How To Use Trumpet flower In A Sentence
The Angel's trumpet flower produces a narcotic scent used by South American shamans to induce visionary dreams.
The Angel's trumpet flower produces a narcotic scent used by South American shamans to induce visionary dreams.
Greater bindweed also climbs though the hedge. Its big white trumpet flowers open during the day then twist closed as night falls.
The additional trees and shrubs in flower are the tamarisk, altheas, Venetian sumach, pomegranates, the beautiful passion-flower, the trumpet flower, and the virgin's bower or clematis, which is such a quick and handsome climber.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 267, August 4, 1827
The yellow trumpet flower is known to campesinos as retama, jamoncillos, jarilla or esperanza.
Wildflower hunting in Durango
So far, I have never seen any hummingbirds there, although I am told that they find trumpet flowers irresistible.