How To Use True to In A Sentence

  • True to her word, Helen uses the best ingredients including free-range eggs and her own jam in her cakes.
  • The wives showed themselves true to stereotype by forever cooking meals containing an abundance of chips and driving to shoe shops in Japanese cabriolets.
  • For these matters are taught with the ordinary teaching authority Magisterio enim ordinario haec docentur, of which it is true to say: "He who heareth you, heareth me"... Economic Science and Catholic Social Teaching
  • True to form, most bodyboarders know their sport is an underdog and they tend to buy products from companies that support bodyboarding, like No Friends and ebodyboarding. com. Robbie Gennet: Every Break Will Change
  • True to form, the finished 2003 wines delivered record-breaking levels of tannin, sugar and alcohol; many châteaux have made clarets weighing in at 15 per cent-plus alcohol, as in Australia and California.
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  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • Finally, the citizen must, if true to his quality, be possessed of some civic virtue.
  • Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. Henry David Thoreau 
  • As for the future, Earle and Buckland hope to keep their company growing while staying true to what they call their precious recipe. Organic Beauty: Laura Katzenberg
  • Of two hundred seeds one became a blue atavist, or rather vicinist, while all others remained true to the white type. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • This oil painting is true to nature.
  • The level of hard work and commitment put in over the past few months had come down to the crunch and true to form, both communities lived up to their full potential.
  • I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.
  • ‘This is about keeping a commitment, delivering promises and being true to our convictions,’ he said.
  • Though some like to dwell on that horror while others ignore it entirely, I believe it is only true to the remarkableness of America if we acknowledge both the horror of that age and the unique American triumph in overcoming it. Bart Motes: Hillary Clinton for Supreme Court
  • She has to be true to her country or to her heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the benefit of a modern approach to cadence and syncopated rhythm, yet it feels more authentic and true to the material.
  • The arrow flew straight and true to its mark.
  • The fisherman made the request of the flounder, and this wish came true too.
  • For example, sometimes we find ourselves acting in uncharacteristic ways, many times unconsciously, just to support an external perception of who we are amongst others that is no longer true to our being. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » State of the Art of Reputation
  • An "Offaly good breakfast" may be a crap joke, but it was true to its word: grilled kidneys, pink at the eye, with Leopold Bloom's "faint tang of urine", a little fried wobbly liver, a round of black pudding, a fried egg trimmed unto the yolk on a piece of fried bread, a plank of crisp bacon and a dollop of their own ketchup. Restaurant review: the Potted Pig
  • First: If too true to put and relieve oneself in this way with the deposit way of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, why also offer to the Chinese customer the deposit?
  • The claim that the visa regulations are being introduced is not true to fact.
  • I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.
  • For this British astronaut, a boyhood dream comes true today. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was ever true to his family roots in rural Mayo and had a great love for his animals.
  • Meanwhile, true to form the National party is saying that the case is vexatious and ‘an absurd waste of time and taxpayer money’.
  • Human rights groups say the true toll could be higher. Times, Sunday Times
  • True to High Fidelity rules, Lullaby of Birdland opens with a corker: an on-air medley of Take the A Train and Caravan by Duke Ellington.
  • The last edition of the bug has a retro look, with chrome trim from bumper to bumper, whitewall tires and CD player, but it also stays true to the car's roots.
  • I understand the idea of busying yourself with some task to keep yourself from falling apart, but the way they're doing it doesn't ring true to me. Undefined
  • Sometimes the vehicle redlines and fuel cut-offs aren't true to life.
  • She has to be true to her country or to her heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • True to its name, it was decorated luxuriously in shades of blue, from the mostly blue stained glass in one of the windows to gauzy blue cloth on the tabletops.
  • What would all the writers I admired think if they knew one of their own was being untrue to himself?
  • I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.
  • True to form, an amuse-bouche of gazpacho and curry with crab was delivered to the table and was a great kick-off.
  • In his second novel, The Charwoman's Daughter, a description of young men and women rendezvousing in Grafton Street of an evening circa 1912 rings true today.
  • Try to be as true to your opinion as possible and don't over think it.
  • True to Lacanian theory, the penis is not just a corporeal implement of sexual pleasure, but a totemistic phallus representing authority negotiated via speech.
  • I strongly believe that until the breakdown of his marriage he had been true to his wedding vows.
