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How To Use Trotsky In A Sentence

  • On this day in 1940 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico City from wounds inflicted by an assassin.
  • A clear and elaborate historical investigation of this process helps a grat deal to make an academic analysis of this historical "issue" and explore the essence of Chen Duxu's case as a Trotskyist.
  • For Trotsky the f-word was a sign of slavery, the sigh of the oppressed, but for Steven Berkoff it is ‘a sign of passion’, a mark of working-class resistance to an effete and effeminate middle class.
  • Jews invented the the notion of borderless revolution Trotsky.... Do you really think Justices Stevens and Ginsburg are about to create Supreme Court vacancies?
  • All ‘former Trotskyists’ were to be tracked down and liquidated.
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  • Defending his remarks in the National Post, Schwartz proudly proclaimed his Trotskyite heritage on National Review Online and even coined a term for this growing grouplet: Trotsky-cons! Think Progress » Murtha Attacked by the Right For Quote Falsely Attributed to Him
  • The leadership at least realised that the organisation was being subjected to a concerted campaign of Trotskyite entrism.
  • For present purposes we can conclude that Trotsky looked to proletarian democracy as a defence against bureaucratization.
  • Trotsky is not simple-minded in his literary taste, and he doesn't just sort of spontaneously insist that everybody has to write socialist realism.
  • The works of Trotsky and his co-thinkers had been censored and suppressed for decades.
  • The Stalinist bureaucracy has proven to be - as Trotsky predicted - the gravedigger of the October Revolution.
  • When I first met him 35 years ago Darling was pressing Trotskyite tracts on bewildered railwaymen at Waverley Station in Edinburgh. Decca Aitkenhead ignores Alistair Darling's Trotskyite past
  • Gummo Trotsky, possibly inspired by last week's story of his unaccustomed silence, has now turned his coyness into 34 comments.
  • The Trotskyites, on the other hand, were bound by no such constraints.
  • And so we paraphrased Trotsky rather than quoting him directly.
  • Trotsky asserted that, just as an earthquake revealed the layers of earth and rock beneath the surface, so a social upheaval would uncover the layers of society and its myriad forms.
  • And these plays are not attended by dole scroungers, Trotskyites, hopheads or peaceniks, but by the decent ordinary people of Galway.
  • Knock back your entire shot in one gulp, immediately inverting your glass over the table to allow the microscopic last drop to fall out, proving you're not a wuss or a reactionary revanchist Trotskyite provocateur.
  • Being proved theoretically correct in the twenties and thirties did not lead automatically to the strengthening of the Trotskyist movement.
  • Also, he actively participated in various political activities and even became a Trotskyist for a time.
  • Though the movement soon after coming to power crushed independent-minded trade unionists, often dubbed as "Trotskyists," many of Angola's relatively detribalized urban workers also looked toward the MPLA. Inside Angola
  • The party threw out the Trotskyist Militant Tendency.
  • ‘The ‘great’ national historian Macaulay,’ Trotsky wrote, ‘vulgarises the social drama of the seventeenth century by obscuring the inner struggle of forces with platitudes that are sometimes interesting but always superficial.’
  • Tory Trotskyism wants to create the revolutionary conditions that will justify its existence.
  • I bought my copy second-hand, from a Trotskyist in her forties.
  • He knew what Trotsky had written, that revolution leads us out of the dark night of the isolated self.
  • However, the entryism practised by the British Trotskyists was guided by a completely different perspective.
  • It reminds me of Stalin airbrushing Trotsky out of the photos.
  • He insisted that the Soviet bureaucracy was not, as Trotsky had analyzed, a reactionary privileged caste, but rather a new ruling class.
  • Neocons praise Trotsky, therefore neoconservatism is a variant of Trotskyism. Matthew Yglesias » War for War’s Sake
  • He praised Trotsky for his outstanding abilities, yet chided him for his excessive self-assurance and preoccupation with administrative matters.
  • Though he acknowledges the delicacy of criticizing the Soviet regime, Eliot's political objection was that the only good guy in Orwell's allegory seemed to be Trotsky, and he didn't like Trotsky: Now I think my own dissatisfaction with this apologue is that the effect is simply one of negation. “Your Pigs Are Far More Intelligent”
  • The norm for those engaging in it is to maintain a sector of open public work, including their own Trotskyist publication.
  • The Trotskyist movement could benefit only in the final analysis and in the long range.
  • His desperate alliance with Trotsky and Kamenev against Stalin proved futile, and he was dismissed from all offices in 1926, and expelled from the party in 1927.
  • The Trotskyist movement could benefit only in the final analysis and in the long range.
  • This profound analysis was entirely in the tradition of the method of Marxist analysis whose supreme exponent was Leon Trotsky.
  • Trotsky even hinted that if, as seemed likely, Russia was again attacked by foreign powers, he would ask for dictatorial powers and direct the war effort.
  • But Trotsky's faith in the socialist future, and his exultant delight in life, survived all failure.
