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How To Use Tropics In A Sentence

  • And those involved are pretty small: a few degrees between cooler land and warmer ocean at night, a few tens of degrees between tropics and poles. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • Unless you live in the tropics, even the most toned among us is apt to uncover lackluster skin when summer comes.
  • Rosella seedlings are available through local nurseries from September onwards in the subtropics or during the dry season in tropical regions.
  • The tree is native to South America but is widely cultivated throughout the tropics.
  • Mianyang city belongs to eastern subtropics monsoon climate region, moderate climate, and distinctive four seasons.
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  • In addition to marijuana, cocaine, and crack cocaine, the illicit drugs reported in the survey included hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, and psychotropics.
  • The cassowary evolved amid the Wet Tropics, thriving on figs, quandongs, and other distinctive fruits.
  • These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
  • The worm commonly known as dog heart worm, is widely dispersed and found in the tropics, subtropics and temperate zones.
  • Since frugivore seed dispersal is so important in the tropics, many researchers have studied the loss of frugivores and related it to changed plant population dynamics. Frugivore
  • It is a large family, belonging to the tropics and subtropics, and many of its members furnish important foodstuffs: the coconut, date, sago, palm sugar, etc.
  • And for President Bushmaster — a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match ‘em bam-for-BAM!) — to suggest it was “disgusting” is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy. Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • Entire avian families are essentially confined to the Neotropics, as are such unique species as screamers, trumpeters, sunbittern, hoatzin, and boat-billed heron.
  • Since we all stand to lose if the rich biological capital of the tropics is eroded, this is our problem too.
  • Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: For President Bushmaster - a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match \'em bam-for-BAM!) - to suggest it was "disgusting" is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy.' Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • Back in Japan, Nakamura first heard of words like cocaine and psychotropics on television, and later she was impressed with a campaign against drug abuse that was started in her school.
  • Who would want to cut a hole in the ice and dive beneath it, when you can go to the tropics and do it without a drysuit?
  • The tropics are shaded in winter and the summer hemisphere is lit up at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those gardeners who want a real taste of the tropics could try growing plants with edible fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will get a taste of several climates as you sail from winter in the United Kingdom, across the tropics to summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and on to the southern edge of that hemisphere's temperate zone.
  • Barnes found that the amount of garbage, particularly plastic, floating in the ocean has enabled travel by marine species to roughly double in the subtropics and more than triple at high latitudes.
  • It is extensively cultivated in marginal rainfall areas of the tropics and subtropics, and selected varieties are widely grown in temperate climates.
  • As a native of the area around Mobile, Alabama, a place long ridiculed by many as the nation's stepchild, it amused me that what was disdained as a redneck corner of the universe populated by ignorant and racist whites and besieged blacks became the "sunbelt" in the 1970s and as soon as those "cheeseheads" arrived in "crackerland" with no more need for their snowtires and discovered giant flying cockroaches and mildew among other horrors and complained mightily about the tropics they had naively sought, they became disenchanted. Lake Level Sucks 11-19-05
  • The mildness of the climate seemed to have a tendency to melt away that frigidity which is a characteristic of people of the north, and the residents of the island were as frank, free, and hospitable as if they had never been out of the tropics. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • Myricaria laxiflora, on the other hand, prefers the alluvial soil with sand and gravel in subtropics climate. The soil is of weak alkalinity, has low content of nutrient but moderate salt.
  • Some of the inspiration for this move came from botanists who had travelled to the tropics and other exotic locations.
  • They live only in warm parts of the world, the bulk of them in the tropics.
  • About the tropics of the large septarium above mentioned, are circular eminent lines, such as might have been left if it had been coarsely turned in a lathe. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • MALABAR SPINACH (Basella alba, B. rubra) is a very succulent vine grown throughout the tropics for the young leaves and stems, often used as a potherb. 2: Vegetables and small fruits in the tropics
  • Species such as the scorpion fish, stonefish and lionfish, are found in the Pacific Ocean, Australia and the temperate waters of the tropics. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • We're grateful for the peculiar pleasures of gardening in the subtropics. Houston Chronicle
  • And those involved are pretty small: a few degrees between cooler land and warmer ocean at night, a few tens of degrees between tropics and poles. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • About one in five of the prisoners have been put on antidepressants, psychotropics, and other drugs.