  • Amis's Keith is a more-or-less civilised massive tool, a student of English literature given to pretentious pontificating, who wants to stay true to his girlfriend but can't help leching slaveringly over the weirdly unselfconscious sexbomb Scheherazade. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Here, being true to nature enables Shemesh to record a dazzling array of painterly gestures, some of them squarely within the tradition of Abstract Expressionism.
  • And I too have noticed women doing the old 'phwoar' thing (although I have never been ogled at by a women since I was about 17, as I was considerably more 'strapping' than I am now) - so that must be true too. Girls Like Pink ...Fact
  • In Shakespeare's day the groundlings were a lot more unruly, and you could say that that actress wasn't being sincere or true to her Shakespearean traditions, taking umbrage at a harmless bit of tom foolery that wouldn't have caused Richard Burbage to drop so much as a single iamb from To be, or not to be. Lance Mannion:
  • Miss Julie C. Gauthier had on exhibition at the New Orleans Exposition, a full-length portrait, true to life, of a colored man, "Pony," a veteran wood-sawer of History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III)
  • Although Transparente was recorded in Brazil, its 14 gem-like songs remain true to the deepest traditions of fado, the breathtakingly lyrical and melancholic music of Portugal.
  • True to form he does not readily submit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether it was analyzing Lee Trevino or counseling Mickey Wright, Penick stressed remaining true to your natural swing tendencies while observing a few basic guidelines.
  • Leicester have spent all season proving many of the things we hold true to be badly wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Okay, that’s one way to put it but their list won’t hold true to all of their choices though the great three, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and Robert Heinlein, whose fiction did inspire inventions and many of them are named after the artifacts in the books (a waldo is one example). Writing: How to Ignore Women « Colleen Anderson
  • The supposed flowers are the sculpturings on the scales of the ichthyolite; and, true to the analogy of the diker, on at least a first glance, they may be held to resemble the rather equivocal florets of a cheap wall-paper, or of an ornamental tile. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • You have to be true to that, you need to know what you stand for. Times, Sunday Times
  • It offers facile encouragement to youths wishing to rebel against cliquish conformity and be true to themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • True to a kids' art forms, I use pastels, pencil crayons and the great unsung medium of Jiffy markers.
  • It is also true to say that there was relatively less consensus about the precise relationship between causes and outcomes.
  • The best part of the ribbing -- true to its roots in divaliciousness -- was the curtain call, wherein the knobby-kneed bull-erina, Ida Nevasayneva (Paul Ghiselin), blew effusive kisses, toppled over in his curtsies and fumbled his way back through the curtain, all with unshakable aplomb. Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: Divas infuse humor, character in dances
  • Her sparkling eyes and mischievous glance from under her bright saffron veil were delightful, and her footwork was sharp and true to the taal.
  • If jeans are stonewashed or have gone through some chemical dye process, they'll pretty much stay true to size throughout washings.
  • Hypocrisy, from the Ancient Greek word hypocrites - actor - is the condition of somebody who is untrue to their stated ideals.
  • Whether it was analyzing Lee Trevino or counseling Mickey Wright, Penick stressed remaining true to your natural swing tendencies while observing a few basic guidelines.
  • Adams is deeply interested in the broader musical dimensions of culture, how pop music and classical music coexist and sometimes cross-fertilize, how composers need audience feedback, how musical generations succeed one another and how some artists will fight quixotic battles to their dying day, holding true to avant-garde orthodoxy no matter how isolating it is. A conversation with John Adams, composer and so much else
  • In pieces of this nature, people constantly use biased, unfair information about Keane that is half true to have a go at him.
  • She would rather kill herself than be untrue to her Romeo.
  • True love needs you to be true to yourselves. The Sun
  • True to his words and to my amazement, he has selected some of the ones I thought were unpalatable to the taste of the Chinese authorities.
  • It is wholly untrue to suggest that I have canvassed shareholders for their support on a rights issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • True to his word, Matt accepted some invitation for us to attend some awards show and somehow I was suckered into presenting an award.
  • True to form, the arrow was lodged deep in the center of the target.
  • They weren't always on the side of good, and even when they were, they still regularly made morally dubious judgements, but they were always true to their natures.
  • They fight to be true to themselves and good to others, and perhaps out of hatred for the sheer contemptible venality of capital's favorites.
