How To Use Trunks In A Sentence

  • Jeff, clad in board trunks and a T-shirt, leans back in his chair with the lappie on his, uhhh, lap, and his bare feet up on the desk. Savages
  • The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
  • The big ones with the tusks and the trunks are surely elephants. Times, Sunday Times
  • In many places the straight trunks of the kapok tree are used to make dugout canoes.
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  • With the aid of lacker varnish and skilful painting, paper made excellent trunks, tobacco bags, cigar cases, saddles, telescope cases, the frames of microscopes; and we even saw and used excellent water-proof coats made of simple paper, which did keep out the rain, and were as supple as the best macintosh ... .. The Art of Travel Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
  • An avenue of pleached limes has the lowest branches springing out from the main stem a good 2m from the ground, allowing a clear view through the young trunks.
  • Emergent species like the strangler fig (Ficus dugandii) may reach heights of over 60 m while very abundant epiphytes such as Araceae sp and Cyclanthaceae sp. cover the lower parts of tree trunks and ferns help make up the dense understory. Western Ecuador moist forests
  • Hardwood trees stretched out of sight towards the distant sky; five-fingered orchids crawled up their trunks, and huge ferns spilled over their roots across the mossy path.
  • Missouri fortunately escaped. opened my trunks and boxes and exposed the articles to dry. found my papers damp and several articles damp. the stoper had come out of a phial of laudinum and the contents had run into the drawer and distroyed a gret part of my medicine in such manner that it was past recovery. waited very impatiently for the return of The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Trace amounts of iron oxide impart vibrant red, red-orange, orange, and yellow colors that sometimes contrast markedly with browns and blacks in these silicified trunks.
  • Without vaulting or trusses, Yemeni traditional architecture had to rely on the usable length of palm, acacia or tamarisk trunks for spans.
  • As he wove in and out of the knotted trunks Nick heard the ping, ping around him with a moment's puzzlement. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The only beauties of the place, and those unintentional, were the long lines of hand-planted shade-trees, uglified as far as possible with whitewashed trunks and croppy heads, but still lovable, growing, living things. Animal Heroes
  • By the end of that century, the ballerina's long tutu and the premier danseur's tights, trunks and maillot became de rigueur and virtually standardized.
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • Minimalists will love the temple stone garden in which sawn tree trunks weave a path through unadorned gravel.
  • —In autumn, with a great creaking and a snapping of twigs, they break away from trunks grown thick with bark and phloem, which become husks with jagged tips, or later often topple from sheer grief. 2009 June
  • Likewise, trunks for foraging woodpeckers and vegetational structures for dead-leaf foraging antbirds are found throughout the midstory, often extending into the understory and canopy.
  • For twenty years Joe has weighed, marked, and released flying squirrels that enter live traps attached to tree trunks.
  • Wants to wear trunks on the beach this summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Libby also checked his method by determining the age of heartwood from the trunks of redwood trees (Sequoia sempervirens), and of Douglas firs Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1960 - Presentation Speech
  • For example, ground birds can usually only walk horizontally on the ground whereas woodpeckers climb up and down vertically on tree trunks.
  • My mother recently found one of the journals I kept during my wanderings in the 90's, buried at the bottom of one of my old tin trunks that had been sitting out beside the woodpile at the lodge for a few years, and mailed it to me.
  • These gray or gray-green plants live on the branches and trunks of the trees, but they are not parasitic.
  • Push short lengths of candy cane into the base of the triangles to make tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • And although they're famous for the skimpy proportions of their bikinis and trunks, these labels are also making suits for even the shiest backsides. Bathing Beauties
  • I removed the lower limbs on our 15-foot vitex to maintain a vase-shaped, shade-tree form with five trunks.
  • There they climb into a series of wooden constructions three metres high, made with tree trunks lashed together with lianas like tree houses perched above the flood.
  • Yucatán Maya mostly live in huts of plastered limestone or tree trunks with steep thatched roofs.