  • A relative, the bilimbi, is too tart to eat fresh and in the tropics is made into preserves and drinks. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Europeans, and it is certainly grand and interesting and in a certain sense beautiful, but not the calm, sweet, warm beauty of our own fields, and there is none of the brightness of our own flowers; a field of buttercups, a hill of gorse or of heather, a bank of foxgloves and a hedge of wild roses and purple vetches surpass in _beauty_ anything I have ever seen in the tropics. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
  • Similar biocontrol programs have been successfully applied throughout the tropics and subtropics. Biocontrol of Invasive Water Hyacinth Contributes to Socioeconomic Improvement | Impact Lab
  • Worryingly, studies of recent trends (published after the IPCC report was compiled) indicate the models are underestimating precipitation changes, such as the drying of the subtropics. Steve | Serendipity
  • The only areas where conditions are utterly unfavourable for it to grow are the poles and tropics. Fats, Nutrition and Health
  • The air was particularly warm and moist, having originated from the subtropics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless you live in the tropics, even the most toned among us is apt to uncover lackluster skin when summer comes.
  • She's a botanist and spent several years researching in the tropics.
  • Outside the tropics, daylength rather than temperature is the best indicator of time of year.
  • In the tropics, where life's maximal abundance is, the young offspring (seedling, hatchling, larva, zoospore, myxocyst, swarmer or germling) remains unrecognized and nameless unless scientifically described.
  • Moreover, few of the sondes are in the inner tropics, spatial coverage is spotty, and there are questions of instrumental and diurnal sampling errors that may have complicated detection of the trend in the past decade.
  • In the tropics and subtropics, they play an important role in the control of malaria mosquitoes and other insects. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Van Remsen, curator of birds at the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, said that this new frogmouth genus serves as a poignant reminder that birds of the tropics, particularly from southeast Asia to Melanesia, have been paid scant attention by science. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Despite the predominance of suboscines in the Neotropics, our knowledge of bird song and its functions is biased heavily toward studies of oscines.
  • The answer turned out to be aluminum, which would bring its own raw materials with it -- bauxite from the tropics, cryolite from Greenland, petroleum coke from Texas, and would require from the Saguenay only its wasting water power and a tidewater port for the entrance of its supplies. Building Frontiers with Aluminum
  • The fact is that I am a little overfed; but the stranger in the tropics cannot eat like a native, and my abstemiousness is a surprise. Two Years in the French West Indies
  • Building subway in subtropics, to reduce the power consumption for air conditioning is a complicated matter.
  • Rubber is currently grown on 7-8 million hectares of plantations in the humid tropics.
  • While most of the better known orchids are [[tropics | tropical]] and epiphytic, some, such as the bletilla, grow in the [[soil]] in [[temperate]] areas. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Meanwhile, Okinawa is the place to go for diving. At the southernmost end of the Japanese archipelago, the en tire prefecture lies in the subtropics.
  • Travelling over three days and two nights from the northern tropics through the red centre and the rolling hills and plains of the south, a journey on The Ghan is the best way to experience Australia's vast interior.
  • The Brazilian bobsled team, the only sled from the tropics in the Olympic competition, crashed about two-thirds of the way down the track in its first run, sliding across the finish line with the sled on its side. - Hays headed for end of the bobsled line
  • This ecoregion is a center of avian endemism of the Neotropics. Chocó-Darién moist forests
  • But you can still retire and move to the semitropics and wind up on the board of a Serpentarium.
  • The Indica group is found in lowland paddies of the tropics.
  • This is the case in other parts of the so-called subtropics, those areas directly north and south of the equatorial tropics. Grist - the latest from Grist
  • It is extensively cultivated in marginal rainfall areas of the tropics and subtropics, and selected varieties are widely grown in temperate climates.
  • I was fully prepared for the agonising stench as I entered the wet tropics zone of the Princess of Wales Conservatory, but I was disappointed.
  • Make sure that your boy is properly kitted out for the tropics.
  • Whereas cranberries insist on being grown in cooler climates such as those found in their native North America, blueberries thrive in the subtropics and produce fruit over many weeks through summer and autumn.
  • It is also one of the few places in the Neotropics with pluvial rainforest. Chocó-Darién moist forests
  • The tropics absorb more solar energy than they reflect back into space. Christianity Today
  • Each technique has been validated against laboratory standards and has been tested throughout the tropics in a variety of ecological contexts.
  • From the tropics of Madras to the midst of the hill stations at Ootacumund and Kodaikanal.