  • Along the way, she touches on class distinctions, lesbianism, remaining true to yourself, costuming, politics, and the value of accidents in affecting the course of our lives. Scarlett Takes Manhattan » Comics Worth Reading
  • The same tendency to rely upon color causes many in the trade to call all yellow stones "topaz" whether the species be corundum (oriental topaz), true topaz (precious topaz), citrine quartz (quartz topaz), heliodor (yellow beryl), jacinth A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Its visuals and style are true to the original and show off the characters in great detail. The Sun
  • He also knows how to cut a killer coat, while still remaining true to his vision.
  • He should be true to his promise of delivering a'new kind of politics' by eschewing cheap partisanship and presenting original ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the highbrows, the middlebrow arts relied on glib formulas which were untrue to life's real complexities.
  • An important part of being honest is being true to ourselves, and if we live in the truth we will be free.
  • The Squid And The Whale may sound downbeat and depressing, but it is so true to life, it turns out funny and compassionate.
  • True to its barometrical functions, my throat was predicting a storm. Danger Signals Remarkable, Exciting and Unique Examples of the Bravery, Daring and Stoicism in the Midst of Danger of Train Dispatchers and Railroad Engineers
  • That is no longer true today and Leonard Lauder, the founder's son who is credited with transforming the family firm into today's near-£5bn business, talked of the arrival of "beauty pluralism" in an interview with Women's Wear Daily. Changing faces: cosmetics firms are forced to find a new image as beauty goes truly global
  • Mild Red stayed true to its trademark of uneven necklines and hemlines, idiosyncratic tucks and darting and the mixed media of wools and wovens
  • The reverse opinion, that women writers were more true to the national life, was held by contemporary historians of the literature.
  • This fresh and stylish production remains true to that spirit and is well worth looking out for.
  • True to the formalities of leadership races, all the candidates stated they want a clean fight.
  • All in all, he and his collaborators have produced a film that, despite its visual impact, is ultimately untrue to the original.
  • Smith effused, Throughout this budget, we held true to the principle of cutting with care. Will Schwartz: Going Broke in Albany, Part 3: Why We're Still Screwed
  • And Judge Walton has this reputation of being a tough sentencer, and he was true to that yesterday. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2007
  • True to Mozart's intention to present the incorrigible libertine as a dramma giocoso - a funny drama - Erwin Schrott was a charismatic and riveting Don Juan, while Kyle Ketelsen's Leporello, the Don's comic and unwilling manservant, stole all the rest of the scenes. Don Giovanni
  • Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are imaginary.
  • It is true to say that the inherent risks of injury from rare and random causes arises in every surgical procedure.
  • True to her word though she died on the Sunday morning, bathed in the radiant light of a spring sunrise.
  • It is not untrue to Poe, whose work is littered with beautiful but dead wives.
  • Even if Nichols cheats a bit about a few details, he makes his main characters tragicomically true to life, racily human enough to wrest sympathy from the sourest souls.
  • I have to disagree, I think it takes a lot of hutzpah to stick up and be true to your vision. ‘Ender’s Game’ Film Adaptation Gets Scrapped
  • She had been true to her independent nature, fulfilling her womanhood in a manner that she found appropriate, although unable to assert herself finally.
  • True to his word the travellers left in a convoy of caravans on Monday afternoon.
  • The life that is in you cries out that it must live, no matter what the cost; so you live ignominiously, untrue to the best you dream of, sinning against your whole pitiful little code, and, if there were a hell, heading your soul straight for it. Chapter 16
  • LUI: Steinunn is succeeding by promoting her label online and showing her clothes in Paris, Copenhagen, and New York, but she is staying true to her understated Nordic style. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2009
  • But true to his form, he has long refused to recognise colour as a barrier to anything.
  • True to the principles of fine theatre, the Moriarty Tribunal has left its audience in keen anticipation ahead of its scheduled resumption on Thursday.
  • True to the formula, Bond so overwhelms her that she trades in her independent if empty existence and accepts domestication.
  • Consider the distinctive compositions of pop artist Romero Britto, whose brilliant colors and whimsical themes flirt with cubism but remain true to the artist's personal style.
  • He argues that it is true to say that some groups have harmed the image of No Platform by using it to stifle debate, but this is rare, and in no way changes the continuing need for No Platform policy under its original intention.
  • He said that he would stay true to the ideals of opening up the world of classified documents. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be in dispute with the club for which he had played and coached has obviously cut deep, yet Telfer, true to form, rationalises the issue.
