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How To Use Truant In A Sentence

  • We were always together and always playing truant from school. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • So we plunge into its dingy maze with a hopeful and daring sensation of truantry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ideas put forward yesterday for future use of new technology included allowing parents to check online whether their children are truanting, increasing online tax payments and more use of computers in the health service.
  • She soon began truanting and going missing for increasingly long periods of time.
  • Terrified of secondary school, she left after one year and played truant for the following three. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A vio­lent, promiscuous, out-of-control teen who hated her parents, truanted to have sex with boys and used threats to make other children do what she wanted. Disordered Minds
  • Some education officers were also encouraging parents of truants to deregister their children from school, so they could meet new government targets for increasing school attendance.
  • Rather, the smell of the place urges me indeterminately, diffusedly, to truantry. Journeys to Bagdad
  • Playing truant from school is mitching in Ulster; twagging in East Yorkshire; slamming in Bradford; jigging in York; skidging in Paisley in Scotland; and skiving almost everywhere.
  • There are major differences between a kid on a gap year in Peru, to someone who can't find work but has qualifications, to someone who has disengaged from learning and truanted from age 14. Epolitix News
  • A police spokesman said he was angry over being expelled from school after forging a doctor's note as an excuse to stay off school and play truant.
  • According to Zsombor Peter of the Albuquerque Journal $1M Spent on Truancy, With Little To Show for It, Apr. 22, 2008, the state government has recently released a report documenting that 67% of APS high school students are classified as habitually truant from class. Errors of Enchantment » APS Has Problems Educating Students
  • The boys at Lynn, Mass., built a very substantial house in the trees, and the truant officer claimed that the lads hid away there so that they could play "hookey" from school; but if this is true, and there seems to be some doubt about it, it must be remembered that the fault was probably with Shelters, Shacks and Shanties
  • Boys who had been truanting and priding themselves on being cheeky and ‘hard ‘turned out to be brilliant at woodwork.
  • There the boy is captured by Jack's colleagues, who have been commanded by the Lord to kill their truant captain.
  • A national crackdown on truancy has seen fast-track court action against parents of hardcore truants.
  • Even as a fierce blizzard looms on the horizon, she finds herself with more than just a truant husband on her hands.
  • truant schoolboys
  • We know that 4,048 students were reported as long-term truants last year.
  • During that time, his 14-year-old brother became truant from school and began using narcotics.
  • A mother brings her truant son to school to be flogged for neglecting his studies in favour of gambling.
  • If they were encouraging genuine truants back to school then I would be entirely supportive.
  • It goes, however, slower and slower, and curving its journey less and less, until at last its motion in remote obscurity is again so sluggish, that the sun's attraction is once more predominant, and able to recall the truant towards its realms of light. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 450 Volume 18, New Series, August 14, 1852
  • Under the scheme, truant pupils are identified and the welfare service tries to help them.
  • Yet despite highly publicised anti-truancy initiatives - which have even included telephone hotlines urging the public to report truanting pupils - non-attendance still remains at crisis point.
  • Often guys played truant after assembly. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, even at kindergarten his rebellious streak was showing and at the age of five or six he was playing truant.
  • He kept a drawerful of parental excuse notes that he knew his students had forged in order to play truant from school; then he set them a class test on making their excuses more convincing.
  • She was only discovered when she missed a day and the truant officers paid her a visit. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of our pupils play truant. The Sun
  • The girls hurried out before the employees had a chance to call the truant officer and ran down the street. Arcana Magi Zero - v.3: It's So Wonderful, It's So Beautiful
  • A Swindon school has found a new way to beat the truants and encourage good behaviour.
  • He said that his dad had kicked him out because he'd been truanting and hanging around with a gang of boys, getting into trouble.
  • This doesn't mean that all truants are up to no good: some are avoiding school to avoid confronting more deep-seated problems.
  • Then the Kentish king, admonished by a dream of the archbishop's, made submission, recalled the truant bishops, and restored Justus to Early Britain Anglo-Saxon Britain
  • In North Yorkshire, the figures were a little better with 17 children found truanting, eight of whom were with an adult.
  • However, students who do not attend school may be similar to alternative school students, students who are often chronically absent or truant.
  • Perceval appointed him secretary to the Admiralty in 1809, a well-paid post which he held for 22 years, never quitting his office ‘without a kind of uneasiness like a truant boy’.