  • At both locations, you can see various types of bamboos, from those as thin as an index finger to stout trunks that are thicker than an arm.
  • Spray trees purple, and mass purple and lilac flowers around the trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Occasionally heads sit oddly on their bodies, and swollen limbs meet their trunks awkwardly.
  • The natives make excellent boats from the tree trunks.
  • It's the ultimate haute Robinson Crusoe hideaway: a handful of thatched villas, constructed by local artisans without recourse to a single nail, incorporating driftwood and reclaimed tree trunks as wall supports and table legs.
  • Talented fashion all-rounders are bathing trunks and shorts in quick-dry fabrics offered with colour co-ordinated shirts to complete beach outfits.
  • Far below, the forest rose on either side of the river gorge, but to reach that we would have to descend a winding path alongside a steep-sided valley cut by a stream that slithered under fallen trunks. Country diary: Allen Banks, Northumberland
  • The two trees with the smoky trunks were blighted high up, and the withered branches domineered above the leaves, Through the whole building white had turned yellow, yellow nearly black; and since the time when the poor lady died, it had slowly become a dark gap in the long monotonous street. Dombey and Son
  • He afterward went into another small room, where he found sundry small trunks and cases locked up. The Children of the New Forest
  • But the trunks of the trees were slimy green and cold to touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being an inexperienced traveller she took a good many trunks and was pretty unpopular with the steward before he could make her understand that one trunk to the stateroom was the rule. Gigolo
  • He left the path along the water and stole under the trees, along the deep shadow of little plantations, where the boughs of chestnut trees hung their great leaves low, and there was blacker refuge, shaping his course in circles which had for their object a stealthy inspection of chairs side by side, against tree-trunks, of enlaced lovers, who stirred at his approach. The Man of Property
  • Large broken tree trunks are found randomly distributed through the coal in many different orientations.
  • The Countess glanced at a stack of boxes and trunks propped against the wainscoting and at once became disconsolate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Thin, faint yellow collars on trunks of cypress and tupelo rimming the old slough recorded the regression of recent flooding in the swamp.
  • These roots, dropping into the surrounding mud, also become stilts that support more stilts and new trunks nestled in the tangled mass.
  • She had pulled up the lower edges of her trunks and exposed half moons of untanned flesh.
  • The intensity of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks.
  • Sometimes the train puffed between lines of grey slab fencing in which were armies of white skeleton trees that had been 'rung' for extermination, or with bleached stumps sticking up in a chaos of felled trunks, while in some there had sprung up sickly iron-bark saplings. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • The men's furnishings line, with its signature Lilly print ties, pocket squares and beachwear (an example being swim trunks in the classic Lilly print), also caught the eyes of many of the attendees.
  • Elephant trunks and tongues are other examples of a muscular hydrostat.
  • The 9th of May, after another such an up-and-down course, ascending hills and descending into the twilight depths of deepening valleys, we came suddenly upon the Mukondokwa, and its narrow pent-up valley crowded with rank reedy grass, cane, and thorny bushes; and rugged tamarisk which grappled for existence with monster convolvuli, winding their coils around their trunks with such tenacity and strength that the tamarisk seemed grown but for their support. How I Found Livingstone
  • Not sure about the hygiene aspect, but I'm all for the boardshorts swim trunks with speedos underneath alternative, but there you go, each to his own! Defiler - French Word-A-Day
  • The gazebo is made of concrete with supporting pillars amazingly all formed to look exactly like tree trunks and branches. The gazebo is made of concrete with supporting pillars amazingly all formed to look exactly like tree trunks and branches. The effect is to continue the forest right into the the built-in picnic tables that surround the gazebo. There is seating for about
  • The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk
  • The cameras also showed the elephants standing with their trunks to the ground, as though they were listening, which is probably what they were doing, given that the trunk is also packed with vibration sensors.