  • It is true to say that much of modern architectural theory is derived from literary theory and post-structuralism of the late '90s.
  • Thank you, Miss; Madison 'll stand true to Miss Letitia, an' true to ole maus 'chillun', an 'true to de ole plantation. Bond and Free: A Tale of the South
  • The whole fight was to keep the film absolutely as true to the book as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • We think of Him as true to His _promises_, do we think of Him, also, as _true to His threatenings_? Memories of Bethany
  • True to their acoustic mantra, they maintain an earthy, naturistic, rootsy feel. The echo and echoplex
  • It’s about as serious and true to its subject matter as The Blues Brothers, and escalates in ridiculousness in a similar manner. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Best number in entertainment.
  • Some party lawmakers said Monday that the FDP should stay true to its pro-European traditions. Partner in Merkel Bloc Sticks by Euro Criticism
  • If he were to stay at all true to his thesis, that surely would have been the last we heard of him.
  • Least of all, writers of science fiction, who if they are true to their calling, start with the blankest of canvases, and are free to create, worlds, universes, cultures, states of being and consciousness, the very laws of mass and energy if they so choose. Point/Counterpoint: Media Tie-Ins
  • And true to form, Mr. Salett returned from his walk-through with something to show Ms. Marrais: a jerry-rigged castanet clacker, acquired during a drop-in at producer Nick Stumpf's studio, The Love Boat. Rocking Near the F Train
  • He does plum - blossom - stake exercises gracefully and proficiently, and is true to his name.
  • You have to admit that these sketches are true to life.
  • With its sumptuous bouquet of sunny neroli, ripe, nectarous rose and jasmine and sweet, powdery violet and iris, and a languid, expansive feel of the composition, Baghari stays true to the grand and insolent spirit of the rest of the Piguet collection. Archive 2007-08-01
  • True to his narcissistic nature, however, Dorian is much more enamoured of himself than anyone around him.
  • It is also true to say that there was relatively less consensus about the precise relationship between causes and outcomes.
  • He should be true to his promise of delivering a'new kind of politics' by eschewing cheap partisanship and presenting original ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • As pastry chairwoman at the French Culinary Institute in the city's Soho district, she remains true to her background, referring to her sundaes on the menu as coupes.
  • Many were executed for remaining true to their principles.
  • It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country. 
  • '3 cFalse' truefalse. txt else sed - i '3 cTrue' truefalse. txt fi variable = $ (sed - n '3p' truefalse. txt) echo $variable this reads line three of a simple text file and changes True to False or False to True depending on what the line says. how would i replace the '3' with a variable? what is the syntax for that?
  • And true to form, Mr. Salett returned from his walk-through with something to show Ms. Marrais: a jerry-rigged castanet clacker, acquired during a drop-in at producer Nick Stumpf's studio, The Love Boat. Rocking Near the F Train
  • In it he claimed that the law of evolution, in a certain sense as true to him as to any so-called evolutionist, was a law "controlling development, and keeping types within appointed cycles of growth. Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
  • MK, I thought the Israelis used the light weight AR15 for general field work & Uzi for intimate encounters and true to form they bought the AR15s by the boxload, fiddled & twiddled & made them better than the original? Cheeseburger Gothic » FNQ
  • It remains completely, perfectly true to its calling. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so even if Mr. Isaacson, as he told reporters on Jan. 13, kept CNN true to its generation-old journalistic mission while synthesizing in sparkier, show-driven lineup-and, as he kept pointing out, dammit, those ratings are better than they were a couple years ago, even if they're not nearly as good as Mr. Ailes 'are-his work feels incomplete. Little Orphan CNN
  • Instead of a clunky, abstract system where you get “+5 to harvesting” or “+10 to sword smithing”, representations of ore or sword pieces can get moved around the screen, showing the player in a general sense what is going on. with the right mentality, mini-games can be even more true to the world than another approach. MMOG Nation » Mini-Gaming For Fun and Profit
  • Historically, humanism and science used to be harmonious; yet the magnificent development of scientism and technolatry put human civilization into a crisis, which is also true to Chinese culture.