  • Parents who repeatedly fail to keep their children in school will be hauled back to the classroom and given lessons on bringing up youngsters, under a radical plan to stop truanting.
  • Many of these children aren't at school - either because they have been excluded or are truanting.
  • He's a former hacker and current high school truant who has turned what he describes as a lark -- Chatroulette was intended to entertain his friends, he says -- into ambitions for storming Silicon Valley. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • My father gave me a thick ear when he heard I'd been playing truant.
  • Two grown daughters in the family join the truant male whenever the old man launches into story.
  • Who could blame the truants, I thought - the sun was shining, there wasn't a breath of wind and a lovely swell was still rolling through - far too much of a distraction to be messing around with work, education and suchlike.
  • Following up the boys, who escaped from them in disgust—if indeed they were not barred out; the street swarmed with children for whom there was not room—I saw them herded at the prison to which Protestant truants were sent, with burglars, vagrants, thieves, and “bad boys” of every kind. I try to go to the War for the Third and Last Time
  • Little Red plays truant from her failing comprehensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having been a truant pupil himself, Mark was keen to ensure that they did not follow in his footsteps, although they were rarely excused from helping him with his own projects.
  • Athy pupils will no longer be able to play truant and hope to get away with it, following the introduction of Ireland's first high tech electronic register.
  • But she wonders if ministers quite understand the real world when she hears ideas such as head teachers' issuing fixed penalty notice fines to truants ' parents.
  • Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from school.
  • Mid-Victorian child-saving institutions included certified reformatories, industrial schools, industrial training ships for boys, special voluntary rescue homes for girls, and industrial day schools for truants.
  • Over a quarter of all secondary school pupils in Rochdale played truant last year.
  • His backwardness in the university hath set him thus forward; for had he not truanted there, he had not been so hasty a divine. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • They lunch, drive in the country and play truant at the afternoon matinee. Times, Sunday Times
  • At 12 she began to play truant from school. Times, Sunday Times
  • But still his heart failed; for he could not recall his truant thoughts from the wolf-like Little Folks A Magazine for the Young (Date of issue unknown)
  • ‘I've got out,’ I told him in the tone of voice parents reserve for especially truant children.
  • In secondary schools, 3,345 of 20,966 pupils skipped classes - with truants missing an average of 13 half-days.
  • The service's team manager, Juliet Yolland, said recidivist truants were typically missing between 60-80 percent of the 186-day school year.
  • What were you doing outside school in your uniform if you were truanting ? IN REAL LIFE
  • Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.
  • Truanting was a serious problem in a fifth of the schools surveyed.
  • Perhaps, accentuation of this trend is directly proportional to giving a fillip to the village economy, which is now over-dependent on the milch cows, following the failure of agriculture owing to the rain playing truant.
  • Plans to jail the parents of persistent truants have been dismissed as unworkable - by the pupils themselves.
  • The truant was a pretty, white-nosed creature, a special pet of his master's, with great brown, confiding eyes, and ample ears, and Amberley had named him Simon. Peak and Prairie From a Colorado Sketch-book
  • That is exactly why the Minister of Education has been putting in place programmes to ensure those young people are not truant, are not suspended; they are at school where they belong.
  • A police crackdown on school truants in the north-west area seems to be making progress.
  • None of our pupils play truant. The Sun
  • In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.
  • The vast majority of the truants would readily acknowledge in the aftermath that they were only out for a skive following a wind-up on the web.
  • The health minister instead should take recourse to the existing laws and try and effectively bring back the health department on rails and make the truant doctors more responsive.
  • After determining that she would not injure anyone, she had to attend school and not be truant.
  • School chiefs in Swindon have been told to slap fines on parents or even put them in jail if their children play truant from school.
  • The report also reveals police and education officers were often the target of verbal abuse from the parents who were caught allowing their children to play truant.
  • Before the pleasant afternoon closed, he had gained permission to call the truant Letty, and she primmed her rosy lips as he taught her to say Will. The Chequers Being the Natural History of a Public-House, Set Forth in a Loafer's Diary
  • Here are the other truant titans, along with their stated reasons for missing the premier IFBB contest.
  • That is one reason why the truant officers would not have been concerned yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alcohol is also linked to missing school, with 60\% of pupils who had truanted in the last year having drunk alcohol in the last week compared to 17\% of those who had never truanted [2]. Health News from Medical News Today
  • In most cases, children who are truants end up in the criminal courts and move on to become repeat offenders, unless something is done to look at why they do not want to go to school.
