in trusting the director.
  • Even if they hadn't secured their possessions, no one local would steal from them; they lived in a trusting community that had no interest in their technology.
  • Since you temper your gut instincts with pragmatism and cool thought, trusting them is usually a safe bet.
  • Set in a village, the tale describes how a destitute fiddler dies after entrusting his sick child and fiddle to the care of an old woman.
  • It seemed that this group was a trusting lot, happy to accept that I was Richard without any kind of proof.
  • At the head of the bight is a lagoon; but the entrance proving to be very shallow, and finding no security, we continued on our voyage; trusting that some place of shelter would present itself, if obliged to seek it by necessity. A Voyage to Terra Australis — Volume 2
  • As it turns out, the God who teaches Israel how to live in the Decalogue is the same God who delivered them from slavery in Egypt; God has already extended divine mercy to Israel as a basis for Israel trusting in God. AKMA’s Random Thoughts
  • Alluding to the tradition of Chinese landscape painting, these freehand images attempt a clear fluid action, a trusting precision in placement, colour and weight of application of the brush.
  • Black-cab drivers should beware after a serial fare-dodger escaped a prison sentence last week, despite the brazen cons he pulled on trusting cabbies.
  • If the earthquake had already been, Nelson must have observed the brackishness of the spring and he would then have preferred to take his water from the usual fresh source which supplied the inhabitants of his day, and, in speaking of "having watered at the fountain of Arethusa," he would be trusting to Lady Hamilton's familiarity with that figure which permits the part to be put for the whole. Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions
  • There is, at first glance, an abyss between saying that one has had an experience of God and trusting that one can experience God in one's life.
  • Intimacy is marked by cycles of encounter and withdrawal which ideally involve trusting in absence, as well as communing in each other's presence.
  • Sven has no intention of trusting to luck.
  • If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.
  • Something in the European temperament became blunter, less trusting, less imaginatively consolable - arguably more secular and politically militant.
  • There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.
  • NEW FORMS OF of organization and power-with distinct types of membership, jurisdiction, and obligation-are one consequence of this untrusting world.
  • There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
  • Simply trusting established art galleries or auction houses is nice, but it is an insufficient protection.
  • she looked at her father trustingly
  • You have to face the fact that some players are virtually impossible to save, so it's just trusting to luck.
  • People will stop trusting information systems and stop putting personal information on e-commerce sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Annoying, untrusting and, most important, expensive technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • After mistrusting everything I had been taught because I grew up and realised I was surrounded by uneducated dimwits, I had started to mistrust a lot of what society deems appropriate and inappropriate.
  • This city has been invaded so many times in history and been a ground for so many battles that it has become combative and untrusting in nature.
  • But just because I had that knowledge didn't mean that I wasn't still cautious and untrusting.
  • He's such a trusting soul, and this is the first whammo that's ever happened to him. ɘloЯ
  • The rest I will drive on, trusting that, contrary to the liberated posthorse in John Gilpin, the lumber of the wheels rattling behind me may put spirit in the poor brute who has to drag it. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • I do but just mention it here to show you that the Court was jealous of me, when I never thought myself capable of giving them the least occasion, which made me reflect that a man is oftener deceived by distrusting than by being overcredulous. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete

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