  • Gladly will I bestir the deedy hands, everywhere behold where thou hast need of me; bepraise the rich pomp of thy splendour; pursue unwearied the lovely harmonies of thy skilled handicraft; gladly contemplate the thoughtful pace of thy mighty, radiant clock; explore the balance of the forces and the laws of the wondrous play of countless worlds and their seasons; but true to the Rampolli
  • True to form, the "sillies" always bit#h, moan and complain! Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Its visuals and style are true to the original and show off the characters in great detail. The Sun
  • The way he tells his stories and jokes is true to life everywhere.
  • As far as I am concerned both these propositions remain true today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chicken pot pie ($14), true to its billing, had an intriguing, simultaneously flaky and tender crust (I prefer mine on the thinner, flakier side) atop moist chicken chunks, diced parsnips, carrots, and mushrooms swimming in a velvety, rich Supreme sauce. After Midnight « PubliCola
  • ‘I believe in music’ is her motto and she has never been untrue to it.
  • And: Pay-for-performance is an outgrowth of behaviorism, which is focused on individual organisms, not systems - and, true to its name, looks only at behaviors, not at reasons and motives and the people who have them. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • 'The gold embossment might indeed have been done by another, but not these heads, so true to the life, and of an art so far beyond any ability of mine, that I am tempted sometimes to think that he is in league with Vulcan. Zenobia or, the Fall of Palmyra
  • True to the “middle way” of Buddhism, Kûkai treads a path that avoids reifying substantialism on the one hand as well as utter nihilism on the other hand. Laughter
  • The boarders, though, are weaving a fine line between staying true to their surfy, freewheeling roots and the rewards of success.
  • The arrow flew straight and true to the target.
  • I hold true to my belief that there is beauty in even the most desolate places.
  • Leicester have spent all season proving many of the things we hold true to be badly wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was almost eighty years ago - but his warning stands true today. The Sun
  • is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty
  • Generally it is true to say that use of Creole is restricted to the private domain, and informal situations.
  • If we are true to the principle that the measure of a democracy is the depth and scope of participation enjoyed by its citizens, then celebration needs to be tempered by sober reflection.
  • And true to the Lieutenant's word, seconds later a vast array of darkly coloured ships emerged from the even deeper black of space.
  • Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.
  • Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.
  • The arrow flew straight and true to its target.
  • All new formations built of cells which continue true to the parent type we may call homologous new formations; while those which depart from the parent type or undergo degenerative changes we may designate heterologous. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • In so doing they have been a shining light to others, encouraging them to be true to who they are and embody their own uniqueness.
  • So far Arabic metre is true to Nature: in impassioned speech the movement of language is iambic: we say “I will, I will,” not The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • But while I have tried to put poets to as many poems as I can, most verses have remained true to their seventeenth-century nature and elude ascription.
  • The playwright himself thought her brave and true to her exceptional self, straining against the suffocation of modern life.
  • He was true to his heritage in valuing hard work, frugality, practicality, and taciturnity.
  • Because the song has become an anthem for teenagers, the film will be true to spirit of the song.
  • He could, as in _The Caxtons_, be fairly true to ordinary life -- but even then he seemed to feel a necessity of setting off and as it were apologising for the simplicity and veracity by touches -- in fact by _douches_ -- of Sternian fantastry, and by other touches of what was a little later to be called sensationalism. The English Novel
  • Both of these explanations are plausible, but they are not necessarily mutually exclusive; both may be true to some degree.
  • In the subtle interflow of good and evil; in the unmerited sufferings of innocence; in the disproportion of penalties to desert; in the seeming blindness with which justice, in attempting to assert itself, overwhelms innocent and guilty in a common ruin, -- Shakespeare is true to real experience. Prose Masterpieces from Modern Essayists
  • True to the principles of fine theatre, the Moriarty Tribunal has left its audience in keen anticipation ahead of its scheduled resumption on Thursday.
  • She has to be true to her country or to her heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be untrue to suggest, however, that the attractive, flowing style evinced by this team stems directly from Kerr's football philosophy.
  • And therefore go on your way, and look that ye be of good comfort, for all shall be for your worship and for the best, and perdy a twelvemonth will soon be done, and trust me, fair knight, I shall be true to you, and never to betray you, but to my death I shall love you and none other. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • He could not realize how true to _himself_ he had been that afternoon, or how truly the impulse that had prompted him to deny his calling was an instinct of his own strong manhood -- the instinct to be accepted or rejected for what he was within himself, rather than for the mere accident of his calling and position in life. The Calling of Dan Matthews
  • While they stand before the electorate promising to defend this nation from external threats, their ornateness fails to acknowledge the true to life domestic indigences being forcefully pushed upon our citizens as a consequence. Fresh Faces, Same Bunk
  • It stays true to its roots of biting satire and dry wit and avoids becoming nonsensical.