  • It came to me this morning as I was hunting in my pant drawers dragging out pair after pair of tired old greying holey stretched trunks that what I really wanted was a much sexier choice.
  • The trunks are undisturbed, full of my film reels, video tapes, scripts and potpourri of neglected promotional materials.
  • The wanderer ventured forth into the eternal pass of cragged rock, worn with lines of age, yet stalwart and strong with thick trunks of stone bolstering the walls.
  • Of special interest are the bromeliads that grow on trunks and along branches of big trees.
  • The problem, again, is the ship is canted over at such an angle, they may not even be able to use their escape trunks because, you know, because the degree to which the ship is tilted prevents the hatches from opening.
  • After coffee we were obliged to go to the dogana to see to the searching of all our trunks and luggage. Letters and Journals 01
  • A profusion of mosses, liverworts, lichens and ferns cover the woodland floor and festoon tree trunks and branches.
  • The other eucalypts can be broken up very broadly into two classes: those with rough permanent barks which are called stringybarks, boxes, and ironbarks: and those which want the best of both eucalypt worlds, the blackbutts and woollybutts, which have smooth upper branches and rough bark trunks.
  • Elephant trunks are so powerful, they can kill a person with one swipe, Fay said.
  • Branches and trunks twist and bend as they grow, creeping horizontally along the ground as well as reaching toward the sky.
  • As the thin trunks are piled onto trucks, other workers throw branches into a chipper, which sprays thumb-sized pieces of wood into a dump truck.
  • Now of course when it comes to pulling on our togs, cozzies, bathers or trunks and swimming competitively, Australians never seem to be too far from the medals.
  • Police said that the migrants had been preparing to place tree trunks and other obstacles in the road to halt traffic. Times, Sunday Times
  • For healthy apple trees, plant some nasturtiums and mint around the trunks to deter woolly aphids.
  • Two hours later we run into each other on the beach: I'm in a restaurant, fully clothed; he is bronzed, lying on a chaise on the sand, in pink bathing trunks.
  • Streams and becks were strewn with tree trunks, branches and litter which would all block the watercourses during heavy rain.
  • Through the thin trunks of birch and larger oaks, she could hear the flat chimes of running water, and knew she was close.
  • Usually, touring bikes have hard-shell trunks on either side of the fender, windshields, full fairings, in-dash audio equipment (sometimes include GPS) and a dashboard.
  • This consists of a nest of polished steel tubes that have been likened both to organ pipes and to the pine trunks of the Finnish forests.
  • Some support for this is seen in entombed trunks where individual trees have been partially buried and the trunk forms an expanded bole at the top of the new sediment surface.
  • he confirmed the wetness of the swimming trunks
  • Plants play a key role in cycling water through the basin, taking moisture up through their roots, then giving it off as water vapor through leaves, stems, and trunks.
  • For what can one possibly say to a man in a pair of swimming trunks like that? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an outsized presence who, for illustrative example, took a visceral delight in hunting elephants and drinking the soup made from their trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The men's change room was empty and I slipped out of my shorts and into my trunks, then I slipped off my T-shirt and flexed my muscles.
  • Callistemons and melaleucas are often tricky to tell apart as they are both evergreen trees or shrubs with papery trunks.
  • trees with columned trunks
  • The others in Florida also made it ashore, despite their attention-grabbing attire of "bathing trunks and army forage caps. Nazi Saboteurs' Spectacular Failure Detailed In Newly Released Spy Files
  • The big ones with the tusks and the trunks are surely elephants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Push short lengths of candy cane into the base of the triangles to make tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boards nailed on tree trunks frequently advertise computer training institutes, he said.
  • The Countess glanced at a stack of boxes and trunks propped against the wainscoting and at once became disconsolate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Nature notes The small birds that clamber about on tree trunks and large branches now have their offspring following them around. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ms. Lagergren began to take anti-depressants and sought refuge in her yard, tufts of corydalis ringing the trunks of her apple and pear trees. The Wallenberg Curse
  • When the forest floor is blanketed in snow, the birds use their powerful bills to dig out ant nests from tree trunks and tree bases.
