How To Use Trussed In A Sentence
Meals are uncomplicated, made from fresh produce sold to the resort by local villagers: live mud crabs trussed up in vines, shiny Spanish mackerel, big juicy pineapples.
The thieves had trussed the guard up with rope.
In moments of passion trussed-up participants have been known to remove their adhesive bindings.
Nobody could believe it when he was found dead, naked and trussed up in handcuffs, blindfold and gagged.
Slabs, beams, and girders all make use of straight and trussed bars.
The trussed, recumbent gendarme had been freed and carried away, still half-conscious.
a trussed chicken
The response of engineers to this disaster was to go back to building bridges with reinforced trussed decks.
She was trussed up with yellow nylon rope.
She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.
The weaker members were trussed up and tied to the backs of the elephants.
* Spailure: the grade you received on your essay because you forgot that: Ewe canned trussed yore spiel chocker.
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Rob Fiocca for The Wall Street Journal Key prerequisites are a spit, a stack of hardwood or at least 60 pounds of lump charcoal, a bit of space, a meat thermometer, a few generous lengths of stainless steel wire and a wide-open day An hour later we lowered the pig, which had b een brined, stuffed and trussed to the spit, over our mound of hickory and maple embers.
The Pig Event
The pirates had found him cowering in a supply locker, and had trussed him up and hauled him in there.
Then the young men ran afoot before her for the prize of a belt and knife, and forsooth she wotted well that were she to run against them with trussed-up skirts she would bear off the prize; but she had no heart thereto, for amidst them all, and her new friendships, she had grown shamefast, and might play the wood-maiden no longer.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
He said they trussed up Mr Jones and then nailed him down.
Part of the horror of such memorable coups of contemporary photojournalism as the pictures of a Vietnamese bonze reaching for the gasoline can, of a Bengali guerrilla in the act of bayoneting a trussed-up collaborator, comes from the awareness of how plausible it has become, in situations where the photographer has the choice between a photograph and a life, to choose the photograph.
G. Roger Denson: You Say You Want a Revolution. Well You Know, Art Can Cure You of That
It wasn't easy, especially with him trussed in chains, but by pulling and lifting, I finally got him through the opening.
His arms were trussed with wire by his attackers.
He trussed them up and dragged them back to the staffroom.
We have incidents of vandalism but to have this sort of robbery with a man trussed up is terrible.
Zoffany's painting of Mrs Oswald shows a lemon-lipped, bored-looking woman trussed in a furbelowed dress.
The thieves had trussed the guard up with rope.
She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.
She was trussed up in a fashion resembling preparation for a ritual funeral service.
She was trussed up with yellow nylon rope.
Traditional construction of trussed roofs has these timbers built into the main walls for bearing in what is the most likely part of the wall to be wet.
They trussed up the guards before they plundered the bank.
The goose lay, neatly trussed, on a cold, marble slab.
Place the untrussed chicken in large pot in water to cover with onion studded with clove and with cinnamon stick.
Unseen above the ceiling of the nave, inserted in 1670-1, is Kempley's second exceptional feature, its roof of trussed rafter construction.
They trussed up their victim and left him for dead.
The lamb is then sewn up, trussed, and cooked on a spit.
The villains have them all trussed up down by the stream.
It's one of the more panic-inducing screen sequences in memory: In a hospital morgue, a mental patient is trussed in a straitjacket and locked away in the airless dark of a body storage drawer.
Here I have trussed my chicken for the first time.
Others are trussed up ready for roasting, with marinade flavours from lemon to garlic and herbs injected deep into their flesh.
trussed bridges
The body of King Richard III was treated with much indignity. Trussed naked over a horse and besmirched with mud, it was borne in parade to Leicester, a sad spectacle.
He soon came to the realisation that he was trussed up and hanging upside down from what looked like a fish hook, a bigger version of that at least.
The bottom is trussed, and the two parts are strongly put together.
Eventually he was taken away with his hands trussed behind his back and a hood draped over his head.
The base and armature is a trussed column of welded stainless steel tubing - a relatively nimble footing for the mass that sprouts from it.
the guard was found trussed up with his arms and legs securely tied
On Christmas Eve, with presents wrapped and turkey trussed, many people in Britain settled down to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on television.
A teenager was kidnapped, trussed up with his hands and feet bound together behind his back, a court heard.
The delicate glass facades of the south and west sides with their trussed glass mullions and oiled oak transoms are surrounded by tall, elegant and immensely thin colonnades.
Posts and rafters were hand-sawn and planed using timber from a nearby forest and, to reduce the use of wood, rafters were trussed with steel wire.
Ultimately the sexing of Pride and Prejudice, though, was all trussed-up foreplay with no consummation.
Women were wearing ballgowns, men were trussed up in evening jackets.
Beside her, the majority of the camp's guards were gagged, trussed and unconscious.
The guard had been gagged and trussed up.
Mr Krombach, 74, was found trussed up with head injuries in a lane near the criminal court in the eastern city of Mulhouse on Sunday after an anonymous caller with an Eastern European accent tipped off police.
Father Kidnapped Daughter's Killer to Bring Him to Justice
His feet were trapped in satin, he was all trussed up in tulle -- still, we felt his joy.
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: Divas infuse humor, character in dances
He was trussed up with those chains like a sacrifice laid out for slaughter.
It was an exquisite room, possibly thirty-five by sixty and rising to a lofty trussed ceiling where a warm golden light was diffused from a skylight of yellow glass.
I go to put the last of the crumpets in the fridge in the kitchen, where they join a plucked and trussed chicken waiting to be eaten, an unplucked but folded knob-billed duck waiting to be skinned for the collection, and some cockroaches happily licking at the empty egg compartment.
A Year on the Wing
He really was remarkably handsome, even when he was trussed up like a turkey ready for Christmas.
Strapped into an armor-lined cockpit and trussed up in a flak jacket and helmet, Air Force Capt.
Her male colleague is trussed in a straitjacket.
Van and Rina sat on either side of the girl, who was trussed up with rope and cloth.
Having plucked and trussed these long beaked birds, leaving the remaining entrails undisturbed, pull out the stomachs and intestines (guts).