  • Trotsky had been declared a non-person and left radicalism had experienced a macabre renaissance in the form of the so-called Third Period of class struggle propagated by the Stalinist-dominated Comintern since 1928.
  • Why does he criticize Trotskyism in 1928, long after Trotsky had been pushed out of the leadership?
  • With the coming of full consciousness among these and related currents, Trotskyism will become a powerful current.
  • The small but real contribution of the Trotskyists, the syndicalists and others to the left of the Communist Party is ignored.
  • Not a generation, the boomers, to heed Homer, who advised, "Best not to be born, or to die young"; or for that matter Xen o phon's Socrates, who submits to death tranquilly because he thinks it preferable to old age which Trotsky, before meeting with death through assassination by ice pick, called "the most unexpected thing of all that happens to man". Nobody Gets Out of Here Alive
  • After Trotsky's departure from the war commissariat in 1925, the army was reduced to under 600,000 men, with a strong cavalry element.
  • Hitler began talking—sometimes banging his fist on the table, sometimes shouting—about the communists, the Vatican, the Jews, Freemasonry, the press, Karl Marx, Trotsky, and the city of Berlin, which he called an “international muckheap.” Human Smoke
  • After this critique of Trotsky, Lenin really comes down solid on him.
  • Tory Trotskyism wants to create the revolutionary conditions that will justify its existence.
  • That draft limited itself to a description of revisionism in our party and Pablo's support of the revisionists, with an appeal for the aid of world orthodox Trotskyism in our fight.
  • It was his first time back in 53 years, and we were there to press for the rehabilitation of Trotsky and Serge in the glory days of glasnost and perestroika.
  • Leftists accused him of "betrayal," it continued, and quoted one who had described him as a "drink-soaked former Trotskyist popinjay". Christopher Hitchens: He died too young, with too much left to say | Nick Cohen
  • Since the 1920s, Trotsky fought against the Stalinist theory of socialism in one country.
  • He knew what Trotsky had written, that revolution leads us out of the dark night of the isolated self.
  • Trotsky, claimed James, had misunderstood the dialectic and therefore there was a fundamental flaw in his interpretation of history.
  • To paraphrase Trotsky, even in times of unexampled crisis, mad acts like this constitute an unimportant percentage.
  • In 2005, George Galloway, UK Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, and ardent "pro-life" campaigner, famously referred to his arch-nemesis, Christopher Hitchens, as a "drink-soaked former Trotskyist popinjay. Archive 2009-03-01
  • It stood in contrast to the totalitarianism gathering pace under Lenin and Trotsky which accelerated out of control under Stalin.
  • Trotsky was one of the leading figures in the Russian Revolution of 1917.
  • Trotsky writes that Nietzsche's philosophy has a particular appeal to what he describes as a parasitic proletariat, a social layer arising within capitalism which is more privileged than the mere lumpenproletariat.
  • I bought my copy second-hand, from a Trotskyist in her forties.
  • Trade union ebong krishok andoloner aporadhe samosto rajnaitik bondider mukti ebong jarai srom deben tader protyeker jnyo samoporiman khadyo reshoner adhikar. etai to communist dabi … kintu Lenin eke akhya dilen shet sainyoder uskani hisebe ar tader europio samarthakder gore tole sharojontro (jano nandigram prosonge Binoy Kongar), Kujnar bollen - jodi tomra judhya chao tai pabe, amra communistra Kronstade rashtrer sashon bolobot korboi. (thik jano nandigram prasonge Biman Bosu), Trotsky 60000 shaktir lal fouj lelie dilen Kronstader nabikder upor. Kafila
  • Trotsky rejected, for example, Lenin's wish to appoint him commissar of home affairs in 1917, pointing out, according to Deutscher, that counter-revolutionaries would "whip up anti-Semitic feeling and turn it against the Bolsheviks. A Jewish Revolutionary
  • Although Trotsky considered the Soviet Union as a degenerate worker's state, it was far from it.
  • Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis Trotsky ca. 1895 in photographs that accompanied an arrest warrant issued by the czarist police. A Jewish Revolutionary
  • In assessing the global situation, Trotsky proceeded from the relationship between Europe and America.
  • The lines of cleavage between Pablo's revisionism and orthodox Trotskyism are so deep that no compromise is possible either politically or organizationally.
  • Nevertheless, he was engaged in a continual debate with Trotskyist ideas right up until his death.
  • A document of September 1939 issued by the French Trotskyists declared: ‘It is by taking over the factories, collectivising the wealth for the benefit of all workers that they will have a country of their own and so something to defend.’
  • Herein lay the basic difference between Trotskyism and Pabloite revisionism.
  • These are Tory Trotskyites who are quite happy that things should get worse, because they barmily think they will then get better.
  • For Trotsky, what determined his attitude to all tendencies within the Russian social democratic labor movement was their perspective, their program.
  • Trotsky had been declared a non-person and left radicalism had experienced a macabre renaissance in the form of the so-called Third Period of class struggle propagated by the Stalinist-dominated Comintern since 1928.
