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How To Use Trout In A Sentence

  • Plasma levels of GH increase following seawater exposure of coho, chum and Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.
  • The smoothly boiled porridge, with its accompaniment of thick yellow cream; the new-laid eggs; the grilled trout, fresh from the stream; the freshly baked "baps" and "scones," the crisp rolls of oatcake; and last, but not least, the delectable, home-made marmalade, which is as much a part of the meal as the coffee itself. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • There might be game, sea trout or a barley risotto on the menu. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tuesday at 3 p.m. place-holders started showing up outside the restaurant Galatoire's to stand in line so their well-heeled patrons can enjoy trout amandine and souffle potatoes Friday during the celebrated pre-Fat Tuesday fest. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
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  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • In natural streams coho salmon and steelhead trout fry tend to occupy pools and riffles, respectively.
  • On the River Darent, in Kent - which as recently as 1996 used to dry up in places during the summer, stranding and killing fish and other aquatic life - the amount taken from the river has been cut by 35m litres a day compared with 20 years ago, increasing river flows and so enabling much greater numbers of brown trout, pike and other fish to live in its waters. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • For fish lovers cod and trout are fine. The Sun
  • They meant sea trout, sea trout. Times, Sunday Times
  • troutlet;" so they asked him if he thought he could eat troutlet, for there was no other fish to give him. Don Quixote
  • Our second annual spring trip to the Upper Catch and Release Area of the Miller's River, my father caught this nice brown trout, and caught flak from the elitists because he was using the fly rod with a spinning reel and rooster tail and catching fish, while the elitist fly fishers were getting skunked all morning. Field & Stream
  • However, the Trouts have skillfully created a spectacle as beautiful as it is thought provoking.
  • Trout lice, which is a kind of a worm, in shape like a The Compleat Angler
  • To examine expression levels, muscle samples were taken from three body positions (anterior, middle, and posterior) of red and white muscle of five parr and five smolt rainbow trout.
  • There is no evidence of the condition in wild trout or farmed salmon or trout. Times, Sunday Times
  • I loved the endless hours I spent splashing in streams, eating blackberries off the bush, catching trout, walking the woods, sunning on rocks, listening to banjos and dulcimers.
  • By carrying out the project we hope to attract fish, such as chub, dace, grayling and trout as well as other wildlife back to this particular stretch of river.
  • It's no use fishing for trout in this river,there are none left.
  • Apart from the rainbows and browns, it is stocked with some cross-bred trout which seem to be gaining in popularity at fisheries.
  • This new darting, wobbling spoon is available in 10 color patterns and is perfect for trout and kokanee salmon. ACME FRISKY FISH
  • The property sleeps nine and has ready access to woodland walks and a five-acre wildlife reserve with bird hides and a trout lake.
  • An inland form of redband trout native to lakes in British Columbia is known as Kamloops trout. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • All Salmon and Trout Club members and their partners are very welcome.
  • Catching brown trout among seaweed is a strange experience for someone used to freshwater fishing on the mainland.
  • Also effective are the modern streamer tyings rather akin to the ‘Appetizer’ rainbow trout lure but finer dressed.
  • A similar product for sea trout is next on the company's list. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes for comic effect — loved how Santana's hilariously torchy "Trouty Mouth" ode to Sam was briefly trending on Twitter — but more frequently for overdue emotional payoff, because as Mr. Shue says, "The greatest songs are about hurt. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Here mezereons grow, and salmon trout comes to spawn.
  • It is a big, juicy mouthful and the trout love it. Times, Sunday Times
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
  • The saltwater river harbors prized snook, trout, largemouth bass, redfish, and even tarpon.
  • Monday's strong wind gave the fleet a good race as boats tacked off from the start to find the best wind in the main north-westerly, or to pick up the north-easterly air stream down Troutbeck.
  • They are preyed on by herons, cormorants, kingfishers, goosanders, large trout and eels.
  • Fish it crosscurrent with a start-stop retrieve: It will hop and zigzag from seam to seam, something that gets trout, smallmouths, and walleyes to take notice. $7; 952-224-3649; www. SALMO TENO
  • We had some sensational reef fishing for three days catching heaps of red emperor, coral trout, nannygai, spanish mackerel and heaps more. - Business News
  • Breeding experiments in Norway with brown trout found that the genetic basis for large spots or very small spots, comparable in size to the spots of Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout, is due to different forms of a gene called alleles at a single gene locus. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Chef Gutenbrunner's goulash tasted a little tough, and some of his appetizers (the smoked-trout-and-eel salad, for example) veered off, as Mr. Austria put it, ‘into nouvelle froufrou land.’