  • [[tropics | tropical]] and epiphytic, some, such as the bletilla, grow in the [[soil]] in Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • You must grow day-neutral varieties in the shorter days of the tropics. 2: Vegetables and small fruits in the tropics
  • She had bags under her eyes, puffy skin from working indoors in the tropics and maternal hair. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • Over the years, there is a dynamic equilibrium between them, where temperature is the main driver: with higher seawater temperatures (tropics), CO2 is desorbed from the oceans surface, with lower temperatures it is absorbed (near the Arctic, mainly at the THC downwelling regions). RMS and Sulphate Emissions « Climate Audit
  • These are well-named and can be observed swimming at the surface on almost every passage by boat in the tropics.
  • Transfusion-induced malaria continues its resurgence throughout much of the tropics and subtropics.
  • In his Edible Leaves of the Tropics he adds that the leaves are incomparable as a source of the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine, which are often in short supply. 4: Multipurpose trees
  • Bixa orellana (Annatto) is a native of Central and tropical South America. The tree has been widely introduced throughout the tropics as an ornamental or for its dyestuffs, and has become naturalised in many countries, including Jamaica.
  • In addition to marijuana, cocaine, and crack cocaine, the illicit drugs reported in the survey included hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, and psychotropics.
  • The only good news is it nearly always rains at night in the tropics so that would liven up proceedings. The Sun
  • The retreat of some taxa to the tropics and subtropics is partly explained by climatic cooling beginning in the Oligocene.
  • nootropics" such as methylphenidate, modafinil and piracetam are increasingly being used by the healthy to augment cognitive ability. The Serious Tip
  • rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable
  • For instance, a trough can dip down into the tropics to bring high-altitude winds blowing from the West.
  • Each year, the tropics are battered by up to 40 hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, while floods and landslides occur everywhere in numbers too great to keep track of.
  • The Met Office said balmy westerly breezes will blow in tomorrow night from the tropics. The Sun
  • For those who prefer their tropics oriental, there is the blistering, chili-steeped Thai Beef Salad, with its conflagrant viands sacrificed atop a ziggurat of mixed lettuce, peppers, and cucumber in rather too bitter peanut-lime dressing.
  • The tops were planted where the sailors landed and by the late 1500s, pineapple was widespread in the tropics.
  • Parsley is the one exception to this rule that we should be aware of however, as it's possible to get two years good production from each parsley plant, even in the subtropics.
  • You get beautiful sunsets in the tropics.
  • Just as sunlight and its warmth are invigorating in cold climates, in the tropics it is the coolness of shade that allows people to be active.
  • Morbid states of passion, the hectic bloom of fever, heady perfumes of the Orient and the tropics; the bitter-sweet blossom of love; forced fruits of the hot-house (_serres chaudes_); the iridescence of standing pools; the fungoidal growths of decay; such are some of the hackneyed metaphors which render the impression of this neo-romantic poetry. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • This vine, native to tropical South America, thrives throughout the tropics and subtropics and is probably the best known of the ones listed here.
  • Transfusion-induced malaria continues its resurgence throughout much of the tropics and subtropics.
  • Permanent examples of anticyclones exist in the subtropics, where a belt of anticyclones girdles the world at latitudes between about 20 and 40 degrees.
  • Her formula for stimulating warm thoughts of the tropics by applying flamboyant colours to fluid fabrics is paying off.
  • They're cruising through the tropics, and their biggest worry is whether to use SPF 20 or 30 sunscreen.
  • These plants settled in the tropics and thrived, displacing much of the native vegetation. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The cocoanut is particular to the tropics.
  • Bonefishing in the tropics is not without its risks. Houston Chronicle
  • The sultry weather in the tropics encourages tourists to lead an indolent life.
  • n. obsession with numbers, especially compulsion to count things. arithmometer, armiferous adj. - carrying weapons or arms. adj. - like, pertaining to or composed of rings. armillary sphere, celestial globe composed only of rings marking equator, tropics, etc. Xml's
  • Those gardeners who want a real taste of the tropics could try growing plants with edible fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the tropics, for example, malaria is by far a bigger killer.
  • I look at the face of Tawakkol Karman wrapped in what we in the Spanish-speaking tropics would call a rebozo, and I see a riff on the face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who adorned the banners of the Mexican Revolution 200 years ago. Susan J. Cobb: The Inner Virgin Comes Out In Revolution
  • Those gardeners who want a real taste of the tropics could try growing plants with edible fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
  • The monsoon trough is a broad area of low atmospheric pressure running east-west through the tropics in the summer months.