  • Statistical adjustments were also made based on the responses of students who indicated skipping classes in the past 30 days and being truant since school began in September.
  • Now any pupil who is suspected of playing truant will be asked to produce a note showing they have a valid reason for being away from school.
  • Police officers have begun an operation to target truant schoolchildren in the town.
  • Many end up playing truant or face bullying because their school work suffers. The Sun
  • My friend got a call from the dean of students: Their son was truant and failing out of school.
  • Did Mr. and Mrs. Trevelyan know that you and Cill truanted at Grace's house?" she asked. Disordered Minds
  • The majority of these parents knew of the absence but about 20 pupils were found to be truanting.
  • Scott's picture centres on a 16-year-old schoolboy (played by the director's now almost equally famous brother, Tony) truanting from school for a lyrical cycle ride around the dockland area of the film-maker's native north-east England. Britain's best film directors show some early promise
  • We will take action against those who are persistently truanting or who are late for school.
  • Jill knew of this second family and often hung out in their home when she truanted. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • It'll be many a day I shall be called truant, I reckon. Little Folks A Magazine for the Young (Date of issue unknown)
  • One might imagine that the amount of time and trouble one spends in coaxing a truant word back into the memory would inscribe it indelibly on one's heart and ensure that that particular creature, at any rate, should never escape again: whereas in fact, like a once-dislocated ankle, it is more than ever liable to slip out. Try Anything Twice
  • Children who are truant (or ‘playing hooky’) are not scared to go to school the way children with school refusal are.
  • At 12 she began to play truant from school. Times, Sunday Times
  • Truanting is a small but growing problem in primary schools.
  • A young person can end up facing a children's panel - or ‘hearing’ - for criminal activity, truanting, running away from home or equally because they are at risk from physical abuse or neglect.
  • We were always together and always playing truant from school. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • Truant soon discovers that there is no such film, and even if there were, Zampano was unqualified to write a critique: He was blind.
  • As part of the crackdown against absenteeism, the parents of persistent truants have been threatened with tougher fines and jail sentences.
  • One in every five secondary school pupils plays truant, according to Whitehall.
  • He had a good groatsworth of wit, Stephen said, and no truant memory. Ulysses
  • Educational Advocates are ex-offenders who work to bring chronically truant youth back to school.
  • Often guys played truant after assembly. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will not be coming in with a hard approach, but want to work with parents to stop truanting.
  • That is one reason why the truant officers would not have been concerned yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girl was known to be wild, and she truanted too often — particularly at night — for a swollen belly to be anything but an unwanted pregnancy. Fox Evil
  • Numbers of truants are so high education social workers do not have the resources to spend a lot of time with all the families involved.
  • Parents feel helpless in today's changing world and wonder how to cope with the truant child.
  • Many end up playing truant or face bullying because their school work suffers. The Sun
  • His outward hopes were blasted, and he returned with concentrated ardour to woo the muse, from whom he had so long truanted. Milton
  • Little Red plays truant from her failing comprehensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a few fleeting seconds, she considered truanting, but common sense triumphed over her emotions.
  • But the local education authority warned that pupils who attended the demonstration would be treated as truants.
  • She was only discovered when she missed a day and the truant officers paid her a visit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teacher supposed that the absent pupil was ill, but some of his friends suspected he was playing truant.
  • -- He had a good groatsworth of wit, Stephen said, and no truant memory. Ulysses
  • Children with school refusal differ in important ways from children who are truant, although the behaviors are not mutually exclusive.
  • Some 40,871 secondary school pupils truanted each day over the autumn and spring terms - the equivalent of 1.41% of half days lost. The Guardian World News
  • He played "hookey" all day long, and no truant officer disturbed him, or dragged him off to school. Little Journey to Puerto Rico : for Intermediate and Upper Grades For Intermediate and Upper Grades
  • The coastguardsman had to shoulder the hamper when packed, as well as carry the empty water-jar; for, both Bob and Dick, whose respective burdens these had previously been, had rushed off soon after luncheon and when all interest in making a fire and boiling the kettle had ceased, down to the shore, where presently the truants were discovered. Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
  • Some bet so heavily they play truant from school to pursue their habit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, however, a surprisingly large number of parents are not only already aware that their children are truanting, they actively condone it.