  • North American salmon, trout, char, graylings, white fishes, and ciscoes of the family Salmonidae are grouped by genera and appear in the order as described in the text. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • However, Armentrout says unaudited figures show that organizers spent about $1.9 million and owe approximately $965,000 to a variety of creditors.
  • Fish is most beneficial for the body when it comes in an oily form such as mackerel, trout or salmon.
  • Forget any romantic notions of setting horse hair traps for rabbits in the pale dawn and then settling down to tickle trout from the mossy banks of the stream.
  • Predatory fish in the ecozone include the lake sturgeon, brook trout, lake trout, northern pike, muskellunge, largemouth bass, sauger, and walleye.
  • The lakes, rivers and bay all combine to provide the choicest seafood - brill, turbot and trout.
  • It might have been the Japanese frame of mind we were in, but we settled on the slow-cooked Japanese style salmon, which Hugh assured us could be prepared with whole mackerel, trout, sea bass, or scad as well. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It is hoped work will be completed in time for the autumn run of sea trout and salmon, who will for the first time be able to make their way to the productive spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Yarrow.
  • North Dakota's Garrison Dam tailrace is a fishery near Pick City with trout over 20 pounds. Hot Spots: The Best Hunting and Fishing in August
  • I have had trout on the kern river hit a butt .... was glad I found this fly in utah .. The "Butt" Fly
  • As we arrived at the river, the cold easterly gale had veered to a light westerly breeze with a touch of warmth in it, perfect for river trouting.
  • In one study, U.S. and Canadian government scientists purposely contaminated an experimental lake in Ontario with around 5 nanograms per liter of ethynyl estradiol, and studied the effects on the lake's fathead minnow population, a common species that fish like lake trout and northern pike feed on.
  • The stream was no more than five foot wide and a foot deep, but while I was after chub and wild brown trout with free-lined worms, maggots and breadflake, I also took a number of large dace.
  • In summer wildflowers dusted the meadows and we fished for trout in the little streams and the pond. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.
  • Ugly Stik lite is the way to go if your into trout or panfishing. What kind of fishing pole do you like the most?
  • Only a few trout were recorded for the seven anglers who fished for a short period.
  • The river abounds with trout, eel, and salmon; and both heritors have fishings on it.
  • Museum specimens of Kern River rainbow trout collected in 1893 and 1904 have the same meristic characteristics as specimens of Little Kern River golden trout collected at the same time. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • he supervised the stocking of the stream with trout
  • And yet, in the face of famine and the rigorous winter, he went out gayly in quest of a mess of trout, forsooth, because he "doted" on them! MOON-FACE
  • There were three strikes: two bonito the size of trout, and a yellowfin tuna no bigger than my forearm.
  • The removal of trout from the lake is limited and permitted only to members of the Bleach Lough angling club.
  • The inshore division recognizes eight species: croaker, black drum, flounder, gafftop catfish, gar, redfish, sheepshead, and speckled trout.
  • Quite a few salmon and sea trout have been seen running the river, although the main run of grilse is still not here.
  • From what I can ascertain after a quick search on the net, a parr is a juvenile form of salmon and/or trout.
  • Allowing the leader to straighten, I hauled on the line to break the surface tension, then tossed the whole caboodle into the centre current well above the trout.
  • Hell - give me a 12 inch native cutty or whatever might swim in my geographical location natively rather than planted trout. Hatchery Fish: The Weakest Link
  • This is the trout-catchingest hellgrammite pattern I've ever encountered. Trout Fishing MVP's--Nymphs and Wets
  • Although brook trout and lake trout are not known to hybridize in nature, hybrids between these species, known as splake, are produced in hatcheries and stocked for sportfishing. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • The trout of the brooklets are in a class by themselves.
  • Is it the trout pout that makes her so monotone? The Sun
  • The week past saw very little angling pressure on all trout waters within the region, the low temperatures brought about by the cold north-easterly winds keeping anglers indoors.
  • I have been the village postman in Troutbeck for 18 years and during that time have witnessed dramatic changes in the availability of reasonable houses to rent or buy.
  • The large ferox trout patrol the deeps and there are shoals of smaller trout in the deeps also.