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • Avoid nicking the trunks of trees and shrubs; these cuts can injure or kill the plant by girdling the bark.
  • Its atmospheric corrosion resistance is adequate for functional uses, so applications of this type of steel include automobile exhaust equipment, radiator tanks, catalytic reactors, containerization and dry fertilizer trunks.
  • Optic fiber is now the preferred transmission medium for long - haul trunks.
  • The audiobook begins and ends with the a chorus of chirruping birds, as the reader imagines the reddish brown thick trunks reaching from the fertile earth to the cloudy heavens. “Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring” by Richard Preston (Random House, 2007) « The BookBanter Blog
  • I pulled the sewing machine and my wood trunks full of patterns and materials.
  • In fact, in one of the students' favorite trunks, pots and pans, lids, funnels, strainers, and other kitchen utensils rest.
  • The short divide beyond the far bank of the Sirr is strewn with glittering mica-schist that takes the forms of tree-trunks and rotten wood; and with dark purple-blue fragments of clay-slate looking as if they had been worked. The Land of Midian
  • His distinctive brushwork is particularly evident in representations of foliage and tree trunks.
  • And what this ingenious man did was section the trunks of mastodonts and mammoths and read their life history.
  • And when I left her she was directing the disposal of the luggage and helping old Sam uncord the trunks. Sanditon
  • Nondescript tables, bookcase headboards, trunks, and chests and toy benches are valuable storage pieces that can be transformed into focal points when treated to a healthy dose of colorful paint!
  • In the front door, with their nasty trunks probing into everything[sentence dictionary], and I shoo them out the back.
  • Mammoth tree trunks stretch across ceilings above hand-carved lintels, mortised into place in elaborate structures.
  • He was wearing nothing apart from a pair of tightfitting swimming trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The young soldier's competitor was a big burly man with beefy arms and legs the size of tree trunks, while the young duelist was small and scrawny - barely half the big man's size.
  • Dead moths had been glued to tree trunks, or moths released in desired positions during daylight, when they are torpid and remain where they land.
  • They are made of hollowed out tree trunks with cowskin stretched on either end and tied with rawhide strips.
  • The clothes inside of the cells—the stuffs, the silks, the laces; the elaborate delicate disguises that wait in trunks and drawers and closets, or bedrape and conceal human flesh. The Hotel
  • ‘Have you noticed how the thousands of dry twigs between the trunks make a brown mist, a brume?’ The Trespasser
  • There are photos of him in trunks, for goodness sake. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both have woody trunks and woody roots as well as stipulate leaf bases.
  • Mice breaks up to go to the ground looking for its bathing trunks in the dress caboodle of beach edge, and elephant has been in water amuse oneself.
  • It spends most of the day under stones, but can also be found under logs or tree trunks, though this is less common.
  • Brown vertical trunks absorbed the righteousness of the fields and shot heavenward like sacred pillars of an ancient pagoda.
  • Fallen tree trunks toss about the stream, presenting mortal dangers to swimmers and bathers.
  • They carefully designed that the two trunks exactly alike would be switched in the waiting room.
  • And the beams may have been strengthened with steel, but in some rooms they still resemble gnarled tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the evidence abounds: thick truncated trunks still pushing out new sprigs, charred stumps, and entire trees withering on the roadside.
  • The application of bands of burlap or "tanglefoot," or of other substances often seen on the trunks of elm trees is useless, since these bands only prevent the larvae from crawling down from the leaves to the base and serve to prevent nothing from crawling up. Studies of Trees
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their encircling and undulating movement contrasts pleasurably with the straight trunks of erect trees.
  • I used to watch them felling trees, and sometimes I would be allowed to rind the tree trunks.