  • Goatfish sometimes go by the nickname surmullets and their 40 or so species are widespread throughout the tropics.
  • Tamarinds may be eaten fresh, but they are most commonly used with sugar and water in the American tropics to prepare a cooling drink.
  • The genus is confined to the tropics and subtropics, with 22 species occurring in the Americas and 12 species found in Africa, Madagascar and the Middle East.
  • If the science of palaeoclimatology had developed in tropics, rather than Europe, the Early Holocene would be remarked upon for its precipitation rather than its temperature. Dongge Cave « Climate Audit
  • My inclination was for the Tropics, but on a freezing, frosty day, the thought of Mediterranean summers, cicadas, grapes, resinated wines and long slow afternoons spent in the shade took precedence and I enjoyed a couple of hours on Corfu.
  • One area on which seasonal forecasting has made an enormous impact for the good is in the tropics, although it little recognition in this country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sultry weather in the tropics encourages tourists to lead an indolent life.
  • McDiarmid said the Barbados creature is a type of thread snake, also called worm snake, which are mostly found in the tropics.
  • As the application of fertilizers is not always economical in the semi-arid tropics of Niger, non-fertilizer-based methods to improve soil conditions, such as legume use, deserve special attention. 1. Soil constraints on sustainable plant production in the tropics.
  • It is mainly cultivated for its dry seeds and green vegetable in dry areas of the tropics and subtropics.
  • The sides of the valley were here nearly precipitous; but, as frequently happens with stratified rocks, small ledges projected, which were thickly covered by wild bananas, liliaceous plants, and other luxuriant productions of the tropics. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Government policy has tried to stop or at least restrict slash-and-burn cultivation, both in Finland earlier and in the tropics today.
  • Although our mantes are brown or green, there are a great many species living in hot countries that are much more brightly attired; and when you find yourself on a visit to the tropics, you must look for the flower mantis. The Insect Folk
  • diseases endemic to the tropics
  • Since mean cloudiness varies geographically with lowest values observed in the subtropics and highest values in the mid - to high-latitudes, the variation of surface reflectance has a significant impact on the distribution of absorbed solar radiation at the surface. Albedo
  • In the warm, humid tropics, where humans evolved, yeasts on the fruit skin and within the fruit convert sugars into various forms of alcohol, the most common being ethanol.
  • The Met Office said balmy westerly breezes will blow in tomorrow night from the tropics. The Sun
  • The rays of the sun heat the tropics, and this causes convection to occur.
  • While lemons are the major acid citrus fruits in the subtropics, limes are the most prominent in tropical regions.
  • Weather disturbances in the trade winds, known as easterly waves, are another source of cloud development and precipitation in the tropics. Tropical weather and hurricanes
  • The heat stays stuck in the tropics, the polar regions get colder, and the atmosphere suddenly flips over in a "superstorm."
  • In the tropics, just a few years of aging in an oak cask can create a depth of taste that takes twice as long to create for liquors, such as cognac, in Europe's colder climates.
  • Generally, breeding seasons tend to be longer in the tropics than in the temperate zone.
  • A widely known garden climber, the scarlet Rangoon creeper is a native of Africa which was introduced in the tropics as a popular ornamental.
  • True yams are a starchy tuber that is a staple crop in many parts of the tropics; they are seldom grown in the United States.
  • Shorts, shirts and trouser should be made from a material that has been made for the tropics.
  • Dyssochroma belongs in the tribe Juanulloeae, a group composed of six genera of poorly known, rarely collected epiphytic shrubs and small trees distributed over the Neotropics.
  • Native to the Old World tropics, it is naturalized at scattered locations in the southern United States from California to Virginia.
  • Re question #2, the static stability of the tropics is really determined by the moist conditional instability associated with the moist saturated adiabat, the slope of which decreases as temperture increases. More Bender on Hurricane Counts « Climate Audit
  • Each year, the tropics are battered by up to 40 hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, while floods and landslides occur everywhere in numbers too great to keep track of.
  • I am afraid that coming from the subtropics we simply are not prepared for cold weather.
  • My favourite subjects are exotic birds, bold flowers and the lush plantlife of the tropics and the subtropics.