  • Want to hear something make you sad; when I transferred to Luke AFB Arizona from Eielson AFB Alaska I had a deepfreeze full of halibut, salmon, caribou, trout and moose! The Meat Not Eaten
  • Oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel and sardine would be a better catch for Chris.
  • These are quite high-level streams and are generally fished for trout but barbel are present.
  • That evening, after having forded two rivers full of trout and pike, called Alfa and Heta, we were obliged to spend the night in a deserted building worthy to be haunted by all the elfins of Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Every one was a double-figure specimen, and every one was a fresh-run sea trout.
  • If preferred prey species are not present at these depths, lake trout may then resort to feeding on zooplankton and invertebrates.
  • Here, O idle water-wanderer, let your boat glide with the scarcely moving current, and gaze upon the leafy groves of the sub-aqueous wilderness lit up by the rays of the sun, and watch the fish moving singly or in shoals at various depths -- the bearded barbel, the spotted trout, the shimmering bream, and the bronzen tench. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • Salmon and sea trout use the upper river as a spawning ground.
  • So low was he that he preferred Gibsen’s tea-time salmon tinned, as inexpensive as pleasing, to the plumpest roeheavy lax or the friskiest parr or smolt troutlet that ever was gaffed between Leixlip and Island Bridge and many was the time he repeated in his botulism that no junglegrown pineapple ever smacked like the whoppers you shook out of Ananias’ cans, Finnegans Wake
  • The description of the nameoquassa was published in 1854 for the blueback trout of Lake Oquassa, one of the Rangeley Lakes of Maine. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Given the wild and underground nature of the shows they produce, it comes as no surprise that the Old Trout Puppet Workshop has a surreal story of origin, complete with apocalyptic subtexts.
  • Its coevolution in the upper Columbia River basin with another salmonid predator, the bull trout, and a large species of minnow, the northern pikeminnow, likely influenced its feeding habits in the course of evolutionary programming. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • It is no use fishing for trout in this river, there are none left.
  • Trout FishingQ: Where can I find a illustration of the Czech nymph rig the author desribed in the FS June issues story, Ozark Mnt. Brk Dwn.?? thx. from flafshmn on 02.02.10 The Killers: 112 Can't-Miss Lures of Today's Top Guides
  • More rhodora blooming in the wetlands, Canada mayflower actually flowering in May, even if not in Canada, some trout lily and trilliums. Tuesday roadkill report
  • Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.
  • Now these be most of them particularly good for particular fishes: but for the _Trout_ the _dew-worm_, (which some also cal the _Lob-worm_) and the _Brandling_ are the chief; and especially the first for a great The Complete Angler 1653
  • In March and early April, the bluewing olive, or Baetis, mayfly is common throughout trout country. Field and Stream Guide: 50 Ways to Catch Spring Trout
  • Still, it is a pity to see so fair a maid cast like rotten bait upon the waters to hook this troutlet of a yeoman. Eric Brighteyes
  • As of May 2007, the partners involved agreed that UBC food service would avoid: shrimp products that were not from local trap fisheries, wild bivalve shellfishes and non-native farmed species, snapper or rockfish, tuna caught via long-line fishing, rainbow trout and steelhead reared in net pens or floating cages, swordfish, monkfish, and sevruga caviar. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Of the more substantial dishes the most pleasing was some crisp-skinned but rare trout with bright orange roe and an acidulated julienne of crunchy vegetables. Restaurant review: Viajante
  • On a trout fishing trip to the lake last spring I grabed the wrong pole that was spooled with Power Pro 20# to go for a day of trolling for trout. The Great Braid Debate
  • During the past week 26 anglers caught 53 trout for 68 lb in 49 angling days, mostly all to wet fly but also some by anglers trolling spoon baits.
  • Most species of river fish will be surveyed including trout, grayling, dace, barbel, chub and pike.
  • The life-history of sea-trout is much the same as that of salmon, and the fish on their first return from the sea in the grilse-stage are called by many names, finnock, herling and whitling being perhaps the best known. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Ditto pan fried trout, but Tim wasn't so keen on the "brushstroke" of squid ink and surprise chicken skin "crisp" which accompanied it. Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • When pond-raised trout glutted urban markets, the association turned to advocating establishment of wild populations in public waters rather than promoting pond culture.
  • The Snoqualmie watershed plays a large role in the survival of the Sound's fish stocks, supporting wild runs of coho, chinook, pink and chum salmon along with steelhead and cutthroat trout.