  • Many of the truant students claim they were stressed out by exams or had problems getting along with classmates.
  • Had authorities followed up, critics said, they might have reached - or at least noticed - the truant students and stopped their respective attacks.
  • In Scotland, statistics have shown that around 7% of young people truanted frequently, 17% occasionally, and 28% rarely.
  • Students are considered habitual truants if they have 10 or more unexcused absences in a school year.
  • Some bet so heavily they play truant from school to pursue their habit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some education officers were also encouraging parents of truants to deregister their children from school, so they could meet new government targets for increasing school attendance.
  • Carlos, a painfully shy 15 year old, is chronically truant.
  • I think you and Cill hid out with her when you truanted. Disordered Minds
  • Truant teenagers are being targeted in a hard-hitting poster campaign at bus shelters across East Lancashire.
  • Some students have been warned that they will be treated as truants.
  • You'll fail all your exams if you carry on truanting.
  • None seem wholly dead words except the following eighteen: To _mammock_, tear; _mell_, meddle; _mose_, mourn; _micher_, truant; _mome_, fool; Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVI., December, 1880.
  • He sounded like the school headmaster quietly but firmly dressing down a truant pupil.
  • I called the truant officer, and now the kids' school is supplying them with food and cell phones. Kristin Wilson Keppler: What Children Can Learn From Egypt
  • School was more often burdensome for girls than it was for boys, although boys were slightly more truant.
  • Bradford's high-profile park rangers have helped to catch 400 truants, working with police in 16 operations in the past year.
  • Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.
  • Truanting is a small but growing problem in primary schools.
  • Nevertheless, whether it likes it or not, the University of Glasgow is still my alma mater and, truant and impostor though I may have been, I am saddened at its proposals to defenestrate its excellent modern languages department. Who will awaken the talents of our poorest kids? | Kevin McKenna
  • Youngsters truanted for all sorts of reasons including bullying, domestic violence, family illness and basic issues like failing to do homework, she said.
  • Roman Catholic schoolgirl labelled 'truant' for refusing to wear headscarf on mosque trip - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He said: ‘We often catch children that are quite vulnerable, they often truant because they have a problem at home and by catching them we can deal with that.’
  • A number of pupils have been truanting regularly.
  • The Department for Education and Skills has already warned that any pupil missing school to attend a demonstration would be treated as truants and headteachers have warned that they could face expulsion.
  • The school collaborates with a charity to inspire and re-engage underachieving pupils and chronic truants.
  • In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.
  • What is clear is that students who are doing well at school and are engaged and focused do not truant.
  • Maybe the authorities should put some structures in place, like perhaps a truant officer to accost these truants.
  • In the last academic year 696, 328 pupils truanted or were absent without permission, on average for 15 half days.
  • During this summer's World Cup, big screen televisions were set up in the city's classrooms in an attempt to stop children truanting to watch football matches.
  • Learning mentors will work with primary schoolchildren, who are deemed at risk of becoming truants.
  • Terrified of secondary school, she left after one year and played truant for the following three. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.
  • Thinking it her favorite Carlo, and being in no mood for a frolic, without lifting her eyes she bid him "begone;" but she was soon undeceived by a shrill voice pronouncing her name, at the same time finding her arm tightly grasped by the thin, bony fingers of Crazy Nell, the terror of all the truant children in the village. Small Means and Great Ends
  • School truants are to be targeted this month as part of a joint operation by the council and police.
  • The world also remembers how he phonily posed in full combat uniform on an aircraft carrier, when in truth, he was reported to have played truant at the time when he was supposed to be in the military service, but got away with it, thank to his family's name. Undefined
  • Far from truanting because they are stupid, it turns out many truant because they are clever.
  • A state's truant officers can also discipline the parents of delinquent students if they either aid or condone their children's misconduct.
  • He is also proposing placing police in and around schools to round up truants.
  • Meanwhile, a number of important African American writers played truant from the school of racial realism.
  • Known truants were staying in school and had been deterred from leaving school grounds.
  • Why not bring this regime back for the hard-core truants, if they won't attend school during school time make them attend in their own time.
  • Industry circles have started making calculations but the tastes of audiences are truant and calculations may go awry.
  • It went on like that for a few months until it got to the point where we were truanting from school every day and smoking weed.
  • A paper girl and a notorious truant get entangled in a romance during a hot summer in Singapore.

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