  • Those gardeners who want a real taste of the tropics could try growing plants with edible fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • In certain areas of the tropics where clownfish, sea anemone, and butterfly fish exist, clownfish scare off butterflyfish from their host anemone.
  • Between 1970 and 2004 the average sea surface temperature in the tropics rose nearly 1 degree.
  • But a massive shield of rain fed by moisture deep into the tropics (cool water vapor loop) lurks to the south. The calm before the rainstorm
  • One of the reservations in my mind about going out to the tropics was the number of insects and other creepy-crawlies which were bound to predominate in these parts.
  • Jericho was a large city—according to some with one hundred thousand inhabitants—and the number of blind people in the subtropics is relatively high: about 1.4 percent of the population.19 This means that in Jericho, there would have been at least fourteen hundred blind people who had to earn a living by begging. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The central region, lying beneath the track of the sun, was termed the torrid zone; the two regions between the tropics and the polar circles were termed the temperate zones, and the remaining parts, between the porlar circles and the poles, the frigid zones. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
  • Climatic cooling, whether it is on a short (decadal or century) or a long (millennial) timescale, tends to cool the poles more than the tropics.
  • Accounts of the celestial sphere typically refer to other circles on its surface, including the arctic and Antarctic circles, the zodiac, tropics, and the solstitial and equinoctial colures.
  • Wormseed Chenopodium ambrosiodes is, according to Jim Duke,* widely used in the tropics as a dewormer. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • The only good news is it nearly always rains at night in the tropics so that would liven up proceedings. The Sun
  • On the other flank of the depressions cold air is moving from high levels at high latitudes and slowly subsiding as it is carried towards the subtropics.
  • The prologue that sets the tone of the book depicts a vivid bond with the tropics, a keen interest in the weather inspired by his father, a spirit of adventure, observations about people and an innate bond with the rain.
  • The first results of these experiments can be viewed now to the east of the Old Continent: some areas which are patchworks of flat sand islands in the “tropics”, barren snowland and some more varied landscapes too. The SL Economy in Review – 2006 January - SLOG
  • Both dasheen and eddoe type corms can be kept in good condition for upwards of 4 weeks in the tropics: thus dasheens with tops attached and minimal wounding, and good quality eddoes, can be stored in pits dug in well-drained soil and lined with leaves, and well-shaded, on trays or in small heaps under houses, or in cellars or barns. Chapter 32
  • Members of the family are unusual aquatic angiosperms growing on rocks in rapids and waterfalls in the world's tropics and subtropics.
  • If one wished to see it, the natural attraction of the tropics was al-ways there.
  • The coconut tree is a palm, usually tall, which flourishes on seashores in the moister parts of the tropics.
  • In the tropics, just a few years of aging in an oak cask can create a depth of taste that takes twice as long to create for liquors, such as cognac, in Europe's colder climates.
  • The group is normally confined to the tropics but some species are found in the temperate latitudes of the southern hemisphere.
  • In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions.
  • It is at about 2000 ft altitude so the heat of the tropics is a bit ameliorated. Help appreciated in location choice!
  • Once you reach Marilú, you'll feel you're in the tropics, with signs offering fresh fish (mojarra) and cold coconut milk. A driving tour from Oaxaca to San Cristobal de las Casas and Palenque: Part One
  • In the tropics, you can still find other, less desirable banana varieties, mainly grown as a starchy food staple rather than a sweet treat.
  • It was a sharp jut of rock on the top of a hill, a bare landscape amongst the tropics of the jungle.
  • Even in the tropics the water is rarely at body temperature so you will eventually lose heat.
  • Darkness falls quickly in the tropics.
  • Brachiaria is a grass for grazing widely planted in the tropics. Special Grass for Livestock Could Cut Greenhouse Gases
  • I am vaguely intrigued by the consequences of designer psychotropics, brain steroids that are supposed to arrest, or even reverse, the ageing of mental functions.
  • The tropics are shaded in winter and the summer hemisphere is lit up at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time around, the neurotic dimwit who raises his voice improperly is one Jackie Moon, the owner/coach/power forward of the Tropics, and ABA franchise in the bustling metropolis of Flint, Michigan. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Its position, straddling the arid areas to the south and the monsoonal tropics to the north, has resulted in the development of the pindan soils and the unique vegetation that mantles them.