  • Blue Ridge streams have a distinct fish fauna, with some containing brook trout, the only salmonid native to Tennessee. Ecoregions of Tennessee (EPA)
  • Next comes the Living River Trail, starting with a trout pool populated by fish, serenely floating wood ducks, turtles and other peskier species such as "giant toe biters" (water bugs). Where the Wild Things Are
  • A newborn rosie somewhat resembles a gray-speckled trout, with only a hint of the trademark pink breast.
  • Here I am in a boat, with fellow fisherman, Hal, pitting my newly acquired skills against the canny trout.
  • The firm, nut-flavored boletus are more blue-collar and not as coveted by connoisseurs, but they go better with brook trout. Fool’s Paradise
  • There were no trout, to be sure, within a hundred miles, and there was no way of getting to any trouty realm of delight. The Joyful Heart
  • Jack Trout, coauthor of the book Positioning and Marketing Warfare, dedicates his latest work, Differentiate or Die, to the legendary adman Rosser Reeves.
  • Fishing with my buddy Chris Hunt of Trout Unlimited, (check out his blog on out trip) we first bagged a bunch of Colorado River cutties fishing the Roan Plateau, north of Rifle. The Three-Day Cutt Slam...
  • In rivers rainbow trout will feed primarily upon the larvae of mayflies and caddis flies.
  • The omega - 3 oil found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna, sardines, herring, kippers, pilchards, trout and anchovies are known to have a protective effect on the heart.
  • These include the bonytail chub, humpback chub, Sonora chub, Chihuahua chub, beautiful shiner, Pecos bluntnose shiner, razorback sucker, Colorado squawfish, Pyramid Lake cui-ui and Lahontan cutthroat trout. North American Deserts ecoregion (CEC)
  • Lobsters and crabs, as well as some mollusks, worms, and fish species (salmon and trout, for example), use carotenoid colorants.
  • But it's a giant leap for trout, tench, roach, loach, pike, perch and bream.
  • Elevenses, packed lunch and afternoon tea will be provided, as well as a supper of organic trout.
  • The thickly sliced boletus should go in the pan within a minute or two of the trout being done so they stay almost crunchy. Fool’s Paradise
  • Learn about the relationship between native yellow-legged frogs and non-native trout.
  • The brown trout was hanging on the rushing current. Times, Sunday Times
  • zone_info": "huffpost. books/blog; books = 1; nickname = amy-hungerford; entry_id = 335241; black-swan-green = 1; book-marketing = 1; david-mitchell = 1; elizabeth-strout = 1; jonathan-lethem = 1; literature = 1; motherless-brooklyn = 1; professors = 1; reading = 1; textbooks = 1; university = 1; yale-university = 1", Amy Hungerford: Slow Sell, or, Why Professors Matter
  • There is no evidence of the condition in wild trout or farmed salmon or trout. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he finally landed the sea trout on his line, he was going to let her know what he had in mind. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • The Santo Domingo trout is sometimes classified as the subspecies nelsoni. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • But for the Trout, the dew-worm, which some also call the lob-worm, and the brandling, are the chief; and especially the first for a great Trout, and the latter for a less. The Compleat Angler : or, The Contemplative Man`s Recreation
  • He spent about four hours casting from various angles, without a hook, watching the trout with the eyes of a doting daddy.
  • The 40-mile stretch of the River Ure includes important game fisheries with trout, grayling and even salmon, but there are worries that many less well-known species such as the ruffe and bullhead are in decline.
  • Such modification of meristic characteristics would be expected from a hybrid influence from hatchery rainbow trout, which were continually stocked in the main Kern and its tributaries for more than 90 years. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • However … now that I have figured out there is a restaurant in my burb called Freestyle Tout, (not trout, must see optometrist or remember to hit Enlarge Font) this seems reasonable. Cheeseburger Gothic » Kinda buried.
  • Start-of-season trout fishermen cast their flies across the crystal water as I strode past, hungry for the good nosh at the Abbey Tearooms.
  • Carefully spoon the remaining trout mixture into the mould. 8.
  • There are lime rich waters, acidic tarns with all ranges in between and the Shetland Anglers Association work extremely hard to maintain the trout lochs as a top class fishing venue.
  • a while, and ketch me a mess o 'brook-trout, but as for tinkerin' over the roads -- why, that artis 'that was down here three months las' summer, paintin 'a couple o' Leezur's sheep eatin 'rock-weed off'n a nubble, said 't our roads was picturusque. Vesty of the Basins
  • And unlike most fishing for trout under the lights, almost all of the fish were keepers, easily measuring more than the 15-inch minimum.