  • Fallen tree trunks toss about the stream, presenting mortal dangers to swimmers and bathers.
  • Cross-country fences are traditionally made out of solid materials such as tree trunks, and do not collapse like show jumps when struck.
  • Prior to data collection, samples of lichens were collected from tree trunks at twelve of the study sites.
  • Gypsy Rose Lee, the strip - tease artist, has arrived in Hollywood with twelve empty trunks.
  • She had, besides, a pleasant morning's occupation before her, in unpacking her three trunks and arranging her wardrobe and her possessions, which were all upon the most liberal scale, for Major Warfield at every city where they had stopped had given his poor little protégée a virtual carte blanche for purchases, having said to her: The Hidden Hand
  • He seated himself in his telega, in which lay two trunks, one containing his pistols, the other his effects. The Shot
  • These small birds with long, downcurved beaks live practically all their life on trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The log-house was made of unsquared trunks of pine -- roof, walls, and floor. Treasure Island
  • Prettily and sexily costumed by Ms. Kurtzman in brief baby-doll tunics in a range of cerise and gray hues sparingly appliquéd with tiny roses and paired with pearlescent trunks, Mr. Morris's octet of women form a gamboling sisterhood—think classical nymphs rendered by Isadora Duncan. Where Dancers and Patrons Meet for a Duet
  • But walking through the wood every day, sometimes with a proper woodsman in tow, I've come to realise that the way for it to thrive is to do a fairly thorough thinning: to let the light in, get rid of cankered trunks, really allow strong, new growth to come through. Tobias Jones: a retreat of one's own
  • The sittellas often forage head-downward, and the tree-creepers climb up tree trunks seeking prey under the bark.
  • Unseen in the wild night, the occasional wisp of smoke drifted among the trunks.
  • All the larger nerve-fibers lie side by side in the nerve-trunks, and are bound together by delicate connective tissue, enclosed in a sheath of the same material, termed the _neurilemma_. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • The beautiful tulip-tree (_liriodendron_) was easily distinguished by its straight column-like trunks, out of which are sawed those great planks of _white poplar_ you may have seen, for that is the name by which it is known among carpenters and builders. The Boy Hunters
  • In a flash, Creed was out of the jeep and creeping past foliage and tree-trunks towards the beginning of the picket fence.
  • Surfers started wearing loose-fitting albeit midthigh-length trunks called baggies in the late 1950s and early '60s. Show Some Leg
  • The big ones with the tusks and the trunks are surely elephants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your awesome day at the beach has drawn to a close and you want to switch out of your wet trunks.
  • The ripe and green fruit are placed round about the stem or trunk, from the lowermost leaves, where the ripe fruit are, and upwards almost to the top; the heart or inmost pithy part of the trunks is in a manner hollow, or at best consists of very thin porous medullae or membranes; the tree very seldom branches or divides into limbs, I believe never unless the top is by accident broken off when very young: I saw one which had two tops or heads, the stem of which divided near the earth. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • It was a "fohn," that violent storm-wind which rushes from the mountain to the valley beneath, and in its fury snaps asunder the trunks of large trees as if they were but slender reeds, and carries the wooden houses from one side of a river to the other as easily as we could move the pieces on a chess-board. Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
  • Because they want to cannibalize the unknown; to leave the chemicals, the furniture and, yes, the shrew behind; to make their way hi ho into the brush, whose weeds and lianas remain empty of the exhortations of Jesus Christ, whose roots and trunks have never felt the sappy coagulant candle-wax, whose steam rises solely from the exhalation of leaf and beast and man, and never from the bang of the Stanley engine. Ambitious
  • The Countess glanced at a stack of boxes and trunks propped against the wainscoting and at once became disconsolate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Ashfall leaves tree trunks vertical in strata for subsequent mineralization and petrification. Man made global warming? No way!
  • The fissures between allowed only thin, precise shafts of pale light to strike the trunks and grass, as if the trees were fashioning the sun into a gallery of shapes.