  • True to his word, officers had summoned them the night before into the open field, lit dimly by sidelights, to brief them on a full army exercise scheduled to take place the following afternoon.
  • Though I don't recall having seen more than a dozen horses in Borneo, the British have been true to their traditions by building two race courses: one at Sandakan and one at Jesselton. Where the Strange Trails Go Down Sulu, Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Cambodia, Annam, Cochin-China
  • Ultimately, our calling is to be true to God, even if that means that we are deemed by our people to be untrue to them.
  • I hereby certify that all the information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will pay the taxes for which I have received tax allowances from the Fund. [emphasis added] Stromata Blog:
  • In case you're wondering, the property was an old equestrian ranch on which the 1984 Olympic team trained, and Howard Backen, the Backen, Gillam, & Kroeger architect responsible for Screaming Eagle's design, worked his magic on the property staying true to the bucolic history of the land while inflecting it with simple Japanese aesthetics. Marie Elena Martinez: 2010's Must-Visit Napa Winery: Kenzo Estate
  • True to the tradition of convent-educated girls in fiction, Aurora flings herself into a voluptuous life of lunches and lovers.
  • True to their name, trailing fuchsias are the most desirable for planting in suspended containers.
  • The plot doesn't force Mirabelle to choose between the two, instead electing to let them all grow into and bleed out of one-another, true to the organic nature of real relationships.
  • Haggard head of the Evangelicals is as Bible babbly as they come, yet as can be seen in recent news he is as true to that as, well, a meth addict! Swearing by the Book - The Caucus Blog -
  • I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.
  • It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country. 
  • The sacristy is a jumble of wooden equipment crates, tall gold candelabras, cables and paints that conservator Naoko Fukumaru mixes and holds up in swatches to the original to ensure the color, depth and finish are true to life. The Art of Replicating Masterpieces
  • The owners have stayed true to the property's origins by installing features such as pitched pine floorboards throughout the ground floor, period fireplaces and a stained glass leaded window in the entrance porch.
  • True to form, they don't actually like emo. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spots the boyfriend leaving and thinks she is being untrue to him.
  • Absolutely true to nature, it transcends topographical detail to attain a visual poetry that invites contemplation, self-reflection, and spiritual enlightenment.
  • You know stretch would be so much easier, however, stretch will show up as shinier on camera and that wouldn't be true to the period. From Pillbox Hat to Bullet Bra: The Anatomy of a Pan Am Stewardess Uniform
  • Something that holds true to the franchise yet still manages to hold its own in originality and delivers a sense of freshness while playing.
  • The term noir was coined in 1946 by French critics reviewing a group of American thrillers, including Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity and Otto Preminger's Laura, both from 1944, to mark a phenomenon they thought new to American cinema, a "harsh," "true to life" quality, a mood of "pessimism and despair. Day into Noir
  • You must believe you can win, otherwise you're being untrue to yourself.
  • Back then, as is true today, we didn't know if we're going to land on ice or in a liquid methane-ethane ocean or a tarry gooey surface.
  • Columbine , aquilegia ‘Magpie’, another seed grown success that has shown itself to be true to seed , the babies have the dark hood and white center so charming in the shade garden. Color in the Garden-GBDW Part Four « Fairegarden
  • True to form, just as we're waiting for a couple of dry, still days so we can do the outside paintwork, the weather today turned wet, wintry and exceeding blustery.
  • The Democrats are still true to their heritage of the party of local notables, or in American parlance of Bourbon Democrats and urban political machines. Matthew Yglesias » Opposition Strategy
  • He arrived all mufflered, true to legend and his fingers left depressions on my brain that I can still follow, like breadcrumbs, to find my way back to that precise and sublime magic. Before and After #101: Glenn Gould
  • Be true to yourself and everything will be fine.
  • They are completely true to the ideals of the National Gallery: public accessibility, free access, no selling of pictures.
  • In effect, and glossing on Nielsen's analysis, Durkheim could not escape the limitations of the tradition precisely because he remained true to its central questions and its foundational distinctions.

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