  • During his latter Presidency he was criticized for spending too much time golfing and trout fishing.
  • These large fish are called ferox, a distinct species of brown trout that make their living by eating their smaller brethren.
  • Modern genetic analysis leaves no doubt that the “aurora trout” is, in reality, a brook trout, albeit a highly peculiar brook trout that lacks the characteristic markings of S. fontinalis. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Best recent catches on Watendlath have been from Mike Tinnion with over 20 rainbow trout on buzzers, fishing the evening rise. Brian Scot recorded another good bag with 15 on hoppers and damsel nymphs.
  • They also caught trout in a stream and went parachuting. The Sun
  • Trout magnets and berkley gulp worms on a trout magnet hook are good for stocked trout, also pins minnows work good in stocked streams as well. What is the best lure for trout. I like panther martins but i want to give something else a shot?
  • Construction timing, geared toward the beginning of 2005, coincides with the birth and early life cycles of sockeye, chinook and coho salmon, steelhead and sea-running cutthroat trout.
  • The limitation on maximum size is attributed to their coevolution in the upper Columbia River basin with the predatory bull trout and the large northern pikeminnow. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • For those of you who need some backgrounding, this section of the South Platte is one of the most famous trout fisheries in the West. Is Deckers Back?
  • In the Mexican golden trout, the greatest differentiation from all other rainbow trout species is found in meristic countable characteristics, such as number of scales, fin rays, and pyloric caeca. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • I ordered the trout amandine and Nayan had an endive salad. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Q: im trying to start fly fishing and do you have any tips im 12 so please dont be coplicated and im fishing in the potamac river and another thing what flie should i use for trout brook preffarbly thanks!! Im trying to start fly fishing and do you have any tips im 12 so please dont be coplicated and im fishing in the potamac river a
  • They bring a mad burst of colour to the silver and green countryside of the Peak, with its superlush pastures, twinkly trout streams and shining limestone scars.
  • Lake trout, also called mackinaw, are, beyond any reasonable doubt, the primary culprits in the decline of the Blue Mesa salmon fishery. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • In addition to whitefish, bull trout will feed on sculpins, darters or other trout and where applicable, salmon fry.
  • The egg industry still uses it in their feed as does the American trout industry. Food Watch
  • Arran, Islay, Bute and Mull all contain lochs full of trout and also boast short spate rivers with good runs of sea-trout and salmon.
  • Well, Mother, it just means that I've been stealing Mr. Walters's trout all summer -- _stealing_ them. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901
  • Fly fishing is more normally associated with the pursuit of salmon and trout but a number of species will show an interest in a large collection of fluff and feathers aimed at imitating a prey fish.
  • We would spend a few days in Maryland then take a flight down to Titusville on the east coast of Florida where we would fish for snook, redfish, sea trout and perhaps get the chance of catching some cobia.
  • Some fishermen trolled dead bait as well as various types of spoon baits and some trout were caught.
  • A few weeks ago I commented that many of our Lower Mainland lakes were being stocked with noticeably smaller allotments of rainbow trout.
  • Larger and deeper lakes, with oxygenated hypolimnions, will also have one or two larger salmonids, usually lake trout or landlocked Atlantic salmon, along with burbot and slimy sculpin.
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
  • How can you choose between the ocean trout, jewfish, gemfish, barramundi, blue eye and flathead on the menu?
  • Anyway, the finny denizens for which Orkney is renowned are these odd trout; brown trout on the face of it but happy enough in the brine.
  • You must lose a fly to catch a trout
  • Then he spread his trademark trouty lips and tombstone teeth into the boyish grin that defined one of the cult comedies of the 90s. After 10 years 'Larry Sanders' is back
  • The lines you used for trout and salmon fishing are useless in the warmer climates.
  • I liked where they were planted because halfway across the little spring creek, trout sometimes lined up to feed on surface insects such as caddis and later the occasional sulfur. Undefined
  • Inspired by the success of Danish trout farmers, salmon cultivators found Norway's sheltered fjords ideal for farming salmon in ocean net pens.
  • Swanswater is a three-pond venue which holds rainbows up to 18 lb along with a scattering of steelheads, golden trout and natural browns.
  • So I would also much rather see someone "poach" a few small trout from private waters, that see someone legally kill a top spawner for bragging rights. Does Catch and Release Reduce Trespassing Offense?