  • The area is paved, with stone curbing around the tree trunks - not the grassy sort of parks we have in the United States.
  • junipers with shagged trunks
  • On a warm summer day their gnarled trunks provide a welcome backrest while you boil a billy and absorb wonderful vistas of vast plains sweeping across herb and grass fields to the distant peaks.
  • The posterior divisions of all three trunks unite to form the posterior cord or fasciculus of the plexus, which is situated behind the second portion of the axillary artery. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • In one of David Attenborough's 'The Private Life Of Plants' episodes, he talks on similar fallen trunks that eventually give rise to a row of other daughter 'trees' growing out of the main trunk; these eventually grow adventitious roots and become independent. An undead tree
  • Blue mountain crests soar above dark realms of virgin forest, where the sombre conifers exude the precious _damar_, which glues itself to the red trunks in shining lumps often of twenty pounds 'weight, or sinks deeply into the soft soil, from whence the solidified gum needs excavation. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • The other bank of the stream was open ground - a gentle slope topped with a stockade of vertical tree trunks, loopholed for rifles, with a single embrasure through which protruded the muzzle of a brass cannon commanding the bridge.
  • The trunks of some of the trees were three times the girth of anything in Europe, and many had enormous walls of wood sprouting from their bases like the buttresses of gothic cathedrals.
  • Chimneys dot the landscape like diseased tree-trunks supporting ghoulish branches of black smoke.
  • As this was going on, a clown dressed in a prisoner uniform was led out by two baby elephants, their tiny trunks holding him by his powder white gloves.
  • Bodyboarders are a captive audience for trunks and wetsuits, so there is no need to market to them.
  • A curious variation is an external carotid composed of two separate trunks that unite behind the condylar process of the mandible forming an anulus, from which the various branches arise.
  • Looking out across the pond one sees a cherry tree in palest pink, and, farther away, the glistening white trunks of an old birch tree.
  • The steel columns holding up the roof will resemble the trunks and branches of trees.
  • Framed by the bottom seam of his white trunks and the tops of his white socks and boxing slippers, they were the equivalent of her legendary gams.
  • trees with columniform trunks
  • The leader, an Italian, was dressed in swimming trunks, a mask and snorkel and flippers and the children were exploding with giggles at the sight of this extraordinary man.
  • At that hour there were beautiful faint colours in everything — tender green of leaves, pinkish brown of earth and tree-trunks — like aquarelle washes that would vanish in the later glare. Burmese Days
  • The tall, straight, branchless trunks of the scattered pines, rise like slender columns, and are crowned with a tuft of knarly limbs and long, bristly leaves, through which the breezes murmur with a monotonous sound, much like that of falling waters, or waves breaking on a beach. The White Slave or Memoirs of a Fugitive
  • Once, beside the foot of the cross which stood in Sancreed [Footnote: This fine sculptured cross has since these events been placed within the said churchyard, at the desire of Mr.A. G. Langdon, the greatest living authority on the subject of Cornish remains.] churchyard wall, between two tree-trunks under a dome of leaves, the girl found growing a spotted persicaria, and the force of the discovery at such a spot was great to her. Lying Prophets
  • Farther along, we could see scorch marks rising up the trunks of trees.
  • But sometimes you need to carry more than two people and a teabag, which is about all you can fit into the coupes' trunks. 2006 Porsche Cayenne Turbo
  • They come out from the trunks of trees at twilight to forage.
  • Hairy Woodpeckers forage primarily on the trunks or main limbs of trees, where they probe into crevices and scale off bark searching for prey.
  • Looking out across the pond one sees a cherry tree in palest pink, and, farther away, the glistening white trunks of an old birch tree.
  • Tucked away in the forest, and only accessible to those with local knowledge, its old contorted paperbark trees exhibited gnarly branches, trunks and burls.
  • The elephants are taught to paint by their mahouts, who give them a paintsoaked brush and guide their trunks over large pieces of paper.
