How To Use Trusteeship In A Sentence
Offer consultation and trusteeship on auto beauty maintenance and servicing.
He added, `Dehn sold it as a state trusteeship scheme in collaboration with Glaval.
Gandhi's pervasive challenge to every raj is predicated on the moral values of: swadeshi, aparigraha (non-possession), sarvodaya, ahimsa, bread labour, trusteeship, non-exploitation, and equality.
This obligation was referred to as the trusteeship model.
Charles Warner: How to Fix Capitalism, But Not the Media
This idea of political trusteeship is one of the relatively rare inventions in the political field.
Emily Greene Balch - Nobel Lecture

Burundi was formerly a Belgian trusteeship.
Palau, I thought you were still a United Nation's Trusteeship," you chortled and your entire entourage laughed like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard in their life, especially your then UN Ambassador Cain who eyed me like a piece of meat. -- or a piece of meat on a piece of pizza.
Trey Ellis: Irresistible Newt
Gareth indicated the ` trusteeship " receipt still lying on the desk.
Under the trusteeship and administration of the Vancouver Foundation, this year it will give 21 awards totalling $47,500.
We often wonder about and, indeed, my colleagues and I routinely suggest Haiti and similar places for "tutelage" - a type of UN trusteeship.
Kim Ku was ambitious for power and discerned the opportunities created by the controversy over trusteeship.
Rick hesitated, then slowly passed over the ` trusteeship " receipt.
The territory is under United Nations trusteeship.
‘But at least it would be possible to fundraise for its maintenance if it were held in trusteeship for the people,’ she said.
For all that, some form of UN trusteeship appears to be the best answer now available.
The city emerged from trusteeship under a new mayor, but he too cooked the books and monkeyed with zoning for his own ends.
The responsibilities are arduous and trusteeship is a high-risk position which, if not conducted competently, can carry four-figure fines or even a prison sentence.
Offer consultation and trusteeship on auto beauty maintenance and servicing.
Bodies wishing to be consulted must leave the umbrella committee established to coordinate activity against the Moscow decision on trusteeship.
But a reluctance to jeopardize the idea of trusteeship has, I think, some effect on how the tribes view the Cobell litigation.
Archive 2003-01-26
In exchange for this uneasy alliance, the United States had agreed to help establish decolonized protectorates, or “trusteeships,” after the Japanese defeat, with the hope that these would eventually evolve into independent democratic nations.
A Covert Affair
We hope that the sentence will stand as a stark warning to anyone considering abusing the special responsibilities of charity trusteeship.
Once the global Citizen's Dividend is comprehended, negotiated and operative, it must be held in "trusteeship" by each of us and would lead to 'species environment friendly' governance, and a sustainable age of biospheric performance.
GEONOMICS: Meet the Minimum Needs of All (MMNA)
They call it "trusteeship" - the trade union equivalent, according to Steve Early, of martial law.
The red tape jungle was built into the Act to protect the Crown -- the people of Canada if you like, from the dangers inherent in trusteeship and to protect the Indians from being hoodwinked out of their land.
Canada's Indian PolicyA Major Review
Progressive opinion seems to be moving towards trusteeship as a solution.
So rapacious were some accountant trustees, in contradistinction to legal practitioner trustees, that bankruptcy trusteeships were referred to in parliament and in the press as ‘legalised robbery’.
To segregation he opposed the idea of trusteeship, not for the benefit of the trustee but for the benefit of the ward.
The Rise of the South African Reich - Chapter 7
Mobile sales trusteeship system source code, phone card sales, management and accounting statistics.
At a later phase, the British Empire decided, with the approval of the League of Nations, to postpone or freeze (but not to annul!) the mandate decision (that is, the trusteeship) in eastern Palestine (current-day Jordan) and work to implement the decision in western Palestine only – that is, to settle Jews there urgently and densely.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...