  • Both white fish (such as haddock, plaice, halibut and sole) and oily fish (such as sardines, salmon, trout, pilchards and mackerel) are valuable sources of protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Most anglers are having lots of sport with the smaller trout as well as with the stocked fish.
  • Freshwater fisheries as described here include those for species that live their entire lives in freshwater, such as lake trout, and those for diadromous species such as Atlantic salmon. Impacts on arctic freshwater and anadromous fisheries
  • Nature has pre-stocked this cosy spot with salmon, sea trout, bream, roach, ide, crucians…… and pike.
  • The companions of those times are scattered, and live under strange stars and in converse seasons, by troutless waters. Angling Sketches
  • Using a teaspoon, fill the trout turban. Gather up four corners of filo, twist into a bundle.
  • My very first Brookie brook trout itty bitty brookie Field & Stream
  • Could it be, as some have suggested, that trout just do not like the taste of the grannom? Times, Sunday Times
  • This trout recipe is served for breakfast at the inn but works well for a homey dinner.
  • Lake trout are the only major native sport fish adapted to the deep, cold water of oligotrophic (low-nutrient) lakes, such as those often found in northern Canada and the northern Great Lakes region
  • It is no use fishing for trout in this river, there are none left.
  • At Sandringham, Grandpapa took the boys hunting pheasant and grouse, while Charles took care to teach them the finer points of fly-fishing for salmon and sea trout on the river Dee at Balmoral. William and Kate
  • The Foss currently contains a good population of fish including brown trout, dace, chub, roach and barbel, although in places natural habitat is very limited and there are localised problems with silt.
  • Balances fluctuate, which is why we offer clients the option of an average combined monthly balance in their checking and savings account to avoid a service fee," Steve Troutner, Citi's head of consumer and small-business banking, said in an e-mail statement.
  • Once the trout season opens you may fish for them with fly, worm, minnow or artificial lure.
  • Monday's strong wind gave the fleet a good race as boats tacked off from the start to find the best wind in the main north-westerly, or to pick up the north-easterly air stream down Troutbeck.
  • Tourists paddle canoes and kayaks, swim and pursue elusive trout in these waters.
  • Even when his dad caught a nine-pound brown trout on a small feeder stream, it didn't cause much excitement around town.
  • Game Management's new lure testing tank proved that brown trout absolutely hammer yellow streamers in whirling eddies. Caption Contest: Win Some Buff Headwear
  • Steady swimming behavior was first studied via video analysis of basic kinematics in steadily swimming rainbow trout.
  • The owner keeps an eye on coarse anglers to make sure all the trout are returned.
  • When surf-casting into Lake Michigan in November, the possibilities are endless: steelhead, coho, menominee, chinook, lake trout, almost anything can come along.
  • Perhaps trout would take caviare, which is not forbidden by the law of the land. Introduction to the Compleat Angler
  • Protein: two or three servings a day of organically fed poultry (skinless), seafood (non-bottom-feeders and small fish; think wild—including canned—salmon, trout, mahimahi, sea bass, flounder), eggs, low-fat dairy, and soy. You Raising Your Child
  • Let me assure all concerned that any rainbow trout the size of salmon in this country are, without question, farmed.
  • Anyone aged 12 or over who fishes for salmon, trout, freshwater fish or eels in England or Wales must have an Environment Agency rod fishing licence.
  • The menu consisted of smoked trout, spring chicken, and strawberries and cream, ending with a serving of the Yorkshire cheese, Wensleydale.
  • When a trout or salmon hatches from the egg called the alevin stage, it retains a significant portion of the yolk attached to the throat region. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • I'm awfully fond of brown trout, and you guys that like Asian carp are in fer a buncha trouble down the road, when Asian carp have run everything else out. What's Your Favorite Invasive Species?
  • curadillo," and in others "troutlet;" so they asked him if he thought he could eat troutlet, for there was no other fish to give him. Don Quixote
  • In the evolution of the South Fork Kern and Golden Trout Creek golden trout, trends in coloration, spotting, and meristic countable traits characteristic of northern Sacramento basin redband trout have been taken to extremes. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • It is often cited as a word of Cree origin for lake trout, namekos. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • You must lose a fly to catch a trout
  • Plasma levels of GH increase following seawater exposure of coho, chum and Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.
  • Monday's strong wind gave the fleet a good race as boats tacked off from the start to find the best wind in the main north-westerly, or to pick up the north-easterly air stream down Troutbeck.

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