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[ US /ˈtɹəmp/ ]
[ UK /tɹˈʌmp/ ]
  1. produce a sound as if from a trumpet
  2. get the better of
    the goal was to best the competition
  3. proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare
  4. play a trump
  1. (card games) the suit that has been declared to rank above all other suits for the duration of the hand
    clubs were declared trumps
    a trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led
  2. a playing card in the suit that has been declared trumps
    the ace of trumps is a sure winner
  3. a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves

How To Use trump In A Sentence

  • This close-up view of what had been trumpeted as the greatest army on earth provided facts which took time to absorb. KARA KUSH
  • Moray eels, garfish and trumpetfish were roaming and snapping at a plethora of potential prey.
  • A six-time Grammy nominee (talk about frustration), Elling has released six albums of audacious vocalese that trumpet his daring range and intellectualism.
  • The promise of tax cuts proved, as always, to be the Republican Party's trump card.
  • And that was all my poor cousin got by making his old mistress his new wife — not a drum, not a trumpet, not a fife, not a tabret, nor the expectation of a new joy, to animate him on! Clarissa Harlowe
  • Rubiochico,) "which was fast swamping the sparkling stars, like a bright river flowing over diamonds, when the old gander again set up his gabblement and trumpeted more loudly than before. Tom Cringle's Log
  • It is best for 5 or 4 players, and features a novel and ingenious method of bidding to choose the trumps and partnerships.
  • Just as trumpeters wore distinctive uniforms, so too they rode distinctive horses, usually greys, to aid recognition.
  • Maybe I should bring along my trumpet to liven things up! The Sun
  • But then he decided to play his trump card .
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