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trust corporation

  1. an organization (usually with a commercial bank) that is engaged as a trustee or fiduciary or agent in handling trust funds or estates of custodial arrangements or stock transfers or related services

How To Use trust corporation In A Sentence

  • Clearly, a bank trust corporation will qualify and so should an accountant acting in a professional capacity.
  • Hence a trust corporation's capability in risk management is an important component of its core competitiveness.
  • FSLIC quickly ran out of funds during the S&L thing; hence the Resolution Trust Corporation, the reorganization of FDIC/FSLIC and the bond funded bailout of S&L depositors at that time. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble with Government-Subsidized Banks
  • And Trust Corporation is a non - bank financial institution, characterized by certain financial functions.
  • The Resolution Trust Corporation was created to do this during the savings and loan crisis.
  • During that period, the government formed the Resolution Trust Corporation ( RTC ).
  • Illiquid assets should be put into a Resolution Trust Corporation - like structure and be liquidated.
  • Clearly, a bank trust corporation will qualify and so should an accountant acting in a professional capacity.
  • Some said set up a Resolution Trust Corporation to "unpack" the baskets piece by piece and put the mortgages back together like a giant puzzle. Randi Rhodes: Banks Rob People Twice
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