

  1. mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land

How To Use tropicbird In A Sentence

  • Vocalizations are variable with species, and range from the sharp piercing whistle of the tropicbirds to the guttural grunting of cormorants.
  • Cormorants and shags have been considered closely related to other totipalmate birds (tropicbirds, frigatebirds, anhingas, gannets and boobies, pelicans), which when taken together, form Pelecaniformes.
  • Albatrosses were already aloft, with occasional tropicbirds weaving between them.
  • For seabirds some of the largest colonies of tropical Atlantic seabirds are found on the Fernando de Noronha islands, with large numbers species including the black noddy or Anous minutis, the brown noddy Anous stolidus, the sooty tern Sterna fuscata, the fairy tern Gygis alba, the masked booby Sula dactylatra, the brown booby Sula leucogaster, the red footed booby Sula sula; the magnificent frigatebird Fragata magnificans and the red-billed tropicbird Phaethon aethereus. Brazilian Atlantic Islands, Brazil
  • Red-tailed tropicbirds used to be hunted for their extraordinary tail feathers, and off the majestic cliffs of Malabar we witnessed their extraordinary aerobatic displays against the vast backdrop of sea and sky.
  • The island also has a population of white-tailed tropicbirds, known as the Bermuda longtails.
  • Other important breeding seabird populations are the magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) and red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda). Cape Verde Islands dry forests
  • I am still amazed by the lifeless waters along the coast - no gulls, no terns, no frigatebirds or tropicbirds, no herons.
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