  • FROZEN SCANDAL MAN says: yah sqeeuge yah tulips ve can hold zee hands yah laffing merrily yes vee dance among tulips zee wooden shoes klunking zee beautiful music as wee frolic in zee tulips! heil bush! heil zee nationale trotsky! Think Progress » “Don’t Suicide Bomb.”
  • Jews invented the the notion of borderless revolution Trotsky, of any domestic law and constitution being trumped by "higher" international law and possible greater wisdom of other constitutions that can substitute for "limits" in a particular nations constitution that constrain "doing the right thing". Do you really think Justices Stevens and Ginsburg are about to create Supreme Court vacancies?
  • The term is steeped in Soviet rhetoric: Lenin invoked it after the 1917 revolution, and Stalin, himself denounced as a parasite by Trotsky, used the label against Jews, dissidents and others. Putin Calls U.S. a 'Parasite' Over Its Debt
  • I was there during the putsch when the real government of Kerenski was tossed out by Lenin, Trotsky and their Bolsheviks …. Noble House
  • Many writers have commented on the brilliance of Trotsky and the dullness of Stalin.
  • Didn't Trotsky execrate those who claimed to believe there was nothing to choose between democracy and fascism?
  • The pig leader Napoleon and his rival Snowball symbolize the dictator Stalin and the Communist leader Leon Trotsky.
  • In the theoretical magazine of the post-Trotskyist groupuscule of which I was once a member, a learned commentary on this and other writings of his appeared, titled "The End of the Road: Deutscher's Capitulation to Stalinism. The Old Man
  • Someone equally cynical leftword might say Trotskyites and liberal Democrats turned out to be the testiest of neocons -- like converts to Catholicism who come to Communion late in life. Michael Conniff: Con Games: Mamet, Miller, And The Ole Hitcheroo Switcheroo
  • In a few weeks, Thomas Starr King is slated for what Leon Trotsky called the dustbin of history. David O. Stewart: Forgetting History, California Style
  • And the New Tories are heavily dependent on Demos, one of several continuity organisations created out of the ruins of the Communist Party of Great Britain, though whose founding director, Geoff Mulgan, is ecumenically a veteran Trotskyist. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • And speaking of neo-cons: I remember reading somewhere that neo-conservatism (neo-classical liberalism) is based upon the teachings of Trotsky, a Marxist. Think Progress » Christian leaders urge Congress to ignore misinformation on abortion provisions and pass health reform.
  • Hitler began talking -- sometimes banging his fist on the table, sometimes shouting -- about the communists, the Vatican, the Jews, Freemasonry, the press, Karl Marx, Trotsky, and the city of Berlin, which he called an "international muckheap. 'Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization'
  • This was undertaken by far-left groups - small Trotskyist and Maoist sects that were moving far ahead of the mainstream.
  • You may not be aware that Peter Mullan, the Scottish director of 'The Magdalene Sisters', is a committed Trotskyite and close political associate of Tommy Sheridan, the former 'convenor' of the Trotskyite Scottish Socialist Party. Growing into Freedom, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A general strike, Leon Trotsky once wrote, poses the question of power point-blank.
  • Mixing this article together with a reference to Lenin's article ‘Left Wing Communism’ Straw accused Trotsky of ‘factionalism,’ ‘splittism,’ ‘ultra-leftism,’ and ‘wider infantile disorders.’
  • The trumped-up charges and trial gave rise to world-wide protests and were treated by Trotsky as a czarist effort to stir up anti-Semitism always a useful outlet for discontent. A Jewish Revolutionary
  • The ICFI was founded in 1953 to defend orthodox Trotskyism against the revisionism of Michel Pablo.
  • If Lenin, hard and unbreakable, was the axle of the Revolution, Trotsky was the roaring wheel.
  • We are fighting now in fulfillment of the highest duty and obligation which we undertook when we came to Trotsky and the Russian Opposition 25 years ago.
  • It took Trotsky to persuade him that the rising must be called in the name of the soviets, which represented the different currents of the workers' movement.
  • Twinned to his pragmatic, populist social democracy has been a maddening Trotskyite temperament.
  • It is not difficult to foresee that they will counterpose the peasant army to the "counter-revolutionary Trotskyists" in a hostile manner.
  • Eventually some of the exiles returned to Russia to participate in events, but of them all only Trotsky won great distinction.
  • For Trotsky, what determined his attitude to all tendencies within the Russian social democratic labor movement was their perspective, their program.
  • I've written novels which make frequent passing reference to the Soviet Union, Lenin, Trotsky, and communism.
  • Ollivier's conclusions are a complete repudiation of the entire heritage of Marxism, including Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution.
  • In Trotsky's view this was a reactionary Utopia.
  • These theories, however, had their source in the same pressures of Stalinism and imperialism bearing down on the Trotskyist movement that gave rise to Pabloite revisionism.
  • We are fighting now in fulfillment of the highest duty and obligation which we undertook when we came to Trotsky and the Russian Opposition 25 years ago.

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