  • In the tropics, fish are usually left in the kench pile for 24 to 48 hours after which it is dried. Chapter 5
  • Steve S: Are you essentially saying that the rising hotter air in the tropics and subtropics will “suck” more cold air from the artic and antartic? Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • Although Panama disease is not economically important in the American tropics at the moment, strains of fusaria capable of infecting Cavendish varieties may reach the Americas in the foreseeable future.
  • Though the original homes of most of the wild balsams are the Old World tropics, not much has been done to cultivate this ornamental plant in the country in new areas.
  • In the tropics, the process could be labour-intensive without being prohibitively expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tropics: Tropical Storm Paula, downgraded from a hurricane this morning, continues to meander around the northwest Cuba coast. PM Update: Nor'easter moving out
  • One of the problems with living on the coast in the tropics is the terrible heat in the summer time (someone mentioned that about Mérida). Help appreciated in location choice!
  • Many species of membracid treehoppers, especially in the tropics, have mutualistic relationships with honeydew-harvesting ants.
  • At sixteen, burning for the reefs he had discovered in books like The Wonders of Great Barrier, he left Whitehorse for good and crewed sailboats through the tropics: Sanibel Island, St. Lucia, the Batan Islands, Colombo, Bora Bora, Cairns, Mombassa, Moorea. The Shell Collector : Stories
  • The Dutch Royal Institute for the Tropics issues the following advice to people who are going to the tropics and subtropics as a healthy lifestyle in hot countries: Good skin hygiene can prevent much trouble. Modern Science in the Bible
  • (S) Thrives in lowland tropics; seeds will usually become another atemoya but occasionally grows into one of the parents-grafting very common; germination time averages at about 4 weeks; delicious fruit. 28 additional technical notes about tropical agriculture
  • He directed his students to study fish poisons a decade or more before derris root went into mass production in the tropics as a source of rotenone, the most important biodegradable insecticide. One River
  • Common in the tropics, many species of bamboo grow in temperate climates as well.
  • Typhoid fever continues to be a global health problem, especially in the tropics and subtropics.
  • The tropics absorb more solar energy than they reflect back into space. Christianity Today
  • During the latter part of the last century, the cultivation of maize, which originated in the subtropics, has been extended to higher latitudes.
  • The International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and the West Africa Seed Alliance are working with farmers and processors to address the major barriers and improve the value of products made from sorghum, pearl millet and groundnuts in the northern Nigeria towns of Jigawa and Kano. Nigerian Project Works to Improve Sales of Products Made From Grains
  • Within the tropics, lime juice and sugar were made to suffice as antiscorbutics; on reaching a higher latitude, sour krout and vinegar were substituted; the essence of malt was reserved for the passage to A Source Book of Australian History
  • Such herbaceous monocots are envisaged as evolving in the relatively uniform environment of the moist tropics.
  • They are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic to the Tropics and, as a group, tend to be early bloomers that put out masses of flowers that turn into masses of hips (good bird food).
  • We read of earthquakes in the tropics and at the ends of the earth with commiseration, it is true, yet with the fond belief that the ground on which we have built is so firm that our own 'lares' and 'penates' are in no danger of being shaken down. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • Birders listen intently for songs they haven't heard for months as they search for "FOS" (first-of-season) sightings of species that have either returned from the tropics to nest or are passing through on their way to more northerly nesting areas. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Late that afternoon, the Rainbow approached the tropics. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Many CAM families, i.e. Cactaceae, Crassu laceae, Euphorbiaceae, Agavaceae, Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, are frequently found on inselbergs in the palaeotropics and the neotropics.
  • Many thousands of cnidarian species live in the world's oceans, from the tropics to the poles, from the surface to the bottom.
  • The proportions may be different in the polar regions and the tropics.
  • A tropical South American tree (Hevea brasiliensis) widely cultivated throughout the Tropics and yielding a milky juice that is a major source of commercial rubber.
  • The genus Pilea, a member of the family Urticaceae, contains over 200 species of herbaceous perennials and annuals found in the tropics except Australia.
  • Also, I remember having traveled, years before, in tropic steamers, mere merchant vessels built for money making, that were far better fitted for the tropics than was the Stalking the Pestilence
  • They love the subtropics and many are unsuitable to let loose in a home garden; unruly types like bougainvillea, cat's claw creeper, Jasminum polyanthum and potato vine run like rockets up the nearest tree if not regularly hacked back.
  • Some of the inspiration for this move came from botanists who had travelled to the tropics and other exotic locations.

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