  • For Portmanteaus, Bags, Trunks, and all kinds of Travelling Scottish Football Reminiscences and Sketches
  • Stylists at Cartoon Cuts wash as well as cut their customers' hair, dousing the suds with hoses that emanate from the trunks of green fiberglass elephants.
  • As promised, three trunks, several hatboxes, and a few normal-sized suitcases had been carefully placed in the center, Amy already working at the task of freeing those pretties and lovelies that rested within.
  • Harbor seals haul out in hidden coves, and the fog drifts through a grove of rare Monterey cypress, where lace lichen dangles from the branches and an orange algae crusts the trunks.
  • The 'contadino' brought up their trunks from the station, and Clemens wrote: Mark Twain, a Biography — Volume II, Part 2: 1886-1900
  • The poplar foliage had the downiness of a Corot arbor; the green and silver trunks were as candid as the birches, as slender and lustrous as the limbs of a Pierrot. Main Street
  • Today, the islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico - collectively known as the Greater Antilles - are home to more than 100 Anolis species, ranging from lanky lizards that perch in bushes, to stocky, long-legged lizards that live on tree trunks, to foot-long 'giants' that roam the upper branches of trees. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A profusion of mosses, liverworts, lichens and ferns cover the woodland floor and festoon tree trunks and branches.
  • Kelly got the drip coffee machine going, then he pulled on a pair of swim trunks and headed topside. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Get into your trunks, Bob, you'll take the first test dive with me. THREE IN ONE
  • The road is bordered with large zamang-trees, or mimosas, the trunks of which rise to sixty feet high. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Sculpted by the raking light, the bathers are russet and gold in the sun, vibrant in blue and red two-piece swimsuits, trunks, a maillot, absorbed in the folding of towels and blankets.
  • Mandibles clashed, clacking together like snapping tree trunks, and spittle drooled from its fangs.
  • From his Indian half he had his love of tramping which made him choose the wandering trade of trunk pedler; his French half made him a good trader and talker; while his Yankee half endowed him with a universal Yankee trait, a "handiness," which showed in scores of gifts and accomplishments and knacks that made him as warmly greeted everywhere as were his attractive trunks. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • PASTOR Michael Davis, of the Larose Christian Fellowship Church in Louisiana, finished his sermon, stripped down to his bathing trunks, exhorted the faithful to prepare for rebirth and stepped into the pool where he intended to baptise a dozen of his flock. The Writer’s Problem « The Graveyard
  • The trunks of some trees have been headed which causes several branches to grow from just below the cut.
  • Not sure about the hygiene aspect, but I'm all for the boardshorts (swim trunks) with speedos underneath alternative, but there you go, each to his own! Defiler - French Word-A-Day
  • At first, we bunkered behind fallen tree trunks and heaved spear-like sticks until a birthday party ended in blood and stitches.
  • At length, branching off from Solomon's Great Road, we came to the wide fosse surrounding the kraal, which is at least a mile round, and fenced with a strong palisade of piles formed of the trunks of trees. King Solomon's Mines
  • Swimwear included ultra minimal sexy trunks with zipped fronts for men and 50s bathing suits with flared skirts for women.
  • From the sea it looks one dense mass of greenery, in which the bright foliage of the candle-nut relieves the glossy dark green of the breadfruit — a maze of preposterous bananas, out of which rise slender annulated trunks of palms giving their infinite grace to the grove. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • The best thing to do with old cherry trunks is to let them lie in the woods, rotting down to feed fungi and invertebrates.
  • Lichens colonize a broad spectrum of niches in the forest, including fallen boles, and mature trunks or branches of a variety of tree species.
  • The atria are separated from the ventricles by the coronary sulcus (auriculoventricular groove); this contains the trunks of the nutrient vessels of the heart, and is deficient in front, where it is crossed by the root of the pulmonary artery. V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart

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