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[ UK /tɹˈʌkjʊlənt/ ]
[ US /ˈtɹəkjəɫənt/ ]
  1. defiantly aggressive
    a truculent speech against the new government

How To Use truculent In A Sentence

  • a fund of purblind obduracy, of opaque _flunkyism_ grown truculent and transcendent; what an eye for the phylacteries, and want of eye for the eternal noblenesses; sordid loyalty to the prosperous Semblances, and high-treason against the Supreme Fact, such a vote betokens in these natures? Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • Colleagues say the negotiating skills he displayed during his dealings with truculent Glasgow councillors showed he has the mettle for the big time.
  • Oh, how the Simpson's writing staff can truculently castigate styli of pretentiousness when necessitated by buffoonery... Succulent truculence.
  • Actually it sounds more like you and your management need to receive a MCP envelope. hit your regiment is, I cannot comment too much, except to note that if (when I was a soldier) some useless twát had got a course because I had to fill their slot on an exercise then a formal complaint would have gone in (maybe that's why my final CR as a soldier before I went to RMAS stated I was "bumptious" and "truculent"?) Army Rumour Service
  • Those who sought to defend the rights of property-owners were exposed to truculent and often offensive questioning.
  • This is backed up by the first single ‘Slow Burn’ which features some ridiculously truculent axe work from Pete Townshend.
  • Indeed, Asperger’s is all over SF, nor did I use the term facetiously in this case, since I suspect (albeit only from a remove, and based only on my interactions with him) that Burt may have some variation of Asperger’s, which would explain (although not necessarily excuse) some of his truculent behavior and inability to process why others might have objections to his actions. A Gut Check Moment for SFWA « Whatever
  • He might take it as a national mandate to pursue the policy of truculent unilateralism.
  • Two were burly security guards and the third was the angry, truculent figure of Robert Holtzheim being escorted into a car. COMPULSION
  • Instead, they gradually fell into a sullen silence, their noisemakers clacked to a dead stop, and the truculent trumpet blasts were shushed.
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